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Matching Definitions Reasoning Quiz Details
Quiz Name | Matching Definitions |
Category | Reasoning |
Number of Questions | 7 |
Time | 30 Minutes |
Exam Type | MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) |
Matching Definitions Quiz Online Test – Practice Now
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1. It is called Restitution when you compensate someone for damaging his or her property in some way. Which of the following situations is the best example of Restitution?
A. Tom borrows his friend’s car and returns the car with an empty petrol tank. He apologizes and tells his friend that he will fill the tank tomorrow.
B. Tom borrows his friend’s camera. Tom fails to zipper the case, and the camera falls on the ground, and the lens shatters. When Tom returns the camera, he tells his friend that he will pay for the damage.
C. Peter asks Tom to stay in his apartment when he is out of the town. One day Tom arrives to stay and finds that pipe has burst and the apartment is filled with water. He calls the plumber to repair the pipe and pays for the repair.
D. A pothole in the parking of Peter’s company caused his flat tyre. He informs his boss and expects that the company should pay for the repair.
Answer: B
Explanation: Tom damaged his friend’s camera when the camera was in his possession, and he agreed to pay for the repair.
2. A Guarantee is a promise or formal assurance that attests to the quality of a product. It is generally given in writing by the company or verbally by a person selling the product. It says that a product will be repaired, replaced or money will be refunded if it is not of a specified quality. Which of the following situations is the best example of the Guarantee?
A. Tom bought a cell phone with the highest consumer ratings in its category.
B. The salesperson assures Peter that he is buying a camera with a guarantee.
C. Peter buys a used camera from John. John assures that it is a quality product and he will refund the money if the camera does not work properly.
D. The auto body shop is specialized in refurbishing and selling used cars.
Answer: C
Explanation: In option C, John assures Peter that he is buying a quality product and the money will be refunded if the camera lacks in performance.
3. An informal gathering occurs when a group of people meets in a casual and relaxed manner. Which of the following situations is the best example of informal gathering?
A. The workers meet on the first Monday of every month to discuss important issues.
B. On hearing about his promotion, Peter and his colleagues decided to go out for a quick drink in the evening.
C. Mary has sent invitations to all her friends to gather in a hotel to celebrate her birthday.
D. Tom and Mary decided to organize a family gathering to celebrate their marriage anniversary.
Answer: B
Explanation: In option B, on getting the good news, Peter and his colleagues decide to meet casually for a drink in the evening. The other options are talking about the formal types of gatherings.
4. Power of Attorney refers to a legal document that gives an individual authority to act for another person in specified or all financial matters. Which of the following situations is the best example of the Power of Attorney?
A. Mary is selling her apartment, and she hires a lawyer to evaluate the deal.
B. Due to illness, Tom’s mother can no longer visit the bank to deposit money and cash her cheques. She has completed some legal formalities to enable Tom to do such tasks for her.
C. Peter’s father is elderly, so Peter thinks he is not able to make decisions, and he should make decisions on his behalf.
D. Tom completes all the formalities so that his father could open a retirement account with the bank.
Answer: B
Explanation: In choice B, Tom’s mother has taken legal steps to authorize her son to act on her behalf. It indicates a legal document is created to establish power of attorney.
5. It is called Posthumous Publication when a book is published after the death of its author. Which of the following situations is the best example of Posthumous Publication?
A. Daniel died before he could enjoy the early reviews of his book.
B. Peter’s publisher canceled his book contract after he failed to provide the manuscript on time.
C. Mellissa never thought that she would live to see her novel in her trilogy published.
D. Mary is honored with an award for her writing career, and her daughter accepted the reward on behalf of her deceased mother.
Answer: A
Explanation: Option A indicates that Daniel was not alive to see the reviews of his book. It shows that Daniel died before the book was published. Option D, talk about the award, it does not indicate that a book was published after the writer’s death.
6. A Guarantee is a promise or assurance that attests to the quality of a product that is either (1) given in writing by the manufacturer or (2) given verbally by the person selling the product. Which situation below is the best example of a Guarantee?
a) Melissa purchases a DVD player with the highest consumer ratings in its category.
b) The salesperson advises Curt to be sure that he buys an air conditioner with a guarantee.
c) The local auto body shop specializes in refurbishing and selling used cars.
d) Lori buys a used digital camera from her coworker who says that she will refund Lori’s money if the camera’s performance is not of the highest quality.
Answer: Option d
Explanation: Choices a, b, and c do not describe situations in which a product is guaranteed. Only choice d reflects a situation in which a seller attests to the quality of a product by giving the buyer a promise or assurance about its quality.
7. The rules of baseball state that a batter Legally Completes His Time at Bat when he is put out or becomes a base runner. Which situation below is the best example of a batter Legally Completing His Time at Bat?
a) Jared’s blooper over the head of the short-stop puts him in scoring position.
b) The umpire calls a strike, even though the last pitch was way outside.
c) The pitcher throws his famous knuckleball, Joe swings and misses, and the umpire calls a strike.
d) The count is two balls and two strikes as Mario waits for the next pitch.
Answer: Option a
Explanation: The fact that Jared is in scoring position due to his blooper indicates that he has hit the ball and is now a base runner; therefore, he has legally completed his time at bat. Choices b and c both describe situations in which a strike is called, but they do not state that the batter has been put out or that he is now a base runner. Choice d describes a situation in which the batter, Mario, is still at the plate waiting for the next pitch.
8. Erratic Behavior occurs when an individual acts in a manner that lacks consistency, regularity, and uniformity. Which situation below is the best example of Erratic Behavior?
a) Julia cannot contain her anger whenever the subject of local politics is discussed.
b) Martin has just been told that he is being laid off. Before leaving his supervisor’s office, he punches a hole in the door.
c) Rhonda has visited the dealership several times, but she still cannot decide which car to buy.
d) In the past month, Jeffrey, who has been a model employee for three years, has repeatedly called in sick, forgotten important meetings, and been verbally abusive to colleagues.
Answer: Option d
Explanation: Jeffrey’s recent behavior is clearly inconsistent and irregular.
9. A Tiebreaker is an additional contest or period of play designed to establish a winner among tied contestants. Which situation below is the best example of a Tiebreaker?
a) At halftime, the score is tied at 28.
b) Mary and Megan have each scored three goals in the game.
c) The referee tosses a coin to decide which team will have possession of the ball first.
d) The Sharks and the Bears each finished with 14 points, and they are now battling it out in a five-minute overtime.
Answer: Option d
Explanation: This is the only choice that indicates that an additional period of play is taking place to determine the winner of a game that ended in a tie.
10. In the Maple Hill school district, a Five-Day Suspension occurs when a student is not permitted to attend school for five days for (1) physically assaulting another student, a teacher, or a school employee or (2) willfully destructing or defacing school property. Which situation below is the best example of a Five-Day Suspension?
a) Lillian gets caught cheating on a math test for the second time and is suspended from school.
b) Marc is asked to leave the classroom due to his constant disruptions.
c) Franny uses spray paint to write derogatory comments on the locker room wall and she is given a suspension.
d) Ms. Farmer tells her class that students who fail the midterm exam will be expected to stay after school for tutoring help.
Answer: Option c
Explanation: Although choices a and c both describe suspensions, only choice c describes a suspension that is the result of one of the two scenarios given in the definition of a five-day suspension (physical assault or destructing or defacing school property). Therefore, we can assume that Franny’s suspension, which is the result of spray painting school property, will be a five-day suspension. Since the definition doesn’t provide any information about suspensions for cheating, we can assume that Lillian’s suspension does not fall into the five-day suspension category.
11. It is appropriate to compensate someone if you have damaged his or her property in some way. This is called Restitution. Which situation below is the best example of Restitution?
a) Jake borrows Leslie’s camera and the lens shatters when it falls on the ground because he fails to zipper the case.When Jake returns the camera, he tells Leslie that he will pay for the repair.
b) Rebecca borrows her neighbor’s car, and when she returns it, the gas tank is practically empty. She apologizes profusely and tells her neighbor she will be more considerate the next time.
c) Aaron asks Tom to check in on his apartment while he is out of town. When Tom arrives, he discovers that a pipe has burst and there is a considerable amount of water damage. He calls a plumber to repair the pipe.
d) Lisa suspects that the pothole in her company’s parking lot caused her flat tire. She tells her boss that she thinks the company should pay for the repair.
Answer: Option a
Explanation: Jake damaged Leslie’s camera while it was in his possession and he has agreed to compensate Leslie for the cost of the repair.
12. Reentry occurs when a person leaves his or her social system for a period of time and then returns. Which situation below best describes Reentry?
a) When he is offered a better paying position, Jacob leaves the restaurant he manages to manage a new restaurant on the other side of town.
b) Catherine is spending her junior year of college studying abroad in France.
c) Malcolm is readjusting to civilian life after two years of overseas military service.
d) After several miserable months, Sharon decides that she can no longer share an apartment with her roommate Hilary.
Answer: Option c
Explanation: Malcolm is the only person returning to a social system that he has been away from for an extended period of time.
13. Embellishing the Truth occurs when a person adds fictitious details or exaggerates facts or true stories. Which situation below is the best example of Embellishing the Truth?
a) Isabel goes to the theater, and the next day, she tells her coworkers she thought the play was excellent.
b) The realtor describes the house, which is eleven blocks away from the ocean, as prime waterfront property.
c) During the job interview, Fred, who has been teaching elementary school for ten years, describes himself as a very experienced teacher.
d) The basketball coach says it is likely that only the most talented players will get a college scholarship.
Answer: Option b
Explanation: The realtor is using a clear exaggeration when she states that a house which is eleven blocks away from the ocean is prime waterfront property.
14. Establishing a Power of Attorney occurs when a legal document is created that gives one individual the authority to act for another. Which situation below is the best example of Establishing a Power of Attorney?
a) Louise is selling her house and she hires a lawyer to review the contract.
b) Simone’s mother can no longer get to the bank to cash her checks and make deposits, so she has taken legal steps to enable Simone to do these things for her.
c) Jack’s father is elderly and Jack thinks he is no longer able to make decisions for himself.
d) At her daughter’s urging, Mrs.Lenox opens up a retirement account with the local bank.
Answer: Option b
Explanation: Simone’s mother has taken legal steps to allow another person to act on her behalf. Therefore, this is the only choice that indicates that a power of attorney has been established.
15. Posthumous Publication occurs when a book is published after the author’s death. Which situation below is the best example of Posthumous Publication?
a) Richard’s illness took his life before he was able to enjoy the amazing early reviews of his novel.
b) Melissa’s publisher cancels her book contract after she fails to deliver the manuscript on time.
c) Clarence never thought he’d live to see the third book in his trilogy published.
d) Elizabeth is honored with a prestigious literary award for her writing career and her daughter accepts the award on behalf of her deceased mother.
Answer: Option a
Explanation: Although choice d also mentions a writer who has died, it does not state that one of the writer’s books was published after her death, only that she received an award. Choice a states that Richard wasn’t around to see the early reviews of his novel, therefore implying that Richard died before the book was published. The other two options depict living writers.
16. In the nick of time means just at the critical moment. Which of the following situations is the best example of the nick of time?
A. Catholics sometimes fast during Lent.
B. It refers to the process of combining beats or pulses in music to establish the rhythm of the music.
C. A child ran into the road in front of the car; the driver managed to stop just in time.
D. Nick’s nephew needs books immediately.
Answer: C
Explanation: The driver stops the car just in time or at the critical moment to save the child.
17. The meaning of “Ubiquitary” is one who exists everywhere. Which of the following situations is the best example of Ubiquitary?
A. Ubiquitary RNAses may damage nucleic acid under certain conditions.
B. Within ten years of completion, most of its passenger traffic was lost to the railways
C. Yesterday he was playing with the toy truck, but today we can’t find it anywhere.
D. God is believed to be present everywhere.
Answer: D
Explanation: All religions believe that God is present everywhere, in many places at the same time.
18. A person who is not very friendly is generally referred to as Cold Fish. Which of the following statements can be the best example of the Cold Fish?
A. The victims take the law into their own hands due to the indifferent attitude of the sheriff.
B. He is very friendly, but his wife does not show her emotions.
C. He sat without a word, seemingly indifferent to my presence.
D. Sensual gratification extends into the love of life.
Answer: B
Explanation: Option B is the best example of the situation. The wife does not seem very friendly and tends to hide her emotions.
19. To enchant someone with something is to delight someone. Which of the following situations is the best example of enchanting?
A. Tony rock the crowd by his band.
B. Most tourists find Manali’s atmosphere beautiful and completely mesmerizing.
C. Jennifer found the script so captivating that she chose this film to make her return to the silver screen.
D. Majority of his prominent supporters are disenchanted.
Answer: C
Explanation: Jennifer was delighted after reading the script, so she chose this film to make her return to the silver screen.
20. It is called reentry when someone leaves his social system for certain duration and then returns to his or her social system. Which of the following situations is the best example of reentry?
A. Peter left his job as he is offered a better paying position in a new restaurant in another city.
B. Tom is spending his junior year of college studying abroad in Italy.
C. Smith is readjusting to civilian life after three years of overseas military service.
D. After several unhappy months, Julie decides to leave the rented apartment.
Answer: C
Explanation: Smith is the only person in the given examples who has returned to the social system after spending an extended time overseas.
21. Call it a day is to quit work and go home. Which of the following situations given below is the best example of this idiom?
A. Rocky has perfect form throughout his Inning.
B. After playing together for ten years, the players finally decided to leave the team.
C. All athletes know the point where they have to finish the first lap.
D. The police called in Tony for interrogation.
Answer: B
Explanation: The players in the option B decided to stop playing together as a team.
22. The definition of a wreck is something that has been destroyed or badly damaged or a person who is upset or in poor health. Which of the following situations is the best example of a wreck?
A. District authorities have closed cafes, tourists’ spots, cinemas to empower the local economies.
B. The differences between their opinions are due to their differing conceptions of God and their relation to the world.
C. John is responsible for his 10-year-long relationship with Julie to fall apart and destroyed.
D. John’s car hit the barricade, and its right headlight was damaged.
Answer: B
Explanation: John relationship with Julie falls apart and destroyed, that would upset both Johan and Julie greatly.
23. Erratic behavior is the behavior that is not appropriate, i.e. when an individual acts in a manner that is not regular, consistent or organized. Which of the following situations is the best example of Erratic Behavior?
A. Rocky can’t contain his anger whenever the subject of local politics is discussed.
B. The supervisor tells Mike that he is being laid off. Before leaving the supervisor’s office, he punches a hole in the window.
C. John has visited the dealer several times, but he still could not decide which car to buy.
D. In the past few months, Tony, who was a model employee for three years, is behaving differentially, i.e., he forgets important meetings, frequently calls in sick, and is verbally abusive to colleagues.
Answer: D
Explanation: This option clearly shows that the behaviour of Tony is irregular, inconsistent or unorganized.
24. An infiltration is an act of entering or gaining access to a place secretly, especially the military penetration of enemy positions without detection. Which of the following situations is the best example of an infiltration?
A. A sample 25-minute circuit workout for military training is performed by completing 15 repetitions of 13 different exercises.
B. Army developed tactics to break the trench-warfare stalemate on the eastern front.
C. For some years now, a part of the intellectual and political world has been seduced by the unbelievable idea of a clash of civilizations.
D. The Department of Census and Statistics starts nationwide exercise to assess the loss of human lives due to the civil war.
Answer: B
Explanation: The option B clearly shows that military developed tactics to gain access to a place to break the trench-warfare stalemate.
25. Quid pro quo means “a favor for a favor.” Which of the following situations is the best example of a Quid pro quo?
A. Israel used to be India’s third-largest supplier, but today it is the fifth-largest.
B. A relationship that understands the value of healthy give and take balance and thus is likely to be successful because both partners respect, value and understand each other.
C. It refers to a direct financial flow from a parent company to an overseas firm that it controls.
D. India needs fighter planes, but France is not ready to sell fighter planes to India.
Answer: B
Explanation: The option A clearly shows that a healthy give and take or a favor for a favor strengthens a relationship.
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Candidates while facing their entrance or placement exams, they should know the content regarding Reasoning concept. Here are some Matching Definitions Questions and Answers to be practiced by the candidates. Moreover, you can feel free to ask any queries regarding Matching Definitions Questions and can get solutions. Without attending any course, we will let you gain better skills open the content by reading this post. Thereby, the page offered to the candidates is in free of cost and here mainly managing time is most important.
About Matching Definitions Reasoning Questions
Matching Definitions involves the set that asks you to match related definitions to particular situations. Moreover, the questions will be like asking about one definition and four possibilities of answers related. There will be a multiple choice within the problem you need to identify the solution to it. By the way, you can increase your interpersonal skills.
Candidates will be good at issues solving nature. Identifying the appropriate definition of a word makes you be efficient at the content. So, by going on practicing the below quiz, you can overcome the difficulties what you are facing, while attempting the exams.
In the question, a highlighted word appears. Candidates need to choose the accurate definition in the choice given. For that word, aspirants need to identify the meaning of the word to the below options that are to be related and meaningful to the question. Candidates should know one thing that you should read the complete problem until you have an idea of taking the option as your answer. Furthermore, aspirants need to identify the response that offers the best example of the given the word in the question. Answer the question slowly by understanding the inner meaning of it.
Benefits of practicing Matching Definitions Reasoning Quiz
- While answering the question, you must be very careful in solving Reasoning topics.
- The exams will be conducted through online.
- Aspirants have to maintain their time while attempting quiz.
- Candidates can gain improvement in their vocabulary and communication skills.
- This post guides you tricks to solve the problems in your competitive exams.
Results of Matching Definitions Reasoning Quiz
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