MBA Books | Best MBA Reference Books for 1st, 2nd Year: Here in this article, we are giving detailed information about the MBA Course. It is one of the professional courses accepted all over the world. For those who want to join in the top B-schools (or) who want to choose their life in the Corporate world here, it is the best option for them. So, here we have explained the details of Specialization Courses in MBA, MBA Reference Books, and listed Best MBA Books for 1st, 2nd Year, MBA Syllabus for All Semesters. These MBA Books will help a lot for the students who are preparing for their Academic examinations.
★★ Best Reference Books ★★
What is MBA?
MBA Stands for Master of Business Administration. It is a professional course offered by various colleges and universities all over the world. A student can get a master’s degree in three different modes Regular/ Online and Offline mode. Moreover, an MBA course is about 2 years, a master’s degree consists of a total of 4 semesters. Where coming about MBA Books here in the below we are providing the links for the first year and second year just go through the entire article. In below, you can find the MBA Books for All Semesters in Subject Wise along with their Authors.
Specialization Courses in MBA
A student can do a specialization course in any field. It all depends on Student interest. The courses are as follows:-
- Marketing
- Media
- Non Profit and Government
- Operations and Logistics
- Aviation Management
- Systems
- Sport Management
- Risk Management
- Organizational
- Family Business and Entrepreneurship
- Hospital and Health Care
- Hospitality Management
- Media and Entertainment Management
- Automobile Dealership Management
- Defence Technology Management
MBA Syllabus for 1st, 2nd Year
The following is the MBA Syllabus for both 1st, 2nd Year. So, go through the below list and follow it further.
MBA Syllabus For First Year Semester 1
- Principles of Management
- Business Legislation
- Business Communication & Information Systems
- Research Methodology & Quantitative Techniques
- Management Economics
- Accounting For Managers
MBA Syllabus For First Year Semester 2
- Human Resource Management & Organizational Behaviour
- Marketing Management
- Operations Management
- Economic Environment of Business
- Cost Accounting
- Financial Management
MBA Syllabus For Second Year Semester 3
- Strategic Management
- Project Management or Environment Management
- Summer Internship Project Assessment
- Elective 1- Paper-1&2
- Elective 1- Paper-1&2
MBA Syllabus For Second Year Semester 4
- Business Ethics & Corporate Governance
- Project Work
- International Business Management OR Agri-Bussiness Management
- Entrepreneurship Development
- Elective 1- Paper-3
- Elective 2- Paper-3
MBA Books for All Semesters & Authors
- Koontz & Weirich: MANAGEMENT < McGraw-Hill
- Jain, S.P., and K.L.Narang(2014).Cost According,24/e; New Delhi: Kalyani Publications
- Khan, M.Y., and P.K.Jain (2013).Management Accounting: Text, Problems and Cases, 6/ e; New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill
- Peter F. Drucker; PRACTICE OF MANAGEMENT, Pan Books.
- Important Business Magazines like Business India, Business World, and Fortune
- Anyone Financial Dialy: Economic Times, Financial Express, Business Standard.
- Charumathi.B, and Vinayakam, N., FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING, S.Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi,2002
- Maheswari S.N., MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
- Jain S.P. and Narang, K.L., COST ACCOUNTING
- Stoner & Wankel: MANAGEMENT, Prentice-Hall
- Hampton: MANAGEMENT, McGraw Hill.
- Hingorani, Ramanathan & Grewal, MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING
- Maheswari & Maheswari: MERCANTILE LAW.
- Michal, E Porter: The Competitive Advantage of Nations, Macmillan, New Delhi
- H.Igor, Ansoff: Implanting Strategic Management, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey.
- Mintzberg, Henry, and James Brian Quinn: Thes Strategy Process, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey.
Top 10 Colleges in India Offering MBA Course
1) Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIMA)
2) Indian Institute of Management Banglore (IIMB)
3) Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (IIMC)
4) Indian Institute of Management Lucknow (IIML)
5) Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode (IIMK)
6) Indian Institute of Management Indore (IIMIDR)
7) Indian Institute of Management Bombay (IIMB)
8) Indian Institute of Management Delhi (IIMA)
9) Indian Institute of Management Roorke (IIMR)
10) Indian Institute of Management Kharagpur (IIMK)
We believe that the above information will be beneficial for the students who are searching for MBA Reference Books. For the latest updates related to the MBA Books for All Semesters, just go through our site freshersnow.com If any queries regarding the MBA Books, just write a comment below we will respond to it.