MCA Books | Best MCA Reference Books (1st, 2nd, 3rd Year): In this article, we have shared Best MCA Reference Books for All Semesters. So candidates can check this complete page to get the Best MCA Books. With the help of these Books, candidates can easily prepare well for the examination. To make is a sample for the students, here we have provided complete details about the MCA Reference Books with Authors. So without any delay go to the below sections and grab all related information.
Also Check: Best Reference Books for All Competitive Exams
What is MCA?
MCA Stands for Master of Computer Applications. It is a three years Post-graduation course offered by various colleges and universities all over India. After completion of MCA, various companies are hiring for IT professionals with good packages and it has a huge demand in the present.
Specialization Courses in MCA
Depending on Student’s interest colleges offer various Specialization Courses. The courses are as follows.
*Software Development
*Application Software
*Systems Management
*Systems Engineering
*Hardware Technology
*Systems Development
*Management Information Systems(MIS)
MCA Books For 1st, 2nd, 3rd Year
MCA Books First Year Semester 1
*Programming with C
*Discrete Mathematics
*Principal of Economic Management
*Computer Organisation & Architecture
*Paper-6- Introduction to Web Technology
*Paper-2- System Analysis and Design
MCA Books First Year Semester 2
*Paper-1-Data Structures
*Accounting and Financial Management
*Operating Systems
*Probability and Statistics
*Accounting & Financial Management
MCA Books Second Year Semester 3
*Operation Research
*Management Information System
*Paper-1-Object Oriented Programming C++
*Paper-2-Database Management System
*Paper-3-Data Communication and Networking
MCA Books Second Year Semester 4
*Java Programming
*Object-Oriented Modeling & Design Using UML
*Paper- Software Project Management
*Paper-3-Network Security
*Paper-4- Advanced Database Techniques
*Customer Relation Management
*Software Project Manager
MCA Books Third Year Semester 5
*Distributed Computing – click here
*Paper – IV – Advanced Web Technology
Reference MCA Books and Authors
We have provided some reference books. For students who are preparing for their academic examinations, these books are definitely helpful in their Preparation. Students can also go through the various reference books depending on their individual preparation.
*System Architecture, Buad, Vikas
*The Fundamentals of Computer Organization, Raja Roa, Scitech
*Computer Organisation & Design, Pal Chowdhury, PHI
*Computer System Architecture, Morris Mano, PHI
*Management Information System,M.M.Oka,EPH
*Data Communication & Network, Dr. Prasad, Wiley Dreamtech
*Data & Network Communications, Miller, Vikas
*Business Information Systems, Munish Kumar, Vikas
*Computer Architecture, Carter, Schaum Outline Series, TMH
*Computer Organisation, Hamacher,MGH
*Management Information System,, Jawadekar, TMH
*ERP: Concepts & Practice, Garg,2nd Ed, PHI
*Business Application in Computer, M.M.Oka, EPH
*TCP/IP Network Administration, Hunt, SPD/O’ REILLY
*Computer Network Theory, Prasad, Scitech
*Probability and Statistics for Engineers, Roa, Scitech
*Numerical Methods, Arumugam, Scitech
The above information about Best MCA Reference Books will give the best results for students. For more Master of Computer Applications Books, latest updates just visit our official site freshers now.