MCTE Mhow Recruitment 2023 Notification for 19 Posts | Application Form: The MCTE Mhow Recruitment 2023 Notification presents an opportunity with the Military College of Telecommunication Engineering (MCTE), Mhow. This recruitment drive offers positions for Professors, Associate Professors, and Assistant Professors, totaling 19 vacancies. The application process started and will remain open until the 31st October 2023, exactly 30 days from the advertisement’s publication. If you’re interested in Central Government Jobs and meet the qualifications, you can apply offline. The selection process for these positions involves screening tests and interviews. For detailed information and the application form, visit the official website, indianarmy.nic.in. Further, the officials have specified that candidates can access the MCTE Mhow Application Form from O/o Faculty of Communication and Engineering (FCE), MCTE in person or send a request to the email id of dscoordfce@gmail.com.
MCTE Mhow Recruitment 2023
The MCTE Mhow Bharti 2023 also outlines the educational requirements and experience expected for each position. For instance, to become a Professor, a Ph.D. or its equivalent in a relevant discipline is highly desirable, along with a minimum of ten years of experience in teaching, research, or industry. Similar qualifications and experience criteria are specified for Associate Professors and Assistant Professors. Additionally, the notification provides salary details, indicating that Professors will receive Rs. 45,000/-, Associate Professors Rs. 40,000/-, and Assistant Professors Rs. 31,500/-. If you aspire to be part of the Indian Army’s MCTE team and meet the criteria, you should consider this promising opportunity. For more information check the below sections.
MCTE Mhow Recruitment 2023 Notification – Overview
Latest MCTE Mhow Recruitment 2023 Notification | |
Organization Name | Military College of Telecommunication Engineering (MCTE), Mhow |
Post Name | Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor |
No.of Posts | 19 |
Application Starting Date | Started |
Application Closing Date | 30 days from publishing of this advertisement i.e 31st October 2023 |
Mode of Application | Offline |
Category | Central Government Jobs |
Selection Process | Screening Test, Interview |
Official Website | indianarmy.nic.in |
MCTE Mhow Job Vacancies 2023
S.No | Name of the Post | Number of Posts |
1. | Professor | 1 |
2. | Associate Professor | 7 |
3. | Assistant Professor | 11 |
Total | 19 Posts |
MCTE Mhow Recruitment 2023 – Educational Qualifications
S.No | Name of the Post | Qualifications | Experience |
1. | Professor | Ph.D. or equivalent in a relevant discipline as per post-post Ph.D. publications and guiding Ph.D. students is highly desirable | Minimum of ten years experience in teaching/ research/ industry of which three years post Ph.D. experience is desirable. |
2. | Associate Professor | B.E/ B.Tech and ME/ M.Tech in relevant discipline as per post with first class or equivalent either in B.E/ B.Tech or ME/ M.Tech and Ph.D. or equivalent in relevant discipline as per post. Post Ph.D. Publications and guiding PhD student is highly desirable | Minimum of five years experience in teaching/ research/ industry of which two years post Ph.D. experience is desirable. |
3. | Assistant Professor | BE/ B.Tech and ME/ M.Tech in relevant discipline as per post with first class or equivalent either in BE/ B.Tech or ME/ M.Tech, Ph.D. in a relevant discipline is desirable | Two years of teaching experience is desirable. |
Indian Army MCTE Recruitment 2023 – Age Limit
The candidates should have a maximum Age limit of 56 years.
MCTE Mhow Bharti 2023 – Salary Details
S.No | Name of the Post | Salary |
1. | Professor | Rs. 45,000/- |
2. | Associate Professor | Rs. 40,000/- |
3. | Assistant Professor | Rs. 31,500/- |
MCTE Mhow Recruitment 2023 – Selection Process
The selection process will be based on Screening tests and Interviews.
MCTE Mhow Recruitment 2023 Notification – Address
MCTE Mhow Notification 2023 – Important Links | |
To Download the MCTE Mhow Recruitment 2023 Notification PDF | Check Notification |
Address to submit the MCTE Mhow Application Form | GS Branch (Training), Military College of Telecommunication Engineering, Mhow Cantt 453441, Madhya Pradesh India |
MCTE Mhow Recruitment 2023 Notification – FAQ
What positions are available in MCTE Mhow Recruitment 2023, and how many vacancies are there?
There are positions for Professor, Associate Professor, and Assistant Professor, with a total of 19 vacancies.
When does the application period start and end for MCTE Mhow Recruitment 2023?
The application period started, and it will end 30 days from the publication of the advertisement, which is October 31, 2023.
How can I apply for these positions?
You can apply offline for MCTE Mhow Recruitment 2023.
What is the age limit for candidates applying for MCTE Mhow Recruitment 2023?
The maximum age limit for candidates is 56 years.
For more updates regarding the MCTE Mhow Recruitment 2023 Notification or for the latest jobs, follow our website Freshersnow.com