Microsoft Foundation Class MCQs and Answers with Explanation: Hey Guys! check out this article if you are searching for Microsoft Foundation Class Quiz Questions. Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) is a powerful framework for developing desktop applications using the C++ programming language. It provides a set of pre-built classes and functions that simplify the development process and allow developers to create sophisticated user interfaces and powerful functionality. MFC is widely used in the Windows operating system and is a popular choice for building applications for Microsoft platforms. In this article, we will explore the basics of MFC and we have provided a set of Microsoft Foundation Classes Multiple Choice Questions to test your knowledge of this important framework
Microsoft Foundation Class MCQs with Answers
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, this article on MFC Quiz/ Top 60 Microsoft Foundation Class MCQ Questions will provide valuable insights into MFC and help you assess your understanding of its key concepts and features.
Microsoft Foundation Classes Multiple Choice Questions
Name | Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) |
Exam Type | MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) |
Category | Technical Quiz |
Mode of Quiz | Online |
Top 60 Microsoft Foundation Class MCQs | Practice MFC Quiz
1. Which class is the base class of MFC?
a) CWinApp
b) CObject
c) CWnd
d) CFrameWnd
Answer: b) CObject
Explanation: CObject is the base class of MFC. All other classes in MFC are derived from this class.
2. Which MFC class is responsible for managing Windows message queues?
a) CWnd
b) CFrameWnd
c) CMessageQueue
d) CWinApp
Answer: a) CWnd
Explanation: CWnd is the MFC class responsible for managing Windows message queues.
3. Which MFC class is used to represent a window in a user interface?
a) CWnd
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CWnd
Explanation: CWnd is the MFC class used to represent a window in a user interface.
4. Which MFC class is used to represent a document in a document-view architecture?
a) CDocument
b) CView
c) CFrameWnd
d) CWnd
Answer: a) CDocument
Explanation: CDocument is the MFC class used to represent a document in a document-view architecture.
5. Which MFC class is used to represent a view in a document-view architecture?
a) CDocument
b) CView
c) CFrameWnd
d) CWnd
Answer: b) CView
Explanation: CView is the MFC class used to represent a view in a document-view architecture.
6. Which MFC class is used to represent a dialog box?
a) CWnd
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: c) CDialog
Explanation: CDialog is the MFC class used to represent a dialog box.
7. Which MFC class is used to manage the application’s main window?
a) CWinApp
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: b) CFrameWnd
Explanation: CFrameWnd is the MFC class used to manage the application’s main window.
8. Which MFC class is used to represent a toolbar?
a) CToolBar
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CToolBar
Explanation: CToolBar is the MFC class used to represent a toolbar.
9. Which MFC class is used to represent a status bar?
a) CStatusBar
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CStatusBar
Explanation: CStatusBar is the MFC class used to represent a status bar.
10. Which MFC class is used to represent a menu?
a) CMenu
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CMenu
Explanation: CMenu is the MFC class used to represent a menu.
11. Which MFC class is used to represent a font?
a) CFont
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CFont
Explanation: CFont is the MFC class used to represent a font.
12. Which MFC class is used to represent a brush?
a) CBrush
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CBrush
Explanation: CBrush is the MFC class used to represent a brush.
13. Which MFC class is used to represent a pen?
a) CPen
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CPen
Explanation: CPen is the MFC class used to represent a pen.
14. Which MFC class is used to represent a bitmap?
a) CBitmap
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CBitmap
Explanation: CBitmap is the MFC class used to represent a bitmap.
15. Which MFC class is used to represent an icon?
a) CIcon
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CIcon
Explanation: CIcon is the MFC class used to represent an icon.
16. Which MFC class is used to represent a cursor?
a) CCursor
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CCursor
Explanation: CCursor is the MFC class used to represent a cursor.
17. Which MFC class is used to represent a pen style?
a) CPenStyle
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CPenStyle
Explanation: CPenStyle is the MFC class used to represent a pen style.
18. Which MFC class is used to represent a color?
a) CColor
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CColor
Explanation: CColor is the MFC class used to represent a color.
19. Which MFC class is used to represent a point?
a) CPoint
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CPoint
Explanation: CPoint is the MFC class used to represent a point.
20. Which MFC class is used to represent a rectangle?
a) CRect
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CRect
Explanation: CRect is the MFC class used to represent a rectangle.
21. Which MFC class is used to represent a size?
a) CSize
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CSize
Explanation: CSize is the MFC class used to represent a size.
22. Which MFC class is used to represent a string?
a) CString
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CString
Explanation: CString is the MFC class used to represent a string.
23. Which MFC class is used to represent a file?
a) CFile
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CFile
Explanation: CFile is the MFC class used to represent a file.
24. Which MFC class is used to represent a directory?
a) CFileFind
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CFileFind
Explanation: CFileFind is the MFC class used to represent a directory.
25. Which MFC class is used to represent a socket?
a) CSocket
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CSocket
Explanation: CSocket is the MFC class used to represent a socket.
26. Which MFC class is used to handle menu messages in a window?
a) CWinApp
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CMenu
Answer: d) CMenu
Explanation: CMenu is the MFC class used to handle menu messages in a window.
27. Which MFC class is used to create a window?
a) CWnd
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CWnd
Explanation: CWnd is the MFC class used to create a window.
28. Which MFC class is used to handle events in an MFC application?
a) CWinApp
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CWinApp
Explanation: CWinApp is the MFC class used to handle events in an MFC application.
29. Which MFC class is used to create an MDI application?
a) CMDIFrameWnd
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CMDIFrameWnd
Explanation: CMDIFrameWnd is the MFC class used to create an MDI application.
30. Which MFC class is used to create an SDI application?
a) CFrameWnd
b) CMDIFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CFrameWnd
Explanation: CFrameWnd is the MFC class used to create an SDI application.
31. Which MFC class is used to create an MDI child window?
a) CMDIChildWnd
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CMDIChildWnd
Explanation: CMDIChildWnd is the MFC class used to create an MDI child window.
32. Which MFC class is used to create an SDI document template?
a) CSingleDocTemplate
b) CMultiDocTemplate
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CSingleDocTemplate
Explanation: CSingleDocTemplate is the MFC class used to create an SDI document template.
33. Which MFC class is used to create an MDI document template?
a) CMultiDocTemplate
b) CSingleDocTemplate
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CMultiDocTemplate
Explanation: CMultiDocTemplate is the MFC class used to create an MDI document template.
34. Which MFC class is used to represent a button control?
a) CButton
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CButton
Explanation: CButton is the MFC class used to represent a button control.
35. Which MFC class is used to represent a checkbox control?
a) CButton
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CButton
Explanation: CButton is the MFC class used to represent a checkbox control.
36. Which MFC class is used to represent a radio button control?
a) CButton
b) CRadioButton
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CButton
Explanation: CButton is the MFC class used to represent a radio button control.
37. Which MFC class is used to represent a list control?
a) CListCtrl
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CListCtrl
Explanation: CListCtrl is the MFC class used to represent a list control.
38. Which MFC class is used to represent a combo box control?
a) CComboBox
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CComboBox
Explanation: CComboBox is the MFC class used to represent a combo box control.
39. Which MFC class is used to represent a static control?
a) CStatic
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CStatic
Explanation: CStatic is the MFC class used to represent a static control.
40. Which MFC class is used to represent an edit control?
a) CEdit
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CEdit
Explanation: CEdit is the MFC class used to represent an edit control.
41. Which MFC class is used to represent a progress bar control?
a) CProgressCtrl
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CProgressCtrl
Explanation: CProgressCtrl is the MFC class used to represent a progress bar control.
42. Which MFC class is used to represent a slider control?
a) CSliderCtrl
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CSliderCtrl
Explanation: CSliderCtrl is the MFC class used to represent a slider control.
43. Which MFC class is used to represent a tree control?
a) CTreeCtrl
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CTreeCtrl
Explanation: CTreeCtrl is the MFC class used to represent a tree control.
44. Which MFC class is used to represent a toolbar control?
a) CToolBarCtrl
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CToolBarCtrl
Explanation: CToolBarCtrl is the MFC class used to represent a toolbar control.
44. Which MFC class is used to represent a status bar control?
a) CStatusBarCtrl
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CStatusBarCtrl
Explanation: CStatusBarCtrl is the MFC class used to represent a status bar control.
45. Which MFC class is used to represent a spin control?
a) CSpinButtonCtrl
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CSpinButtonCtrl
Explanation: CSpinButtonCtrl is the MFC class used to represent a spin control.
46. Which MFC class is used to represent a tooltip control?
a) CToolTipCtrl
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CToolTipCtrl
Explanation: CToolTipCtrl is the MFC class used to represent a tooltip control.
47. Which MFC class is used to represent a trackbar control?
a) CTrackBarCtrl
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: The correct class name is CSliderCtrl not CTrackBarCtrl.
Explanation: CSliderCtrl is the MFC class used to represent a trackbar control.
48. Which MFC class is used to represent a group box control?
a) CButton
b) CGroupBox
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: b) CGroupBox
Explanation: CGroupBox is the MFC class used to represent a group box control.
49. Which MFC class is used to represent a hyperlink control?
a) CHyperLink
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CHyperLink
Explanation: CHyperLink is the MFC class used to represent a hyperlink control.
50. Which MFC class is used to represent a bitmap control?
a) CBitmap
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CBitmap
Explanation: CBitmap is the MFC class used to represent a bitmap control.
51. Which MFC class is used to represent a cursor control?
a) CCursor
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CCursor
Explanation: CCursor is the MFC class used to represent a cursor control.
52. Which MFC class is used to represent an icon control?
a) CIcon
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CIcon
Explanation: CIcon is the MFC class used to represent an icon control.
53. Which MFC class is used to represent a font control?
a) CFontDialog
b) CFontCtrl
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CFontDialog
Explanation: CFontDialog is the MFC class used to represent a font control.
54. Which MFC class is used to represent a color control?
a) CColorDialog
b) CColorCtrl
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CColorDialog
Explanation: CColorDialog is the MFC class used to represent a color control.
55. Which MFC class is used to represent a date and time control?
a) CDateTimeCtrl
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CDateTimeCtrl
Explanation: CDateTimeCtrl is the MFC class used to represent a date and time control.
56. Which MFC class is used to represent a list box control?
a) CListBox
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CListBox
Explanation: CListBox is the MFC class used to represent a list box control.
57. Which MFC class is used to represent a property sheet control?
a) CPropertySheet
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CPropertySheet
Explanation: CPropertySheet is the MFC class used to represent a property sheet control.
58. Which MFC class is used to represent a rich edit control?
a) CRichEditCtrl
b) CFrameWnd
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CRichEditCtrl
Explanation: CRichEditCtrl is the MFC class used to represent a rich edit control.
59. Which MFC class is used to represent a tree view control?
a) CTreeView
b) CTreeCtrl
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: b) CTreeCtrl
Explanation: CTreeCtrl is the MFC class used to represent a tree view control.
60. Which MFC class is used to represent a tab control?
a) CTabCtrl
b) CTabControl
c) CDialog
d) CDocument
Answer: a) CTabCtrl
Explanation: CTabCtrl is the MFC class used to represent a tab control.
The Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) framework is a powerful tool for developing desktop applications using the C++ programming language. Our set of Microsoft Foundation Class MCQ Questions will provide a valuable opportunity to test and enhance your understanding of this framework’s key concepts and features. Keep practicing and happy coding! So, we advise you to follow Freshersnow regularly for more Technical MCQ Questions.