Microsoft Interview Questions (Technical, HR) for Freshers

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Microsoft Interview Questions (Technical, HR) for Freshers | PDF Download – Those who have applied for Microsoft company and are here to look for the Microsoft Recruitment Process for Fresher then this article will be very productive to you guys. From the below sections, you guys can get detailed information about the Microsoft Company Interview Questions for Freshers. To give you a brief insight and also an idea about the difficulty level of the interview we provided Microsoft’s Most Asked Interview Questions for the Microsoft Technical & HR Interview. And both Microsoft Technical Interview Questions & Microsoft HR Interview Questions and Answers reference sections will help you guys in getting your dream job in Microsoft. Further, you can now have access to the Microsoft Interview Questions & Answers PDF for Freshers by clicking on the download button established below.

Microsoft Interview Questions | Details

Latest Microsoft Company Interview Questions for Freshers
Organization Name Microsoft
Qualifications Any Graduate/ Post Graduate
Job Role Multiple
Category Interview Questions with Answers
Job Location Across India
Experience Freshers
Official Website

Microsoft Recruitment Process – For Freshers

Many of the aspirants will be anticipating associating themselves as an employee in Microsoft. For this purpose, we have given a detailed process of what you will be undergoing in the Microsoft Recruitment Process as Freshers. The details about Microsoft Recruitment Process have been provided here is with regards to the On-Campus and Off-Campuses. Hence, you check both processes on the basis of how you have applied for the Microsoft company.

Microsoft On-Campus Recruitment Process

  • Online Coding Test
  • Written Round
  • 3 Technical Rounds + HR Round

Microsoft Off-Campus Recruitment Process

  • Technical Interviews/ Telephonic Interview

Microsofts Test Pattern

Microsofts Test will have an Online Coding Test and Written Test (Aptitude). This procedure is usually followed by Microsoft’s Recruitment Team to hire the students from campuses. Make sure, you follow this process and prepare accordingly for the Coding Test and Aptitude Test. We have also mentioned the time limit for each section so make sure you guys practice for them appropriately.

Name of the Section No.of Questions Time Limit
Online Coding Test 2 60mins
Written Test (Aptitude) 50 60mins

Microsoft Technical Interview Rounds

After students get shortlisted in the Online Coding & Written Test they will be attending the Onsite Interview which means Technical Round 1, Technical Round 2, Technical Round 3 will be conducted to shortlist the candidates. In these technical rounds, the interviewer will ask the question from the Data Structures/ Algorithms, Array/ Strings/ LinkedList, etc, and in the 3rd round of technical which System Design Round, the interviewer expects you to design complex systems like Gmail, Uber, Youtube, etc. Further, check the below sections about the Microsoft Technical Interview Questions to get a basic idea about the model of questions that you can prospect.

Microsoft Technical Interview Questions

In this section, we have included Microsoft’s Frequently Asked Interview Questions in the Technical Interview Round. As you now have an inclination about what you can anticipate in the Microsoft Technical Interview do follow below reference Microsoft Technical Interview Questions to know the difficulty level and how you can prepare for it henceforth. In most case scenarios candidates were asked to write a program for a certain problem. Thus, ensure you guys brush up on your coding skills and perform well.

1. To find the Inorder successor of a node in a binary tree, provided you have a parent pointer

2. A binary tree is given. You have to check whether left node data is greater than right node data for all nodes.

3. To find Inorder successor of a node in a binary tree, provided you do not have a parent pointer.

4. You are given a sorted integer array, create a height-balanced binary search tree.

5. Construct a data structure that can push, pop, and find minimum in O(1) time.

6. Explain the difference between the process and thread.

7. A file consists of numerous words in it. You have to print the 10 most frequent words.
Given a linked list a random ptr also exists. Clone the original linked list.

8. You have a linked list and two integers, a and b, modify the linked list such that you retain first a nodes, then delete b nodes, then retain a nodes, and so on.

9. Given a two-dimensional array, if any element within is zero, make its whole row and column zero.

10. Given the head pointers of two linked lists where each linked list represents an integer number (each node is a digit), add them and return the resulting linked list.

11. Write a function to check that a binary tree is a valid binary search tree

12. Implement a queue with 2 stacks. Your queue should have an enqueue and a dequeue method and it should be “first in first out”

13. Write an efficient function that checks whether any permutation of an input string is a palindrome

14. Given a sorted array of size n. Each element in the array is unique and lies from 1 to n+1. Find the missing element.

15. Given a singly linked list, delete the middle of the linked list.

16. Given an array where every element occurs three times, except one element which occurs only once, find the element that occurs once. The expected time complexity is O(n) and O(1) extra space.

17. Find a substring in a string and replace it with another string.

18. Write code to convert a given number into words.

19. Print the last 10 lines of a big file or big string.

20. Given a binary tree of size N and an integer K, print all nodes that are at distance k from root (root is considered at distance 0 from itself). Nodes should be printed from left to right. If k is more than the height of the tree, nothing should be printed.

Microsoft HR Interview Round

Microsoft HR Interview will be basic, sometimes HR round will not be conducted separately but as a part of technical interview. In this round, the interviewer will be asking basic HR-related questions. The aspirants who will be having strong communication skills can simply get through this round without any pressure. Just to give you a heads-up we have filtered a few Microsoft HR Interview Questions for Freshers that will help you to prepare for easily facing the HR Recruiter.

Microsoft HR Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers

1. Tell me about yourself.

The basic and common question that every individual will be facing at the time of the interview. The answer which you will provide for this question will act as a deciding factor for the rest of the interview. aspirants can answer this question in n different ways. Do remember to not give the by-hearted answers. Learn how you can be creative while saying about your Educational Qualifications, Family Background, Certification Courses you did, Internships, your mini, and main project details. If you want your technical expertise to be enhanced you can briefly explain the technologies you used in your project.

2. What are your favorite products from Microsoft?

Everyone will be very familiar with most of Microsoft Products. If you aren’t very sure, do check the product list before appearing for the interview. The aspirants while answering this question have to make themselves ready to answer the next obvious question of why do you like it? make a specific point about why you have liked that product for example – For their Accessibility, App Interface, User-Friendly, Security, etc., This shows your technical expertise too.

3. What are your favorite subjects from your academics and why them?

A subject can be your favorite due to many reasons, so while answering this question do reason out on why do you consider it as your favorite among many. For example, if you say you are interested in DBMS, list out the features/ properties/ concepts for which you like this subject more than the remaining. Further, prepare yourself for any questions that the interviewer will ask regarding DBMS. As you said this is your favorite subject the interviewer will assume that you are well versed and familiar with every concept that exists in DBMS.

4. What steps do you take to keep your skills current?

Technology is ever-changing. New technology gets emerged after every few days. And in order to sustain in this fast-growing domain one has to keep themselves amidst the change. They need to update with new information often.  The interviewer by asking this question, expects the candidates to be flexible and wants the candidates to be continuous learners. So, while answering this question, point out on how you constantly keep yourself updated by reading Technology-Related Blogs, and how you frequently follow different IT Industry’s to know about their latest trends and all that.

5. Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?

The future is uncertain this is known by everyone. Even though it is uncertain, you need to make plans for it to have clarity on where you want to see yourself in the future. By asking this question the interviewer wants to know whether you will be continuing as an employee in Microsoft or not. Therefore, you can answer this question by saying that as long as the work you do challenges you and enables you to have professional growth in the company and in turn helps the company to get a profitable business you will be wishing to continue to work there. And all this will reflect you as a person of being a career-oriented individual.

Microsofts Most Asked Interview Questions – Download Link

Microsoft Interview Questions and Answers –  Important Links
To Download the Microsoft Technical, HR Interview Questions and Answers PDF Click Here

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