MKCL Placement Papers PDF Download is available on this page. Furthermore, the questions and the pattern of the test in the MKCL Sample Papers will be very similar to the actual company’s paper. So, we advise utilizing this wonderful opportunity to download the MKCL Model Papers PDF from the direct links at the bottom of this page helps you to crack the MKCL Placement Test. Moreover, look at the MKCL Selection Process and the MKCL Exam Pattern in the subsequent sections of this page.
MKCL Placement Papers – Overview
Name Of The Company | Maharashtra Knowledge Corporation Limited (MKCL) |
Qualification | Any Graduates/ Post Graduates |
Category | Placement Papers |
Official Website | www.mkcl.org |
★ You Can Also Check ★
Aptitude Questions |
Reasoning Questions |
English Questions |
Maharashtra Knowledge Corporation Limited (MKCL) was promoted by the Department of Higher and Technical Education (H & TE), Government of Maharashtra (GoM), India, and was incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956. And on January 05, 2018, the Department of Higher and Technical Education (H & TE), Government of Maharashtra (GoM) issued a Government Resolution, as per which, in place of H & TE Department, the General Administration Department (GAD) has become the Representative Department of GoM for matters concerning MKCL.
MKCL Selection Process & Exam Pattern
From this section, candidates can check out the MKCL Selection Process and even the Exam Pattern. So, all the candidates need to be aware of these two things which are essential during the preparation. Furthermore, candidates need to identify that those who ever qualify the first round can have the eligibility to the next level.
Model – I
- Written Test
- Group Discussion
- Tech + HR Interview
Written Test – It contains two test booklets. They are
Test Booklet 1:
- Section 1: It has 35 questions from flow charts where we need to fill empty blocks in flow charts from options. (30 minutes)
- 2nd Section: 23 quant questions which were easy(20 Minutes)
- Section 3: Speed maths
- 4th Section: Some data is given and we have to check whether it’s rightly given again in questions section-3 & section-4 together 10 minutes.
Test Booklet 2:
- Section 1: Some more questions on flow charts
- Section 2: Computer Fundamentals
- Further, Section 3: Psychometry
- And Section 4: Subjects names and descriptions will be as questions and you need to answer where you have learned them ie in graduate-level, ug level, pg level, school level, institutes and a last question “how was ur exam.” All sections together 75 min.
Group Discussion – Three panels simultaneously did GD for three groups at a time consisting of 15 members. Topics were
- Can there be a world without the Internet these days
- Will India be a developed country in terms of Infrastructure
- Also, will India have a sustainable development (that is will it be able to balance development and ecology and environment)
- Can India be a superpower in the nearby future?
Technical + HR Interview
It was a little difficult than other interviews and the subjects that may include are the Programming Language, CN, DBMS, SE and OS for every person.
Model – II
- Aptitude Test
- Technical Aptitude
- Hands-On Test
- Interviews
Aptitude Test consists of the quantitative and technical aptitude both. It was 100 questions that have 30 for quantitative aptitude and 70 for technical aptitude. In Quantitative aptitude, the topics were percentages, time and work, arithmetic, etc.
In Technical Aptitude there were questions based on Database Management Systems, Operating Systems, CPP, Data Structures, Object Oriented Concepts.
The hands-on test was the kind of practical exam in which they will be programs on CPP, JavaScript, Html, SQL queries. Also, the CPP program having the concept of inheritance. The Javascript program is with some validation functions. Furthermore, you need to write SQL queries by creating database and tables first. The candidates were shortlisted from the hand-on-test for the interview.
After the results of the Hands-on Test announced, then the candidates will be promoted to the Interview rounds. This round contains Questions from projects, subjective knowledge, skills, etc.
Download MKCL Sample Papers
Candidates need to download the MKCL Sample Papers to get grip on the Technical Aptitude and Reasoning, Verbal Ability. Down are the links to obtain the Latest MKCL Model Papers PDF for free of cost. Without wasting time by exploring the Internet, make use of these Previous MKCL Placement Papers available straightforwardly on our Freshers Now webpage.
Sample MKCL Placement Papers Aptitude PDF
MKCL Technical Question Paper PDF
Frequently Asked Questions
From where can I download the MKCL Placement Papers PDF?
Aspirants can download the MKCL Placement Papers PDF through our article Freshers Now.
What are the eligibility criteria to apply for MKCL Jobs?
Aspirants who had completed Graduation/ Post Graduation can apply for the MKCL Jobs.
What is the Syllabus for MKCL Exam?
The Syllabus for MKCL Exam includes Aptitude, Technical Aptitude, English.