Best Books for MPPEB ITI Training Officer Exam Preparation: Have you applied for the MPPEB ITI Training Officer Exam and thinking about How to ace the MPPEB ITI Training Officer Exam? If yes, read the entire article. In this article, we have suggested the Best Books for MPPEB ITI Training Officer Exam Preparation which will help the aspirants while preparing for the exam. We request the aspirants to refer to this article to know about the syllabus-wise Best Books for MP ITI Training Officer Exam before planning to start your preparation.
Best Books for MPPEB ITI Training Officer Exam Preparation
Have a look at the below-given table to note down the MPPEB ITI Training Officer Exam Best Books and start your preparation with the list of Madhya Pradesh PEB ITI Training Officer Exam Best Books. If you guys prepare with the listed MP Vyapam ITI Training Officer Exam Best Books then there is a better scope for the applicants to gain a good score in the Madhya Pradesh PEB ITI Training Officer Exam.
Best Books for MP ITI Training Officer Exam
We have listed the Best Books for MPPEB ITI Training Officer Exam Preparation in the following table.
Subject name | Book name | Publication/Author |
General Knowledge | Lucent’s Objective General Knowledge | Sanjiv Kumar |
NCERT General Studies | Sheelwant Singh | |
General Studies | Made easy editorial Board | |
Logical Reasoning | A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning | R.S. Aggarwal |
Step by Step Approach to Mental Ability | Ashish Arora | |
General Intelligence Test & Mental Ability Test | RPH editorial board | |
General Computer Knowledge | Objective Computer Awareness | Arihant Publication |
Code: The Hidden language of computer hardware and software | Charles Petzold | |
Computer Knowledge for SBI/ IBPS Clerk/ PO/ RRB/ RBI/ SSC/ Railways/ Insurance Exams 2nd Edition | Disha Experts | |
Maths/aptitude | Quantitative Aptitude, Logic Reasoning & Verbal Reasoning | R.S. Agarwal |
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations | R.S. Agarwal | |
Quantitative Aptitude | R.S. Agarwal |
Madhya Pradesh PEB ITI Training Officer Exam Pattern
Candidates can check the Madhya Pradesh PEB ITI Training Officer Exam Pattern which is presented in the following table.
Sections & Questions | Total Marks | Total Marks |
75 objective-type questions from the trade-related syllabus for all the posts | 75 Marks | 2 Hours |
25 Objective Type Questions from the following subjects of Class 10th Level
25 Marks |
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