MUHS Recruitment Notification – Apply Online @

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MUHS Recruitment. 2025 Last Modified: 14-03-2025

MUHS Recruitment 2025 Notification For employment search. Candidates can apply online for the job advertisement of MUHS which are active now. Candidates can find employment through

Candidates who are looking for MUHS Recruitment Notification – Apply Online @ can refer this article thoroughly. We have given complete information about the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences Notification. Interested candidate can get the details from this page. We will notify whenever the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences officials release the Recruitment Notification instantly. Check the notified information regularly, so that the candidates will not miss the important data about the MUHS Openings. Candidates have to apply for the available MUHS Vacancies which are active. Get the information just by hitting the Job Details tabs. Check whether the jobs are active or not. We will intimate about the link to fill the MUHS Application Form. Even a small piece of information about Maharashtra University of Health Sciences Notification can be found from here. We will provide only valid and useful information for candidates through this page.

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About Maharashtra University of Health Sciences

Organization Name Maharashtra University of Health Sciences
Year of Establishment 1998
Headquarters Nashik, Maharashtra, India
Industry Government University
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The Maharashtra University of Health Sciences with jurisdiction over the complete State of Maharashtra is established and integrated on 3rd June 1998 for the purposes of protecting the proper and systematic instruction, teaching, training, and research in modern medicine and Indian Systems of Medicine in the State of Maharashtra, and to have balanced growth in the medical sciences so also an uniformity in various courses in medical faculty in the State. Head Office is located at Vani-Dindori Road, Mhasrul, Nashik. The State Legislature passed Maharashtra University of Health Sciences Act 1999 (Act No X) and received the acknowledgment of the Governor, in the Maharashtra Government Gazette on 21 January 1999. Recruitment

Candidates can refer to this page to know the significant information about the released Maharashtra University of Health Sciences Notification. This will be useful and will give the opportunity to the candidates, so aspirants have to take this seriously. So visit this page frequently to know the exact information of MUHS Jobs and apply to the eligible post from the released posts. Get the information easily by bookmarking this page.

Maharashtra University of Health Sciences Openings

Candidates will be notified when the officials release the department wise list of latest MUHS Vacancies. They do provide the information about the name of the post, the number of vacancies that are available at the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, etc. can be viewed from the released list. Candidates are allowed to fill the MUHS Application Form before the deadline.

MUHS Application Application Form

This is the main step to get into the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences. Candidates must check the requirement that are given by the MUHS officials in the released MUHS Notification. And candidates must possess all the mentioned requirements. Follow the procedure to complete the MUHS Application Form filing process. They will provide the mode of application in the released MUHS Advertisement.

MUHS Pay Scale

Generally, MUHS pays good salary to the hired candidates. They will mention all the salary details in the released MUHS Notification itself. Otherwise, they will give the details of the salary about how much they are offering to the hired candidates that will be mentioned after the completion of the interview process. Visit this page for more updates about Recruitment.

We hope that we have given the correct information about the MUHS Recruitment Notification. So, kindly follow our web portal to get the latest job notifications.