Candidates, are you searching for MVC Quiz? Then you are at the right place. Our article provides you with MVC MCQ Online Test with leading MVC Objective Type Questions and Answers. Hence, aspirants, those who want to attend campus interviews can practice the quiz. Also, we suggest the aspirants check the whole article for more important stuff like benefits of taking the online test, models of questions asked in the exam, type of questions, etc. Moreover, let you know that the questions that we are providing in this post are collected from experts. Therefore, candidates can practice the MVC MCQ Online Test without worrying.
MVC Quiz Details
Quiz Name | MVC |
Category | Technical Quiz |
Number of Questions | 25 |
Time | No Time Limit |
Exam Type | MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) |
MVC MCQ Quiz Instructions
Before attending an interview, candidates can practice the previous papers or mock tests to qualify for the interview process. Here we are providing you with the complete details in the article about the MVC MCQ Online Test. The test contains 30 questions for 30 marks with no time limit. As mentioned earlier this is a Multiple Choice Questions type exam. So, after the completion of the test, candidates have to remember that he/she should click on SUBMIT TEST. Otherwise, your answers will not be submitted. Furthermore, contenders should not refresh the page until the exam is completed.
MVC Online Test
What is the purpose of the Model in the MVC pattern?
A. Handles user interface and input
B. Represents the business logic and data
C. Controls the flow of the application
D. Manages the presentation logic
Answer: B
Explanation: The Model in the MVC pattern represents the business logic and data of the application. It is responsible for managing the data, performing business operations, and communicating with the database or other data sources.
What is the purpose of the View in the MVC pattern?
A. Handles user interface and input
B. Represents the business logic and data
C. Controls the flow of the application
D. Manages the presentation logic
Answer: A
Explanation: The View in the MVC pattern is responsible for handling the user interface and input. It is responsible for displaying the data to the user and receiving user input. It is usually passive and does not contain any business logic.
What is the purpose of the Controller in the MVC pattern?
A. Handles user interface and input
B. Represents the business logic and data
C. Controls the flow of the application
D. Manages the presentation logic
Answer: C
Explanation: The Controller in the MVC pattern is responsible for controlling the flow of the application. It receives input from the user via the View, processes it, and updates the Model and View accordingly. It acts as an intermediary between the View and the Model.
Which component in the MVC pattern is responsible for managing the presentation logic?
A. Model
B. View
C. Controller
D. None of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: None of the components in the MVC pattern are responsible for managing the presentation logic. The presentation logic should be kept separate from the Model, View, and Controller, and should be handled by other design patterns or techniques such as templates or CSS.
In the MVC pattern, how does the View communicate with the Model?
A. Directly updates the Model
B. Sends requests to the Controller
C. Uses callbacks to update the Model
D. None of the above
Answer: B
Explanation: In the MVC pattern, the View communicates with the Model by sending requests to the Controller. The View does not directly update the Model, but instead sends requests to the Controller to update the Model. The Controller then updates the Model and notifies the View to update the display.
Which of the following is not a benefit of using the MVC pattern?
A. Separation of concerns
B. Code reusability
C. Code maintainability
D. Increased coupling between components
Answer: D
Explanation: Increased coupling between components is not a benefit of using the MVC pattern. The MVC pattern promotes separation of concerns, code reusability, and code maintainability by keeping the Model, View, and Controller separate and decoupled.
Which component in the MVC pattern is responsible for updating the View?
A. Model
B. View
C. Controller
D. None of the above
Answer: A
Explanation: The Model in the MVC pattern is responsible for updating the View. The Model holds the data and business logic, and when the data changes, it notifies the View to update the display accordingly. The View then retrieves the updated data from the Model and displays it to the user.
Which component in the MVC pattern is responsible for handling user input?
A. Model
B. View
C. Controller
D. None of the above
Answer: B
Explanation: The View in the MVC pattern is responsible for handling user input. The View is responsible for displaying the user interface to the user and receiving user input, such as mouse clicks or keyboard events. It then sends the input data to the Controller for processing.
Which of the following is true about the Model in the MVC pattern?
A. It is responsible for handling user input
B. It is responsible for managing the presentation logic
C. It represents the business logic and data
D. It controls the flow of the application
Answer: C
Explanation: The Model in the MVC pattern represents the business logic and data of the application. It is responsible for managing the data, performing business operations, and communicating with the database or other data sources.
What is the primary purpose of the Controller in the MVC pattern?
A. Displaying data to the user
B. Storing and managing data
C. Updating the View
D. Controlling the flow of the application
Answer: D
Explanation: The primary purpose of the Controller in the MVC pattern is to control the flow of the application. It receives input from the user via the View, processes it, and updates the Model and View accordingly. It acts as an intermediary between the View and the Model.
Which component in the MVC pattern is responsible for defining the user interface?
A. Model
B. View
C. Controller
D. None of the above
Answer: B
Explanation: The View in the MVC pattern is responsible for defining the user interface. It is responsible for displaying the data to the user and receiving user input. The View is responsible for the visual layout and presentation of the application’s user interface.
What is the main purpose of the Model in the MVC pattern?
A. Managing the user interface
B. Handling user input
C. Representing the business logic and data
D. Controlling the flow of the application
Answer: C
Explanation: The main purpose of the Model in the MVC pattern is to represent the business logic and data of the application. It is responsible for managing the data, performing business operations, and communicating with the database or other data sources.
Which component in the MVC pattern is responsible for updating the Model?
A. Model
B. View
C. Controller
D. None of the above
Answer: C
Explanation: The Controller in the MVC pattern is responsible for updating the Model. The Controller receives input from the user via the View, processes it, and updates the Model accordingly. It is responsible for updating the Model’s data and state.
What is the purpose of the View in the MVC pattern?
A. Managing the user interface
B. Handling user input
C. Representing the business logic and data
D. Controlling the flow of the application
Answer: A
Explanation: The purpose of the View in the MVC pattern is to manage the user interface. It is responsible for displaying the data to the user, receiving user input, and updating the display accordingly. The View is responsible for the visual presentation of the application.
Which component in the MVC pattern is responsible for coordinating communication between the Model and the View?
A. Model
B. View
C. Controller
D. None of the above
Answer: C
Explanation: The Controller in the MVC pattern is responsible for coordinating communication between the Model and the View. It receives input from the user via the View, updates the Model accordingly, and notifies the View to update the display. It acts as an intermediary between the Model and the View.
Which component in the MVC pattern is responsible for storing and managing data?
A. Model
B. View
C. Controller
D. None of the above
Answer: A
Explanation: The Model in the MVC pattern is responsible for storing and managing data. It represents the business logic and data of the application and is responsible for managing the data, performing business operations, and communicating with the database or other data sources. The Model is responsible for storing and retrieving data from the underlying data sources and provides data to the View for display.
Which component in the MVC pattern is responsible for receiving user input?
A. Model
B. View
C. Controller
D. None of the above
Answer: B
Explanation: The View in the MVC pattern is responsible for receiving user input. It provides the user interface through which users can interact with the application and input data, such as mouse clicks, keyboard events, or touch gestures. The View captures the user input and passes it to the Controller for processing.
What is the purpose of the Controller in the MVC pattern?
A. Managing the user interface
B. Handling user input
C. Representing the business logic and data
D. Controlling the flow of the application
Answer: D
Explanation: The purpose of the Controller in the MVC pattern is to control the flow of the application. It receives input from the user via the View, processes it, and updates the Model and View accordingly. The Controller acts as an intermediary between the View and the Model, controlling the interaction and communication between them.
Which component in the MVC pattern is responsible for updating the user interface?
A. Model
B. View
C. Controller
D. None of the above
Answer: A
Explanation: The Model in the MVC pattern is responsible for updating the user interface. When the data in the Model changes, it notifies the View to update the display accordingly. The Model is responsible for managing the data and state of the application, and any changes in the data are reflected in the View.
Which component in the MVC pattern is responsible for encapsulating the application’s business logic?
A. Model
B. View
C. Controller
D. None of the above
Answer: A
Explanation: The Model in the MVC pattern is responsible for encapsulating the application’s business logic. It represents the business operations and data of the application, and is responsible for performing business operations, managing data, and communicating with data sources. The Model is the backbone of the application’s logic and functionality.
About MVC
Model View Controller is (MVC) is an architectural pattern. Moreover, it helps to separate an application into three main logical components. Each component handles specific development aspects of the application. The Model Components corresponds to all the data related logic actions that the user does. The View is used for UI logic of the application. And, finally, the controller acts as an interface between Model and View. Therefore, candidates those who are eagerly waiting to take the test can attend the MVC Quiz from the above section. Furthermore, we suggest the candidates take the test to improve your time management skills, accuracy, and speed.
Benefits of Practicing MVC Quiz
There are many benefits of practicing the MVC Quiz. Here we are providing you with some of the benefits that you obtain by practicing the test.
- You can learn time management skills.
- Crack the interview easily.
- Gain minimum knowledge on MVC.
- Improve your accuracy and speed.
How To Check MVC Programming Online Test Results
So, after the completion of the test, candidates have to click on Submit Test. And, after submitting the test, the aspirants have to wait for some more time to check their results. Moreover, we suggest the candidates not to refresh the page while taking the MVC MCQ Online Test.
So, candidates, those who have any queries can comment in the comment box that is present below. Also, by practicing the test, you can learn and improve the technical skills. Therefore, to practice more relevant online tests you can stay tuned to our website Freshersnow.com