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MVVM Quiz – MVVM Multiple Choice Questions and Answers


MVVM Quiz – MVVM Multiple Choice Questions and Answers:Are you preparing for MVVM placements or interviews? If yes, then read our article where we have provided detailed answers to the top MVVM MCQ questions. This will make it easy for you to practice the MVVM MCQ quiz online. Additionally, you can learn the basics and enhance your knowledge of MVVM concepts. So, without any worries, go through the MVVM multiple choice questions and answers arranged in the sections below and also get a clear idea about the MVVM concept.


MVVM stands for Model-View-ViewModel, which is a software architectural pattern used in the development of user interfaces. It was introduced by Microsoft as part of the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and Silverlight platforms, but it has since gained popularity and is now widely used across various platforms and frameworks. MVVM is designed to improve the separation of concerns in software development by dividing the user interface into three distinct layers: the Model, which represents the data and business logic; the View, which represents the user interface; and the ViewModel, which acts as an intermediary between the Model and the View. Now, with these MVVM Multiple Choice Questions and Answers you guys can improve your knowledge.

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MVVM Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

Quiz Name MVVM
Exam Type MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)
Category Technical Quiz
Mode of Quiz Online

Top 56 MVVM MCQ Questions | Practice MVVM Online Quiz

1. What does MVVM stand for?

A) Model-View-ViewModel
B) Model-View-ViewData
C) Model-View-Controller
D) Model-View-Presenter

Answer: A) Model-View-ViewModel.

Explanation: MVVM stands for Model-View-ViewModel. It is a software architectural pattern that separates an application into three main components: the Model, the View, and the ViewModel.

2. What is the primary benefit of using MVVM?

A) Easy to test
B) Easy to implement
C) Easy to maintain
D) Easy to deploy

Answer: A) Easy to test.

Explanation: One of the primary benefits of using the MVVM pattern is that it makes it easier to test an application. This is because the ViewModel acts as a middleman between the View and the Model, which allows for easier testing of the application logic.

3. Which component in MVVM is responsible for managing the application state?

A) Model
B) View
C) ViewModel
D) Controller

Answer: C) ViewModel.

Explanation: The ViewModel component in MVVM is responsible for managing the application state. It is responsible for exposing the data and commands that the View can bind to, and it acts as a middleman between the View and the Model.

4. Which component in MVVM is responsible for the user interface?

A) Model
B) View
C) ViewModel
D) Controller

Answer: B) View.

Explanation: The View component in MVVM is responsible for the user interface. It is responsible for displaying the data to the user and capturing the user’s input.

5. Which component in MVVM is responsible for the business logic?

A) Model
B) View
C) ViewModel
D) Controller

Answer: A) Model.

Explanation: The Model component in MVVM is responsible for the business logic. It represents the data and the rules that govern how the data can be accessed and manipulated.

6. Which design pattern is MVVM based on?

A) Singleton
B) Observer
C) Factory
D) Decorator

Answer: B) Observer.

Explanation: MVVM is based on the Observer design pattern. The ViewModel observes changes to the Model and updates the View accordingly.

7. Which programming languages can be used to implement MVVM?

A) Java
B) C#
C) Swift
D) All of the above

Answer: D) All of the above.

Explanation: MVVM can be implemented using a variety of programming languages, including Java, C#, Swift, and others.

8. Which of the following is an advantage of using data binding in MVVM?

A) It reduces the amount of code needed to update the UI
B) It makes it easier to manage state in the ViewModel
C) It allows for easy communication between the View and the ViewModel
D) All of the above

Answer: D) All of the above.

Explanation: Data binding is an advantage of using MVVM because it reduces the amount of code needed to update the UI, makes it easier to manage state in the ViewModel, and allows for easy communication between the View and the ViewModel.

9. Which component in MVVM is responsible for converting data between the Model and the View?

A) Model
B) View
C) ViewModel
D) Converter

Answer: D) Converter.

Explanation: The Converter component in MVVM is responsible for converting data between the Model and the View. It allows for data to be displayed in the View in a format that is appropriate for the user.

10. What is the purpose of the Command pattern in MVVM?

A) To encapsulate business logic in reusable objects
B) To allow for easy communication between the View and the ViewModel
C) To provide a way for the ViewModel to respond to user input
D) None of the above

Answer: C) To provide a way for the ViewModel to respond to user input.

Explanation: The Command pattern in MVVM is used to provide a way for the ViewModel to respond to user input. It allows the ViewModel to encapsulate the logic for responding to user actions in a reusable and testable way.

11. Which of the following is an advantage of using MVVM?

A) It allows for better separation of concerns
B) It makes it easier to write unit tests
C) It enables easier maintenance of code
D) All of the above

Answer: D) All of the above.

Explanation: MVVM offers several advantages, including better separation of concerns, easier unit testing, and easier maintenance of code.

12. Which component in MVVM is responsible for notifying the View of changes in the Model?

A) Model
B) View
C) ViewModel
D) Observer

Answer: D) Observer.

Explanation: The Observer pattern in MVVM is used to notify the View of changes in the Model. The ViewModel observes changes in the Model and updates the View accordingly.

13. Which component in MVVM is responsible for updating the Model?

A) Model
B) View
C) ViewModel
D) None of the above

Answer: A) Model.

Explanation: The Model component in MVVM is responsible for updating the data that it represents. The ViewModel and the View do not update the Model directly.

14. Which component in MVVM is responsible for handling user input?

A) Model
B) View
C) ViewModel
D) None of the above

Answer: C) ViewModel.

Explanation: The ViewModel component in MVVM is responsible for handling user input. It exposes commands that the View can bind to in order to respond to user input.

15. Which of the following is a disadvantage of using MVVM?

A) It can add complexity to the code
B) It can lead to slower application performance
C) It can be difficult to learn and implement
D) None of the above

Answer: C) It can be difficult to learn and implement.

Explanation: One potential disadvantage of using MVVM is that it can be difficult to learn and implement, particularly for developers who are new to the pattern.

16. Which component in MVVM is responsible for exposing data to the View?

A) Model
B) View
C) ViewModel
D) None of the above

Answer: C) ViewModel.

Explanation: The ViewModel component in MVVM is responsible for exposing data to the View. It exposes properties that the View can bind to in order to display data.

17. What is the purpose of the Mediator pattern in MVVM?

A) To allow for easy communication between components
B) To provide a way for the Model to update the View directly
C) To encapsulate the logic for handling user input in reusable objects
D) None of the above

Answer: A) To allow for easy communication between components.

Explanation: The Mediator pattern in MVVM is used to allow for easy communication between components. It allows the ViewModel to communicate with the View and the Model without them having direct knowledge of each other.

18. Which component in MVVM is responsible for formatting data for display in the View?

A) Model
B) View
C) ViewModel
D) Converter

Answer: D) Converter.

Explanation: The Converter component in MVVM is responsible for formatting data for display in the View. It allows data to be displayed in a format that is appropriate for the user.

19. What is the purpose of the DataTemplate in MVVM?

A) To define the structure and appearance of the View
B) To define the structure and appearance of the ViewModel
C) To define the structure and appearance of the Model
D) None of the above

Answer: A) To define the structure and appearance of the View.

Explanation: The DataTemplate in MVVM is used to define the structure and appearance of the View. It allows the ViewModel to provide data to the View in a format that can be displayed to the user.

20. What is the purpose of the RelayCommand in MVVM?

A) To allow for easy communication between components
B) To encapsulate the logic for handling user input in reusable objects
C) To provide a way for the ViewModel to update the Model directly
D) None of the above

Answer: B) To encapsulate the logic for handling user input in reusable objects.

Explanation: The RelayCommand in MVVM is used to encapsulate the logic for handling user input in reusable objects. It allows the ViewModel to define the logic for responding to user actions in a way that can be reused throughout the application.

21. Which component in MVVM is responsible for providing validation of user input?

A) Model
B) View
C) ViewModel
D) None of the above

Answer: A) Model.

Explanation: The Model component in MVVM is responsible for providing validation of user input. The ViewModel can call the Model to validate user input before updating the data in the Model.

22. What is the purpose of the INotifyPropertyChanged interface in MVVM?

A) To allow the Model to notify the ViewModel of changes in the data
B) To allow the ViewModel to notify the View of changes in the data
C) To allow the View to notify the ViewModel of changes in the data
D) None of the above

Answer: B) To allow the ViewModel to notify the View of changes in the data.

Explanation: The INotifyPropertyChanged interface in MVVM is used to allow the ViewModel to notify the View of changes in the data. It allows the View to be updated in real-time as the data changes.

23. Which component in MVVM is responsible for handling data persistence?

A) Model
B) View
C) ViewModel
D) None of the above

Answer: A) Model.

Explanation: The Model component in MVVM is responsible for handling data persistence. It defines how data is stored and retrieved from a data source.

24. What is the purpose of the IDataErrorInfo interface in MVVM?

A) To provide a way for the ViewModel to validate user input
B) To allow the Model to notify the ViewModel of changes in the data
C) To allow the ViewModel to notify the View of changes in the data
D) None of the above

Answer: A) To provide a way for the ViewModel to validate user input.

Explanation: The IDataErrorInfo interface in MVVM is used to provide a way for the ViewModel to validate user input. It allows the ViewModel to provide error messages to the View when user input is invalid.

25. What is the purpose of the IValueConverter interface in MVVM?

A) To allow the ViewModel to convert data from one type to another
B) To allow the View to convert data from one type to another
C) To allow the Model to convert data from one type to another
D) None of the above

Answer: B) To allow the View to convert data from one type to another.

Explanation: The IValueConverter interface in MVVM is used to allow the View to convert data from one type to another. It is commonly used to format data for display in the View.

26. Which of the following is not a benefit of using MVVM?

A) Separation of concerns
B) Code reusability
C) Improved testability
D) Increased coupling between components

Answer: D) Increased coupling between components.

Explanation: One of the main benefits of using MVVM is separation of concerns, which reduces coupling between components. This allows for easier code maintenance and scalability.

27. Which component in MVVM is responsible for defining the behavior of user interfaces?

A) Model
B) View
C) ViewModel
D) None of the above

Answer: B) View.

Explanation: The View component in MVVM is responsible for defining the behavior of user interfaces. It defines how user interfaces respond to user input and how data is displayed to the user.

28. What is the purpose of the ICommand interface in MVVM?

A) To provide a way for the ViewModel to notify the View of changes in the data
B) To allow the ViewModel to define the logic for responding to user input
C) To allow the View to define the logic for responding to user input
D) None of the above

Answer: B) To allow the ViewModel to define the logic for responding to user input.

Explanation: The ICommand interface in MVVM is used to allow the ViewModel to define the logic for responding to user input. It is commonly used to handle button clicks and other user actions.

29. What is the purpose of the CommandParameter in MVVM?

A) To allow the ViewModel to pass data to the View
B) To allow the View to pass data to the ViewModel
C) To allow the ViewModel to update the Model directly
D) None of the above

Answer: B) To allow the View to pass data to the ViewModel.

Explanation: The CommandParameter in MVVM is used to allow the View to pass data to the ViewModel. It is commonly used to pass information about the user action that triggered the command.

30. Which component in MVVM is responsible for holding the business logic?

A) Model
B) View
C) ViewModel
D) None of the above

Answer: A) Model.

Explanation: The Model component in MVVM is responsible for holding the business logic. It defines the data and behavior of the application and is independent of the user interface.

31. What is the purpose of data binding in MVVM?

A) To allow the View to access data from the Model
B) To allow the ViewModel to access data from the View
C) To allow the Model to access data from the ViewModel
D) None of the above

Answer: A) To allow the View to access data from the Model.

Explanation: Data binding in MVVM is used to allow the View to access data from the Model. This allows the View to display data to the user without needing to directly access the Model.

32. Which of the following is a commonly used MVVM framework for developing Windows applications?

A) AngularJS
B) React
C) Vue.js

Answer: D) WPF.

Explanation: WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) is a commonly used MVVM framework for developing Windows applications. It provides a rich set of controls and features for building user interfaces using the MVVM pattern.

33. What is the purpose of INotifyPropertyChanged in MVVM?

A) To allow the ViewModel to notify the View of changes in the data
B) To allow the Model to notify the ViewModel of changes in the data
C) To allow the View to notify the ViewModel of changes in the data
D) None of the above

Answer: A) To allow the ViewModel to notify the View of changes in the data.

Explanation: INotifyPropertyChanged in MVVM is used to allow the ViewModel to notify the View of changes in the data. This allows the View to update its display when the underlying data changes.

34. What is the purpose of ICommand.CanExecute in MVVM?

A) To determine whether a command can be executed
B) To execute a command
C) To undo a command
D) None of the above

Answer: A) To determine whether a command can be executed.

Explanation: ICommand.CanExecute in MVVM is used to determine whether a command can be executed. This allows the ViewModel to disable commands that cannot be executed in the current state of the application.

35. Which component in MVVM is responsible for updating the View when the underlying data changes?

A) Model
B) View
C) ViewModel
D) None of the above

Answer: C) ViewModel.

Explanation: The ViewModel component in MVVM is responsible for updating the View when the underlying data changes. It does this by using data binding to connect the View to the data in the Model.

36. What is the purpose of dependency injection in MVVM?

A) To make it easier to write unit tests for the ViewModel
B) To allow the ViewModel to access data from the View
C) To allow the Model to access data from the ViewModel
D) None of the above

Answer: A) To make it easier to write unit tests for the ViewModel.

Explanation: Dependency injection in MVVM is used to make it easier to write unit tests for the ViewModel. It allows the ViewModel to be tested in isolation by providing a way to mock or substitute its dependencies.

37. What is the purpose of IDataErrorInfo in MVVM?

A) To allow the Model to validate its data
B) To allow the ViewModel to validate user input
C) To allow the View to validate user input
D) None of the above

Answer: B) To allow the ViewModel to validate user input.

Explanation: IDataErrorInfo in MVVM is used to allow the ViewModel to validate user input. It provides a way for the ViewModel to indicate whether the user input is valid or not and to provide an error message if it is not.

38. What is the purpose of ObservableCollection in MVVM?

A) To allow the Model to hold a collection of objects
B) To allow the ViewModel to hold a collection of objects
C) To allow the View to hold a collection of objects
D) None of the above

Answer: B) To allow the ViewModel to hold a collection of objects.

Explanation: ObservableCollection in MVVM is used to allow the ViewModel to hold a collection of objects. It provides an implementation of the INotifyCollectionChanged interface, which allows the ViewModel to notify the View when the collection changes.

39. Which of the following is a disadvantage of MVVM?

A) It can be more complex to implement than other patterns
B) It is not suitable for large applications
C) It can lead to tight coupling between the View and ViewModel
D) None of the above

Answer: A) It can be more complex to implement than other patterns.

Explanation: One disadvantage of MVVM is that it can be more complex to implement than other patterns, particularly for small applications. This is because it requires more layers of abstraction and separation of concerns.

40. What is the purpose of DataContext in MVVM?

A) To allow the ViewModel to access data from the View
B) To allow the View to access data from the ViewModel
C) To allow the Model to access data from the ViewModel
D) None of the above

Answer: B) To allow the View to access data from the ViewModel.

Explanation: DataContext in MVVM is used to allow the View to access data from the ViewModel. It provides a way to set the data context of a user interface element to an instance of a ViewModel.

41. What is the purpose of the RelayCommand class in MVVM?

A) To define commands in the ViewModel
B) To define commands in the Model
C) To define commands in the View
D) None of the above

Answer: A) To define commands in the ViewModel.

Explanation: RelayCommand in MVVM is used to define commands in the ViewModel. It provides an implementation of the ICommand interface and allows the ViewModel to define commands that can be bound to user interface elements in the View.

42. Which of the following is an advantage of MVVM?

A) It allows for easier maintenance and testing
B) It is faster to implement than other patterns
C) It requires less code than other patterns
D) None of the above

Answer: A) It allows for easier maintenance and testing.

Explanation: One advantage of MVVM is that it allows for easier maintenance and testing. The separation of concerns between the View, ViewModel, and Model makes it easier to make changes to the application without affecting other components.

43. What is the role of the Model component in MVVM?

A) To define the user interface
B) To handle user input
C) To hold the application data and business logic
D) None of the above

Answer: C) To hold the application data and business logic.

Explanation: The Model component in MVVM is responsible for holding the application data and business logic. It provides a way for the ViewModel to access and manipulate the data.

44. What is the purpose of a Value Converter in MVVM?

A) To convert data types between the ViewModel and the View
B) To convert data types between the ViewModel and the Model
C) To convert data types between the View and the Model
D) None of the above

Answer: C) To convert data types between the View and the Model.

Explanation: A Value Converter in MVVM is used to convert data types between the View and the Model. It provides a way to transform data before it is displayed in the View, or before it is passed to the Model.

45. What is the purpose of a RelayCommand in MVVM?

A) To allow the ViewModel to define commands that can be bound to user interface elements
B) To allow the Model to define commands that can be bound to user interface elements
C) To allow the View to define commands that can be bound to user interface elements
D) None of the above

Answer: A) To allow the ViewModel to define commands that can be bound to user interface elements.

Explanation: A RelayCommand is a type of ICommand that is used in MVVM to allow the ViewModel to define commands that can be bound to user interface elements in the View. It provides a way for the ViewModel to handle user input in a way that is independent of the specific user interface elements in the View.

46. What is the difference between a RelayCommand and a DelegateCommand in MVVM?

A) A RelayCommand is asynchronous, while a DelegateCommand is synchronous
B) A RelayCommand is for handling user input, while a DelegateCommand is for executing a method
C) A RelayCommand requires an action to be defined, while a DelegateCommand requires a function to be defined
D) There is no difference between the two

Answer: B) A RelayCommand is for handling user input, while a DelegateCommand is for executing a method.

Explanation: A RelayCommand and a DelegateCommand are both types of ICommand in MVVM, but they are used for different purposes. A RelayCommand is typically used to handle user input, while a DelegateCommand is used to execute a method. A RelayCommand requires an action to be defined, while a DelegateCommand requires a function to be defined.

47. What is the role of the ViewModelLocator in MVVM?

A) To provide a way for the ViewModel to access the View
B) To provide a way for the View to access the ViewModel
C) To provide a way for the View and the ViewModel to communicate with each other
D) None of the above

Answer: B) To provide a way for the View to access the ViewModel.

Explanation: The ViewModelLocator in MVVM is used to provide a way for the View to access the ViewModel. It provides a centralized location for the View to obtain a reference to the ViewModel, without having to create an instance of the ViewModel directly.

48. What is the role of a Service in MVVM?

A) To provide access to data or external services
B) To handle user input
C) To hold the application data and business logic
D) None of the above

Answer: A) To provide access to data or external services.

Explanation: A Service in MVVM is used to provide access to data or external services. It typically encapsulates the functionality needed to interact with a database, web service, or other external resource.

49. What is the purpose of the CommandParameter property in MVVM?

A) To pass a value from the View to the ViewModel when a command is executed
B) To pass a value from the ViewModel to the View when a command is executed
C) To pass a value from the ViewModel to the Model when a command is executed
D) None of the above

Answer: A) To pass a value from the View to the ViewModel when a command is executed.

Explanation: The CommandParameter property in MVVM is used to pass a value from the View to the ViewModel when a command is executed. It allows the View to provide additional information to the ViewModel when a user interacts with a user interface element that is bound to a command.

50. Which of the following statements is true about Data Binding in MVVM?

A) Data Binding can only be used between the View and the ViewModel
B) Data Binding can only be used between the ViewModel and the Model
C) Data Binding can be used between the View and the ViewModel, as well as between the ViewModel and the Model
D) None of the above

Answer: C) Data Binding can be used between the View and the ViewModel, as well as between the ViewModel and the Model.

Explanation: Data Binding in MVVM can be used between the View and the ViewModel, as well as between the ViewModel and the Model. It allows data to be automatically synchronized between the different layers of the application, without the need for manual synchronization code.

51. What is the purpose of a Command Binding in MVVM?

A) To associate a user interface element with a command in the ViewModel
B) To associate a user interface element with a method in the ViewModel
C) To associate a user interface element with a property in the ViewModel
D) None of the above

Answer: A) To associate a user interface element with a command in the ViewModel.

Explanation: A Command Binding in MVVM is used to associate a user interface element with a command in the ViewModel. It allows the user to trigger an action in the ViewModel by interacting with a user interface element, such as a button or menu item.

52. Which of the following is an example of a “One-Way” Data Binding in MVVM?

A) Binding a TextBox in the View to a property in the ViewModel
B) Binding a Label in the View to a property in the ViewModel
C) Binding a Button in the View to a command in the ViewModel
D) None of the above

Answer: B) Binding a Label in the View to a property in the ViewModel.

Explanation: Binding a Label in the View to a property in the ViewModel is an example of a “One-Way” Data Binding in MVVM. The ViewModel updates the property, and the View displays the updated value. However, changes to the value in the View are not reflected back to the ViewModel.

53. Which of the following is an example of a “Two-Way” Data Binding in MVVM?

A) Binding a TextBox in the View to a property in the ViewModel
B) Binding a Label in the View to a property in the ViewModel
C) Binding a Slider in the View to a property in the ViewModel
D) None of the above

Answer: A) Binding a TextBox in the View to a property in the ViewModel.

Explanation: Binding a TextBox in the View to a property in the ViewModel is an example of a “Two-Way” Data Binding in MVVM. Changes to the value in the TextBox are reflected back to the ViewModel, and changes to the property in the ViewModel are reflected in the TextBox.

54. Which of the following is an example of a “One-Time” Data Binding in MVVM?

A) Binding a TextBox in the View to a property in the ViewModel
B) Binding a Label in the View to a property in the ViewModel
C) Binding a Slider in the View to a property in the ViewModel
D) None of the above

Answer: B) Binding a Label in the View to a property in the ViewModel.

Explanation: Binding a Label in the View to a property in the ViewModel is an example of a “One-Time” Data Binding in MVVM. The initial value of the property is displayed in the Label, but changes to the value of the property are not reflected in the Label.

55. What is the purpose of the IMultiValueConverter interface in MVVM?

A) To convert a single value from the ViewModel to multiple values in the View
B) To convert multiple values from the View to a single value in the ViewModel
C) To convert multiple values from the ViewModel to a single value in the View
D) None of the above

Answer: C) To convert multiple values from the ViewModel to a single value in the View.

Explanation: The IMultiValueConverter interface in MVVM is used to convert multiple values from the ViewModel to a single value in the View. It allows complex calculations and transformations to be performed on multiple properties in the ViewModel before they are displayed in the View.

56. Which of the following is an example of a “Multi-Binding” in MVVM?

A) Binding a TextBox in the View to a single property in the ViewModel
B) Binding a Label in the View to a single property in the ViewModel
C) Binding a TextBox in the View to multiple properties in the ViewModel
D) None of the above

Answer: C) Binding a TextBox in the View to multiple properties in the ViewModel.

Explanation: Binding a TextBox in the View to multiple properties in the ViewModel is an example of a “Multi-Binding” in MVVM. It allows multiple properties in the ViewModel to be combined and displayed in a single user interface element in the View.

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