NALCO Executive, Non Executive Salaries

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NALCO Executive, Non Executive Salaries – Getting a job in NALCO is quite tough. A huge number of candidates will be showing interest to work in an organization like NALCO. NALCO is the National Aluminium Company Limited which is run by one of the best management and has the best personnel as their workforce. It has many departments and they have its own salary structure. Based on the department and employee’s work the pay will be given. So, we are here to give the information about the NALCO Executive Salaries, and NALCO Non Executive Salary in this article. In NALCO, for the Executive profile, there are various designations and each of them will be paid high along with the other benefits. Even for the Non-Executives, the company pays a good amount of salary based on the work they were doing and the experience they have. Here we have given a detailed salary structure of both NALCO Executive and Non-Executive Salaries. Look into the article and know the pay scale of each designation and detailed information about the Nalco Salaries in India.

Monthly Remuneration of the NALCO Executive and Non-Executive

Employees working in the NALCO have greater benefits in their salaries. The benefits in the Monthly Remuneration of the NALCO Executive and Non-Executive carry Basic Pay, Special Pay, Personal pay, Dearness Allowance, City Compensatory Allowance, Conveyance Allowance, Productive Incentive, Tiffin Allowances, Education Allowance, Telephone Reimbursement, Magazine Reimbursement, Medical Reimbursement, House Rent Allowance, Electricity/ Water Charges Reimbursement, Nirantar Utkarsha Puraskar (NUP), etc. The remuneration details for the employees are prescribed under the provisions of Section 217(2A) of the Companies Act, 1956 read with the Companies (Particulars of Employees) Rules, 1975. All these will be based on the designations. With the help of the official page, Freshersnow has given the details of the NALCO Executive and Non-Executive Salaries in a tabler form.


All executives have been offered the scale under guidelines issued by the Department of Public Enterprises, Government of India. The existing IDA pattern scales as under are in operation since 01.01.2017.

DesignationsScale CodePay Scales (in Rs.)
Assistant Engineer/ Assistant Officer/ GET/MTE-040000 -3% – 140000/-
Jr. Manager/ Medical OfficerE-160000 -3%- 180000/-
Assistant Manager/ Sr.Medical OfficerE-270000 -3% – 200000/-
Dy. Manager/Asst. Medical Supdt.E-380000 -3% – 220000/-
Manager/Dy. Medical Supdt.E-490000 -3% – 240000/-
Sr. Manager/Medical SupdtE-5100000 -3% – 260000/
Asst. General Manager/ Asst. General Medical
E-6120000 -3% -280000/-
Dy. General ManagerE-7120000 -3% -280000/-
General ManagerE-8120000 -3% -280000/-
Executive DirectorE-9150000- 3%- 300000/-

Non Executives

The pay scale in respect of all non-executive employees is reviewed and revised once in 10 years after negotiations with trade unions and with reference to Govt. of India guidelines on the subject. The scales given below are in existence since 01.01.2017.

MinisterialTechnicalPay Scales (Rs.)
Scale CodeScale CodeScale Code

To conclude, the info regarding the NALCO Executive and Non-Executive Salaries has been accurate. To have more updates like this stay tuned to our website @