NIVH Recruitment Notification | Apply @

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NIVH Recruitment. 2025 Last Modified: 03-03-2025

NIVH Recruitment 2025 Notification For employment search. Candidates can apply online for the job advertisement of NIVH which are active now. Candidates can find employment through

Candidates who are more eager to know about NIVH Recruitment Notification | Apply @ can check out this article. Here are the complete details about the National Institute of Visually Handicapped Recruitment. Candidates who are waiting to work within the National Institute of Visually Handicapped can now apply for the NIVH Openings. A list of NIVH Vacancy that is officially announced by the Officials is sourced below. As we are updating every recent and upcoming NIVH Notifications, candidates can go ahead and apply for the active vacancies. Apply to the released NIVH Jobs by following the procedure to apply. Check the active status of the jobs from the below list. Click on the Job Details tab present in the below section. Before proceeding with the application, candidates need to cross-check whether the jobs that are active or not from the given tables. Candidates must make sure that you are applying for active jobs only.

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About National Institute of Visually Handicapped

Organization Name National Institute of Visually Handicapped
Year of Establishment 1988
Headquarters Rajpur Road, Dehradun, India
Industry Institute
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The National Institute of Visually Handicapped Headquarters is located at 116, Rajpur Road, Dehradun with one Regional Centre at Chennai (Tamil Nadu) established in 1988. In 1950, the Government of India took over the St. Dunstan’s Hostel and entrusted the Ministry of Education with the responsibility of developing comprehensive services for the rehabilitation of blind persons. Subsequently, services for the blind witnessed remarkable expansion. In the same year, the Government established the Training Centre for the Adult Blind to ensure the reintegration of blind soldiers including other persons in the world of work. This Center was further upgraded as National Institute for the Visually Handicapped in the year 1979 and finally in October 1982, it was registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 and gained the status of an Autonomous Body.

National Institute of Visually Handicapped Recruitment

Candidates who are in search of the National Institute of Visually Handicapped Notification will be helpful to the job seekers. We will provide only valid and useful information to the aspirants. Get the NIVH Openings to apply based on the qualification you have. Only eligible aspirants have to apply by filling NIVH Application Form. Complete details have been found from the released NIVH Notification.

NIVH Vacancy

Move on to this page to know the latest NIVH Jobs. and apply for the eligible posts. For all the posts they will provide eligibility. Eligibility criteria will be different for position to position. Click on the Job Details to know the complete details regarding the NIVH Vacancy. You should apply for the active NIVH Vacancy. Selection Process

To select the candidates, officials will follow the process. It will be having the rounds like Written Test/ Skill Test/ Experience, etc. Based on the performance in all the rounds candidates will be recruited. Candidates will be intimated to attend the selection process. You can also find Halltickets, results, syllabus, etc. All the NIVH Selection Process Details have been mentioned in the released NIVH Notification.

NIVH Salary Package

Recruited candidates will get a good salary. Usually, the officials release the salary details in the National Institute of Visually Handicapped Recruitment Notification. Candidates can check complete information like how much they are offering to the hired candidates? everything from this article easily. They do mention in the released notification. Otherwise, they provide the NIVH Salary Package to the hired candidates. To know complete salary details, check the NIVH Notification.

We hope that the given information about NIVH Recruitment Notification will be helpful to the candidates. So, stay tuned to our website to know the latest job notifications.