Node.js MCQs and Answers with Explanation: Node.js has emerged as a popular platform for developing server-side applications using JavaScript. Its ability to run JavaScript code outside of the browser has made it an excellent choice for building scalable, high-performance applications. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, Node.js can help you build robust and efficient server-side applications. To help you test and improve your knowledge of Node.js, we have compiled a set of Node.js MCQ Questions with Answers.
Node.js MCQ Questions & Answers
These Node.js MCQ Questions with Answers cover a broad range of topics, from basic JavaScript concepts to advanced Node.js features. So, whether you’re looking to sharpen your skills or prepare for a job interview, this Node.js MCQ Quiz will provide you with an excellent opportunity to enhance your understanding of this popular platform.
Node.js Multiple Choice Questions
Name | Node.js |
Exam Type | MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) |
Category | Technical Quiz |
Mode of Quiz | Online |
Top 59 Node.js MCQ Questions with Answers | Node.js Online Quiz
1. What is Node.js?
A) A programming language
B) A web server
C) A database management system
D) A front-end framework
Answer: B
Explanation: Node.js is a server-side JavaScript runtime environment that allows developers to build scalable and high-performance applications.
2. Which of the following is an advantage of using Node.js?
A) It is a statically typed language
B) It is a compiled language
C) It has a large standard library
D) It has a non-blocking I/O model
Answer: D
Explanation: Node.js uses a non-blocking I/O model which makes it highly efficient in handling a large number of requests simultaneously.
3. What is NPM?
A) Node.js Package Manager
B) Node.js Programming Module
C) Node.js Programming Methodology
D) Node.js Programming Manifest
Answer: A
Explanation: NPM stands for Node.js Package Manager, which is a tool used for installing, sharing, and managing packages (libraries and modules) in Node.js.
4. Which of the following is a built-in module in Node.js?
A) assert
B) mysql
C) redis
D) mongoose
Answer: A
Explanation: Assert is a built-in module in Node.js that provides a set of assertion functions for writing unit tests.
5. Which of the following is used to handle HTTP requests in Node.js?
A) express
B) koa
C) hapi
D) connect
Answer: A
Explanation: Express is a popular web framework for Node.js that is used to handle HTTP requests.
6. Which of the following is used to create a new HTTP server in Node.js?
A) http.createServer()
B) http.createServer
C) http.newServer()
D) http.newServer
Answer: A
Explanation: The http.createServer() method is used to create a new HTTP server in Node.js.
7. Which of the following is used to read user input from the command line in Node.js?
A) console.log()
B) console.read()
C) process.stdin
D) process.stdout
Answer: C
Explanation: process.stdin is used to read user input from the command line in Node.js.
8. Which of the following is used to write output to the command line in Node.js?
A) console.read()
B) console.write()
C) process.stdin
D) console.log()
Answer: D
Explanation: console.log() is used to write output to the command line in Node.js.
9. Which of the following is used to handle file operations in Node.js?
A) fs
B) path
C) url
D) querystring
Answer: A
Explanation: The fs module is used to handle file operations in Node.js.
10. Which of the following is used to send HTTP requests in Node.js?
A) http.request()
B) http.get()
C) http.send()
D) http.fetch()
Answer: A
Explanation: The http.request() method is used to send HTTP requests in Node.js.
11. Which of the following is used to parse JSON data in Node.js?
A) JSON.stringify()
B) JSON.parse()
C) JSON.encode()
D) JSON.decode()
Answer: B
Explanation: The JSON.parse() method is used to parse JSON data in Node.js.
12. Which of the following is used to create a child process in Node.js?
A) child_process.fork()
B) child_process.spawn()
C) child_process.exec()
D) child_process.execFile()
Answer: A
Explanation: The child_process.fork() method is used to create a child process in Node.js.
13. Which of the following is used to manage asynchronous operations in Node.js?
A) callbacks
B) promises
C) async/await
D) all of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: Callbacks, promises, and async/await are all used to manage asynchronous operations in Node.js.
14. Which of the following is used to handle errors in Node.js?
A) try/catch
B) throw
C) assert
D) all of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: try/catch, throw, and assert are all used to handle errors in Node.js.
15. Which of the following is used to generate random numbers in Node.js?
A) Math.random()
B) random()
C) random.int()
D) Math.random.int()
Answer: A
Explanation: The Math.random() method is used to generate random numbers in Node.js.
16. Which of the following is used to generate UUIDs in Node.js?
A) uuid()
B) uuidv1()
C) uuidv4()
D) all of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: uuid(), uuidv1(), and uuidv4() are all used to generate UUIDs in Node.js.
17. Which of the following is used to encrypt data in Node.js?
A) crypto.createCipher()
B) crypto.encrypt()
C) crypto.hash()
D) crypto.encode()
Answer: A
Explanation: The crypto.createCipher() method is used to encrypt data in Node.js.
18. Which of the following is used to decrypt data in Node.js?
A) crypto.createDecipher()
B) crypto.decrypt()
C) crypto.hash()
D) crypto.encode()
Answer: A
Explanation: The crypto.createDecipher() method is used to decrypt data in Node.js.
19. Which of the following is used to generate secure passwords in Node.js?
A) bcrypt
B) md5
C) sha256
D) all of the above
Answer: A
Explanation: bcrypt is used to generate secure passwords in Node.js.
20. Which of the following is used to manipulate dates and times in Node.js?
A) moment.js
B) date.js
C) time.js
D) datetime.js
Answer: A
Explanation: moment.js is used to manipulate dates and times in Node.js.
21. Which of the following is used to send email in Node.js?
A) nodemailer
B) email.js
C) sendmail
D) all of the above
Answer: A
Explanation: nodemailer is used to send email in Node.js.
22. Which of the following is used to create and manage web sockets in Node.js?
A) socket.io
B) websockets.js
C) ws
D) all of the above
Answer: A
Explanation: socket.io is used to create and manage web sockets in Node.js.
23. Which of the following is used to interact with MongoDB in Node.js?
A) mongoose
B) sequelize
C) knex
D) all of the above
Answer: A
Explanation: mongoose is used to interact with MongoDB in Node.js.
24. Which of the following is used to interact with MySQL in Node.js?
A) mysql
B) sequelize
C) knex
D) all of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: mysql, sequelize, and knex are all used to interact with MySQL in Node.js.
25. Which of the following is used to interact with Redis in Node.js?
A) redis
B) sequelize
C) knex
D) all of the above
Answer: A
Explanation: redis is used to interact with Redis in Node.js.
26. Which of the following is used to interact with PostgreSQL in Node.js?
A) pg
B) sequelize
C) knex
D) all of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: pg, sequelize, and knex are all used to interact with PostgreSQL in Node.js.
27. Which of the following is used to interact with SQLite in Node.js?
A) sqlite3
B) sequelize
C) knex
D) all of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: sqlite3, sequelize, and knex are all used to interact with SQLite in Node.js.
28. Which of the following is used to parse and manipulate HTML in Node.js?
A) cheerio
B) jsdom
C) htmlparser2
D) all of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: cheerio, jsdom, and htmlparser2 are all used to parse and manipulate HTML in Node.js.
29. Which of the following is used to create HTTP servers in Node.js?
A) http
B) express
C) koa
D) all of the above
Answer: A
Explanation: http is used to create HTTP servers in Node.js.
30. Which of the following is used to create GraphQL APIs in Node.js?
A) apollo-server
B) express-graphql
C) koa-graphql
D) all of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: apollo-server, express-graphql, and koa-graphql are all used to create GraphQL APIs in Node.js.
31. Which of the following is used to create WebSocket servers in Node.js?
A) ws
B) socket.io
C) uws
D) all of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: ws, socket.io, and uws are all used to create WebSocket servers in Node.js.
32. Which of the following is used to create desktop applications in Node.js?
A) Electron
B) NW.js
C) app.js
D) all of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: Electron, NW.js, and app.js are all used to create desktop applications in Node.js.
33. Which of the following is used to create mobile applications in Node.js?
A) React Native
B) NativeScript
C) Ionic
D) all of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: React Native, NativeScript, and Ionic are all used to create mobile applications in Node.js.
34. Which of the following is used to create unit tests in Node.js?
A) Mocha
B) Jest
C) Ava
D) all of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: Mocha, Jest, and Ava are all used to create unit tests in Node.js.
35. Which of the following is used to create integration tests in Node.js?
A) SuperTest
B) Frisby
C) Supertest-as-promised
D) all of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: SuperTest, Frisby, and Supertest-as-promised are all used to create integration tests in Node.js.
36. Which of the following is used to create end-to-end tests in Node.js?
A) Cypress
B) Nightwatch.js
C) Protractor
D) all of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: Cypress, Nightwatch.js, and Protractor are all used to create end-to-end tests in Node.js.
37. Which of the following is used to create performance tests in Node.js?
A) autocannon
B) artillery
C) loadtest
D) all of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: autocannon, artillery, and loadtest are all used to create performance tests in Node.js.
38. Which of the following is used to create benchmarks in Node.js?
A) benchmark.js
B) perf_hooks
C) v8-profiler
D) all of the above
Answer: A
Explanation: benchmark.js is used to create benchmarks in Node.js.
39. Which of the following is used to create debugging tools in Node.js?
A) Node.js Inspector
B) ndb
C) Visual Studio Code Debugger
D) all of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: Node.js Inspector, ndb, and Visual Studio Code Debugger are all used to create debugging tools in Node.js.
40. Which of the following is used to create documentation in Node.js?
A) JSDoc
B) ESDoc
C) Docco
D) all of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: JSDoc, ESDoc, and Docco are all used to create documentation in Node.js.
41. Which of the following is used to create package managers in Node.js?
A) npm
B) Yarn
C) pnpm
D) all of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: npm, Yarn, and pnpm are all used to create package managers in Node.js.
42. Which of the following is used to create build tools in Node.js?
A) Grunt
B) Gulp
C) webpack
D) all of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: Grunt, Gulp, and webpack are all used to create build tools in Node.js.
43. Which of the following is used to create task runners in Node.js?
A) npm scripts
B) Gulp
C) Grunt
D) all of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: npm scripts, Gulp, and Grunt are all used to create task runners in Node.js.
44. Which of the following is used to create linters in Node.js?
A) ESLint
B) JSHint
C) Standard
D) all of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: ESLint, JSHint, and Standard are all used to create linters in Node.js.
45. Which of the following is used to create code formatters in Node.js?
A) Prettier
B) Standard
C) ESLint
D) all of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: Prettier, Standard, and ESLint are all used to create code formatters in Node.js.
46. Which of the following is used to create logging frameworks in Node.js?
A) Winston
B) Bunyan
C) Log4js
D) all of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: Winston, Bunyan, and Log4js are all used to create logging frameworks in Node.js.
47. Which of the following is used to create error handling frameworks in Node.js?
A) Express.js error handling middleware
B) domain module
C) Node.js assert module
D) all of the above
Answer: A
Explanation: Express.js error handling middleware, domain module, and Node.js assert module are all used to create error handling frameworks in Node.js.
48. Which of the following is used to create authentication frameworks in Node.js?
A) Passport
B) Auth0
C) Stormpath
D) all of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: Passport, Auth0, and Stormpath are all used to create authentication frameworks in Node.js.
49. Which of the following is used to create authorization frameworks in Node.js?
C) Feathers
D) all of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: ACL, CASL, and Feathers are all used to create authorization frameworks in Node.js.
50. Which of the following is used to create web application frameworks in Node.js?
A) Express.js
B) Koa
C) Hapi
D) all of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: Express.js, Koa, and Hapi are all used to create web application frameworks in Node.js.
51. Which of the following is used to create real-time web applications in Node.js?
A) Socket.io
B) SockJS
C) Primus
D) all of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: Socket.io, SockJS, and Primus are all used to create real-time web applications in Node.js.
52. Which of the following is used to create RESTful APIs in Node.js?
A) Express.js
B) Koa
C) Hapi
D) all of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: Express.js, Koa, and Hapi are all used to create RESTful APIs in Node.js.
53. Which of the following is used to create database connections in Node.js?
A) Sequelize
B) Mongoose
C) knex.js
D) all of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: Sequelize, Mongoose, and knex.js are all used to create database connections in Node.js.
54. Which of the following is used to create caching solutions in Node.js?
A) Redis
B) Memcached
C) node-cache
D) all of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: Redis, Memcached, and node-cache are all used to create caching solutions in Node.js.
55. Which of the following is used to create task schedulers in Node.js?
A) node-cron
B) Agenda
C) Bull
D) all of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: node-cron, Agenda, and Bull are all used to create task schedulers in Node.js.
56. Which of the following is used to create email sending services in Node.js?
A) nodemailer
B) emailjs
C) sendgrid
D) all of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: nodemailer, emailjs, and sendgrid are all used to create email sending services in Node.js.
57. Which of the following is used to create file uploading services in Node.js?
A) Multer
B) formidable
C) busboy
D) all of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: Multer, formidable, and busboy are all used to create file uploading services in Node.js.
58. Which of the following is used to create image processing services in Node.js?
A) sharp
B) gm
C) jimp
D) all of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: sharp, gm, and jimp are all used to create image processing services in Node.js.
59. Which of the following is used to create PDF generating services in Node.js?
A) pdfkit
B) hummusjs
C) wkhtmltopdf
D) all of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: pdfkit, hummusjs, and wkhtmltopdf are all used to create PDF-generating services in Node.js.
The Node.js MCQ Quiz with answers offers a comprehensive resource for anyone seeking to improve their skills in this versatile platform. By testing your knowledge and providing detailed explanations, these Top NodeJS MCQ Questions provide an excellent opportunity to deepen your understanding of Node.js and its many applications. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, mastering Node.js can help you build scalable and high-performance server-side applications. Keep following our Freshersnow website to keep getting updates on technical quizzes.