NRA CET Reasoning Questions and Answers PDF Download: Are you the applicant for the NRA CET Exam? and we know that you will be searching all over the internet for the model questions and answers. So, for the sake of all the applied candidates, we have prepared this article so that you can find all the information regarding the NRA CET Reasoning Q&A with an Explanation.
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NRA CET Reasoning Questions and Answers
Candidates can get the required details regarding the NRA CET Reasoning Questions and Answers from this article. In the NRA CET Exam, there will be only 25 Questions in the Reasoning section for 25 Marks. Candidates can easily test their levels by going through the mock test. We have clearly provided the Reasoning Questions with Answers, and their appropriate explanation.
NRA CET Reasoning Questions and Answers With Explanation
1. ‘Definitely’ is related to ‘probably’ similarly ‘safe’ is related to
A. Point
B. Danger
C. Denim
D. None of the above
Answer: B
Explanation: Option A is correct because the danger is the opposite of safe.
2. What are the missing numbers in this series, 15, 20, 24, 15, 28, 32 15, _, _, 15?
A. 38, 42
B. 37, 41
C. 40, 44
D. 36, 40
Answer: D
Explanation: This is a simple addition series in which the number “15” is interpolated as every third number. And, except 15, four is added to each number to arrive at the next number.
3. Three of the following four are the same in a certain way and hence form a group. Find out the one which does not belong to that group.
A. Black
B. Green
C. Violet
D. Red
Answer: A
Explanation: Except black, all others are colors of the rainbow.
4. Which of the given shapes is the rotation of the main image?
Answer: D
5. How many triangles are there in the given diagram?
A. 16
B. 18
C. 17
D. 15
Answer: C
Explanation: The triangles are: ∆ABF: ∆AGB: ∆AGF: ∆BFC; ∆BCE: ∆CEF: ∆BFE: ∆HBC; ∆HCE: ∆HEF: ∆HBF: ∆BGH; ∆FGH: ∆HCD:∆HDE:∆AFH; ∆ABH:
6. Select a figure from amongst the Answer Figures which will continue the same series as established by the five
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5
Answer: A
Explanation: In one step, the middle element rotates through 180o and in the next step, the other two elements rotate through 180o. The two steps are repeated alternately.
7. In a certain code ‘WRITER’ is written as ‘SFUJSX’. How is ‘DOCTOR’ written in that code?
Answer: D
Explanation: The order of the words is reversed and then each letter is moved one step forward. The reverse of the DOCTOR is ROTCOD. On moving letters one step forward R becomes S; O becomes P; T becomes U; C becomes D; O becomes P, and D becomes E. So, the DOCTOR will be written as SPUDPE in that code.
8. ‘+’ = ’×’
‘-‘ = ’+’
‘×’ = ’/’
’/’ = ‘-‘
Then answer the following questions based on this information
32 × 16/4 + 8 – 30 =?
A. 0
B. -1
C. 2
D. 1
Answer: A
Explanation: Replacing symbols the result will be 0.
9. A is B’s brother. C is B’s father. D is C’s father. E is D’s father. How is A related to D?
A. Nephew
B. Grandson
C. Grandfather
D. Son
Answer: B
Explanation: A and B are brothers and C is B’s father, so A is the son of C. Now, D is C’s father, so A is the grandson of D.
10. Statements:
I) All ducks are rats
II) Some rats are hats
III) All hats are leaves
I) Some leaves are ducks
II) Some hats are ducks
III) Some leaves are rats
A. Only II and III follow
B. Only I follow
C. Only II follows
D. Only III follows
Answer: D
11. Zoology: Animals:: Adenology:?
A. Glands
B. Tides
C. Plants
D. Winds
Answer: A
Explanation: Zoology is the study of animals. Adenology is the study of glands.
12. S1: Smoke oozed up between the planks.
P: Passengers were told to be ready to quit the ship.
Q: The rising gale fanned the smoldering fire.
R: Everyone now knew there was a fire on board.
S: Flames broke out here and there.
S6: Most people bore the shock bravely.
Answer: D
13. Select the diagram which correctly illustrates the relationship between a thief, criminal, and judge.
A. Option B
B. Option C
C. Option D
D. Option A
Answer: B
14. It is 6:00 pm, when can Deepak get the next bus from Noida to Delhi?
I) Buses for Delhi leave after every 30 minutes, until 11 pm.
II) 20 minutes ago, a bus has left for Delhi.
A. Statement I alone is sufficient, but statement II alone is not sufficient
B. Statement II alone is sufficient, but statement I alone is not sufficient
C. Either I or II is sufficient
D. Data in both the statements together are not sufficient
E. Both I and II are needed
Answer: E
Explanation: It is 6:00 pm and 20 minutes ago a bus had left for Delhi, so at 5:40 pm the bus had left. After every 30 minutes a bus leaves for Delhi, so Deepak will get the next bus at 6:10 pm. So, both I and II are needed to answer the question.
15. Statements: Use “Kraft” colors. They add color to our life. – An advertisement.
Catchy slogans do not attract people.
People like dark colors.
A. Either I or II follows
B. Only conclusion II follows
C. Only conclusion I follow
D. Neither I nor II follows
E. Both I and II follow
Answer: D
Explanation: The slogan given in the statement is definitely a catchy one which indicates that catchy slogans do attract people. So, I do not follow. Nothing about people’s preference for colors can be deduced from the statement. Thus, II also does not follow.
16. Suresh walks 18 km from his house to the North. Then he turns towards the East and covers 12 km. He then turns towards the South and covers 6 km. Finally, he turns towards the West and covers 12 km. In which direction is he from his house?
A. North
B. West
C. East
D. South
Answer: A
Explanation: It is clear from the diagram that finally Suresh is to the North of his house.
17. Statement: Films have become indispensable for the entertainment of people.
Films are the only media of entertainment.
People enjoy films.
A. Both I and II are implicit
B. Either I or II is implicit
C. Only assumption I is implicit
D. Only assumption II is implicit
E. Neither I nor II is implicit
Answer: D
Explanation: ‘Films are indispensable’ does not mean that they are the only means of entertainment. So, I is not implicit. Clearly, II follows from the statement. So, it is implicit.
18. A square transparent sheet with a pattern is given. Figures out from amongst the four alternatives as to how the pattern would appear when the transparent sheet is folded at the middle line shown.
A. 4
B. 2
C. 1
D. 3
Answer: C
19. Refer the following and answer the question that follows:
If highways were restricted to cars and only those trucks with a capacity of less than 8 tons, most of the truck traffic would be forced to run outside highways. Such a reduction in the amount of truck traffic would reduce the risk of collisions on highways.
The conclusion drawn in the Ist sentence depends on which of the following assumptions?
A. Cars are at greater risk of being involved in collisions than are trucks.
B. The roads outside the highway would be as convenient as a highway for most drivers of trucks.
C. Most trucks that are currently running on the highway have a capacity of more than 8 tons.
D. Most of the roads outside highways is not ready to handle truck traffic.
Answer: C
Explanation: The first sentence concludes that prohibiting trucks with a capacity of more than 8 tons from highways would force most trucks away from highways. The conclusion cannot be true unless it is true that, as 3 says, most trucks that use highways have a capacity of more than 8 tons. Therefore, the first sentence’s conclusion assumes this choice, which is thus the best answer.
20. Study the information given below and answer the questions based on it.
A, B, C, D, E, F, and G are seven Professionals who work in three different companies namely TCS, Infosys, and HCL, such that not fewer than two Professionals work in the same company. Each Professional has a different car namely Renault Duster, Chevrolet Beat, Maruti Suzuki Desire, Maruti Suzuki Swift, Maruti Suzuki WagonR, Mercedes Benz, and Honda city but not necessarily in the same order. A likes Mercedes Benz and works in the TCS Company with only one other friend who likes Maruti Suzuki Swift.
G works with two other Professionals. Both the Professionals who work with G like the same company car (here car include only Desire, swift and WagonR). D works in the Infosys Company with only one person and does not like Chevrolet Beat. E works with only one Professional. The one who likes Renault Duster does not work in the TCS or Infosys Company. E does not like the same company car (desire, swift, and WagonR). C does not like Maruti Suzuki Desire, Maruti Suzuki WagonR, or Chevrolet Beat.
I) Who among the following works in the HCL Company?
A. B
B. G
C. F
D. All the above
E. None of the above
Answer: D
II) Which of the following is C’s car?
A. Benz
B. Swift
C. Beat
D. Honda
E. None of these
Answer: B
III) Which of the following combinations is definitely correct?
A. Honda – D – Infosys
B. Benz – D – TCS
C. Renault – E – HCL
D. Beat – C – TCS
E. None of these.
Answer: A
21. If there is a possibility of any meaningful word with the second, fourth and sixth letters of the following word, which of the following will be the middle letter? X is the answer for no other possibilities. If more than one such word can be made, give M as the answer.
A. I
B. N
C. X
D. U
E. M
Answer: C
Explanation: The letters are N I U from which no words can be formed.
22. Consider the following sequences:
1 2 3 4 5
Now, which of the following structure will give a meaningful word?
A. 42135
B. 12345
C. 54231
D. 43125
Answer: C
Explanation: BOARD
23. Using the three letters A, E and T determine the number of meaningful words that can be formed. Past participle or past form of the verb can also be counted.
A. 2
B. 1
C. 3
D. More than 3
Answer: C
Explanation: TEA, ATE, EAT
24. Consider the following arrangement of letters ”TEKCCIR”. If the rearrangement of these letters can form a name of sport, then what will be the last letter of that word?
A. R
B. E
C. C
D. T
Answer: D
Explanation: The right word is CRICKET
25. Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
When a word and number arrangement machine is given an input line of words and numbers, it arranges them following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of Input and rearrangement.
Input: news 61 below 77 after round 98 sound element 83 64
Step 1: 61 news below 77 after round 98 sound element 83 64
Step 2: 61 83 news below 77 after round 98 sound element 64
Step 3: 61 83 after news below 77 round 98 sound element 64
Step 4: 61 83 after element news below 77 round 98 sound 64
Step 5: 61 83 after element 77 news below round 98 sound 64
Step 6: 61 83 after element 77 below news round 98 sound 64
Step 7: 61 83 after element 77 below news round sound 98 64
Step 8: 61 83 after element 77 below news round sound 64 98
And step 8 is the last step of the above input. As per the rules followed in the above step, find out the appropriate step for the given output.
INPUT: emit random 23 violence 19 speaker 39 expert 33 award 28
I) Which of the following would be at the ninth position from the left end in step 6?
A. Violence
B. Expert
C. 33
D. 39
E. 28
Answer: A
- Arrange all prime numbers in increasing order
- Then arrange the words that start with vowels in ascending order
- Then arrange odd numbers in increasing order
- After odd numbers, arrange the remaining consonant in alphabetical order
- At last, an Even number is placed in increasing order
INPUT: emit random 23 violence 19 speaker 39 expert 33 award 28
Step 1: 19 emit random 23 violence speaker 39 expert 33 award 28
Step 2: 19 23 emit random violence speaker 39 expert 33 award 28
Step 3: 19 23 award emit random violence speaker 39 expert 33 28
Step 4: 19 23 award emit expert random violence speaker 39 33 28
Step 5: 19 23 award emit expert 33 random violence speaker 39 28
Step 6: 19 23 award emit expert 33 39 random violence speaker 28
Step 7: 19 23 award emit expert 33 39 random speaker violence 28
In step 6, violence is ninth from the left end.
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NRA CET Reasoning Questions and Answers – Frequently Asked Questions
How to download the NRA CET Reasoning Questions & Answers PDF?
Candidates can download the NRA CET Reasoning Questions & Answers PDF through the link provided in our site freshers now.
How many questions will be asked in the NRA CET Reasoning Section?
25 questions will be asked in the NRA CET Reasoning Section.
Does Freshersnow provide NRA CET Reasoning Questions and Answers?
Yes, FreshersNow provides NRA CET Reasoning Questions and Answers along with appropriate explanations.
Is there any time limit for the Reasoning Section?
There is no such sectional time limit in the NRA CET Reasoning Section.