Percentages Aptitude Questions and Answers | MCQ Problems

Percentages Quiz

Percentages Aptitude Questions and Answers | MCQ Problems: Well, everyone knows that the Percentages (%) indicates the number or ratio expressed as a fraction. The Percentages are one of the tricky and hardest parts of Aptitude. And most of the people are showing their interest in checking how to work out percentages on a calculator, percentage examples, percentages problems, percentages questions, how to make percentages, Percentages Questions in Aptitude, and percentage problems and solutions.

So, our team has decided to help the candidates by providing the Percentages Aptitude Problems through this article. Therefore, we recommend the competitors, to take the below given Percentages Quiz and get the complete grip on Percentages MCQ Problems. Moreover, people need to learn some of the Percentage Aptitude Tricks, Tips. Therefore, those who are much weak in the Percentages can quickly go to the below sections and grab the information.

Percentages Online Test Information

Quiz Name Percentages
Category Aptitude
Number of Questions 25
Time 30 Minutes
Exam Type MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

Percentages Quiz Online Test – Practice Now

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1. In an examination, it is required to get 45% of the aggregate marks to pass. A student gets 700 marks and has declared failed by 10% marks. What was the maximum aggregate marking a student can get?

a. 2000
b. 1800
c. 1500
d. 2200
e. 2500

Answer: a


Percentages 1st Question Explanation

2. A scored 85% in 1st exam with a maximum mark of 1200 and 70% in 2nd exam with a maximum mark of 800. If the result is based on the combined % of the two exams, the combined % is

a. 88%
b. 79%
c. 63%
d. 60%
e. 75%

Answer: b


Percentages 2nd Question Explanation

3. If the income of B is 60% more than the income of A and the income of C is 20% more than income of B. Then, income of C is how much % more than income of A?

a. 92%
b. 95%
c. 85%
d. 90%
e. 96%

Answer: a


Percentages 3rd Question Explanation

4. The salary of the workers of a factory increases by 10% per month. If the salary in January was Rs.5000, what will be his approximate salary in month March of the same year?

a. Rs.6000
b. Rs.7050
c. Rs.6050
d. Rs.5060
e. Rs.6500

Answer: c


Percentages 4th Question Explanation

5. The population of Karol Bagh in 2017 is x. If the population is increased by 5%, 10% and 12.5% respectively for next three years and becomes 665280 at the end of 2020, then find the value of x.

a. 4,80,000
b. 5,00,000
c. 5,12,000
d. 5,50,000
e. 6,24,500

Answer: c


Percentages 5th Question Explanation

6. If the price is increased by 30% then Kamal fruitwala is able to purchase 18 kg less oranges for Rs. 1170 (initial spending), then find the initial cost price ( Per kg) of oranges.

a. 12 Rs./kg
b. 10 Rs./kg
c. 15 Rs./kg
d. 18 Rs./kg
e. 22 Rs./kg

Answer: c


Percentages 6th Question Explanation

7. A seller gives 25% discount on an item, if he marked up the price of item 25% above C.P. and while selling, he cheats the buyer by giving 15% less in weight. Find his overall profit %. (approx.)

a. 10%
b. 15%
c. 18%
d. 12%
e. 8%

Answer: a


Percentages 7th Question Explanation

8. A solution of ‘gulab sharbat’ has 15% sugar. Another solution has 5% sugar. How many liters’ of the second solution must be added to the 20L of first solution to make a solution of 10% sugar?

a. 5 L
b. 15 L
c. 25 L
d. 20 L
e. 35 L

Answer: d


Percentages 8th Question Explanation

9. A shopkeeper marked up the price of an article 80% above the cost price and gives a successive discount of 20% and 25%. If the shopkeeper makes a profit of Rs. 12, then find the marked price of the article.

a. Rs. 250
b. Rs. 200
c. Rs. 150
d. Rs. 280
e. Rs. 270

Answer: e


Percentages 9th Question Explanation

10. In an election between 2 candidates. 10% of voter didn’t vote and 15% vote are declared invalid the winner get 60% of the valid votes and win by 180 votes. Then find the no of voters in the voting list.

a. 400
b. 410
c. 435
d. 475
e. 480

Answer: a


Percentages 10th Question Explanation

11. The population of a village at the end of 2016 was 10,000. If the population of the village increased by 25% in 2017, decreased by 40% in 2018 and increased by 75% in 2019, then find the population of the village at the end of 2019?

a. 13125
b. 14575
c. 13875
d. 14950
e. None of the above

Answer: a


Percentages 11th Question Explanation

12. A shopkeeper marked up the price of a bag by 20% while gave two discounts of 10% and d%. If he has allowed only first discount then he would have gained Rs 27 more. Find CP if he gained Rs 13 in whole transaction.

a. Cannot be determined
b. Rs 540
c. Rs 600
d. Rs 500
e. None of these

Answer: d


Percentages 12th Question Explanation

13. If the numerator of a fraction is increased by 500% and the denominator is increased by 800%, the resultant fraction is 18/23. What was the original fraction?

a. 27/23
b. 22/23
c. 12/11
d. 25/24
e. 27/26

Answer: a


Percentages 13th Question Explanation

14. Total number of people in town A is 50% more than number of people in town B and number of male in both the towns are equal. If the males and females in town B are 540 and 720 respectively. Find the number of females in town A.

a. 1320
b. 1330
c. 1340
d. 1350
e. 1360

Answer: d


Let the total population of town B is B
So, total population of town A = 1.50B
Males of town B + females of town B = total population of town B
540 + 720 = B
B = 1260
Total population of A = 1.50 × 1260
= 1890
Number of males are same in both the towns,
Females in town A = 1890 – 540
= 1350

15. A person gives 10% of his salary to his wife and 10% to his daughter. 50% of the remaining he invest in a scheme and 30% of the remaining he spends in various expenses. Rest amount he saves. If he spends Rs. 4500 on various expenses, then find the difference between the amount he gives to his wife and his saving.

a. Rs. 2250
b. Rs. 6750
c. Rs. 6575
d. Rs. 7560
e. None of these

Answer: b


Let the salary of the person = Rs. 100x, then
Amount given to his wife and his daughter are Rs. 10x and Rs. 10x respectively.
Amount invested in the scheme = 50% of remaining = 50% of (100x – 10x – 10x) = 50% of 80x = 40x
Amount spent on the various expenses = 30% of remaining = 30% of (80x – 40x) = 30% of 40x = 12x
Amount saved = 40x – 12x = 28x

According to question
12x = Rs. 4500
⇒ 6x ≡ Rs. 2250
Hence, the required difference = Saving – Amount given to his wife = 28x – 10x = 18x = 3 × 6x
= 3 × Rs. 2250 = Rs. 6750

Percentages 15th Question Explanation

16. In a school in which the total number of students is 1800, 80% boys and 70% girls attended an event. If in total 75% of the students attended the event, then what is the number of boys in the school?

a. 720
b. 800
c. 600
d. 900
e. 1080

Answer: d


Let the number of boys in the school be 100x, then
The number of girls in the school = (1800 – 100x)
According to question
80x + 70% of (1800 – 100x) = 75% of 1800
⇒ 80x – 70x = 5% of 1800
⇒ 10x = 90
⇒ x = 9
Hence, the number of boys in the school = 100x = 100 × 9 = 900.

17. Gauri invests 10% of her monthly salary in mutual funds. Out of the remaining salary, she spends 30% on buying groceries. If she invests Rs. 4800 in mutual funds. What is the amount she spends on groceries?

a. Rs. 10320
b. Rs. 11160
c. Rs. 11880
d. Rs. 12960
e. None of these

Answer: d


Investment of Gauri in Mutual funds = 10%
Expenditure on buying groceries = 30% of (100 – 10)% = 30% of 90% = 27%
According to question
10% ≡ Rs. 4800
⇒ 1% ≡ Rs. 480
⇒ 27% ≡ Rs. 480 × 27 = Rs. 12960.

18. The income of A is 10% more than B. The income of B is 10% less than C. The sum of income of all 3 person is Rs. 1,30,050. Find the income of C.

a. Rs.40,000
b. Rs.43,200
c. Rs.51,500
d. Rs.45,000
e. Rs.19,200

Answer: d


Percentages 18th Question Explanation

19. A company purchases two parts M and N of a product from the UK and UAE, respectively. M and N form 30% and 50% of the total production cost. The product is sold at a profit of 20%. Due to change in the international scenario, the cost of the parts from the UK and UAE increases by 30% and 22%, respectively. Due to market conditions, the selling price cannot be increased beyond 10%. What is the maximum possible profit percentage?

a. 10%
b. 0%
c. 7.5%
d. 12%
e. None of these

Answer: a


Let the cost of the components M and N be Rs. 30 and Rs. 50, respectively.
Then, cost of production = Rs. (30 + 50 + 20), where Rs. 20 contributes to the other expenses
We assume the total production cost to be Rs. 100.
Since profit is 20%, selling price = Rs. 120
Now, new cost price of component X = Rs. 39
New cost price of component Y = Rs. 61
New production cost (other expenses do not change)
= (39 + 61 + 20) = Rs. 120
New SP = 120 × 1.1 = 132
∴ New profit% = (132 – 120)/120 × 100 = 10%

20. A shopkeeper allows a discount of 10% on a product whose marked price is Rs 100 and 25% percent on a product whose marked price is Rs 180. If a customer paid total of Rs 1710 and gets a total discount of Rs 370 then how many products of marked price Rs 180 he has purchased.

a. 6
b. 10
c. 8
d. 9
e. None

Answer: a


Let he bought x number of product whose marked price is Rs 100 product and y number of product whose marked price is Rs 180.
Discount on Rs 100 product = Rs 10
S.P of Rs 100 product = Rs 90
Discount on Rs 180 product = 180 × 25/100 = Rs 45
S.P of Rs 180 product = 180 – 45 = Rs 135
According to question,
10x + 45y = 370 —— i
90x + 135y = 1710 —–ii
From i and ii we get
y = 6
So, he bought 6 numbers of Rs 180 product.

21. A shopkeeper sells three types of TVs, one at a loss of 15%, another at a profit of 25% and the third one at a loss of 20%. If the selling price of all the three TVs is same, find by how much percentage is their average Cost Price lower than or higher than their Selling Price. (Approximate)

a. 8.55
b. 7.55
c. 6.55
d. 5.55
e. None

Answer: b


We have to calculate: (average CP – average SP)/average SP.
Here, the selling price is equal for all the three TVs.
Let’s assume the individual selling price of each TV be 100.
So, the average SP for the three TVs is 100.
Now the cost price of the articles
First TV = 100/85% = 117.64
Second TV = 100/125% = 80
Third TV = 100/80% = 125
Now, the average CP of the three TVs = Total cost price/No. of TVs = 322.64/3 = 107.55.
Hence, (average CP – average SP)/average SP = (107.55 – 100)/100 = 7.55%. higher

22. The marked price of A T.V. is Rs. 120000. The seller allows a discount of 20% and earns a profit of 14.28%. If he does not offer any discount, then what will be his profit percentage?

a. 28.56%
b. 50%
c. 57.13%
d. 42.85%
e. None



Percentages 22nd Question Explanation

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Percentages Aptitude Questions

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Meanwhile, we have equipped 25 Questions. So, within 30 Minutes of time, you people need to finish your test. And the given Percentages Quiz is an MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions). Therefore, we insist the competitors, also check the Percentages Aptitude Questions and Answers along with explanations. And remember that after taking the test, you can also get examples and explanations of all the questions.

Percentages Video Explanation

Percentages MCQ Problems and Examples

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