Hi, everyone are you anxious to know about the Plural Forms English Questions? Well, in this page, we have provided the Plural Forms Questions. So it is a right opportunity for you to learn about the Plural Forms English Questions. And this Plural Forms Quiz will be conducted through an online test. So the aspirants who are ready to participate in various examinations and interviews can go through this Plural Forms Questions and Answers. Let’s start to utilize this page to attempt Plural Forms English Questions.
Plural Forms Quiz Basic Info
This Quiz consists of 24 Questions. The time limit for the completion of the Quiz is 30 minutes. And the Quiz Questions are in the form of Multiple Choice Questions which is Objective Type. So the candidates who want to gain a good knowledge of grammar can take the quiz. And this is the correct platform for you. By attempting this Quiz it will be helpful for your future career and also it will help you in the competitive exams.
Quiz Name | Plural Forms |
Category | English |
Number of Questions | 24 |
Time | 30 Minutes |
Exam Type | MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) |
Plural Forms Online Test
1. What is the plural of the word “child”?
A) childs
B) childen
C) children
D) childer
Answer: C) children.
Explanation – The correct plural form of “child” is “children”.
2. What is the plural of the word “tooth”?
A) tooths
B) teeths
C) toothen
D) teeth
Answer: D) teeth.
Explanation –The correct plural form of “tooth” is “teeth”.
3. What is the plural of the word “foot”?
A) foots
B) feet
C) footies
D) footen
Answer: B) feet.
Explanation –The correct plural form of “foot” is “feet”.
4. What is the plural of the word “man”?
A) mans
B) men
C) manies
D) manen
Answer: B) men.
Explanation –The correct plural form of “man” is “men”.
5. What is the plural of the word “woman”?
A) womens
B) women
C) womanies
D) womanen
Answer: B) women.
Explanation – The correct plural form of “woman” is “women”.
6. What is the plural of the word “mouse”?
A) mouses
B) mice
C) mousetails
D) mouseen
Answer: B) mice.
Explanation –The correct plural form of “mouse” is “mice”.
7. What is the plural of the word “deer”?
A) deers
B) deer
C) deerling
D) deerlet
Answer: B) deer.
Explanation –The word “deer” is the same in both singular and plural forms.
8. What is the plural of the word “fish”?
A) fish
B) fishes
C) fishies
D) fishen
Answer: A) fish.
Explanation –The word “fish” can be used as both singular and plural.
9. What is the plural of the word “goose”?
A) gooses
B) geese
C) gooselet
D) goslings
Answer: B) geese.
Explanation – The correct plural form of “goose” is “geese”.
10. What is the plural of the word “person”?
A) persons
B) personen
C) people
D) personhood
Answer: C) people.
Explanation –The correct plural form of “person” is “people”.
11. What is the plural of the word “sheep”?
A) sheeps
B) sheep
C) sheepies
D) sheepen
Answer: B) sheep.
Explanation –The word “sheep” is the same in both singular and plural forms.
12. What is the plural of the word “ox”?
A) oxes
B) oxen
C) oxies
D) oxlet
Answer: B) oxen.
Explanation – The correct plural form of “ox” is “oxen”.
13. What is the plural of the word “childhood”?
A) childhoods
B) childen
C) children
D) childerhood
Answer: A) childhoods.
Explanation – The correct plural form of “childhood” is “childhoods”.
14. What is the plural of the word “radius”?
A) radiuses
B) radiusen
C) radii
D) radien
Answer: C) radii.
Explanation – The correct plural form of “radius” is “radii”.
15. What is the plural of the word “syllabus”?
A) syllabuses
B) syllabi
C) syllabusen
D) syllaben
Answer: B) syllabi.
Explanation –The correct plural form of “syllabus” is “syllabi”.
16. What is the plural of the word “crisis”?
A) crisis
B) crisises
C) crisiseses
D) crisisses
Answer: B) crisises.
Explanation – The correct plural form of “crisis” is “crises”.
17. What is the plural of the word “analysis”?
A) analysis
B) analysises
C) analysi
D) analyses
Answer: D) analyses.
Explanation – The correct plural form of “analysis” is “analyses”.
18. What is the plural of the word “parenthesis”?
A) parenthesis
B) parenthesises
C) parenthesi
D) parentheses
Answer: D) parentheses.
Explanation –The correct plural form of “parenthesis” is “parentheses”.
19. What is the plural of the word “datum”?
A) datas
B) data
C) datums
D) datalet
Answer: B) data.
Explanation –The word “data” can be used as both singular and plural.
20. What is the plural of the word “formula”?
A) formulas
B) formulai
C) formulen
D) formulisses
Answer: A) formulas.
Explanation – The correct plural form of “formula” is “formulas”.
21. What is the plural of the word “criterion”?
A) criterions
B) criteries
C) criteria
D) criterien
Answer: C) criteria.
Explanation –The correct plural form of “criterion” is “criteria”.
22. What is the plural of the word “index”?
A) indexes
B) indices
C) indexen
D) indexlet
Answer: B) indices.
Explanation –The correct plural form of “index” is “indices”.
23. What is the plural of the word “stimulus”?
A) stimuli
B) stimulus
C) stimuluses
D) stimulet
Answer: A) stimuli.
Explanation – The correct plural form of “stimulus” is “stimuli”.
24. What is the plural of the word “medium”?
A) mediums
B) media
C) mediumies
D) mediumen
Answer: B) media.
Explanation –The correct plural form of “medium” is “media”.
25. What is the plural of the word “thief”?
A) thiefs
B) thieve
C) thieves
D) thiefen
Answer: C) thieves.
Explanation – The correct plural form of “thief” is “thieves”.
About Plural Forms
We already know about Singular forms. Plural Forms are nothing but denoting the two or more things. Plural Forms are obtained by adding ‘s’ to the singular form. In the below, we have mentioned some examples regarding to, the Plural Forms so it will help you to get a clear view on Plural Forms.
Examples of Plural Forms
- To make regular nouns as plural simply we can put at the ‘s’ at the end.
Example: Cat – Cats
House – Houses.
- Suppose if the noun that ends with –f we have to replace that –f to –ve as shown below.
Example: Wife – Wives
Wolf – Wolves.
- If the singular known that ends with –o, then in the plural we have to add –es at the ending. For example, as shown below:
Example: Potato – Potatoes
Tomato – Tomatoes.
So, these are the some of the examples about Plural Forms. By seeing this you can gain a clear idea about the Plural Forms. And this will improve your knowledge also increases your confidence levels. The people who are very interested in learning about the grammar. Our page will help you to increase your level of thinking and improvises your grammar skills.
Plural Forms Quiz Results
As I mentioned above the results will be released after writing the Plural Forms Quiz. So every candidate utilizes this Quiz this will act as your Mock test. It will be like Practice test for you. By taking this Quiz you became genius in English grammar so you cannot depend on others every time. You can prepare your Sentences without any grammar mistake. Furthermore, also check Singular and Plural Nouns Quiz, Irregular Plural Nouns Quiz, Plural Questions and Answers from this post. And to get more and more information regarding this Plural Forms keep in touch with this article.
We hope the above given Plural Forms Quiz helps the candidates a lot. Moreover, bookmark our website freshersnow.com and take the Online Test. Therefore, follow our website on a regular basis.
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