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PouchDB MCQs and Answers With Explanation | PouchDB Quiz

PouchDB MCQ's

PouchDB MCQs and Answers With Explanation: PouchDB is a popular open-source NoSQL database management system that is designed to work seamlessly with web and mobile applications. Developers and data analysts very much like to use it because it is very dependable, adaptable, and simple to use. Anybody looking to improve their knowledge and skill in using this NoSQL database management system will find this article on PouchDB MCQs and Answers with Explanation to be a great resource.

PouchDB MCQs with Answers

You can gain a better grasp of PouchDB’s features and capabilities by taking the PouchDB Quiz in a questions & answers format along with thorough explanations. The Top 55 PouchDB Multiple Choice Questions and their explanations are provided in this post to aid in your placement test and interview preparation as well as to increase your understanding of this potent NoSQL database management solution.

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PouchDB Multiple Choice Questions

Name PouchDB
Exam Type MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)
Category Technical Quiz
Mode of Quiz Online

Top 55 PouchDB MCQ Questions | Practice PouchDB Quiz

1. What is PouchDB?

a) A JavaScript database library
b) A CSS framework
c) A programming language
d) A server-side technology

Answer: a) A JavaScript database library

Explanation: PouchDB is a JavaScript database library that can be used in web and mobile applications to store and manage data.

2. Which of the following is not a feature of PouchDB?

a) Replication
b) Querying
c) Authentication
d) Animation

Answer: d) Animation

Explanation: PouchDB does not have built-in support for animation.

3. What type of database does PouchDB use by default?

a) SQL
b) NoSQL
c) Relational
d) Graph

Answer: b) NoSQL

Explanation: PouchDB uses a NoSQL database by default, specifically the Apache CouchDB database.

4. Which of the following is a benefit of using PouchDB?

a) Easy integration with only one framework
b) Limited flexibility and customization options
c) Only works with small datasets
d) Can sync data between clients and servers

Answer: d) Can sync data between clients and servers

Explanation: PouchDB provides the ability to sync data between clients and servers, which is a major benefit for applications that need offline functionality.

5. How can PouchDB be used in a web application?

a) As a client-side database
b) As a server-side database
c) Both A and B
d) None of the above

Answer: c) Both A and B

Explanation: PouchDB can be used as both a client-side and server-side database in a web application.

6. What is the purpose of PouchDB’s “changes” API?

a) To retrieve all documents in the database
b) To retrieve a specific document by ID
c) To listen for changes to the database
d) To delete a document from the database

Answer: c) To listen for changes to the database

Explanation: PouchDB’s “changes” API allows you to listen for changes to the database in real-time, such as when a new document is added or an existing document is updated or deleted.

7. What is the syntax for creating a new instance of PouchDB?

a) var db = new PouchDB(“mydb”);
b) var db = PouchDB.create(“mydb”);
c) var db = createPouchDB(“mydb”);
d) var db = new Database(“mydb”);

Answer: a) var db = new PouchDB(“mydb”);

Explanation: The syntax for creating a new instance of PouchDB is “var db = new PouchDB(‘mydb’)”.

8. Which of the following is not a method for querying data in PouchDB?


Answer: c) db.insert()

Explanation: The “db.insert()” method is not used for querying data in PouchDB, but rather for inserting new documents into the database.

9. How can you limit the number of documents returned by a PouchDB query?

a) Use the “skip” method
b) Use the “limit” method
c) Use the “sort” method
d) Use the “filter” method

Answer: b) Use the “limit” method

Explanation: The “limit” method can be used to limit the number of documents returned by a PouchDB query.

10. What is the purpose of PouchDB’s “replication” feature?

a) To copy a database to a new location
b) To synchronize data between two or more databases
c) To backup and restore a database
d) To compress data stored in the database

Answer: b) To synchronize data between two or more databases

Explanation: PouchDB’s “replication” feature allows you to synchronize data between two or more databases, making it easy to keep data consistent across multiple devices or servers.

11. Which of the following is not a type of PouchDB replication?

a) One-way replication
b) Two-way replication
c) Three-way replication
d) Multi-master replication

Answer: c) Three-way replication

Explanation: “Three-way replication” is not a type of PouchDB replication.

12. What is the purpose of PouchDB’s “conflicts” API?

a) To resolve conflicts that occur during replication
b) To delete documents from the database
c) To retrieve a list of all documents in the database
d) To update the schema of the database

Answer: a) To resolve conflicts that occur during replication

Explanation: PouchDB’s “conflicts” API allows you to resolve conflicts that occur during replication, such as when the same document is modified on two different devices.

13. What is the syntax for initiating a replication in PouchDB?

a)replicate(from, to)
b)sync(from, to)
d)replicate.all(from, to)

Answer: b) db.sync(from, to)

Explanation: The syntax for initiating a replication in PouchDB is “db.sync(from, to)”.

14. Which of the following is not a type of PouchDB filter function?

a) By ID
b) By date range
c) By document type
d) By author

Answer: d) By author

Explanation: “By author” is not a type of PouchDB filter function.

15. How can you use PouchDB to implement offline-first functionality in a web application?

a) By caching all data in the browser
b) By using a service worker to intercept network requests
c) By using a browser plugin to cache data
d) By relying on the browser’s built-in offline mode

Answer: b) By using a service worker to intercept network requests

Explanation: By using a service worker to intercept network requests, you can use PouchDB to cache and manage data locally, allowing your web application to function offline-first.

16. What is the purpose of PouchDB’s “live” API?

a) To stream data from the database in real-time
b) To retrieve data from the database on a set interval
c) To compress data stored in the database
d) To limit the amount of data returned by a query

Answer: a) To stream data from the database in real-time

Explanation: PouchDB’s “live” API allows you to stream data from the database in real-time, so that any changes to the database are immediately reflected in the client.

17. Which of the following is not a benefit of using PouchDB for offline-first web applications?

a) Improved performance
b) Increased reliability
c) Reduced development time
d) Better SEO

Answer: d) Better SEO

Explanation: Using PouchDB for offline-first web applications does not directly improve SEO, although it may indirectly improve SEO by improving user engagement and satisfaction.

18. What is the purpose of PouchDB’s “attachments” API?

a) To add images or other files to a document
b) To compress data stored in the database
c) To encrypt data stored in the database
d) To delete documents from the database

Answer: a) To add images or other files to a document

Explanation: PouchDB’s “attachments” API allows you to add images or other files to a document in the database.

19. Which of the following is not a benefit of using PouchDB for mobile applications?

a) Offline data access
b) Synchronization between devices
c) Cross-platform compatibility
d) Native UI components

Answer: d) Native UI components

Explanation: PouchDB is not designed to provide native UI components for mobile applications.

20. Which of the following is not a supported platform for PouchDB?

a) Web browsers
c) iOS
d) Android

Answer: c) iOS

Explanation: While PouchDB can be used with iOS through web views, it is not specifically designed for iOS.

21. What is the purpose of PouchDB’s “index” API?

a) To create indexes for fast queries
b) To encrypt data stored in the database
c) To delete documents from the database
d) To compress data stored in the database

Answer: a) To create indexes for fast queries

Explanation: PouchDB’s “index” API allows you to create indexes for fast queries on specific fields in the database.

22. Which of the following is not a type of PouchDB index?

a) Value index
b) Text index
c) Full-text index
d) Time index

Answer: d) Time index

Explanation: “Time index” is not a type of PouchDB index.

23. What is the syntax for creating a PouchDB index?

a)createIndex(indexName, fieldName)
b)index.create(indexName, fieldName)
c)index(indexName, fieldName)
d)create(indexName, fieldName)

Answer: a) db.createIndex(indexName, fieldName)

Explanation: The syntax for creating a PouchDB index is “db.createIndex(indexName, fieldName)”.

24. What is the purpose of PouchDB’s “map/reduce” functions?

a) To transform and filter data returned by queries
b) To encrypt data stored in the database
c) To delete documents from the database
d) To compress data stored in the database

Answer: a) To transform and filter data returned by queries

Explanation: PouchDB’s “map/reduce” functions allow you to transform and filter data returned by queries, allowing for more powerful and flexible data processing.

25. What is the syntax for querying a PouchDB database using a map/reduce function?

a)query(mapFunction, reduceFunction)
b)mapReduce(mapFunction, reduceFunction)
c)reduce(mapFunction, reduceFunction)
d)map(mapFunction, reduceFunction)

Answer: b) db.mapReduce(mapFunction, reduceFunction)

Explanation: The syntax for querying a PouchDB database using a map/reduce function is “db.mapReduce(mapFunction, reduceFunction)”.

26. Which of the following is not a PouchDB event?

a) change
b) complete
c) error
d) submit

Answer: d) submit

Explanation: “Submit” is not a PouchDB event.

27. Which of the following is not a type of PouchDB replication filter?

a) By ID
b) By date range
c) By user role
d) By document type

Answer: c) By user role

Explanation: PouchDB replication filters can filter data by ID, date range, and document type, but not by user role.

28. What is the syntax for replicating a PouchDB database?

a)replicate(source, target)
b)sync(source, target)
c)copy(source, target)
d)transfer(source, target)

Answer: b) db.sync(source, target)

Explanation: The syntax for replicating a PouchDB database is “db.sync(source, target)”.

29. What is the purpose of PouchDB’s “bulkDocs” API?

a) To retrieve multiple documents from the database
b) To insert or update multiple documents in the database
c) To delete multiple documents from the database
d) To compress multiple documents in the database

Answer: b) To insert or update multiple documents in the database

Explanation: PouchDB’s “bulkDocs” API allows you to insert or update multiple documents in the database at once, which can be more efficient than inserting or updating them one at a time.

30. Which of the following is not a way to create a PouchDB database?

a) By instantiating a new PouchDB object
b) By replicating an existing database
c) By importing data from a CSV file
d) By creating a new CouchDB database and syncing it with PouchDB

Answer: c) By importing data from a CSV file

Explanation: While you can import data from a CSV file into a PouchDB database, this is not a way to create a new PouchDB database.

31. What is the purpose of PouchDB’s “destroy” API?

a) To permanently delete a database
b) To empty a database of all documents
c) To compress a database to save disk space
d) To backup a database to a file

Answer: a) To permanently delete a database

Explanation: PouchDB’s “destroy” API allows you to permanently delete a database, removing it from the file system.

32. Which of the following is not a PouchDB plug-in?

a) PouchDB Find
b) PouchDB Replication
c) PouchDB Authentication
d) PouchDB Compression

Answer: d) PouchDB Compression

Explanation: “PouchDB Compression” is not a PouchDB plug-in.

33. What is the purpose of PouchDB’s “Find” plug-in?

a) To create indexes for fast queries
b) To provide a simplified query syntax
c) To monitor changes to the database in real-time
d) To replicate data between databases

Answer: b) To provide a simplified query syntax

Explanation: PouchDB’s “Find” plug-in provides a simplified query syntax for querying the database.

34. Which of the following is not a type of query supported by the PouchDB “Find” plug-in?

a) Equality
b) Range
c) Full-text search
d) Regular expression

Answer: c) Full-text search

Explanation: While PouchDB does support full-text search, it is not a type of query supported by the “Find” plug-in.

35. What is the syntax for using the PouchDB “Find” plug-in to query a database?


Answer: a) db.find(query)

Explanation: The syntax for using the PouchDB “Find” plug-in to query a database is “db.find(query)”.

36. Which of the following is not a type of index supported by the PouchDB “Find” plug-in?

a) Value index
b) Map index
c) Full-text index
d) Spatial index

Answer: c) Full-text index

Explanation: While PouchDB does support full-text search, it is not a type of index supported by the “Find” plug-in.

37. What is the purpose of PouchDB’s “Authentication” plug-in?

a) To provide secure authentication for users
b) To monitor changes to the database in real-time
c) To replicate data between databases
d) To compress a database to save disk space

Answer: a) To provide secure authentication for users

Explanation: PouchDB’s “Authentication” plug-in provides secure authentication for users.

38. Which of the following authentication providers is not supported by the PouchDB “Authentication” plug-in?

a) Facebook
b) Twitter
c) Google
d) LinkedIn

Answer: d) LinkedIn

Explanation: LinkedIn is not currently supported as an authentication provider by the PouchDB “Authentication” plug-in.

39. What is the syntax for creating a new user with the PouchDB “Authentication” plug-in?

a)signup(username, password)
b)create(username, password)
c)newUser(username, password)
d)addUser(username, password)

Answer: a) db.signup(username, password)

Explanation: The syntax for creating a new user with the PouchDB “Authentication” plug-in is “db.signup(username, password)”.

40. Which of the following is not a way to authenticate a user with the PouchDB “Authentication” plug-in?

a) Username and password
b) Facebook login
c) Twitter login
d) OpenID Connect

Answer: d) OpenID Connect

Explanation: While OpenID Connect is a standard for user authentication, it is not currently supported by the PouchDB “Authentication” plug-in.

41. What is the purpose of PouchDB’s “Replication Stream” plug-in?

a) To replicate data between databases using streams
b) To compress a database to save disk space
c) To monitor changes to the database in real-time
d) To provide secure authentication for users

Answer: a) To replicate data between databases using streams

Explanation: PouchDB’s “Replication Stream” plug-in allows you to replicate data between databases using streams, which can be more efficient than using the standard replication API.

42. Which of the following is not a benefit of using the PouchDB “Replication Stream” plug-in?

a) Improved replication speed
b) Reduced memory usage
c) Improved data compression
d) Improved network efficiency

Answer: c) Improved data compression

Explanation: While using streams can improve replication speed, reduce memory usage, and improve network efficiency, it does not improve data compression.

43. What is the syntax for using the PouchDB “Replication Stream” plug-in to replicate data between databases?

a)replicateStream(source, target)
b)streamReplicate(source, target)
c)copyStream(source, target)
d)transferStream(source, target)

Answer: a) db.replicateStream(source, target)

Explanation: The syntax for using the PouchDB “Replication Stream” plug-in to replicate data between databases is “db.replicateStream(source, target)”.

44. Which of the following is not a way to configure PouchDB replication?

a) By specifying the replication direction
b) By specifying the replication filter
c) By specifying the replication options
d) By specifying the replication compression algorithm

Answer: d) By specifying the replication compression algorithm

Explanation: PouchDB replication does not currently support specifying the replication compression algorithm.

45. What is the purpose of PouchDB’s “Upsert” plug-in?

a) To insert new documents into the database
b) To update existing documents in the database
c) To insert or update documents in the database based on their existing state
d) To delete documents from the database

Answer: c) To insert or update documents in the database based on their existing state

Explanation: PouchDB’s “Upsert” plug-in allows you to insert or update documents in the database based on their existing state, rather than just inserting new documents or updating existing ones.

46. What is the syntax for using the PouchDB “Upsert” plug-in to insert or update a document?


Answer: a) db.upsert(doc)

Explanation: The syntax for using the PouchDB “Upsert” plug-in to insert or update a document is “db.upsert(doc)“.

47. What is the purpose of PouchDB’s “Migrate” plug-in?

a) To migrate data between different database formats
b) To migrate data between different databases
c) To migrate data from a local database to a remote database
d) To migrate data from a remote database to a local database

Answer: a) To migrate data between different database formats

Explanation: PouchDB’s “Migrate” plug-in allows you to migrate data between different database formats, such as from one version of PouchDB to another.

48. Which of the following database formats is not supported by the PouchDB “Migrate” plug-in?

a) SQLite
b) CouchDB
c) IndexedDB
d) MySQL

Answer: d) MySQL

Explanation: MySQL is not currently supported by the PouchDB “Migrate” plug-in.

49. What is the syntax for using the PouchDB “Migrate” plug-in to migrate data between database formats?

a)migrate(source, target)
b)convert(source, target)
c)migrateData(source, target)
d)transferData(source, target)

Answer: a) db.migrate(source, target)

Explanation: The syntax for using the PouchDB “Migrate” plug-in to migrate data between database formats is “db.migrate(source, target)”.

50. What is the purpose of PouchDB’s “Encryption” plug-in?

a) To encrypt data stored in the database
b) To provide secure authentication for users
c) To replicate data between databases
d) To compress a database to save disk space

Answer: a) To encrypt data stored in the database

Explanation: PouchDB’s “Encryption” plug-in allows you to encrypt data stored in the database.

51. Which encryption algorithm is used by the PouchDB “Encryption” plug-in?

a) AES-128
b) AES-256
c) RSA
d) SHA-256

Answer: b) AES-256

Explanation: The PouchDB “Encryption” plug-in uses the AES-256 encryption algorithm.

52. What is the syntax for encrypting a database with the PouchDB “Encryption” plug-in?


Answer: a) db.encrypt(password)

Explanation: The syntax for encrypting a database with the PouchDB “Encryption” plug-in is “db.encrypt(password)”.

53. What is the purpose of PouchDB’s “Replication Sync” plug-in?

a) To replicate data between databases using streams
b) To replicate data between databases using web sockets
c) To replicate data between databases using HTTP requests
d) To replicate data between databases using Bluetooth

Answer: c) To replicate data between databases using HTTP requests

Explanation: PouchDB’s “Replication Sync” plug-in allows you to replicate data between databases using HTTP requests.

54. What is the syntax for using the PouchDB “Replication Sync” plug-in to replicate data between two databases?

a) sync(source, target)
b) replicate(source, target)
c) transfer(source, target)
d) copy(source, target)

Answer: a) db.sync(source, target)

Explanation: The syntax for using the PouchDB “Replication Sync” plug-in to replicate data between two databases is “db.sync(source, target)”.

55. What is the purpose of PouchDB’s “Live Query” plug-in?

a) To run live queries on a database and receive real-time updates as the data changes
b) To query a database without updating the results as the data changes
c) To optimize database queries for better performance
d) To perform complex queries that cannot be done with standard database tools

Answer: a) To run live queries on a database and receive real-time updates as the data changes

Explanation: PouchDB’s “Live Query” plug-in allows you to run live queries on a database and receive real-time updates as the data changes.

PouchDB is a strong open-source JavaScript database that enables programmers to create online apps that can run offline. It offers seamless synchronization capability with CouchDB and other databases and is based on the CouchDB protocol. Regardless of your level of PouchDB experience, the knowledge you receive from these PouchDB MCQ Questions and Answers will unquestionably improve your development abilities and enable you to produce more durable and responsive online applications. Keep following our FreshersNow website to receive updated on technical quizzes. is one of the best job sites in India. On this website you can find list of jobs such as IT jobs, government jobs, bank jobs, railway jobs, work from home jobs, part time jobs, online jobs, pharmacist jobs, software jobs etc. Along with employment updates, we also provide online classes for various courses through our android app. also offers recruitment board to employers to post their job advertisements for free.