Prefix – English Questions and Answers Quiz Online Test

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Hello, everyone, You can take this Prefix English Quiz Online Test which was available on this page. It was going to help you to clear all Verbal Ability grammar section related to any Competitive Exams. And, by practicing this Prefix Online Test you can get complete idea about the concept Prefix. Therefore you can take this Quiz, it is for free of money. And you can take the exam any number of times. In this Quiz, we include the Prefix Quiz Questions related to the crack the Exams like UPSC, SSC, RAILWAYS, BANKING, MAT, CAT, CAD, CAM and other Top most companies campus drives also.

Not able to clear the Prefix related Questions in the Exams? For that, we are here. And we are providing the Prefix Quiz Questions and Answers. In the meanwhile, aspirants can please look at this article. This article will provides you the detail information about the Prefix Concept Quiz and also Online Test information. The Test will be conducted through online i.e Prefix English Questions.

Prefix Quiz Details

Quiz Name Prefix
Category English Questions
Number of Questions 25
Time 30 Minutes
Exam Type MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

The Quiz consisting of 25 Questions and it takes just 30 minutes of time to complete the Prefix Quiz. By taking this Quiz you can gain good knowledge. And you will understand by before what we are and after taking the Prefix Quiz Questions and answers what we are. For that candidates, this page ay helps you a lot and it will be very useful. Candidates while taking this exam they should be careful about the words that are related to this topic or not. Now you can look at the below we have mentioned about the Prefix.

Prefix Quiz Questions

1. What does the prefix “pre-” mean in the word “preview”?

a. after
b. before
c. during
d. without

Answer: b) before

Explanation: The prefix “pre-” means “before,” so a preview is a preliminary showing of something before it is officially released.

2. What does the prefix “sub-” mean in the word “submarine”?

a. above
b. below
c. around
d. against

Answer: b) below

Explanation: The prefix “sub-” means “below,” so a submarine is a vessel that travels below the surface of the water.

3. What does the prefix “dis-” mean in the word “disagree”?

a. opposite of
b. not
c. more than
d. together

Answer: b) not

Explanation: The prefix “dis-” means “not” or “opposite of,” so to disagree means to have a different opinion or not be in agreement with someone else.

4. What does the prefix “im-” mean in the word “impossible”?

a. before
b. inside
c. against
d. not

Answer: d) not

Explanation: The prefix “im-” means “not” or “opposite of,” so impossible means not possible or not able to be done.

5. What does the prefix “un-” mean in the word “unhappy”?

a. before
b. inside
c. against
d. not

Answer: d) not

Explanation: The prefix “un-” means “not” or “opposite of,” so unhappy means not happy or not feeling pleased.

6. What does the prefix “re-” mean in the word “rewrite”?

a. again
b. not
c. opposite of
d. with

Answer: a) again

Explanation: The prefix “re-” means “again,” so to rewrite means to write something again, often with revisions or changes.

7. What does the prefix “inter-” mean in the word “interact”?

a. before
b. inside
c. against
d. between

Answer: d) between

Explanation: The prefix “inter-” means “between,” so to interact means to communicate or engage with someone else.

8. What does the prefix “anti-” mean in the word “antifreeze”?

a. before
b. inside
c. against
d. between

Answer: c) against

Explanation: The prefix “anti-” means “against,” so antifreeze is a substance that works against freezing or lowering the temperature of a liquid.

9. What does the prefix “bi-” mean in the word “bicycle”?

a. before
b. inside
c. against
d. two

Answer: d) two

Explanation: The prefix “bi-” means “two,” so a bicycle has two wheels.

10. What does the prefix “multi-” mean in the word “multitasking”?

a. before
b. inside
c. against
d. many

Answer: d) many

Explanation: The prefix “multi-” means “many,” so multitasking refers to the ability to perform multiple tasks at the same time.

11. What does the prefix “post-” mean in the word “postgraduate”?

a. before
b. inside
c. against
d. after

Answer: d) after

Explanation: The prefix “post-” means “after,” so a postgraduate is a student who has completed their undergraduate degree and is pursuing further education.

12. What does the prefix “hyper-” mean in the word “hyperactive”?

a. before
b. inside
c. excessive
d. against

Answer: c) excessive

Explanation: The prefix “hyper-” means “excessive” or “over,” so hyperactive refers to being excessively active or restless.

13. What does the prefix “trans-” mean in the word “transcontinental”?

a. before
b. inside
c. against
d. across

Answer: d) across

Explanation: The prefix “trans-” means “across,” so transcontinental refers to something that spans across a continent.

14. What does the prefix “auto-” mean in the word “automatic”?

a. before
b. inside
c. against
d. self

Answer: d) self

Explanation: The prefix “auto-” means “self,” so automatic refers to something that operates or functions by itself, without human intervention.

15. What does the prefix “intra-” mean in the word “intramural”?

a. before
b. inside
c. against
d. among

Answer: b) inside

Explanation: The prefix “intra-” means “inside” or “within,” so intramural refers to something that takes place within a particular organization or institution.

16. What does the prefix “de-” mean in the word “deactivate”?

a. before
b. inside
c. against
d. remove

Answer: d) remove

Explanation: The prefix “de-” means “remove” or “reduce,” so deactivate refers to the act of removing or reducing activity.

17. What does the prefix “re-” mean in the word “reconnect”?

a. before
b. inside
c. against
d. again

Answer: d) again

Explanation: The prefix “re-” means “again” or “back,” so reconnect refers to the act of connecting again.

18. What does the prefix “pros-” mean in the word “prosperous”?

a. before
b. inside
c. against
d. favorable

Answer: d) favorable

Explanation: The prefix “pros-” means “favorable,” so prosperous refers to having success or wealth.

19. What does the prefix “pre-” mean in the word “preview”?

a. before
b. inside
c. against
d. after

Answer: a) before

Explanation: The prefix “pre-” means “before,” so preview refers to seeing something before it is officially released or shown.

20. What does the prefix “pro-” mean in the word “proactive”?

a. before
b. inside
c. against
d. after

Answer: a) before

Explanation: The prefix “pro-” means “before” or “in advance,” so proactive refers to taking action before something happens.

21. What does the prefix “sub-” mean in the word “submarine”?

a. before
b. inside
c. against
d. under

Answer: d) under

Explanation: The prefix “sub-” means “under,” so submarine refers to a type of vessel that operates under water.

About Prefix English Quiz Questions

Common, get familiarized with the Concept of the Prefix? A Prefix is nothing but a group of letters that we add at the beginning of the words. So that it will change the meaning of the word. For Example, adding un- to the word “happy” gives you the new word i.e “unhappy”, which indicates not happy.

U and N are the two common Prefixes in English language. Whereas coming to Re it means again or back. Such we use in the words namely “rethink”, “redo”, “reuse” and finally “repay.” In English, we consists of multiple Prefixes all are derivational and inflectional. For example, the prefixes may also applicable for the two words also as shown here “m”, the prefixim-here it have only one “m”, it is possible for double “m” also like “immeasurable.”

 Benefits of taking this Prefix Quiz

  • Candidates can improve their vocabulary after taking this Quiz and after learning about the concept clearly.
  • Anyone can take this Prefix Quiz Online Test and the details are mentioned above.
  • Aspirants will be getting more knowledge after reading this article and this article will help you while writing any Competitive exams in an easy way.

Results of Prefix English Quiz

Candidates will be getting the accurate results after submitting the Prefix Quiz within the time then the marks will be awarded. By the way, candidates will get a grip on the concept and they can also implement that in an individual manner. And by taking this Quiz continuously candidates can improve their performance skills. And for more information visit the websites like Prefix Quiz pdf, English Prefix Exercises. Further, more to get the latest updates visit our website

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