QuEST Global Interview Questions (Technical, HR) for Freshers – quest-global.com: Looking for the right place to grab the essentials regarding QuEST Global Interview Questions? If your answer is yes, then this article is for you. For the sake of the aspirants who are desired to work with QuEST Global and preparing for the QuEST Global Interview, we have accommodates this page with QuEST Global Interview Questions for Freshers. By giving an intense look at the sections below on this page, you can get to know the QuEST Global HR Interview Questions and QuEST Global Technical Interview Questions as well. Moreover, for your easy access, we have attached the QuEST Global Interview Questions for Freshers PDF Download link in the below important links section. Start with knowing the QuEST Global Selection Process and give a kick start for your QuEST Global Interview Preparation.
QuEST Global Interview Questions – Overview
QuEST Global Interview Questions for Freshers | |
Name Of The Company | QuEST Global |
Qualification | Any Graduate/ Post Graduate |
Job Role | Multiple |
Job Location | Across India |
Experience | Freshers |
Category | Interview Questions & Answers |
Website | www.quest-global.com |
QuEST Global Selection Process
QuEST Global Recruitment Process includes 3 rounds. Whereas, based on the performance of the candidates there will be the elimination in each of the rounds. Give a look at this section and know what are the rounds that are included in the QuEST Global Hiring Process.
- Aptitude Test or Written Test
- Technical Interview
- HR Round
QuEST Global Test Pattern
QuEST Global Written Test Round is the preliminary round, in which all the candidates who have applied for a particular job profile will be subjected to this round. QuEST Global Aptitude Test comprises 2 sections like Aptitude section and the Technical Ability section. The topics that are covered in the Aptitude section are Quants, Verbal, Reasoning Questions, and in Technical Ability sections, topics like C, C++, Network, Microprocessor (only 2), Data Structure were covered. The total time given to complete this round is 60 Minutes On clearing this round, the candidate will proceed to the next round, which is the technical round.
Name of the Section | Number of Questions | Duration of Time |
Aptitude | 60 | 30 |
Technical Ability | 40 | 30 |
Total | 100 Question | 60 Minutes |
QuEST Global Technical Interview Round
On clearing the Aptitude Test or Written Test, the candidates will be called for round 2 named, Technical Round. Based on the job domain that is selected by the candidates, technical questions will be asked by the panel. Candidates were expected to have a complete grip on academic subjects. Questions based on the project done in the last year and questions related to the topics like C, C++, Java, DBMS, OS, etc., Duration of this round depends on the basis of the answering ability of the candidates. The more you have the knowledge, the more you can perform. The more you perform, the more are the chances of selecting in this round. Once the candidates clear this round, they will be subjected to the next round i.e HR interview round.
QuEST Global Technical Interview Questions for Freshers
Have your gaze at this section and know the QuEST Global Technical Interview Questions that are asked frequently.
- Write a program to find the largest number in an array.
2. Is the hashmap thread-safe?
3. What is regression testing?
4. What is the difference between smoke and sanity testing?
5. What is stored procedure?
6. Have you anytime invoked stored procedures in test cases?
7. Write a query to find 2nd highest salary?
8. Any knowledge on gRPC? Cassandra?Why it is not thread-safe based on the answer above question.
9. What is a reflection in java?
10. What is polymorphism? Explain with real-time example?
11. How polymorphism is achieved in Java?
12. Write a program to find the area of your palm.
13. Write a program to find the multiplication table of a given number.
14. Based on the above answer the immediate question, what is method overloading and method overriding?
15. What is a web Service? Explain with an example?
16. Suppose I have a service that returns scheduled flights available based on input parameters. Can you tell me how would you test this service? All possible test scenarios
17. Write a program to find duplicate numbers from a file. (answered with sorting technique)
18. Difference between ArrayList and set?
19. Let’s say I have 10 lines of test steps, now I have a failure step at line 5, how can you get the failure step logged and test execution should continue with the remaining steps?
20. Have you used Ireporter in TestNG and in which scenario?
21. Apart from data provider annotation, any other ways to pass the parameters to test?
22. Have you worked on UNIX? Based on the answer, what command is used to find a word in a file?
23. What are common AutoSys commands used?
24. What are the different testing techniques you have used to test a feature?
25. Write a program to find factorial of a number
26. Storage classes in C
QuEST Global HR Interview Round
Once the candidates clear the technical round, they were needed to appear for the final round with is QuEST Global HR Interview Round. In this round, the candidates were tested in the areas like communication, problem-solving skills, thinking capacity, and more. The key to getting through this round is, able to speak in a vigilant way with robust confidence. The duration of this round will be for 30 to 40 minutes. Moreover. discussions with respect to salary payments can be also made in this round. Once you clear this round, you were said to be selected for the job profile you have have applied for.
QuEST Global HR Interview Questions for Freshers
This section provides you with the questions that are asked in QuEST Global HR Interview Round. Make use of this section and be prepared for each of it in a derived manner.
- Tell something about yourself
2. What do you know about QuEST Global?
3. Are you able to relocate, if needed?
4. What have you done in your past years to improve your skills?
5. What is your dream job?
6. Tell me the most difficult decision you have ever made till now?
7. What is your greatest strength?
8. What is your philosophy towards work?
9. What are the qualities you look for in a superior?
10. What can you offer me that other person can not?
11. What do you value more? Recognition or Pay
12. Who are your role models? and why?
13. What motivates you to succeed?
14. Where do you see yourself after five years?
15. How do you handle stress?
16. How do you define success?
17. How good are you at problem-solving?
18. How have you changed in the last 5 years?
19. How must do you expect to get paid in QuEST Global?
20. Have you got any questions for me?
QuEST Global Interview Questions for Freshers PDF Download
QuEST Global Technical, HR Interview Questions for Freshers PDF – Important Link | |
To Download QuEST Global Technical, HR Interview Questions for Freshers – PDF | Click Here |
Hoping that you are satisfied with all the accommodated details related to QuEST Global Interview Questions which you find on this page. Make sure that you are in touch with us @ freshersnow.com to get more IT Job updates.
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