Download the RPF Previous Papers PDFs in this post. We are instructing the contenders that Preparation is the only step to clear the Written Exam. Moreover, Subject Wise Railway/ RPSF SI, Constable Model Papers have been uploaded in the down. So, this will surely ensure to cover the complete material. So, all the contenders are advised to prepare according to the given material and clear the Written Exam for Sub Inspector and Constable Posts. Along with Railway/ RPSF Sample Papers, all the contenders can also check the RPF SI, Constable Exam Pattern. Therefore, all the aspirants are suggested to take a deep look at the mandatory subjects of General Awareness, General Intelligence, General English, and Essay Writing.
You Can Also Check: ★ RPF Syllabus
RPF Previous Papers
We all know that the RPF Previous Papers play a virtual role in the Preparation time. Every year a huge number of aspirants are preparing according to the Railway/ RPSF SI, Constable Model Papers. Moreover, all the preparing candidates are clearing the Written Exam. But some of them oversee the RPF Sub Inspector and Constable Old Papers. So, those who want to avoid that problem should keep in mind that the competition level is very immense. Moreover, we are always available here to give complete and genuine material for the sake of candidates. Therefore, interested one can refer to this post and download the RPF Subject Wise Previous Papers. Also, almost many of the people are in search of Old Papers. Therefore, scroll down and find much more information.
RPF SI, Constable Previous Papers – Overview
Name Of The Organization | Railway Protection Force |
Name Of The Post(s) | SI & Constable |
Category | Previous Question Papers |
Official Website | www.indianrailways.gov.in |
We insist the candidates follow the complete information which we have given in the above table. Moreover, this will give you overall details. Railway/ RPSF SI, Constable Model Papers are available here at free of cost. In addition, to this, those who are going to attend the Sub Inspector and Constable Written Exam in upcoming months can practice the RPF Previous Papers. In addition, to this, they are ready to organize some of the selection rounds. So, the Written Exam is the first round that is conducted by the authority of RPF. So, check the entire data from this post.
Railway/ RPSF SI, Constable Model Papers
It is not enough to download the RPF Previous Papers but you have to utilize them in your preparation. Moreover, we see that many of the candidates are curiously searching Railway/ RPSF SI, and Constable Model Papers in various sources. In addition, to this, no one can get accurate links. To avoid that problem in this post we have attached the Subject Wise Railway/ RPSF SI, Constable Previous Year Question Papers. We all know that cracking the railway Jobs and Police Jobs is very difficult. So, you have to have a complete grip on all the subjects. Not only practicing the RPF Previous Papers helps you. You can also, check the Syllabus and Exam Pattern too.
Well, most of them have completed their studies and looking for Government Jobs. For those people, the Railway Jobs are very beneficial. Moreover, on our website, all the people can get post-wise Railway Recruitments. After an announcement of the Railway Protection Force, we will update the Notification on our website. Moreover, you have to be careful at the time of filling out the application forms. After completion of your filling process for SI, Constable Vacancies just take a look at this post. We have tried our level best and gathered all the subject-wise Railway/ RPSF SI, Constable Model Papers here. Below, we have given detailed RPF SI, Constable Exam Pattern. So, those who are interested in checking all this information can scroll down.
Railway/ RPSF SI, Constable Exam Pattern
There is a separate Exam Pattern for Sub Inspector and Constable Vacancies. So, those who are going to attend the written exam on scheduled dates can check the entire material from this post. Moreover, we have also created a separate Syllabus article and linked in this post. Interested candidates can also frequently visit our website to get the Competitive Exams Previous Papers.
Railway/ RPSF SI Exam Pattern
- General Awareness, General English, and Essay Writing are the subjects
- The General Awareness consists of 100 Marks
- Remaining Essay Writing and General English consists of 50 Marks each
- Therefore, the total marks should be 100
RPF Constable Test Pattern
General Knowledge, Arithmetic, and Reasoning are the main subjects. The Written Test is an objective type. Coming to the marks General Knowledge consists of 50 Marks, Arithmetic and Reasoning each contains 35 Marks. A total of 120 Questions will be covered in the Written Exam. Total Marks should be 120. Each Question carries ONE Mark. Also, all the candidates should complete their written test in 90 Minutes.
RPF Selection Process For SI, Constable Vacancies
- Written Exam
- Physical Test
- Medical Test
- Personal Interview
- Document Verification
The above given are the rounds, that the officials of the Railway Protection Force will conduct for all the applicants of RFP Recruitment.
Download RPF SI, Constable Previous Year Question Papers
Without having the proper preparation many of the aspirants are not reaching their goal. So we suggest the contenders, start their preparation as early as possible to secure the minimum score. Therefore, follow the below-given Subject Wise RPF Previous Papers.
★ Download RPF, SI, Constable General Intelligence/ Reasoning Old Papers: Click Here
★ To Download Download RPF, SI, Constable General English Old Papers: Click Here
★ To Download Download RPF, SI, Constable General Knowledge Sample Papers: Click Here
Therefore prepare well in the written exam. All the aspirants need to concentrate on the RPF Previous Papers. Therefore, keep visiting our source Freshersnow daily.