RRB NTPC Reference Books | List of Best Books For RRB NTPC Exam Preparation: Best books to prepare for the RRB NTPC Exam & details about the RRB NTPC exam are clearly explained in the article. The information about the RRB NTPC Book in this article will help to aspire RRB NTPC candidates. RRB NTPC exam will be conducted by Railway Recruitment Board at the national level. RRB NTPC exam is Computer Based Test (CBT) so we have provided RRB NTPC Guide. To clear the RRB NTPC Exam, candidates have to prepare for the Mathematics/ Aptitude, General Awareness, General Intelligence, and Reasoning sections. The candidate should follow books for RRB NTPC Cbt 2 for continuous practice to clear the exam.
★★ Best Reference Books for All Competitive Exams ★★
Every subject of the exam has the best books and you have to follow them for your exam preparation without any difficulties. The Best NTPC Reference Books we choose for preparation will make your preparation effective and also helps preparation with the previous paper, covering all concepts, sample papers, smart answering, and many other advantages. CBT Exam is divided into three sections. Below, the information about reference books for the 3 sections is listed. These books make students prepare smoothly, and crack the exam without hurdles.
List of RRB NTPC Best Books For All Subjects
Best Mathematics/ Aptitude Books For RRB NTPC exam
The mathematics section carries 30% of the weight of the whole exam. RRB mathematics section can easily crack with continuous practice. Candidates who are weak at Mathematics can be able to crack the examination with the below-listed books. These books contain all the concepts needed and an aspirant will get the awareness of all concepts.
- Quantitative Aptitude – RS Aggarwal
This book is from a top-class seller, covers all concepts, and solved and explained in perfect standards. It will very much help to crack the maths section and improves math skills.
- Fast Track – Rajesh Verma
The book covers number system, HCF and lcm, fractions, Square roots & cube roots, and a lot of needed mathematics concepts with different levels of problems are provided for the needed preparation of candidates.
- Magical Books On Quicker Maths – M Tyra
This book will help to solve problems with shortcuts and a lot of solved questions that appeared in previous examinations. It covers Geometry, Trigonometry, and many topics that solved in a simple way for easy preparation.
- Advance Maths – Rakesh Yadav
Concepts and questions framed in the book will help to learn mathematics to the next levels and to get command of all concepts. This book will cover the fundamental levels, candidates who need to improve fundamentals can follow this.
★★ RRB NTPC Free Mock Tests ★★
- Quick Arithmetic – Ashish Agarwal
This book is the all-rounder for all competitive exams to crack the Mathematics/ Aptitude section easily. Students can follow this book to solve problems with tricks and smart solving.
Best General Awareness Books For RRB NTPC Exam
- Lucent’s General Knowledge by Dr. Binay Karna and Manwendra Mukul
This book is alone enough to follow for General Awareness Concepts to crack the section in the exam. The book contains some rare information about General Knowledge and quizzes of GK. This book will update every year and made available online.
- Manorama Yearbook
This book is from the most trusted publisher and always updating with day-to-day current affairs. It will help the maximum for all General Knowledge section for all types of government exams.
- Arihant General Knowledge
This was the perfect book to follow by RRB inspiring candidates for awareness of the General Awareness section of the exam. The book covers more amount of GK topics and previous questions in various exams. This book will update every year with a new edition.
Best General Intelligence and Reasoning Books For RRB NTPC exam
- General Intelligence And Reasoning – RN Thakur
This book covers huge topics needed for all Government exams. It guides to solve problems in the easiest way and contains a good quantity of problems and solved all previous papers.
- Analytical Reasoning – MK Pandey
The book covers the latest concepts and previous exam papers. A large number of practice papers, worksheets are provided for the awareness of all the concepts.
- Lucent’s General Intelligence and Reasoning
This book contains puzzles, reasoning questions, and solved problems that are provided to all concepts from basic to hard levels for students to prepare for all competitive, government exams.
We believe that the above-provided information about the Best RRB NTPC Reference Books list for all sections will help you to practice and be useful to crack exams easily. For all competitive and Government examination reference books visit the Freshersnow.com website and make a bookmark of it for educational information and the latest exam updates.