RRB NTPC General Intelligence Questions And Answers with Solutions {Stage 1, 2}: From this page, candidates can easily get the Sample RRB NTPC General Intelligence Questions And Answers with Solutions. Those who are preparing for the RRB NTPC Exam, they can easily get the RRB NTPC General Intelligence Questions PDF from the current article. Go through the below sections, so that you can get topics that are to be covered in RRB NPTC Exam Stage I, II Exam. As we have provided the RRB NTPC General Intelligence Questions And Answers with Explanations, you can easily start preparing for the examination. You can get the same questions in some cases. Download the RRB NTPC General Intelligence Questions And Answers PDF from the direct link attached below.
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RRB NTPC General Intelligence Questions And Answers with Explanation
Number of General Intelligence Questions Asked in Stage I – 30 Questions
Number of General Intelligence Questions Asked in Stage II – 35 Questions
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RRB NTPC General Intelligence Questions And Answers
Stage 1
1) From a point shreya starts walking towards south and after walking 15 metres, she turns to her right and walks 20 metres, then she turns left again and walks 15 m. Then she turns to her right and walks 10 m and finally turns to her right and walks 15 m. In which direction is she with reference to the starting point?
a) North
b) South –west
c) North-East
d) East
Answer: (b) – South –west
2) Statements: Some mobiles are pens. Some pens are covers. Some covers are plates. All plates are papers.
Conclusions: I. All mobiles are covers. II. Some pens are papers. III. All plates are pens. IV. Some papers are mobiles.
(1) Only I follows
(2) Only II follows
(3) Only 1 and IV follow
(4) Only II and IV follow
(5) None follows
Answer: (5) – None follows
3) A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circular area at equal distances between each other, but not necessarily in the same order. Some of the people are facing the centre while some face outside (i.e., in a direction opposite to the centre).H sits fourth to left of E. D sits second to right of H. H faces outside. A sits third to right of G. G is not an immediate neighbour of D. A is not an immediate neighbour of E. Both the immediate neighbours of F face the centre. Both the immediate neighbours of B face opposite directions (i.e., if one person faces the centre then the other faces outside and vice- versa). Both the immediate neighbours of H face same direction as D (i.e., if D faces the centre then both the immediate neighbours of H also faces the centre and vice-versa) immediate neighbours of E face a direction opposite to that of E (i.e., if E faces the centre then both his immediate neighbours face outside and vice-versa).
Four of the following are a like in a certain way based on the given seating arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
a) C
b) D
c) B
d) E
Answer: (c) – B
4) Statements: All silver are metals. All metals are steel. Some steel are stones. All stones are stands.
Conclusions: I. Some stands are metals. II. Some stones are silver. III. Some stands are steel. IV. Some stones are steel.
(1) Only III and IV follow
(2) Only I follows
(3) Only II follows
(4) Only III follows
(5) None follows
Answer: (1) – Only III and IV follow
5) Eight executives – H, I, J, K, L, M, N & P are sitting around a circular table. M . M is third to the right of J & second to the left of K. H is at immediate left of I. P is at immediate right of K. L is third to the left of N.
Which of the following pair of persons shows the nearest neighbour of ‘M’?
(A) K, I
(B) L, I
(C) H, I
(D) H, L
Answer: (B) – L, I
6) All starts are planets. All planets are moons. No moon is a sun.
I. All stars are suns.
II. No moon is a star.
(1) if only Conclusion I follows.
(2) if only Conclusion II follows.
(3) if either Conclusion I or Conclusion II follows.
(4) if neither Conclusion I nor Conclusion II follows.
(5) if both Conclusions I and II follow.
Answer: (4) – if neither Conclusion I nor Conclusion II follows
7) All starts are planets. All planets are moons. No moon is a sun.
I. All stars are suns.
II. No moon is a star.
(1) if only Conclusion I follows.
(2) if only Conclusion II follows.
(3) if either Conclusion I or Conclusion II follows.
(4) if neither Conclusion I nor Conclusion II follows.
(5) if both Conclusions I and II follow.
Answer: (4) – if neither Conclusion I nor Conclusion II follows
8) If the positions of the first and the third digits within each num¬ber are interchanged, which of the following will be the third digit of the second lowest number ?
(1) 9
(2) 4
(3) 7
(4) 8
(5) 5
Answer: (5) – 5
9) ‘Krishna’ walked 5 metres towards North, took a left turn and walked for 10 metres. He then took a right turn and walked for 20 metres, and again took right turn and walked 10 metres. How far he is from the starting point ?
(1) 20 metres
(2) 15 metres
(3) 25 metres
(4) 30 metres
(5) None of these
Answer: (3) – 25 metres
10) If “@” means V, ‘©’ means V, ‘%’ means’+’ and ‘$’ means -‘ then 6 % 12 © 3 @’ 8 $ 3 = ?
(1) 37
(2) 35
(3) 39
(4) 33
(5) None of these
Answer: (2) – 35
11) In a certain code SUBSTANCE is written as RATRUFDOB. How is TENTHOUSE written in that code?
(5) None of these
Answer: (1) – SMDSIFTVP
12) Statements:
Some eggs are hens.
Some hens are ducks.
All ducks are pigeons.
All pigeons are sparrows.
I. All ducks are sparrows.
II. No egg is duck.
III. Some sparrows are hens.
(1) Only I follows
(2) Only I and II follow
(3) Only III follows
(4) Only I and III follow
(5) All I, II and III follow
Answer: (4) – Only I and III follow
13) Following digit numbers given below
518 849 365 783 291
Question: If the positions of first and third digits in each number are interchanged, which of the; following will be the second digit Of third highest number ?
(1) 1
(2) 4
(3) 8
(4) 9
(5) 6
Answer: (5) – 6
14) Name a single letter that can be suffixed to the following words to form new words?
a) A
b) B
c) D
d) E
Answer: (d) – E
15) Which number is wrong in the given series?
12439, 23549, 34659, 45769
a) 34659
b) 23549
c) 45769
d) 12439
Answer: (a) – 34659
16) DDFE : DFEE :: JJCR : ?
Answer: (a) – JCRR
17) 3 : 10 :: 5 : ?
a) 25
b) 15
c) 27
d) 26
Answer: (d) – 26
18) AYD, BVF, DRH, ?, KGL
Answer: (D) – GLJ
19) Here are some words translated from an artificial language.
gorblflur means fan belt
pixngorbl means ceiling fan
arthtusl means tile roof
Which word could mean “ceiling tile”?
A) gorbltusl
B) flurgorbl
C) arthflur
D) pixnarth
Answer: (D) – pixnarth
20) AK, EO, IS, ?
Answer: (A) – MW
21) In the following questions, three words are given which are related in some way. From the four given options, you have to choose the option which conveys the relationship ?
Solar system, Earth, Satellite–
a) Orange, fruit, vegetable
b) Poem, poetry, music
c) Page, book, word
d) Seed, fruit, Plant
Answer: (b) – Poem, poetry, music
22) In the following questions. there is a certain relationship between the given pair of words in each question. From the given options, you have to identify a word pair which bears the same relationship.
Typewriter : Letter
a) Hammer : Nail
b) Ocean : wave
c) Computer : Automation
d) Piano : Musical notes
Answer: (d) – Ocean : wave
23) The code for the word GARIMA is 625742, then what will be the code for MARIA ?
a) 62752
b) 42572
c) 57432
d) 25752
Answer: (b) – 42572
24) A person has a basket of fruits in which there are 60 fruits. The number of apples is half the number of mangoes and oranges are 1/4th of the total of apples and mangoes. The cost of each mango is equal to that of two apples or three oranges. There is no other fruit apart from mangoes, apples and oranges. Now answer question 3 and 4.
How many mangoes are there in the basket?
a) 36
b) 38
c) 40
d) 32
Answer: (d) – 32
25) Researcher, Historian, Learned–
a) Teacher, Professor, Lecturer
b) History, Story, Book
c) Ballad, Novel, Book
d) Teacher, Bachelor, Poet
Answer: (c) – Ballad, Novel, Book
26) Pointing at a photograph, a man says, “I do not have a brother or sister but this person’s father is the son of my father. Whose photo-graph is being pointed by the person?
a) His son’s
b) His father’s
c) His brother’s son
d) His own
Answer: (a) – His son’s
27) 12. 37, 10, 79, 16, 48, ?
a) 22
b) 20
c) 12
d) 18
Answer: (c) – 12
28) Choose the odd one out:
a) Kingfisher
b) Duck
c) Eagle
d) Flamingo
Answer: (c) – Eagle
29) J is the father of L. But L is not his son.
N is the daughter of L. O is the spouse of J.
K is the brother of L. M is the son of K.
P is the spouse of K. Q is the father of P.
Who is the son of O?
a) K
b) L
c) M
d) N
Answer: (a) – K
30) f in a certain language, TRIANGLE is written as SSHBMHKF. In the same language, COUNTRY is written as:
Answer: (c) – BPTOSSX
Stage 2
1. Statements: Some trees are leaves. All leaves are stems. No tree is root. No stem plants.
I. Some roots are not stems.
II. No tree is planted.
A. Only I follows
B. Only II follows
C. Either I or II
D. Neither I nor II
Answer – D. Neither I nor II
I – All roots are stems is a possibility, so I do not follow.
II is not definite
2. Statements: All squares are circles. No circle is the cone. Some cones are spheres. Some rectangles are circles.
I. All rectangles being cones is a possibility
II. All rectangles being sphere is a possibility
A. Only I follows
B. Only II follows
C. Either I or II
D. Neither I nor II
Answer – B. Only II follows
If all rectangles are cones, then some circles will be cones which are not possible.
II is a possibility.
3. Statements: Some tigers are dogs. All dogs are lions. No lions are rats.
I. Some tigers are not lions.
II. No tigers are rats.
A. Only I follows
B. Only II follows
C. Either I or II
D. Neither I nor II
Answer – D. Neither I nor II
There is a possibility that all tigers are lions. So Some tigers are not lions do not follow.
II is not definite.
4. Statements: Some reds are blue. All blue is black. Some black is yellow.
I. Some reds are black
II. Some yellow is not black
A. Only I follows
B. Only II follows
C. Either I or II
D. Neither I nor II
Answer – A. Only I follows
All yellow being black is a possibility so, Some yellow is not black does not follow
5. Statements: All marks are grades. No grade is a score. All scores are letters. Some letters are characters.
I. Some scores are characters
II. All marks being letters is a possibility.
III. All characters are grades is a possibility.
A. Only II follows.
B. Only II and III follow
C. All follows.
D. Only I and III follow
Answer – B. Only II and III follow
According to the given statement
I is not definite
II and III is a possibility
6. Statements: All whites are black. All black is yellow. No yellow is green. Some oranges are white.
I. No white is green
II. Some orange is yellow
III. Some black is orange.
A. Only II and III follow.
B. Only I follow.
C. All follows.
D. Only I and III follow
Answer – C. All follows.
By analyzing the given statements. All are definite
7. Statements: Some views are reviews. Some reviews are styles. All clips are styles. No review is a font.
I. All views are fonts is a possibility.
II. Some clips are reviews.
III. Some fonts are not styles.
A. Only II and III follow.
B. Only I follow.
C. All follow.
D. None follow
Answer – D. None follow
I is not true, because then some reviews will be fonts
II is not definite
III – all TV are styled is a possibility, so does not follow.
8. Statements: All the actors are girls. All the girls are beautiful.
I. All the actors are beautiful.
II. Some girls are actors.
A. Only I follow
B. Only II follows
C. Both I and II follow
D. Either I or II follow
Answer – C. Both I and II follow
Girls who are actors are very Beautiful. Therefore it satisfies both I and II.
9. One morning after sunrise, Vimal started to walk. During this walking, he met Stephen who was coming from the opposite direction. Vimal watches that the shadow of Stephen to the right of him (Vimal). To Which direction Vimal was facing?
A. East
B. West
C. South
D. North
Answer – C. South
Sun rises in the east. So the shadow of a man will always fall towards the west. Since the shadow of Stephen is to the right of Vimal. Hence Vimal is facing towards South.
10. A, B, C, D, and E are sitting on a bench. A is sitting next to B, C is sitting next to D, D is not sitting with E who is on the left end of the bench. C is in the second position from the right. A is to the right of B and E. A and C are sitting together. In which position A is sitting?
A. Between B and D
B. Between B and C
C. Between E and D
D. Between C and E
Answer – B. Between B and C
According to the given information the persons are sitting in these sequences
E, B, A, C, D
Therefore, A is sitting in between B and C.
11. Five girls are sitting on a bench to be photographed. Sujatha is to the left of Ramya and to the right of Bhavani. Madhavi is to the right of Ramya. Likitha is between Ramya and Madhavi. Who is second from the left in a photograph?
A. Likitha
B. Madhavi
C. Bhavani
D. Sujatha
Answer – D. Sujatha
According to the given information the girls are sitting in this sequence
Bhavani, Sujatha, Ramya, Likitha, Madhavi
Therefore, Sujatha is sitting second from the left in a photograph
12. Five girls are sitting on a bench to be photographed. Sujatha is to the left of Ramya and to the right of Bhavani. Madhavi is to the right of Ramya. Likitha is between Ramya and Madhavi. Who is sitting immediate right to Likitha?
A. Bhavani
B. Ramya
C. Madhavi
D. Sujatha
Answer – C. Madhavi
According to the given information the girls are sitting in this sequence
Bhavani, Sujatha, Ramya, Likitha, Madhavi
Therefore, the immediate right to Likitha is Madhavi
13. In a certain code, CAT is written as SATC and DEAR are written as SEARD. How would SING be written in that code?
Answer – C. SINGS
The first letter of the word is moved to the last position and ‘S’ is placed at the beginning, to form the code.
14. In a certain code, TELEPHONE is written as ENOHPELET. How is ALIGATOR written in that code?
Answer – A. ROTAGILA
The letters of the word are written in a reverse order to obtain the code.
15. If MADRAS can be written as ARSARS, how can ARKONAM be written in that code?
Answer – A. ROAAKNM
The word is first written twice and the letters at the even positions in the word so obtained, form the code.
16. In a certain code language, BORN is written as APQON and LACK is written as KBBLK. How will the word GRID be written in that code language?
Answer – D. FSHED
The first and third letters are each moved one step backward, while the second and fourth letters are each moved one step forward to obtain the corresponding letters of the code. Finally, in the code so obtained, the last letter of the word is inserted at the end.
17. If GOLD is coded as HOME, COME is coded as DONE and CORD is coded as DOSE, how would you code SONS?
Answer – B. TOOT
Each consonant in the word is moved one step forward to obtain the corresponding letter of the code, while the vowels remain unchanged.
18. In a row of 50 students, A is fourteenth from the left end and B is tenth from the right end. How many students are there in between A and C if C is eight to the left of B?
A. 14
B. 16
C. 18
D. 20
Answer – C. 18
According to the given data
13 students A (18 Students) C (7 students) B (9 students)
Therefore, the number of students between A and C are 18 Students.
19. A is B’s sister. C is B’s mother. D is C’s father. E is D’s mother. Then, how is A related to D?
A. Grandfather
B. Grandmother
C. Daughter
D. Granddaughter
Answer – D. Granddaughter
A is the sister of B and B is the daughter of C.
So, A is the daughter of C. Also, D is the father of C.
Therefore, A is the granddaughter of D.
20. A girl introduced a boy as the son of’ the daughter of the father of her uncle. The boy is a girl’s?
A. Brother
B. Son
C. Uncle
D. Son-in-law
Answer – A. Brother
Daughter of uncle’s father — Uncle’s sister — Mother;
Mother’s son — Brother
21. Rahul’s mother is the only daughter of Madhavi’s father. How is Madhavi’s husband related to Rahul?
A. Uncle
B. Father
C. Grandfather
D. Brother
Answer – B. Father
Clearly, the only daughter of Madhavi’s father is Madhavi herself
So, Rahul’s mother is Madhavi
Hence, Madhavi’s husband is the father of Rahul.
22. Raghava told Ajay, ‘Yesterday I defeated the only brother of the daughter of my grandmother.’ Whom did Raghava defeat
A. Son
B. Father
C. Brother
D. Father-in.law
Answer – B. Father
Daughter of grandmother — Aunt
Now, Aunt’s only brother — Father
Therefore, Raghava defeated his Father.
23. M introduces N saying, “He is the husband of the granddaughter of the father of my father.” How is N related to M?
A. Brother
B. Brother-in-law
C. Son
D. Son-in-law
Answer – B. Brother-in-law
Father’s father =>Grandfather;
Now, Grandfather’s granddaughter => Sister;
Again, Sister’s husband =>Brother-in-law.
Hence, N is M’s Brother-in-law.
24. Showing the man receiving the prize, Sampath said, “He is the brother of my uncle’s daughter.” Who is the man to Sampath?
A. Son
B. Nephew
C. Cousin
D. Brother-in-law
Answer – C. Cousin
Brother of uncle’s daughter means Uncles son => Cousin.
So, the man is Sampath’s cousin.
25. Pointing towards a man, a woman said, “His mother is the only daughter of my mother.” How is the woman related to the man?
A. Mother
B. Grandmother
C. Sister
D. Daughter
Answer – A. Mother
The only daughter of my mother => myself. Hence, the woman is the mother of the man.
26. Pointing to Gowtham, Ranjitha says, “I am the daughter of the only son of his grandfather.” How Ranjitha is related to Gowtham?
A. Niece
B. Daughter
C. Sister
D. Mother
Answer – C. Sister
Ranjitha is the daughter of the only son of Gowtham’s grandfather.
Hence, it’s clear that Ranjitha is the sister of Gowtham.
27. “Fire” is related to “Ashes” in the same way as “Explosion” is related to?
A. Sound
B. Debris
C. Explosive
D. Flame
Answer – B. Debris
“Fire” reduces anything to “Ashes” in the same way as “Explosion” reduces anything to “Debris”.
28. “Despotic” is related to “Tyranny” in the same way “Generous” is related to?
A. Partiality
B. Morality
C. Neutrality
D. Liberality
Answer – D. Liberality
Second is the quality possessed by the first one.
29. Farming: Monsoons:: Market:?
A. Demand
B. Profit
C. Loss
D. Rate
Answer – A. Demand
Firsts depend on the second for results
30. Gypsum: Cement:: Quartz:?
A. Glass
B. Plastic
C. Radio
D. Powder
Answer – C. Radio
First is used to make the second
30. Choose the word which is different from the rest.
A. Walk
B. Pull
C. Hear
D. Jump
Answer – C. Hear
All except Hear are physical activities.
31. Choose the word which is different from the rest.
A. Panipat
B. Sarnath
C. Plassey
D. Haldighati
Answer – B. Sarnath
All except Sarnath are famous battlefields.
32. Choose the word which is different from the rest.
A. Lucknow
B. Daman
C. Pondicherry
D. Chandigarh
Answer – A. Lucknow
All except Lucknow are Union Territories.
33. Choose the word which is different from the rest.
A. Laos
B. Nepal
C. India
D. Afghanistan
Answer – C. India
All except India are landlocked countries, while India is a peninsula.
34. Choose the word which is different from the rest.
A. Corn
B. Wheat
C. Jowar
D. Cotton
Answer – D. Cotton
All except Cotton are food crops, while cotton is a fiber crop.
35. Choose the word which is different from the rest.
A. X-ray
B. Telephone
C. Radio
D. Computer
Answer – A. X-ray
All except X-ray are electronic media.
RRB NTPC General Intelligence Questions & Answers PDF
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RRB NTPC General Intelligence Questions and Answers – Frequently Asked Questions
How many General Intelligence Questions will be asked in the RRB NTPC Exam?
Stage I – 30 Questions and for Stage II – 35 Questions of General Intelligence Questions will be asked.
Does Freshers Now provide RRB NTPC General Intelligence Q&A in PDF?
Yes. From Freshers Now you can easily download RRB NTPC General Intelligence Q&A in PDF format.
What are the topics to be covered in the General Intelligence section?
Analytical Reasoning, Coding, and Decoding, Logical Deduction, Logical Problems, Analyzing Arguments, Critical Reasoning, Blood Relations, Artificial Language, Making Judgements, Logical Deductions, Matching Definitions, Symbols & Notations, Image Analysis, Figure Matrix, Directions.
How to download RRB NTPC General Intelligence Questions & Answers PDF?
Candidates can download the RRB NTPC General Intelligence Questions & Answers PDF through the link provided on FreshersNow.Com for Both Stage 1 & 2 Exams.