RSMSSB CET Syllabus 2025 & Exam Pattern PDF Download: The Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Service Selection Board (RSMSSB) organization provides the RSMSSB CET Exam Syllabus 2025 for the Common Eligibility Test (CET) – Senior Secondary Level, Graduation Level conveniently available for download. With the syllabus in hand, candidates can plan their preparation effectively to ace the written examination. The selection process for the Common Eligibility Test (CET) – Senior Secondary Level, Graduation Level position involves an Written Examination, and Interview the syllabus is key to success.
RSMSSB CET Syllabus 2025
The RSMSSB CET Exam Syllabus 2025 is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the topics and subjects candidates need to focus on for the upcoming exam. Aspirants can access the RSMSSB CET Syllabus 2025 PDF download link from the official website rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in. With detailed insights into the RSMSSB CET Exam Pattern 2025 and syllabus, candidates can strategize their preparation to maximize their chances of success. The exam duration is 3 hours. And there will be 150 questions for 300 marks. Check the below sections and then go further.
RSMSSB CET Syllabus 2025 – Overview
Latest RSMSSB Common Eligibility Test Syllabus 2025 | |
Organization Name | Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Service Selection Board (RSMSSB) |
Post Names |
Exam Name | Common Eligibility Test (CET) – Senior Secondary Level, Graduation Level |
Category | Syllabus |
Selection Process | Written Examination, and Interview |
Job Location | Rajasthan |
Official Site | rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in |
RSMSSB CET Exam Pattern 2025
Each question in the RSMSSB Common Eligibility Test 2025 will carry equal marks. And there is no negative marking in the exam.
Subjects | No. of Questions & Marks | Duration |
History of Rajasthan and India with Special Emphasis on Indian National Movement, History of Rajasthan, Art, Cultural, Literary Tradition and Heritage, Geography of India, Geography of Rajasthan, Indian Political System with Special Emphasis on Rajasthan, Economy of India, Rajasthan Economics of Science and Technology, Reasoning and Mental Ability, General Hindi General English, Knowledge of Computer, Current Events | 150 Questions for 300 Marks | 03:00 Hours |
Note: For RSMSSB CET (Senior Secondary Level) – All questions will be senior secondary level.
Negative Marking: 0.33
S.No | Subject | No.of Question | Marks |
1 | General Science; History, Polity and Geography of India; General Knowledge, Current Affairs | 38 | 76 |
2 | Geography, History, Culture and Polity of Rajasthan | 30 | 60 |
3 | General English & Hindi | 22 | 44 |
4 | Mental Ability & Reasoning, Basic Numerical Efficiency | 45 | 90 |
5 | Basic Computer | 15 | 30 |
Total | 150 | 300 |
Negative Marking : 0.33
S.No | Subject | No.of Question | Marks |
1 | General Science 10th standard | 38 | 76 |
2 | Geography, History, Culture and Polity of Rajasthan | 30 | 60 |
3 | General English & Hindi | 22 | 44 |
4 | Mental Ability & Reasoning, Basic Numerical Efficiency | 45 | 90 |
5 | Basic Computer | 15 | 30 |
Total | 150 | 300 |
RSMSSB Common Eligibility Test Exam Syllabus 2025
Check out the below listed topics and consider them during the RSMSSB Common Eligibility Test Preparation. Make sure you thoroughly check the Rajasthan CET Syllabus 2025 and then begin your preparation.
History of Rajasthan and India with special emphasis on the Indian National Movement:
1. Important Events in Indian History, Social and Religious Reform Movements in the 19th and 20th Centuries
2. Indian Freedom Movement-Different stages, contributors from different regions of the country and their contribution
3. Contribution of Rajasthan in the revolution of 1857, tribal and peasant movement in Rajasthan, political awakening and
4. Praja Mandal Movement Post-independence nation building- national integration and reorganization of states, institutional building in Nehru era, development of science and technology.
Geography of India:
1. Physical Features: Mountains, Plateaus, Deserts and Plains
2. Climate and monsoon system
3. Major Rivers, Dams, Lakes and Seas
4. Wildlife Sanctuary
5. Major crops- wheat, rice, cotton, sugarcane, tea and coffee
6. Major Minerals – Iron Ore, Manganese, Bauxite and Mica
7. Energy resources – conventional and non-conventional major industries and industrial regions, national highways, means of transport and trade
History, Art, Cultural, Literature, Tradition and Heritage of Rajasthan:
1. Ancient Civilizations, Kalibanga, Ahar, Ganeshwar, Balathal and Bairath:
2. Important historical events in the history of Rajasthan, major dynasties, their administrative and revenue system, socio-cultural dimension
3. Salient Features of Architecture – Forts and Monuments, Arts, Paintings and Handicrafts
4. Important works of Rajasthani literature, regional dialects
5. Fairs, Festivals, Folk Music and Folk Dance
6. Rajasthani Culture, Tradition and Heritage
7. Religious Movements, Saints and Folk Gods of Rajasthan
8. Important historical site
9. Prominent personalities of Rajasthan Integration of Rajasthan.
Indian political system with special emphasis on Rajasthan:
1. Nature of Indian Constitution, Preamble, Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles of State Policy, Fundamental Duties, Federal Structure, Constitutional Amendments, Emergency Provisions, Public Interest Litigation.
2. Constituent Assembly, Features of Indian Constitution
3. President, Prime Minister and Council of Ministers, Parliament, Supreme Court
4. Federal and State Executive, Election Commission, Comptroller and Auditor General, Chief Information Commissioner, Lokpal, National
5. Human Rights Commission, Local Self Government and Panchayati Raj.
6. Political and Administrative System of Rajasthan, Governor, Chief Minister, State Assembly, High Court, Rajasthan Public
7. Service Commission, District Administration, State Human Rights Commission, Lokayukta, State Election Commission, State Information Commission.
Geography of Rajasthan:
1. Geologic Structure and Geomorphic Region
2. Climatic Conditions, Monsoon System and Climatic Regions
3. Drainage systems, lakes, oceans, dams and water conservation techniques
4. Natural plant
5. Wildlife Sanctuary
6. Soils
7. Major crops of Rabi and Kharif, population growth, density, literacy, and sex ratio
8. Major tribes
9. Metallic and non-metallic minerals Energy resources – conventional and non-conventional
10. tourist spot
11. Means of Transport- National Highway, Rail and Air
Economy of Rajasthan:
1. Food and commercial crops, agro-based industries of Rajasthan
2. Major Irrigation and River Valley Projects, Barren Land and Dry Area Development Projects, Indira Gandhi Canal Project
3. Development of industries and their location, agro-based industries, mineral-based industries, small scale, cottage and village industries, exports
4. Material, Rajasthani Handicraft
5. Poverty and unemployment- concept, types, causes, diagnosis and current flagship schemes, provision for social justice and empowerment of weaker sections.
6. Various welfare schemes, Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MNREGA), development institutions, cooperative movement, small enterprises and financial institutions, role of Panchayati Raj institutions in rural development as per 73rd amendment of the constitution.
Economy of India:
1. Basic knowledge of budget making, banking, public finance, goods and services tax, national income, growth and development
2. fiscal and monetary policies subsidy, public distribution system
3. e-commerce
4. Major sectors of the economy: Current status, issues and initiatives in agriculture, industry, service and trade sectors.
5. Green Revolution, White Revolution and Blue Revolution.
6. Five year plans and planning system.
7. Major economic problems and government initiatives, economic reforms and liberalisation.
Science and Technology:
1. Information and communication technology
2. Defense Technology, Space Technology and Satellites
3. Electric Current, Heat, Work and Energy
4. Diet and Nutrition, Blood Group and RH Factor
5. Health care; infectious, non-infectious and zoonotic diseases
6. Environmental and Ecological Changes and their Effects
7. Bio-diversity, conservation of natural resources and sustainable development
8. Economic importance of animals and plants
9. Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry and Animal Husbandry with special reference to Rajasthan
10. Science and Technology Development with Special Reference to Rajasthan
11. Physical and chemical changes
12. Acids, bases and salts, bleaching powder, baking soda, plaster of paris, soaps and detergents
Current Events :
1. Major contemporary events and issues of Rajasthan, Indian and international importance
2. Famous people, places and organizations at present
3. sports and sports related activities
Logical Reasoning & Mental Ability:
1. Making series/analogy.
2. Figure matrix questions, Classification.
3. Alphabet test.
4. Passage and conclusions
5. Blood relations
6. Coding-decoding
7. Direction sense test
8. Sitting arrangement
9. Input-output
10. Number Ranking and Time Square
11. Making judgments
12. Logical arrangement of words
13. Inserting the missing character/number.
14. Mathematical operations, average, ratio
15. Area of Triangle, circle, Eclipse, Trapezium, rectangle, sphere, cylinder.
16. Percentage.
17. Simple and compound interest.
18. Unitary Method.
19. Profit & Loss.
20. Average Ratio & Proportion.
21. The volume of sphere, cylinder, cube, cone.
Computer knowledge:
1.Characteristics of Computers
2. Computer organization including RAM, ROM, File System, Input Devices, Computer Software- Relationship between Hardware & Software.
3. Operating System
4. MS-Office (Exposure of word, Excel/Spread Sheet, Power Point)
General English:
1. Use of Articles and Determiners
2. Tense/sequence of Tenses
3. Voice: Active and Passive. Narration: Direct and Indirect
4. Use of Prepositions,
5. Translation of Ordinary/Common English sentences into Hindi and vice-versa
6. Synonyms and Antonyms
7. Comprehension of a given passage
8. Glossary of official, Technical terms (with their Hindi version)
9. Letter writing: Official, Demi-official, Circulars, and Notices.
10. Idioms and Phrases
11. One Word Substitution
General Hindi:
1. संधि और संधि विच्छेद
2. संज्ञा, सर्वनाम, विशेषण, क्रिया, क्रियाविशेषण, कारक, अव्यय
3. समास, भेद, सामासिक पदों की रचना व विग्रह उपसर्ग एवं प्रत्यय विलोम शब्द, पर्यायवाची एवं अनेकार्थक शब्द
4. विरामचिह्न
5. ध्वनि एवं उसका वर्गीकरण
6. पारिभाषिकशब्दावली (अंग्रेजी भाषा के पारिभाषिक शब्दों के समानार्थक शब्द)
7. शब्दशुद्धि (अशुद्ध शब्दों का शुद्धिकरण) वाक्य शुद्धि (अशुद्ध वाक्यांश का शुद्धिकरण)
8. मुहावरे एवं लोकोक्तियाँ
9. राजभाषाहिन्दी – संवैधानिक स्थिति ।
10. पत्र
11. एवं उसके प्रकार – कार्यालयी पत्र के प्रारूप के विशेष सन्दर्भ में
RSMSSB Patwari Exam Syllabus 2025
General Science Syllabus:
1. General Fundamental of Science
2. Daily Science
3. Human Body
4. Diet and Nutrition
5. Health Care
History, Polity and Geography of India Syllabus:
1. Major features and important historical events in the history of India and medieval India
2. Indian Constitution
3. Political and Governance System
4. Constitutional Development
5. Geographical features of India
6. Environment and Ecology changes and their effects
7. Current National Events
History, Polity and Geography of Rajasthan Syllabus:
1. Important historical events in the history of Rajasthan
2. Administrative set up of Rajasthan Governor, State Assembly, Rajasthan High Court, Rajasthan Public Service Commission, District Administration, Rajasthan Human Rights Commission, Rajasthan Election Commission, Rajasthan Information Commission and Public Policy
3. Socio-cultural Issues
4. Freedom movement, mass awakening and political integration
5. Folk arts, Paintings, Handicrafts and Architecture
6. Fairs, Festivals, Folk Music and Folk Dance
7. Rajasthan Heritage and Culture
8. Rajasthan Literature
9. Religious movements, saints and folk deities of Rajasthan
10. Important Tourist Destinations
11. Prominent Personalities of Rajasthan
General Hindi:
1. Conjunction of given words and disjunction of words.
2. Prefix and Suffix – Word structure by their combination and separation of prefix and suffix from words, their identification.
3. To create all (social) post, to hold all (social) post.
4. Meaning of word pairs.
5. Synonyms and Antonyms.
6. Correct the words – Write the given impure words correctly.
7. The sentence is free of grammatical errors other than the correct spelling.
8. purification.
9. A suitable word for the phrase.
10. Terminology – Hindi words in front of English words related to administration.
11. idioms and proverbs
General English Syllabus:
1. Comprehension of unseen passages
2. Correction of common errors; correct usage
3. Synonyms and Antonyms
4. Phrases and Idioms
Mental Ability and Reasoning, Basic Numerical Efficiency Syllabus:
1. Making series/ Analogy
2. Figure matrix questions
3. Classification
4. Alphabet test
5. Passage and conclusions
6. Blood relations
7. Coding-decoding
8. Direction sense test
9. Sitting arrangement
10. Input-output
11. Number Ranking and Square
12. Making judgments
13. Logical arrangement of words
14. Inserting the missing character number
15. Mathematical operations, average, ratio
16. Area and volume
17. Percentage
18. Simple and compound interest
19. Unitary Method
20. Profit & Loss
Basic Computer Syllabus:
1. Characteristics of Computer
2. Computer organizations including RAM, ROM, File System, Input Devices, Computer Software – Relationship between Hardware and Software
3. Operating System
4. MS-Office (Exposure of Word, Excel/ Spreadsheet, Power Point)
RSMSSB CET Syllabus 2025 Download Link
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