SBI PO English Questions and Answers PDF Download – Prelims, Mains: Candidates who have applied for the Probationary Officer vacancies in SBI need to check this article regarding English Questions for SBI PO for both prelims, and mains. For the sake of applicants, we have attached the direct link to download the SBI PO English Questions and Answers PDF of both Prelims, Mains.
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SBI PO English Questions and Answers
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SBI PO English Questions and Answers PDF Download – Prelims, Mains
SBI PO English Prelims Questions and Answers
1. Direction: In the given question, a part of the sentence is printed in bold. Below the sentence, alternatives to the emboldened part are given as (A), (B), (C) and (D), which may help improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative out of the given five options. In case the given sentence is correct, your answer will be an option (E), i.e., “No correction required”.
Natasha had married in the early spring of 1813, and in 1820, she already had
three daughters besides a son for whom she had longed.
A. already had three daughters apart a son
B. already had three daughters besides a son
C. already had besides a son, three daughters
D. already have three daughters and a son besides
E. no correction required
The bold part of the sentence is totally correct and it uses the preposition besides correctly and it means apart from. Hence option E is correct.
2. Direction: In the given question, a part of the sentence is printed in bold. Below the sentence, alternatives to the emboldened part are given as (A), (B), (C) and (D), which may help improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative out of the given five options. In case the given sentence is correct, your answer will be an option (E), i.e., &”No correction required”.
The wealthier a nation gets, the more it stands to lose in war, and the less marginal
utility gains in conquest.
A. more than it stands to lose
B. the more it stands to lose
C. the more it stand to lose
D. the most it stands to lose
E. no correction required
This is the case of parallelism wherein one part if “the + comparative degree" is used then the same should also be used in the next part but in the given sentence, ‘the’ is used only before “wealthier”, not before "more" in the bold part. To make the sentence correct ‘the’ should be added before more. Option B and option C do it but in option B, a plural verb is used with a singular subject in it. This leaves us with the only correct option as B.
3. Direction: In the given question, a part of the sentence is printed in bold. Below the sentence alternatives to the bold part are given at (A), (B), (C) and (D) which may help improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case the given sentence is correct, your answer is (E) i.e. No correction required.
University used been seen as a luxury reserved for elites but attitudes towards higher education changed after the Second World War.
A. Using been seen as a luxury
B. Have used to be seen a luxury
C. Used to be seen as a luxury
D. Have had the use of been seen as a luxury
E. no correction required
The phrase ‘used to something’ is used for showing a past habit or a trend. Thus, the correct form is: ‘used to be seen as’. ‘Removing ‘be’, here, would change the meaning of the sentence.
4. Direction: In the given question, a part of the sentence is printed in bold. Below the sentence alternatives to the bold part are given at (A), (B), (C) and (D) which may help improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case the given sentence is correct, your answer is (E) i.e. No correction required.
Mental health experts say that scientific studies do not agree that animals play a therapeutic role when they fly with a patient.
A. Studies does not agree
B. Study do not agree
C. Studies are not agreeing that
D. Studies are failing to agree that
E. no correction required
The whole sentence is correct and the bold part need not be replaced.
5. Direction: In the given question, a part of the sentence is printed in bold. Below the sentence alternatives to the bold part are given at (A), (B), (C) and (D) which may help improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case the given sentence is correct, your answer is (E), i.e. No correction required.
The diversity of fungi and their natural beauty occupy a prime place in a biological world and India has been a cradle for such organisms.
A. and their natural beauty occupy a prism place in the
B. and their natural beauty occupy a prime place in the
C. and their natural beauty carry a prime place in the
D. and their natural beauty occupy a prime place of the
E. no correction required
A – ‘Prism’ is a geometric figure and ‘fungi’ does not relate to it.
C – ‘Carry’ is an incorrect word and instead of it ‘occupy’ should be used.
D – Fungi cannot have a place ‘of’ biological world but ‘in’ the biological world.
The correct answer is option B because of the usage of article ‘the’. It is used to refer specific nouns and there is one specific ‘biological world’;.
6. Direction: In the given questions, four words are printed in bold and are numbered 1, 2, 3, and 4. Of these, the positions of the two words may be incorrect and need to be exchanged to make the sentence correct. Find the two words which need to be exchanged. In case the given sentence is correct, your answer is (E), i.e., “No correction required”.
Health authorities should instil (1) engagement and work to increase (2) a culture
of cleanliness (3) and safety in all healthcare (4) facilities.
A. 2-4
B. 2-3
C. 1-4
D. 1-2
E. No correction required.
‘Instil’ means to put a feeling or idea in someone’s mind so that it has a strong influence on the person’s thinking or behavior. Instilandincreasefit in grammatically but not contextually. Hence, these words need to be interchanged to make the statement contextually meaningful. Thus, option D is the correct answer.
7. Direction: In the given questions, four words are printed in bold and are numbered 1, 2, 3, and 4. Of these, the positions of the two words may be incorrect and need to be exchanged to make the sentence correct. Find the two words which need to be exchanged. In case the given sentence is correct, your answer is (E), i.e., “No correction required”.
Achievements in space (1) continue to have an element (2) of demonstration of
technological capability (3), apart from their intrinsic utility (4).
A. 1-2
B. 2-3
C. 2-4
D. 3-4
E. No correction required.
The statement is already grammatically correct and contextually meaningful. Thus, no exchange of words is required. Therefore, option E is the correct answer.
8. Direction: In the given question, four words are printed in bold and are numbered 1, 2, 3, and 4. The positions of some highlighted words may be incorrect and need to be interchanged with another highlighted to make the sentence correct. Find the pair of words that need to be exchanged. In case the given sentence is correct, your answer is (E), i.e. No correction required.
India has force (1) its soft power through a global projection (2) of yoga to shine the spotlight (3) on how Indian spirituality can be projected (4) for the greater good.
A. 1-3
B. 2-4
C. 1-4
D. 2-3
E. No correction required.
In option 1, we need a verb to complement the auxiliary verb ‘has’;, whereas ‘force’ is a noun. After eliminating options B and D, we are left with options A and C. ‘Spotlight’ is also a noun. So, we cannot interchange 1 and 3. So, ‘projected’ and ‘force’ needs to be interchanged to make the statement grammatically correct. Thus, option C is the right answer.
9. Direction: In the given question, four words are printed in bold and are
numbered 1, 2, 3, and 4. The positions of some highlighted words may be incorrect and need to be interchanged with another highlighted to make the sentence correct. Find the pair of words that need to be exchanged. In case the given sentence is correct, your answer is (E), i.e. No correction required.
The way (1) social structures constrict (2) educational possibilities and the large (3) in which we imagine (4) the relationship between education and life.
A. 3-4
B. 1-2
C. 2-4
D. 1-3
E. No correction required.
The phrase ‘the large in which we’ is not meaningful, so we definitely need to change word ‘large’, which eliminates options B, C & E. The phrase ‘the image in which we’ is also incorrect, hence option A is wrong. So, we have to interchange ‘way’ and ‘large’ (‘Large’ acts as an adjective to noun ‘social structures’) in order to make the statement contextually meaningful and grammatically correct. Thus, option D is the right answer.
10. Direction: In the given question, four words are printed in bold and are
numbered 1, 2, 3, and 4. The positions of some highlighted words may be
incorrect and need to be interchanged with another highlighted to make the
sentence correct. Find the pair of words that need to be exchanged. In case the
given sentence is correct, your answer is (E), i.e. No correction required.
While in our society (1), an individual is devalued or stress (2) for his failures, people choose to overlook the blamed (3) associated with falling (4) behind.
A. 1-2
B. 2-3
C. 3-4
D. 1-4
E. No correction required.
Conjunction such as ‘or’ should connect parallel elements. ‘Devalued’ (past tense) and ‘stress’ (present tense) are not parallel elements. So, we need a word same as ‘devalued’ to make a parallel structure. After interchanging ‘blamed’ (past tense) with ‘stress’, the context becomes grammatically correct and meaningful. Hence, option B is the right answer.
(11-18) Direction: Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that
follow. Certain words are printed in bold to help you locate them while answering
some of these.
During the Italian High Renaissance, the spirit of Humanism abounded, in which
artists were deeply entrenched in a study of the humanities to consistently better themselves as people of the world. A person immersed in the comprehension and accomplishment of such varied interests would become later termed a “Renaissance man.” Leonardo da Vinci was the first prime exemplar of this term. Although his exhaustive personal interests led to his mastery of multiple fields, he is widely considered one of the greatest painters of all time. His iconic works continue to be studied and revered today.
Leonardo was a polymath, someone whose level of genius encompassed many
fields including invention, painting, sculpture, architecture, science, music,
mathematics, engineering, literature, anatomy, geology, astronomy, botany,
writing, history, and cartography. He is known to have said, “Learning never
exhausts the mind”
Despite his exhaustive explorations into multiple areas of expertise, Leonardo is primarily celebrated as a painter. Some of his works have consistently been regarded with timeless, universal fame such as his enigmatic portrait The Mona Lisa, his most reproduced religious work of all time, The Last Supper, and the Vitruvian Man, an early instructive drawing of precise spatial and anatomical symmetry.
Leonardo’s contribution to the aesthetic and techniques of High Renaissance art evolved Early Renaissance forebears such as linear perspective, chiaroscuro, naturalism, and emotional expressionism. Yet he exceeded many prior artists through his particular meticulous precision and the introduction of new methods such as his sfumato technique, a new way to blend glazes that resulted in works that appeared so realistic, it was as if his subjects lived and breathed from within the pictorial plane.
Working at full capacity with both left and right sides of his brain, Leonardo’s unquenchable curiosity and inventive imagination produced more contributions to society that was ahead of his time. He is credited with making the first drawings that preordained the parachute, helicopter, and military tank. His notebooks are nearly as esteemed as his artworks. Within, they represent a culmination of his life work and his genius mind, containing drawings, scientific diagrams, and his philosophies on painting. They continue to be studied today by artists, scholars, and scientists worldwide.
11. What is the tone of the given passage?
A. Critical
B. Euphemistic
C. Laudatory
D. Dogmatic
E. Populist
the given passage is about a famous personality who was an artist. The passage describes his various artistic endeavors and also discusses the different fields where his contribution had a marked effect. Thus, the passage can be called ‘laudatory’ which means writing expressing praise and commendation. Thus, option C is the correct answer.
Critical – expressing adverse or disapproving comments or judgments.
Euphemistic – make use of indirect and implicit statements.
Dogmatic – inclined to lay down principles as undeniably true.
Populist – discuss theories and characteristics exhibited by the general populace.
12. Which of the following statements is true regarding the ‘renaissance man’?
I. A renaissance man was a person with many talents and was knowledgeable in
different subjects.
II. A renaissance man promoted gender discrimination as women were not allowed to gain the knowledge required to achieve the same levels of talents as possessed by men.
III. A renaissance man was a sly person who was able to spin tales of their
different accomplishments without getting caught.
A. Only I
B. Only II
C. Only III
D. Both I and II
E. Both II and III
As per the given passage, the renaissance man was the title given to people who consistently involved themselves in gaining knowledge in a variety of fields to better themselves. The passage does not point out whether it was gender-specific or not. Of the given statements, a statement I is the only true statement regarding the renaissance man, making options A the correct answer.
13. Which of the following is the MOST OPPOSITE in meaning to the given word
A. Ingrained
B. Facile
C. Permanent
D. Inveterate
E. Chronic
‘Entrenched’ means (of an attitude, habit, or belief) firmly established and difficult or unlikely to change. The meaning of the given options are as follows –
Ingrained – (of a habit, belief, or attitude) firmly fixed or established
Facile – (of a person) having a superficial or simplistic knowledge or approach.
Permanent – lasting or intended to last or remain unchanged indefinitely.
Inveterate – having a particular habit, activity, or interest that is long-established
and unlikely to change.
Chronic – (of an illness) persisting for a long time or constantly recurring.
From the above meanings, it is clear that option B is the most opposite in meaning to the given word.
14. Which of the following statements is the author most likely to disagree with?
Leonardo Da Vinci was a country boy of few prospects and being left-handed, he also had trouble writing.
Leonardo Da Vinci has often been accused of plagiarising other peoples’ work and taking credit for ideas that were not his own. Leonardo Da Vinci’s rise to popularity may have been slow, but once it gained momentum, fascination regarding him and his work never ceded. Leonardo Da Vinci’s most popular work is Monalisa.
The given passage is about a famous personality who was an artist. The passage describes his various artistic endeavors and also discusses the different fields where his contribution had a marked effect. The author goes to great lengths to describe his brilliance. Any statement in the given options that contradicts this is the answer. Option B talks about plagiarism and the author is most likely to disagree with this statement as he writes in the passage regarding the ingenuity of the artist and how he was the precursor to many modern techniques and innovations.
15. Which of the following is the MOST SIMILAR in meaning to the given word?
A. Realistic
B. Scenic
C. Detailed
D. Graphic
E. Striking
‘Pictorial’ means of or expressed in pictures. The meaning of the given options are as follows –
Realistic – representing things in a way that is accurate and true to life.
Scenic – providing or relating to views of impressive or beautiful natural scenery.
Detailed – (of a work of art) executed with many minor decorative features.
Graphic – relating to visual art, especially involving drawing, engraving, or
Striking – dramatically good-looking or beautiful.
From the above meanings, it is clear that ‘graphic’ is most similar in meaning to ‘pictorial’ making option D the correct answer.
16. The following sentence from the passage is divided into four parts. There is an error in one of the parts either in the grammatical sense or in the contextual meaning. Choose the option which has the part with the error. If there is no error, your answer is option E.
‘Working at full capacity with both left and right sides of his brain,(1)/ Leonardo’s
unquenchable curiosity (2)/ and inventive imagination produced more
contributions (3)/ to society that was ahead of his time.(4)’
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. No error
the error lies in the third part of the sentence. ‘More’ is a determiner that is used with uncountable nouns. Here ‘contributions’ is a countable noun and hence the determiner ‘many’ should be used. Thus, option C is the correct answer.
17. Which of the following would be the most appropriate title of the passage?
A. Leonardo Da Vinci – a mystery.
B. The lives and times of Leonardo Da Vinci
C. Monalisa Smile
D. The importance of Leonardo Da Vinci
E. The Renaissance Man
The given passage is about a famous personality who was an artist. The passage describes his various artistic endeavors and also discusses the different fields where his contribution had a marked effect. The author goes to great lengths to describe his brilliance. The author writes in the passage regarding the ingenuity of the artist and how he was the precursor to many modern techniques and innovations. He ends the passage with the statement that even in modern times scholars and others benefit from reading up about the artist’s works. Thus, option D is the best fit title for the passage.
18. Direction: In the given question, a statement divided into different segments is given. The first segment is fixed, rearrange the other segments to form a coherent statement. If the sentence is already arranged or the correct sequence is not mentioned, mark (e). i.e. “None of the above”; as your answer.
Young people could be/ rather than complain (P)/ about our ‘official’ leaders (Q)/ and the type of society we want (R)/ leaders in creating the examples we need (S)
E. None of the above
‘And’, ‘about’ and ‘rather’ cannot come after ‘could be’ as the initial clause “Young people”; will remain incomplete. So, the best fit after the fixed part is S which tells that “Young people could be leaders”. S will be followed by R as it further explains that the same young people who could be the leaders we want can also make the type of society we want. P and Q form a logical pair that introduces a subordinate clause starting with ‘rather’; (P) and are connected by the phrasal expression ‘complain about. So, the answer is SRPQ.
19. Direction: In the given question, a statement divided into different segments is given. The first segment is fixed, rearrange the other segments to form a coherent statement. If the sentence is already arranged or the correct sequence is not mentioned, mark (e). i.e. ‘None of the above, as your answer.
The man/ and grabbed each of the burglars (P)/ and began pounding their heads on the table (Q)/ by the neck (R)/ became furious (S).
E. None of the above
The sentence cannot be followed by ‘and’ or ‘’by’ after ‘the man’. So best fit after the fixed part is S, which expresses the man became furious. Sentence P shows, what the man did after becoming furious i.e. he grabbed each of the burglars. R further expresses the manner he did so i.e. by their necks. Q finally expresses his last act and thus will follow R.
Hence, the answer is SPRQ.
20. Direction: In the given question, a statement divided into different segments is given. The first segment is fixed, rearrange the other segments to form a coherent statement. If the sentence is already arranged or the correct sequence doesn’t match any of the given sequences, mark (e). i.e. ‘‘None of the above’’ as your answer.
She makes/ in God and humanity (P)/ and regain his faith (Q)/ to befriend his
neighbors (R)/ it possible for him (S).
E. None of the above
The fixed part cannot be followed by ‘in God’, ‘and regain’, ‘to befriend’. So, the
best fit after the fixed part is S. Now, after S will come to R as it is contextually correct i.e. what she makes possible for him (to befriend his neighbors). QP forms a logical and meaningful clause after the conjunction “and”. Thus, the
answer becomes SRQP.
Directions (Q. 21 – 25): Spelling Correction
21. Which of the following spelling is incorrect in the given context?
A. Cage
B. Arena
C. Veneal
D. Cloakroom
Answer – C. Veneal
The correct spelling is “Venial”
22. Which of the following spelling is incorrect in the given context?
A. Neonatal
B. Widespread
C. Predominant
D. Mainstrem
Answer – D. Mainstrem
The correct spelling of the word is “Mainstream”
23. Which of the following spelling is incorrect in the given context?
A. Finicky
B. Intigriety
C. Persnickety
D. Scrupulous
Answer – B. Intigriety
The correct spelling of the word is “Integrity”
24. Which of the following spelling is incorrect in the given context?
A. Plaguied
B. Invigorating
C. Rejuvenated
D. Braced
Answer – A. Plaguied
The correct spelling of the word is “Plagued”
25. Which of the following spelling is incorrect in the given context?
A. Raft
B. Array
C. Conglomeration
D. Assemblege
Answer – D. Assemblege
The correct spelling of the word is “Assemblage”
26. Choose the word which is most similar in meaning to the word printed in bold as used in the passage.
A. Association
B. Denotation
C. Disassociation
D. Separation
E. Differentiation
The answer is ‘A’ Connotation refers to an idea or feeling which a word invokes for a person in addition to its literal or primary meaning. In this context, ‘association’; is similar to connotation.
27. Choose the word which is most opposite in meaning to the word printed in bold as used in the passage.
A. Degrading
B. Destroying
C. Shame
D. Insult
E. Exalt
The answer is ‘E’; Demeaning is to cause a severe loss in the dignity of and respect for (someone or something). Therefore the opposite of ‘Demean’; would be to exalt or praise the virtues of something.
28. Direction: In the given question, a part of the sentence is printed in bold.
Below the sentence, alternatives to the bold part are given at (A), (B), (C) and (D)
which may help improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case the
given sentence is correct, your answer is (E), i.e., ‘No correction required’.
We Are putting a lot of trust in what a little ten-year-old girl said, are we?
A. Haven’t we
B. Aren’t we
C. Had we
D. Didn’t we
E. No correction required
The correct replacement is ‘aren’t we’.
Tag questions are those short questions that are tagged onto the end of a sentence. They are used just to make sure that the person you’re talking to understood what you meant or to emphasize what you said.
As a rule: When the sentence is positive, the tag is negative. When the sentence is negative, the tag is positive. If the main clause has an auxiliary verb in it, you use the same verb in the tag question.
Hence, option B is the correct answer.
29. Direction: In the given question, a part of the sentence is printed in bold. Below the sentence, alternatives to the bold part are given at (A), (B), (C) and (D) which may help improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case the given sentence is correct, your answer is (E), i.e., ‘No correction required.
His conviction has successfully overturned by Judge Peter Bowers sitting at Teesside Crown Court yesterday.
A. Are successfully overturned
B. Had been successfully overturned
C. Had successfully overturned
D. Was successfully overturned
E. No correction required
The phrase ‘had been successfully overturned’ is incorrect.
One must not use present tense with adverbs of past time like yesterday, last year, last month, ago, a short while ago, etc. Instead of simple past needs to be used. Therefore, it must be replaced with ‘was successfully overturned’ to form a grammatically correct sentence.
Hence, option D is the correct answer.
30. Direction: In the given question, a part of the sentence is printed in bold. Below the sentence, alternatives to the bold part are given at (A), (B), (C) and (D) which may help improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case the given sentence is correct, your answer is (E), i.e., ‘No correction required.
He was taking care of her for nearly a year now.
A. Is taking
B. Had been taking
C. Have been taking
D. Has been taking
E. No correction required
The phrase ‘was taking’ is incorrect.
The present perfect continuous tense (also known as the present perfect
progressive tense) shows that something started in the past and is continuing
up to the present time. The present perfect continuous is formed using the
construction ‘has/ have been’; +’the present participle’ (root + -ing).
Therefore, ‘was taking’ must be replaced with ‘has been taking’ to form a grammatically correct sentence.
SBI PO English Mains Questions and Answers
(1-8) Direction: Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. Certain words are printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of these.
The scariest part about smartphone addiction is that it can affect our physical and mental health, relationships, and productivity. America’s obsession with smartphones has even been compared to the obesity epidemic. That’s because just like drug or gambling addictions, smartphones provide an escape from reality. Humans are, by nature, prone to distraction. With smartphones, we literally have a world of distractions at our fingertips. It’s time to acknowledge that our devices can negatively impact our lives— and we must make a change.
Initially, cell phones used to be communication tools. Now, they’re GPS, cameras, gaming consoles, health trackers, and the list goes on. We turn to our devices for everything – from waiting in line at the grocery store or reading the news, to filing our taxes or controlling the thermostat. We don’t just use our smartphones for everything— we rely on them.
The brain on ‘smartphone’ is the same as the brain on cocaine. It’s all thanks to dopamine, the feel-good chemical that gets released every time you do something you enjoy, like eating your favorite meal or getting a hundred likes on your latest Instagram post. Dopamine reinforces (and motivates) behavior that makes us feel good and, in turn, can create addiction.
At the same time, having access to a constant flow of information has all but destroyed attention spans: a few years ago, a widely publicized study proved goldfish can focus longer than we can. This increase in ADD-like symptoms has been linked to the overuse of smartphones.
The effects of smartphone addiction don’t stop there; our overuse of technology has completely transformed how we communicate and interact with other people. Instead of getting real face time with the people in our lives, we hide often behind a screen. While technology can be a useful tool for keeping us connected, we must be careful with when and how we use it.
There’s nothing wrong with using the technology available to us. But when our smartphone usage interferes with our health and relationships with others, that’s when it becomes a problem. There’s a time and place to use devices and, more importantly, times to put them away.
Most people are aware of when it’s appropriate (or inappropriate) to use their smartphones, such as in meetings or job interviews. The scary thing is that the majority of those people will use them anyway! That’s where addiction comes into play: they know it’s wrong, but they can’t control the compulsion to pick up their phones.
(1) Which of the following words is similar in meaning to ‘acknowledge’ as used in the passage?
The meanings of the given words are as follows:
Acknowledge: accept or admit the existence or truth of
Concede: admit or agree that something is true after first denying or resisting it
Deny: states that one refuses to admit the truth or existence of
Satirize: deride and criticize by means of satire
Deride: express contempt for; ridicule
Praise: express warm approval or admiration of
Therefore, concede is the synonym of acknowledging.
(2) Which of the following words is opposite in meaning to ‘appropriate’ as used in the passage?
The meanings of the given words are as follows:
Appropriate: suitable or proper in the circumstances
Opportune: (of a time) especially convenient or appropriate for a particular action or event
Opinionated: characterized by conceited assertiveness and dogmatism
Irrelevant: not connected with or relevant to something
Snobby: relating to, characteristic of, or like a snob
Meek: quiet, gentle, and easily imposed on; submissive
Therefore, irrelevant is the antonym of appropriate.
(3) Which of the following words is similar in meaning to ‘prone’ as used in the passage?
The meanings of the given words are as follows:
Prone: likely or liable to suffer from, do, or experience something unpleasant or regrettable
Ignoble: not honorable in character or purpose
Immune: protected or exempt, especially from an obligation or the effects of something
Virtuous: having or showing high moral standards
Susceptible: likely or liable to be influenced or harmed by a particular thing
Resistant: offering resistance to something or someone
Therefore, susceptible is the synonym of prone.
(4) One of the phrases of the italicized sentence in the passage is grammatically incorrect. Identify the incorrect phrase and find its correct replacement from the following options.
Along with the people
In their lives
Often hide behind
To get real face time
No error and hence no replacement is required
The sentence is “Instead of getting real face time with the people in our lives, we
hide often behind a screen“;
The error is in the phrase ‘hide often behind’.
‘Often’ is an adverb that is used before the verb and not after it. In the italicized sentence, it is used after the verb, which is erroneous. The correct phrase should
be “often hide behind”.
The other parts in the given sentence are correct. Therefore, option C is the
correct answer.
(5) Which of the following statements is/ are TRUE with reference to the passage?
I. Besides being used as a communication device, nowadays, cell phones also act
as navigation tools and cameras.
II. Smartphones influence the way we interact and connect with people.
III. Smartphone addiction increases concentration.
Only I
Both I and II
Only III
All I, II, and III
Both II and III
The passage is about smartphone addiction and the harmful effects it has on
Statements I and II are listed in the passage and hence, are true. Also, it is mentioned in the passage that ‘a widely publicized study proved goldfish can focus longer than we can’ which implies that smartphone addiction doesn’t lead to an increase in concentration.
Hence, option B is the correct answer.
(6) Which among the following could be a suitable way to control smartphone
By getting involved in physical exercises
By turning off app notifications
By asking friends to call every now and then
By installing applications like a fitness tracker
None of the above
According to the passage, “Humans are, by nature, prone to distraction. With smartphones, we literally have a world of distractions at our fingertips.” Logically speaking, app notifications are a cause of distraction as they instigate a user to pick up his/ her mobile phone.
One might be prompted to mark option B as the correct answer. However, always remember while attempting an RC one cannot deduce anything that is not given in the passage. Also, such a scenario is subjective and will vary from person to person. There is no mention of disabling notification in the entire passage.
Hence, the correct answer is option E.
(7) What is meant by the following sentence of the passage?
‘The brain on “smartphone” is the same as the brain on cocaine.
The brain after smartphone addiction works just like it does after cocaine addiction.
Smartphones have provided us with a virtually unlimited supply of social stimuli, both positive and negative, which trigger the release of dopamine just like cocaine does.
Smartphones addiction causes insomnia, which is similar in nature to the one
caused by cocaine addiction.
The brain is an organ that responds positively to excesses.
None of the above
The given sentence suggests that the reaction of the brain to
smartphone addiction is similar to that of cocaine addiction. The reaction is
caused because of the release of dopamine which is triggered by positive and
negative stimuli.
The other options are irrelevant in the context of the passage. Therefore, option
B is the correct answer.
(8) Which of the following statements is false in relation to smartphone
The overall productivity of a person is affected by smartphone addiction.
Smartphone addiction can hamper our mental health and relationships with others.
Smartphone addiction results in increased harmony and cooperation among people.
Smartphone addiction affects our physical health.
None of the above
Smartphone addiction is nowhere advantageous to society. It does not lead to an increase in harmony or co-operation among the people. However, it affects mental and physical health. Also, productivity is affected due to smartphone addiction.
Hence, option C is the correct answer.
(9) Direction: In the given question, a sentence is divided into four parts. There are errors in three parts. Choose the part which doesn’t have an error. If all the four parts are correct, mark E, i.e. ‘All are correct as of the answer. Comparisons have been drawn between (A)/pneumonia caused by the new virus or SARS (B)/ which infect more than 8000 people (C)/ during a global outbreak that begin in 2003. (D)
All are correct
The error in part B lies in the use of the coordinating conjunction ‘or’. ‘Or’ is used to indicate independent relations. But in this case, since the two diseases are related to a certain extent (on the basis of their influence), the coordinating the conjunction ‘and’ should be used.
In part C, the error lies in the use of the present tense ‘infect’ to refer to an action that has occurred in the past (2003). The past tense ‘infected should be used. Similarly, in part D, instead of ‘begin’, the past participle ‘begun’ should be used.
Thus, the correct part is A, making options A the correct answer.
(10) Direction: In the given question, a sentence is divided into four parts. There are errors in three parts. Choose the part which doesn’t have an error. If all the four parts are correct, mark E, i.e. ‘All are correct as of the answer. Bosses and investors purse the documents (A)/ for clues about whose industries or firms (B)/ have gained favor (C)/ and whose have fallen out of it.
All are correct
The error in part A lies in the usage of the word ‘purse’. ‘Purse’ means a small pouch of leather or plastic used for carrying money, typically by a woman. The correct word to be used here should be ‘parse’ which means an act of understanding a string or a text.
In part B the error lies in the usage of ‘whose’. The relative pronoun whose is used to indicate that something belongs to or is owned by someone or something else. But in the context of the given sentence, the pronoun should directly refer to the ‘industries or firms’. Thus, ‘which should be used. The same error is observed in part D.
Thus, part C is error-free, making option C the correct answer.
(11) Direction: In the given question, a sentence is divided into four parts. There are errors in three parts. Choose the part which doesn’t have an error. If all the four parts are correct, mark E, i.e. ‘All are correct as of the answer. After an in-depth interview, (A)/ in which Lurie was asked about (B)/ his family life and two children, (C)/ he was diagnosed with schizophrenia and hospitalized. (D)
All are correct
There are no errors in any part of the sentence, making option E the correct answer.
(12) Direction: In the given question, a sentence is divided into four parts. There are errors in three parts. Choose the part which doesn’t have an error. If all the four parts are correct, mark E, i.e. ‘All are correct as the answer. The real difference would be that, (A)/ in genuine European affairs such that (B)/ the future of the Balkans, Ukraine, Turkey and the farther evolution of the EU itself, (C)/ London will no longer have a say. (D)
All are correct
The sentence is talking about a future action. Thus, in part A it is incorrect to use ‘would’ and ‘will’ should be used instead.
In part B the usage of the subordinating conjunction ‘such that’ is incorrect. The correct phrase here should be ‘such as’ which is used to introduce an appositive, which is a word group that explains or clarifies through example the words preceding it.
In part C, instead of ‘farther’ which implies physical distance we need to use ‘further’ which implies metaphorical distance.
Thus, part D is error-free, making option D the correct answer.
(13) Direction: In the given question, a sentence is divided into four parts. There are errors in three parts. Choose the part which doesn’t have an error. If all the four parts are correct, mark E, i.e. ‘All are correct as of the answer. Rosenhan’s work holds up for scrutiny (A)/ the often-harmful nature of psychiatric hospitals (B)/ and galvanized a growing movement to shut the largest ones (C)/ and replace them with the smallest, community-based mental health centers. (D)
All are correct
In part A, the phrase ‘hold up’ is incorrect as it means a robbery. the correct the phrase here should be ‘held up’ which means for a story to be considered true after an investigation.
In parts, C and D the degrees of comparison are incorrect for ‘largest’ and ‘smallest’. The superlative degrees have been used, but the comparative forms would be a better choice here.
Thus, part B is error-free, making option B the correct answer.
(14) Direction: In the given question, a sentence is divided into four parts. There are errors in three parts. Choose the part which doesn’t have an error. If all the four parts are correct, mark E, i.e. ‘All are correct as of the answer. The competition is between two models of politics (A)/ where both are advocating the politics of neighborhood (B)/ and promised the supply of everyday needs at a reasonable price (C)/ and the other is pitching the issues of religious nationalism. (D)
All are correct
The sentence at the beginning itself establishes the fact that there is a competition. Then in part B instead of ‘both,’ we need to use the determiner ‘one’ to establish the contrast between the two competitors.
In part C, instead of the past tense ‘promised’, the future tense ‘promising’ should be used.
In part D, instead of the plural ‘issues’ the singular should be used as ‘regional nationalism’ is a singular topic with many facets which has not been mentioned. Thus, part A is the error-free part making options A the correct answer.
(15) Direction: In the given question, a statement has been divided into five segments, each of which is denoted by (A), (B), (C), (D), and (E). Rearrange all the segments to form a coherent statement.
A) with Australia’s average summer temperatures increasing,
B) there has been an increase in the frequency and intensity
C) for three years with declining average rainfall levels
D) of heatwaves and droughts and
E) vast parts of the country were reeling under a drought
From the given segments it is evident that the sentence should begin with part A as it establishes the Australian temperature conditions. It should be followed by part B which states the effect of the increase in average temperature. Part D which talks about heat waves and droughts should follow B as then it becomes clear the area of the effect mentioned by parts A and B. This should be followed by part E which acts as a separate independent clause attached to the sentence by ‘and’. Part C comes in the end.
The correct order is ABDEC, making option E the correct answer.
(16) Direction: In the given question, a statement has been divided into five segments, each of which is denoted by (A), (B), (C), (D), and (E). Rearrange all the segments to form a coherent statement.
A) and global coordination
B) vigilance, preparedness,
C) speed, transparency
D) from becoming a global emergency
E) are now crucial to stopping a new infectious disease
We can observe that parts A, B, and C list out several characteristics. This makes it evident that either B or C can start the sentence. This negates options A, D, and E. part A will always come in the third position as it is preceded by the conjunction ‘and’ which makes it clear that it joins BC or CB. If part A is in the third position then option B is our only correct answer.
(17) Direction: In the given question, a statement has been divided into five segments, each of which is denoted by (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E). Rearrange all the segments to form a coherent statement.
A) more than 10 million hectares of forestland
B) have burnt down across the country,
C) leading to mass evacuations and
D) thousands of people stranded at seashores,
E) considering it safer
part A should begin the sentence as it draws the readers focus to the pertinent issue of forestland. It should be followed by part B which talks about the state of the forest lands. Its effect is explained in part C which should come next followed by part D which acts as an independent but equally important clause and can be joined by ‘and’. Part E comes in the end.
This makes option D the correct answer as the correct sequence is ABCDE.
(18) Direction: In the given question, a statement has been divided into five segments, each of which is denoted by (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E). Rearrange all the segments to form a coherent statement.
A) and screen travellers from Wuhan in central China
B) have mounted an enormous operation to track
C) authorities in the country and around the world
D) railway and skies to be with their families for the new year holidays,
E) as hundreds of millions of people in China take to the roads,
From the parts it is evident that the sentence starts with part E which draws the focus towards the travellers and this part ends with ‘roads’. This makes it evident that D should be the second part as it begins with ‘railway’ and thus acts as a continuation to tell the reader the types of transport availed by the travellers. This negates option B, D and E.
Part C which talks about the authorities should come in next followed by part B which talks about their action.
Thus, the correct order is EDCBA, making option C the correct answer.
(19) Direction: In the given question, a statement has been divided into five segments, each of which is denoted by (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E). Rearrange all the segments to form a coherent statement.
A) in California in the United States
B) of the Australian wildfires have dwarfed
C) the catastrophe caused by the fires in
D) the extent of damages and the intensity
E) Brazilian Amazon forests and
From the different parts it is evident that the sentence aims to present a comparison between forest fires in different areas. The sentence should begin with part D. parts E and A form an unit which list two areas. Part B which talks of a single area and uses the comparative ‘dwarfed’ must come in second position.
This makes option A the only eligible correct answer.
(20) Direction: In the given question, a statement has been divided into five segments, each of which is denoted by (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E). Rearrange all the segments to form a coherent statement
A) a fever along with
B) people with the virus report
C) such as a cough or
D) other symptoms of lower-respiratory infection
E) breathing difficulties
From the given parts, it is evident that part B should start the sentence. This is because it draws attention to the people who have the virus and the rest of the sentence then goes on to explain their symptoms. Thus, option B which has part B in the beginning is the correct answer.
(21) Direction: Which of the following phrases (i), (ii), and (iii) given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold letters to make the sentence grammatically correct? Choose the best option among the five given alternatives that reflect the correct use of phrase in the context of the grammatically correct sentence. If the sentence is correct as it is, mark (E) i.e., “No correction required” as the answer
Around 7 million people is preparing to fly in China to 400 cities in 100 countries to celebrate the Chinese New Year.
i. Are preparing to fly from China
ii. Is prepared to fly from China
iii. Will fly from China
Only i
Only ii
Only iii
Both i and iii
No error
‘is’ cannot be used as ‘people’ is plural and it would create a subject-verb disagreement. So, phrase ii can be negated.
Phrase i is correct as it uses ‘are’ which helps maintain the subject-verb agreement.
Phrase iii can also replace the highlighted part as it uses ‘will fly’ to indicate future tense which is appropriate for the sentence.
Thus, option D is the correct answer
(22) Direction: Which of the following phrases (i), (ii), and (iii) given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold letters to make the sentence grammatically correct? Choose the best option among the five given alternatives that reflect the correct use of phrase in the context of the grammatically correct sentence. If the sentence is correct as it is, mark (E) i.e., “No correction required” as the answer
Scientists are increasing concerned about a new virus that is spreading in Asia.
i. Increasingly concerned
ii. More increasingly concerned
iii. Increasingly conceited
Only i
Only ii
Only iii
Both i and iii
No correction required
‘Concerned’ is a verb and thus needs an adverb to modify it. ‘increasing’ is an adjective while the adverb is ‘increasingly’. So, phrase i can replace the highlighted part. In phrase ii, ‘more’ which is a determiner has been incorrectly placed before the adverb. In phrase iii, ‘conceited’ means excessively proud of oneself and is out of context with respect to the sentence. Thus, option A is the correct answer.
(23) Direction: Which of the following phrases (i), (ii), and (iii) given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold letters to make the sentence grammatically correct? Choose the best option among the five given alternatives that reflect the correct use of phrase in the context of the grammatically correct sentence. If the sentence is correct as it is, mark (E) i.e., “No correction required” as the answer
It also now seems that the virus can be spread from person to person, in spite the extent of such transmissibility is unclear.
i. Despite the extent
ii. Though the extent
iii. Although the extent
Only i
Only ii
Both ii and iii
Both i and iii
No correction required
‘in spite’ is a preposition phrase always followed by ‘of’ which makes the highlighted phrase incorrect. Phrase i cannot replace it as ‘despite’ should always be placed in front of a noun ] or a pronoun. But ‘though’ and ‘although’ which are synonyms and refer to ‘in spite of the fact that’ are the correct replacements for the highlighted phrase.
This makes option C the correct answer.
(24) Direction: Which of the following phrases (i), (ii), and (iii) given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold letters to make the sentence grammatically correct? Choose the best option among the five given alternatives that reflect the correct use of phrase in the context of the grammatically correct sentence. If the sentence is correct as it is, mark (E) i.e., “No correction required” as the answer
Trust is undermine when scientists make overblown promises about disease prevention.
i. Trust is compromise
ii. Trust is undermined
iii. Trust is diminish
Both i and ii
Only ii
Only iii
Both i and iii
No correction required
the sentence is in present perfect tense and thus, ‘undermine’ should be used in its present perfect format which is ‘undermined. This makes phrases i and ii also incorrect as they use the present tense forms of ‘compromise’ and ‘diminish’ both of which are synonymous to ‘undermine’. Thus, only phrase ii can replace the highlighted phrase making option B the correct answer.
(25) Direction: Which of the following phrases (i), (ii), and (iii) given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold letters to make the sentence grammatically correct? Choose the best option among the five given alternatives that reflect the correct use of phrase in the context of the grammatically correct sentence. If the sentence is correct as it is, mark (E) i.e., “No correction required” as the answer.
The resurgence of Ebola virus in the Democratic Republic of the Congo this May is a stark reminder that no amount of DNA sequencing can tell us when or where the next virus outbreak will appear.
i. when the next virus outbreak will appear.
ii. where the next virus outbreak will appear.
iii. About how the next virus outbreak will appear.
Only i
Only ii
Only iii
Both i and iii
No correction required
The highlighted phrase is both grammatically and contextually correct. This makes option E the correct answer.
(26) Direction: Which of the following phrases (i), (ii), and (iii) given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold letters to make the sentence grammatically correct? Choose the best option among the five given alternatives that reflect the correct use of phrase in the context of the grammatically correct sentence. If the sentence is correct as it is, mark (E) i.e., “No correction required” as the answer
Broad genomic surveys of animal viruses will almost certain advance our understanding of virus diversity and evolution.
i. Will most certainly advance
ii. Will almost certainly advance
iii. Would almost certainly advance
Both i and ii
Both ii and iii
Only iii
Both i and iii
No correction required
advance is a verb and needs an adverb to modify it. Thus, ‘certainly’ should be used. Both i and ii fulfill this criterion. But iii cannot be used as ‘would’ is the past tense form and its usage will imply that the sentence is talking about past understandings. Thus, option A is the correct answer.
(27) Direction: In the given question, an idiom/phrase has been printed in bold in the sentence. Choose the alternative that best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase.
Racist feelings almost certainly lie at the bottom of these recent attacks.
To be the basic cause of something unpleasant
A certainty that something will happen or be true
The last of one’s ready or available ploys or tricks
To hate somebody from the core of heart
Everyone must be self-sufficient.
The idiom “lie at the bottom” is used to mean ‘to be the basic cause of a problem or situation’. The above sentence mentions that the root cause of the recent attacks is the racist feelings.
Thus, option A is the correct answer.
(28) Direction: In the given question, an idiom/phrase has been printed in bold in the sentence. Choose the alternative that best expresses the meaning of the idiom/ phrase.
We needed to go outside, as the children were bouncing off the wall.
In continuous, consecutive, unbroken succession
A sign that something is healthy or recovering, when in fact the thing is already on its way to ruin, collapse, or stagnation.
Of a person, to move or change between several different things
To discuss an idea with one, in order to gauge interest in it or get feedback.
To be excited and full of nervous energy
The idiom “bouncing off the wall” is used to mean ‘to be very active and energetic to the point of hyperactivity’. Thus, option E is the correct answer.
(29) Direction: In the given question, an idiom/phrase has been printed in bold in the sentence. Choose the alternative that best expresses the meaning of the idiom/ phrase.
All her efforts to be polite went by the board and she started to shout.
Involving every part or person of an organization
To be honest and legal
To be calm
To be rejected or ignored
To be shy
The idiom “went by the board” is used to mean (of something planned or previously upheld) be abandoned, rejected, or ignored. Thus, option D is the correct answer.
(30) Direction: In the given question, an idiom/phrase has been printed in bold in the sentence. Choose the alternative that best expresses the meaning of the idiom/ phrase.
Environmental groups smell blood, and are increasing their campaign against the airport.
To recognize an opportunity to be more successful
Harmed but not defeated
To have a fight or serious argument
anger or a bad relationship due to past problems with someone
To be terrified or horrified by somebody or something
The idiom “smell blood” means to discern weakness or vulnerability in an opponent. Thus, option A is the correct answer.
(31) Direction: A sentence with one blank is given, indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the word that best fits the blank appropriately.
Engineers were able to build an engine that could run for miles ________ ever breaking down.
The preposition ‘without’ refers to the absence of something. In this case, the sentence points to the predicted absence of breakdowns in the future. Hence the correct answer is option B
(32) Direction: A sentence with one blank is given, indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the word that best fits the blank appropriately.
Despite all efforts, illegal hunting still goes on in many forests ________ the world.
The adverb ‘around’ refers to something which is located or situated on every side. In this case, the forests are located in every part of the world. Hence the correct answer is option E.
(33) Direction: A sentence with one blank is given, indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the word that best fits the blank appropriately.
The huge amount of money being laundered to other countries could hamper India’s growth ______ the future.
The preposition ‘in’ is used to express the period of time during which an event happens or is expected to happen. In the above sentence, the said period is in the future. Hence the correct answer is option A
(34) Direction: A sentence with one blank is given, indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the word that best fits the blank appropriately.
Countries worldwide are sympathetically trying to ____________________ hardships endured by Syrian refugees.
There are only two possibilities in the given context: increase or decrease hardships
The given sentence uses ‘sympathetically’ which eliminates the possibility of increasing the hardships.
‘Mitigate’ means to make something less severe.
‘Huddle’ means crowd together; nestle closely.
‘Amplify’ means to increase.
Hence, mitigate is the correct answer.
(35) Direction: A sentence with one blank is given, indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the word that best fits the blank appropriately.
The bank manager did not feel ___________ about recovering the loan.
The latter half talks about an action the bank manager wasn’t ____ about. This indicates that the word in the blank should mean ‘confident/ sure’.
Connivance means the willingness to allow or be secretly involved in an immoral or illegal act.
Tacit means understood or implied without being stated.
Sanguine means confident about the future
Cognizant means having knowledge or awareness.
Hence, sanguine is the correct answer.
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