SBI SCO Syllabus 2025 & Exam Pattern PDF Download: The State Bank Of India organization provides the SBI SCO Exam Syllabus 2025 for Assistant Manager JMGS-I, and Deputy Manager MMGS-II conveniently available for download. With the syllabus in hand, candidates can plan their preparation effectively to ace the written examination. The selection process for the Assistant Manager JMGS-I, Deputy Manager MMGS-II position syllabus is key to success.
SBI SCO Syllabus 2025
The SBI SCO Exam Syllabus 2025 is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the topics and subjects candidates need to focus on for the upcoming exam. Aspirants can access the SBI SCO Syllabus 2025 PDF download link from the official website sbi.co.in With detailed insights into the SBI SCO Exam Pattern 2025 and syllabus, candidates can strategize their preparation to maximize their chances of success.
SBI SCO Syllabus 2025 – Overview
Latest SBI SCO Syllabus 2025 | |
Organization Name | State Bank Of India |
Post Name | Assistant Manager JMGS-I, Deputy Manager MMGS-II |
Category | Syllabus |
Job Location | All India |
Official Website | sbi.co.in |
SBI SCO Exam Pattern 2025
Detailed information regarding SBI SCO Exam Pattern 2025 is given in this section. Refer to this section thoroughly without any interruptions. For every competitive exam, the exam pattern is essential. Moreover, the exam pattern for the online written test for the posts of Assistant Manager JMGS-I, Deputy Manager MMGS-II has been provided here. Candidates must and should score the minimum qualifying marks in this written test to get shortlisted for further rounds in the selection process.
SBI Assistant Manager (Engineer) Exam Pattern 2025
Test | S.No | Subject | No.of Question | Marks | Duration |
General Aptitude | i | Test of Reasoning | 50 | 50 | 90 Minutes |
ii | Quantitative Aptitude | 35 | 35 | ||
iii | English Language | 35 | 35 | ||
Professional Knowledge | i | Civil or Electrical Engineering | 50 | 100 | 45 Minutes |
Total | 170 | 220 | 135 Minutes |
SBI Deputy Manager Exam Pattern 2025
S.No | Subject | No.of Question | Marks | Duration |
1. | Test of Reasoning | 50 | 50 | 90 Minutes |
2. | Quantitative Aptitude | 35 | 35 | |
3. | English | 35 | 35 | |
4. | Professional Knowledge | 50 | 100 | 45 Minutes |
Total | 170 | 220 |
SBI SCO Exam Syllabus 2025
SBI Assistant Manager (Engineer) Syllabus 2025
1. Coding-Decoding
2. Seating Arrangement
3. Blood Relation
4. Analogy
5. Inequalities
6. Classification
7. Direction Sense Test
8. Inserting the Missing Character
9. Alphanumeric Series
10. Syllogism
11. Puzzle
12. Input-Output
Quantitative Aptitude:
1. Number Series
2. Simplification & Approximation
3. Inequality
4. Data Interpretation
5. Arithmetic
6. Data Sufficiency
7. Probability
8. Permutation & Combination
English Language:
1. Reading Comprehension
2. Sentence Improvement
3. Idiom & Phrases
4. Error Spotting
5. Preposition
6. Fillers
7. Tense
8. Word Swap
9. Conjunction
10. Parajumble
Professional Knowledge
Electrical Engineering:
1. Basic Electrical Engineering -Circuit laws, AC and DC circuits, network theorems, and resonance.
2. Electrical Machines- Transformers, DC machines, induction motors, and synchronous machines.
3. Power Systems – Power generation, transmission, distribution, and fault analysis.
4. Control Systems – Feedback systems, stability analysis, and transfer functions.
5. Electrical Measurements – Measurement devices, bridges, and instrument transformers.
6. Power Electronics – Rectifiers, inverters, choppers, and industrial applications.
7. Digital Electronics – Logic gates, Boolean algebra, flip-flops, and microprocessors.
8. Electromagnetic Theory- Magnetic circuits, electromagnetic waves, and transmission lines.
9. Utilization of Electrical Energy – Electric heating, welding, illumination, and traction systems.
10. Renewable Energy Sources- Solar, wind, biomass, and emerging technologies.
Civil Engineering:
1. Building Materials- Properties of building materials like cement, concrete, bricks, and steel.
2. Surveying – Levelling, contouring, theodolite survey, and distance measurement methods.
3. Soil Mechanics – Soil properties, classification, compaction, and permeability.
4. Hydraulics – Fluid properties, flow measurement, open channel flow, and hydraulic machines.
5. Structural Engineering – Analysis of structures, design of steel and RCC structures, and shear force & bending moment.
6. Environmental Engineering – Water supply, wastewater treatment, air pollution, and solid waste management.
7. Transportation Engineering – Pavement design, traffic engineering, highway planning, and geometric design.
8. Estimating, Costing & Valuation – Preparation of estimates, costing methods, and valuation techniques.
9. Construction Management – Project management, scheduling techniques, and contract management.
SBI Deputy Manager Syllabus 2025
Quantitative Aptitude:
1. Boats and Streams
2. Races and Games
3. Numbers
4. Compound Interest
5. Ratio and Proportion
6. Height and Distance
7. Problems on Ages
8. Allegation or Mixture
9. Chain Rule
10. Volume and Surface Area
11. Decimal Fraction
12. Simple Interest
13. Area
14. Permutation and Combination
15. Pipes and Cistern
16. Partnership
17. Square Root and Cube Root
18. Time and Work
19. Banker’s Discount
20. Surds and Indices
21. Logarithm
22. Stocks and Share
23. Average
24. Simplification
25. Probability
26. Time and Distance
27. Problems on H.C.F and L.C.M
Professional Knowledge:
1. Auditing Standards
2. Data Communication & Networking
3. Compiler design
4. Data Base Management System (DBMS)
5. Data structure
6. Management Accounting Concepts
7. Accounting Standards
8. Programming language C, C++ and OOPS
9. Mobile Technologies
10. Software engineering
11. Cost Accounting Concepts
12. Integrated circuits
13. Basic Terms
14. Basic Accounting concepts and principles
15. Direct and Indirect Taxes
16. Digital electronics
17. Operating system & amp; system programming
18. Cyber Security and Threats
19. Computer organization & Microprocessor
1. Idioms and Phrases
2. Active Voice and Passive Voice
3. Sentence Arrangement
4. Para Completion
5. Joining Sentences
6. Substitution
7. Fill in the blanks
8. Error Correction (Underlined Part)
9. Sentence Improvement
10. Antonyms
11. Error Correction (Phrase in Bold)
12. Prepositions
13. Spotting Errors
14. Sentence Completion
15. Synonyms
16. Passage Completion
1. Analogy
2. Blood Relations
3. Clocks & Calendars
4. Non-Verbal Series
5. Alphabet Series
6. Statements & Arguments
7. Syllogism
8. Mirror Images
9. Number Series
10. Decision Making
11. Embedded Figures
12. Number Ranking
13. Arithmetical Reasoning
14. Coding-Decoding
15. Directions
16. Data Interpretation
17. Statements & Conclusions
18. Cubes and Dice
SBI SCO Syllabus 2025 Download Link
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