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Top 60 Scrum Master Interview Questions and Answers

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Scrum Master Interview Questions and Answers: Scrum, created by Schwaber and Sutherland, is an agile framework for team collaboration. Scrum Master Interview Questions for Freshers facilitates complex delivery and self-organization, promoting learning through practice. Scrum ensures regular value delivery to clients via iterative project execution. Save yourself the hassle of searching for Scrum Master interview questions. Our comprehensive list of the top 60 Scrum Master Questions and Answers covers various networking topics. You’ll find everything you need in one place to ace your Latest Scrum Master Interview Questions.

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Scrum Master Technical Interview Questions

Prepare for your Latest Scrum Master Interview Questions, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, with our curated list of the Top 60 Scrum Master Interview Questions and Answers. This comprehensive collection caters to both beginners and advanced technical interviews, ensuring you’re well-prepared to excel in your Scrum Master Technical Interview Questions.

Top 60 Scrum Master Interview Questions and Answers

1. How would you define the role of a Scrum Master in a software development team?

The role of a Scrum Master is to facilitate the Scrum process, ensure adherence to Scrum principles and practices, and remove any obstacles that hinder the team’s progress.

2. What is the difference between Agile and Scrum?

Agile is a mindset and a set of values and principles that emphasize flexibility, collaboration, and iterative development. Scrum, on the other hand, is a specific framework within the Agile methodology that provides guidelines on how to implement Agile principles in a project.

3. What are the three pillars of Scrum?

Following are the three pillars of Scrum:

3. What are the three pillars of Scrum


  • Clear visibility of important process components
  • Uniform standards to define and understand the process
  • Common language and shared understanding of terms
  • Consistent concept of “done” for all involved parties


  • Regular examination of Scrum artifacts and progress
  • Identification of undesired deviations
  • Inspections performed diligently and skillfully
  • Avoidance of excessive inspections that hinder work


  • Modification of the process or materials in response to identified deviations
  • Prompt adjustment to prevent future deviations
  • Timely action to maintain alignment with acceptable boundaries

4. Can you explain the Scrum framework and its key components?

The Scrum framework consists of three key components: the Product Owner, who represents the stakeholders and manages the product backlog; the Development Team, responsible for delivering the product increment; and the Scrum Master, who facilitates the Scrum process and ensures its effective implementation.

5. How can you assure that the user stories meet the requirements?

Good user stories adhere to the INVEST principle and consist of a descriptive component and a set of acceptance criteria. They are self-contained units that can be accomplished within a sprint and minimize dependencies. The team can effectively build, test, and deliver estimates within the sprint’s constraints.

5. How can you assure that the user stories meet the

  • I stands for Independent – The user story should be such that the team members are less reliant on others
  • N stands for Negotiable – It should describe the functionality and is subject to agreement between the Team and the Product Owner.
  • V stands for Valuable – It should add value to the customer’s experience.
  • E stands for Estimable – It should be such that the time requirement can be approximately estimated.
  • S stands for Small – It should be small enough so that the team can complete it in a sprint.
  • T stands for Testable – It should have good acceptance criteria

6. How do you facilitate effective communication within a Scrum team?

Effective communication within a Scrum team can be facilitated through daily stand-up meetings, regular Sprint reviews and retrospectives, clear user story discussions, visual management tools, and fostering an environment of open and transparent communication.

7. How would you handle a situation where the team is resistant to adopting Scrum practices?

I would first try to understand the reasons behind their resistance and address any concerns or misconceptions they may have. I would emphasize the benefits of Scrum and Agile, provide training and support, and encourage open dialogue to create a collaborative environment where the team can gradually embrace Scrum practices.

8. What are the five steps of Risk Management?

To manage risk, there are five essential measures to follow. They are as follows:

8. What are the five steps of Risk Management

Identification of Risk:

  • Determine risks in the company’s current operational environment.
  • Recognize various types of risks (e.g., legal, environmental, market, regulatory).

Analysis of the Risk:

  • Assess the scope of the identified risks.
  • Understand the relationship between the risk and other internal components.
  • Determine the severity and impact of the risk on business operations.

Ranking the Risk:

  • Prioritize and rank risks based on their intensity and potential for loss.
  • Use risk management solutions with multiple risk categories.
  • Assign the highest rank to risks that can lead to significant losses and the lowest rank to risks causing minor inconveniences.

Treating the Risk:

  • Minimize or eliminate each identified risk to the best possible extent.
  • Engage specialists relevant to each specific risk.
  • Arrange stakeholder meetings to discuss and debate the concerns associated with the risks.

Reviewing the Risk:

  • Conduct a review process to ensure the complete elimination of the identified risks.

9. Can you describe the different Scrum ceremonies and their purposes?

The different Scrum ceremonies include Sprint Planning, where the team plans the work for the upcoming Sprint; the Daily Scrum, a brief daily meeting to synchronize and plan the day’s work; the Sprint Review, where the team demonstrates the completed work to stakeholders; and the Sprint Retrospective, a reflection on the previous Sprint to identify areas for improvement.

10. How do you ensure that the Scrum team is focused and productive during the Sprint?

To ensure focus and productivity, I would help the team maintain a clear Sprint goal, prioritize the backlog items, remove any impediments, facilitate effective collaboration and communication, and encourage self-organization and time management techniques like time-boxing and the Pomodoro technique.

11. What do you mean by Scrum of Scrums?

Scrum of Scrums connects multiple teams for collaboration in complex solutions, fostering transparency, inspection, and adaptation. It relies on trust, alignment, and high performance within a shared purpose. This virtual team structure simplifies communication compared to traditional hierarchies. Its goal is coordinating self-contained groups towards efficient and collaborative product development.

11. What do you mean by Scrum of Scrums

12. How do you handle conflicts within the Scrum team?

When conflicts arise, I would encourage open and honest communication, active listening, and mediation techniques. I would foster an environment of trust and respect, encourage the team to find mutually beneficial solutions, and remind them of the shared goal and values of the Scrum team.

13. How do you measure the success of a Scrum team?

The success of a Scrum team can be measured through various metrics such as the team’s velocity (the amount of work completed in a Sprint), the satisfaction of stakeholders and customers, the team’s ability to meet Sprint goals and deliver high-quality product increments, and the team’s continuous improvement and adaptation to feedback.

14. Can you explain the concept of a user story and its importance in Scrum?

A user story is a concise, customer-centric description of a desired functionality or requirement. It serves as a communication tool between the development team and stakeholders, capturing the “who,” “what,” and “why” of a feature or functionality. User stories help prioritize and plan the work in the product backlog, ensuring the focus remains on delivering value to the end users.

15. How do you prioritize the product backlog?

Prioritizing the product backlog involves considering factors such as business value, stakeholder feedback, market demand, and dependencies. I would collaborate with the Product Owner and stakeholders to understand their priorities and gather insights. Techniques like MoSCoW (Must have, Should have, Could have, Won’t have) or the Weighted Shortest Job First (WSJF) method can be used to prioritize backlog items based on their relative importance and urgency.

16. What is the purpose of a burndown chart in Scrum?

A burndown chart visually represents the remaining work (usually in story points or hours) in a Sprint or project over time. It helps the team track progress and identify if they are on track to complete the work within the Sprint. The chart allows the team to identify any deviations from the plan and adjust their efforts accordingly.

17. How do you handle changes or disruptions during a Sprint?

Changes or disruptions during a Sprint should be evaluated based on their impact and urgency. If the change is necessary and aligned with the Sprint goal, it can be considered for inclusion in the Sprint. However, if the change disrupts Sprint’s focus or affects its feasibility, it may be addressed in subsequent Sprints or through a separate process, such as the product backlog refinement.

18. Can you describe the role of the Product Owner in Scrum?

The Product Owner is responsible for maximizing the value of the product and representing the stakeholders’ interests. They work closely with the development team to define and prioritize the product backlog, ensure that user stories are well-understood, provide clarifications, and make informed decisions about the product’s features, releases, and iterations.

19. How do you ensure that the Scrum team delivers a high-quality product?

To ensure a high-quality product, I would encourage practices such as test-driven development, continuous integration, code reviews, and automated testing. I would promote collaboration between the development team and the Product Owner to clarify requirements and acceptance criteria. Regularly inspecting and adapting the Definition of Done and leveraging appropriate quality assurance techniques are also crucial.

20. How do you deal with external stakeholders who are not familiar with Scrum?

When working with stakeholders unfamiliar with Scrum, I would educate them about the framework and its benefits. I would provide clear explanations, share success stories from previous projects, and involve them in Scrum events, such as Sprint reviews. It’s important to establish open channels of communication, set realistic expectations, and address any concerns or misconceptions they may have, ensuring a collaborative and transparent relationship.

21. How do you handle situations where the team is unable to meet the Sprint goals?

If the team is unable to meet the Sprint goals, I would first analyze the reasons behind it. I would facilitate a retrospective to identify any underlying issues, gather feedback from the team, and collaboratively explore potential solutions. It may involve adjusting the scope, reviewing the team’s capacity, addressing any external dependencies or impediments, or adapting the planning and estimation process to ensure more realistic commitments in the future.

22. Can you explain the concept of self-organization in Scrum?

Self-organization is a fundamental aspect of Scrum, where the development team has the autonomy to determine how the work is done. They collaboratively decide how to organize the work, assign tasks, and make technical decisions. The Scrum Master supports and guides the team to foster a self-organizing environment by empowering team members, encouraging collaboration, and removing any external or organizational barriers that hinder self-organization.

23. What are the main differences between the responsibilities of a Scrum Master and those of a Scrum team member?

Scrum Master Scrum Team Member
Facilitates the Scrum process and ceremonies Contributes to the development and delivery of product increments
Removes obstacles and shields the team from distractions Collaborates with team members and fulfills assigned tasks
Guides the team in adopting and improving agile practices Participates in sprint planning, reviews, and retrospectives
Ensures adherence to Scrum principles and values Takes ownership of user stories and tasks
Promotes continuous improvement and team effectiveness Provides input and feedback on process improvements

24. How do you promote collaboration and teamwork within a Scrum team?

To promote collaboration and teamwork, I would encourage practices such as daily stand-up meetings, regular Sprint reviews and retrospectives, and visual management tools. I would foster an environment of trust, respect, and psychological safety where team members feel comfortable sharing ideas and opinions. Facilitating effective communication, promoting knowledge sharing, and encouraging a sense of collective ownership and accountability are also essential to promote collaboration within the Scrum team.

25. How do you handle situations where the team is struggling to estimate the effort for user stories?

When the team is facing challenges with estimating effort, I would facilitate a discussion to understand the root causes. It could be due to a lack of clarity in user stories, unfamiliarity with the technology or domain, or varying levels of expertise within the team. I would encourage the team to collaborate and leverage techniques such as story points, relative sizing, or reference stories to improve estimation accuracy. Providing guidance, training, and coaching on estimation techniques can also help the team improve their estimation skills over time.

26. Can you describe the role of the Scrum Master in facilitating Sprint Planning?

The Scrum Master plays a crucial role in facilitating the Sprint Planning meeting. They ensure that the meeting is well-structured, time-boxed, and focused on achieving the desired outcomes. The Scrum Master helps the Product Owner and the development team collaborate in refining the product backlog, clarifying user stories, and selecting the right items for the upcoming Sprint. They facilitate discussions on dependencies, capacity, and feasibility to support the team in creating a realistic Sprint plan.

27. Can you explain the difference between a traditional project management approach and the Scrum framework?

Traditional Project Management Scrum Framework
Emphasizes detailed upfront planning and documentation Employs iterative and incremental development
A sequential process with defined phases (e.g., waterfall) An iterative process with short timeframes (e.g., Sprints)
Relies on fixed scope, schedule, and budget Adapts to changing requirements and priorities
Requires comprehensive project plans and Gantt charts Utilizes a product backlog and sprint planning
Hierarchical structure with a project manager Self-organizing teams with a Scrum Master

28. How do you ensure that the team has a shared understanding of the Definition of Ready?

To ensure a shared understanding of the Definition of Ready, I would collaborate with the team and Product Owner to define and document the criteria for a user story to be considered ready for development. I would facilitate discussions and encourage team members to contribute their perspectives. Regularly reviewing and refining the Definition of Ready, conducting training sessions, and promoting a culture of shared understanding and continuous improvement can help the team align their expectations and ensure smoother development processes.

29. How do you handle situations where the team is facing external pressure to deliver certain features or changes?

When the team faces external pressure, I first empathize with their concerns and communicate the impact of the pressure on the Scrum process and the team’s ability to deliver quality work. I then collaborate with the Product Owner and stakeholders to prioritize and manage expectations. By transparently communicating the team’s capacity and the trade-offs associated with adding additional work, we can negotiate realistic commitments and ensure that the team’s focus remains on delivering value incrementally while maintaining sustainable development practices.

30. Can you describe the role of the Scrum Master in stakeholder management?

The Scrum Master plays a vital role in stakeholder management by facilitating effective communication between the development team and stakeholders. They act as a bridge, ensuring that stakeholders’ perspectives, feedback, and expectations are understood and incorporated into the product development process. The Scrum Master helps manage stakeholder relationships, facilitates discussions, and ensures that stakeholders have the necessary information to make informed decisions. They also advocate for the team’s needs and protect them from excessive interruptions, allowing the team to stay focused on their work.

31. How do you handle situations where the team is not adhering to the Scrum framework?

If the team is not adhering to the Scrum framework, I would first identify the reasons behind it. It could be due to a lack of understanding, resistance to change, or external pressures. I would provide guidance, education, and clarification on the benefits and principles of Scrum. I would also emphasize the importance of following the Scrum framework to achieve the desired outcomes and foster transparency, collaboration, and continuous improvement. Through coaching, mentoring, and leading by example, I would support the team in embracing the Scrum practices and mindset.

32. Can you explain the concept of the “Definition of Done” in Scrum?

The “Definition of Done” is a shared understanding among the Scrum team about the criteria that must be met for a product increment to be considered complete and potentially shippable. It defines the quality standards and the level of completeness for user stories or features. The “Definition of Done” typically includes criteria such as coding standards, testing requirements, documentation, and any other necessary activities to ensure that the product increment meets the team’s agreed-upon definition of quality.

33. How do you ensure that the team maintains a sustainable pace throughout the project?

To ensure a sustainable pace, I would monitor the team’s workload and capacity. I would facilitate discussions on work-life balance, address any signs of burnout, and encourage the team to set realistic expectations for their commitments. I would promote the use of time-boxing techniques, facilitate effective sprint planning and backlog refinement, and advocate for a focus on quality and continuous improvement. Regularly reviewing and adapting the team’s velocity and adjusting workloads accordingly can also help maintain a sustainable pace.

34. Can you describe the role of the Scrum Master in the Sprint Review?

The Scrum Master’s role in the Sprint Review is to facilitate the meeting and ensure that it is productive and focused. They help the Product Owner and the team prepare the demonstration of the completed work, ensuring that it aligns with the Sprint goal and stakeholder expectations. The Scrum Master encourages open dialogue, gathers feedback from stakeholders, and facilitates discussions on potential improvements or adjustments based on the feedback received. They also help identify and address any impediments that may arise during the Sprint Review.

35. Explain the syntax of a user story in Agile development.

A user story in Agile development follows the format of “As a [role], I want [goal], so that [reason].” It is a concise description of a feature or functionality from the perspective of a user.

36. What is the difference between a Scrum Master and a Project Manager?

Scrum Master Project Manager
Focuses on facilitating the Scrum process Focuses on overall project management
Ensures adherence to Scrum principles and values Manages project scope, schedule, and budget
Facilitates team collaboration and self-organization Directs and assigns tasks to team members
Removes obstacles and shields the team from distractions Manages stakeholder communication and expectations
Promotes continuous improvement and team effectiveness Monitors project progress and ensure deliverables

37. What is the syntax for defining acceptance criteria for a user story?

Acceptance criteria for a user story are typically written as a bulleted list under the user story. Each criterion should be specific, measurable, and testable to ensure that the feature is implemented correctly.

38. Describe the syntax of a typical daily stand-up meeting in Scrum.

In a daily stand-up meeting, each team member answers three questions: “What did you do yesterday?”, “What will you do today?”, and “Are there any obstacles or impediments in your way?” The meeting is timeboxed to 15 minutes.

39. How does the role of a Scrum Master differ in a software development project compared to a non-technical project?

Software Development Project Non-technical Project
Manages the development process and team dynamics Oversees project management and coordination
Facilitates collaboration between technical team members Facilitates collaboration between project stakeholders
Focuses on technical aspects and implementation details Focuses on project goals and deliverables
Ensures adherence to software development best practices Ensures adherence to project management methodologies
Guides the team in adopting and improving agile practices Guides the team in following project management processes

40. Explain the syntax of a Scrum task board.

A Scrum task board typically consists of three columns: “To Do,” “In Progress,” and “Done.” Tasks are represented as sticky notes or cards that are moved across the columns as they progress through the workflow.

41. What is the syntax for estimating user stories using story points?

Story points are a relative estimation technique used in Agile. The syntax for estimating user stories using story points is typically a Fibonacci sequence (e.g., 1, 2, 3, 5, 8) or the modified Fibonacci sequence (e.g., 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3).

42. How does the role of a Scrum Master differ from that of a Product Owner?

Scrum Master Product Owner
Facilitates the Scrum process and team collaboration Represents the interests of stakeholders and customers
Removes obstacles and shields the team from distractions Defines and prioritizes the product backlog
Promotes self-organization and continuous improvement Makes decisions on product features and requirements
Ensures adherence to Scrum principles and values Defines the product vision and roadmap
Facilitates sprint planning, reviews, and retrospectives Collaborates with the team to refine user stories

43. Describe the syntax of a retrospective meeting in Scrum.

A retrospective meeting follows the “What went well?”, “What could be improved?”, and “Action items” format. Team members discuss what worked, and what didn’t, and come up with action items to improve the process in the next iteration.

44. Explain the syntax of a Scrum sprint review.

A sprint review is an informal meeting where the development team demonstrates the work completed during the sprint to stakeholders. The syntax typically involves showcasing the implemented user stories and collecting feedback.

45. What is the distinction between a Scrum Master and an Agile Coach?

Scrum Master Agile Coach
Focuses on facilitating the Scrum process Provides guidance and coaching on agile principles
Ensures adherence to Scrum principles and values Helps organizations adopt and scale agile methodologies
Facilitates team collaboration and self-organization Coaches individuals and teams on agile practices
Removes obstacles and shields the team from distractions Guides the organization towards agile mindset and culture
Promotes continuous improvement and team effectiveness Supports the development of agile capabilities

46. What is the syntax for creating a product backlog in Scrum?

The product backlog is a prioritized list of user stories and other product requirements. The syntax involves capturing the user story title, description, priority, and any additional information needed for implementation.

47. Describe the syntax for conducting a Scrum grooming session.

In a grooming session, the team reviews and refines items from the product backlog. The syntax includes discussing and estimating the user stories, breaking them down into smaller tasks if necessary, and ensuring their readiness for future sprints.

48. Explain the syntax of a Scrum sprint planning meeting.

The sprint planning meeting is divided into two parts. The first part involves selecting user stories from the product backlog and breaking them down into tasks. The syntax includes estimating the effort required for each task. The second part involves creating a sprint goal and defining the work that will be delivered in the upcoming sprint

49. How do you encourage continuous improvement within the Scrum team?

I encourage continuous improvement by fostering a culture of learning and reflection. I facilitate regular Sprint Retrospectives, where the team reflects on their processes, and identifies strengths, areas for improvement, and actionable items. I encourage experimentation and innovation, promoting the adoption of new tools, techniques, and practices. I also support the team in setting and tracking improvement goals, celebrating successes, and providing regular feedback and coaching to help them grow and enhance their performance.

50. Can you describe the role of the Scrum Master in removing impediments?

The Scrum Master plays a vital role in removing impediments that hinder the team’s progress. They act as a servant leader, identifying and addressing any obstacles or issues that prevent the team from achieving their Sprint goals. The Scrum Master collaborates with stakeholders, such as management or other teams, to resolve dependencies or conflicts. They provide guidance, support, and resources to the team, ensuring that they have a conducive work environment and can focus on their tasks.

51. Can you explain the distinction between Scrum and other agile frameworks, such as Kanban or Lean?

Scrum Kanban Lean
Iterative and time-boxed approach Continuous flow-based approach Elimination of waste and focus on value
Employs defined roles (Scrum Master, Product Owner, team) No prescribed roles, focuses on the flow of work No prescribed roles, focuses on value delivery
Uses Sprints with defined timeframes No fixed timeframes, work progresses as capacity allows No fixed timeframes focuses on cycle time
Requires dedicated cross-functional teams No specific team structure requirements No specific team structure requirements
Relies on the product backlog and sprint planning Relies on a visual board and limiting work in progress Focuses on value stream mapping and waste reduction

52. How do you ensure effective collaboration between the Scrum team and the Product Owner?

To ensure effective collaboration, I facilitate regular communication channels between the Scrum team and the Product Owner. This includes sprint planning, backlog refinement sessions, daily stand-ups, and sprint reviews. I encourage the Product Owner to actively engage with the team, provide clarifications on user stories, and prioritize backlog items based on the team’s insights. I also promote mutual understanding and empathy, fostering an environment where both the Scrum team and the Product Owner can collaborate, share perspectives, and work towards a shared goal.

53. Can you explain the concept of “Servant Leadership” in the context of the Scrum Master role?

Servant Leadership is a leadership style where the leader’s primary focus is on serving the needs of others, enabling their growth, and facilitating their success. In the context of the Scrum Master role, it means that the Scrum Master is dedicated to serving the Scrum team, the Product Owner, and the organization. They support the team by removing impediments, facilitating collaboration, coaching, and mentoring team members, and ensuring the Scrum framework is understood and followed. The Scrum Master empowers the team to self-organize and make decisions, fostering a culture of trust and continuous improvement.

54. How do you ensure transparency in the Scrum process?

I ensure transparency in the Scrum process by promoting open communication and visibility of work. This includes using tools like task boards, burndown charts, and information radiators to make the progress and status of the project visible to all stakeholders. I facilitate regular meetings such as daily stand-ups, sprint reviews, and retrospectives to share information, gather feedback, and address any questions or concerns. I also encourage the team to be transparent in their work, including sharing challenges, risks, and successes, to foster trust and collaboration within the team and with external stakeholders.

55. Can you describe the role of the Scrum Master in managing external dependencies?

The Scrum Master plays a role in managing external dependencies by identifying, tracking, and coordinating with external teams or stakeholders that the Scrum team relies on. They actively communicate and collaborate with these external parties to align expectations, address interdependencies, and ensure smooth coordination. The Scrum Master may facilitate meetings, negotiate agreements, or escalate issues as necessary to minimize disruptions and maintain a productive and efficient development process.

56. What are the key differences between a Scrum Master and a technical lead or team lead?

Scrum Master Technical Lead / Team Lead
Focuses on facilitating the Scrum process Provides technical guidance and expertise
Ensures adherence to Scrum principles and values Guides and mentors the technical team
Facilitates team collaboration and self-organization Oversees technical aspects of the project
Removes obstacles and shields the team from distractions Coordinates technical tasks and assignments
Promotes continuous improvement and team effectiveness Drives technical excellence and best practices

57. How do you promote a culture of self-improvement within the Scrum team?

I promote a culture of self-improvement by encouraging individuals within the Scrum team to take ownership of their professional development. I support and facilitate opportunities for learning, such as training programs, workshops, and conferences. I encourage team members to share knowledge and experiences, conduct internal knowledge-sharing sessions, and provide mentorship or coaching to one another. By creating an environment that values continuous learning and growth, team members are motivated to enhance their skills and contribute to the overall improvement of the team.

58. Can you share an example of a situation where you had to mediate conflicts within the Scrum team?

Certainly! In one project, there was a disagreement between two team members regarding the best approach to solving a technical challenge. The conflict escalated, affecting collaboration and progress. As the Scrum Master, I scheduled a meeting with both team members to understand their perspectives. I facilitated a constructive conversation, ensuring that each person had the opportunity to express their views and concerns. Through active listening and empathy, we reached a common understanding and identified a compromise that incorporated the strengths of both approaches. The mediation helped restore trust, improve communication, and enable the team to move forward collaboratively.

59. How do you ensure that the Scrum team stays focused on the Sprint goals?

To ensure the team stays focused on the Sprint goals, I promote a clear and shared understanding of the Sprint goals and the value they aim to deliver. I facilitate discussions during sprint planning to define the goals, break down work, and prioritize tasks accordingly. I encourage the team to regularly review the Sprint goals during the daily stand-ups, ensuring alignment and adjusting the plan if necessary. I also minimize external distractions, protect the team’s time and focus, and provide guidance and support to keep the team on track toward achieving the Sprint goals.

60. How does the role of a Scrum Master differ in small, co-located teams versus large, distributed teams?

Small, Co-located Teams Large, Distributed Teams
Close physical proximity allows for frequent in-person collaboration Relies on virtual communication and collaboration tools
Facilitates face-to-face interactions and immediate feedback Focuses on managing time zone differences and communication challenges
Easier to establish a shared understanding and synchronize work Requires stronger emphasis on coordination and clear communication
Enables quick resolution of issues and impediments Requires proactive planning for effective collaboration
Supports a higher level of transparency and visibility Relies on digital tools and platforms for information sharing


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