SEBI Grade A Officer Books | Best Books For SEBI Grade A Officer Exam: Herewith, We are providing information regarding Best Books For SEBI Grade A Officer Exam along with the details about the SEBI Grade A Exam Pattern, Syllabus, and Eligibility Criteria. So, aspirants can refer to the information provided in this article to know the Best Books For SEBI Grade A Exam.
★★ Best Reference Books for All Competitive Exams ★★
SEBI, Securities Exchange Board of India was established on 12th April 1988 and given statutory powers on 30th January 1992 through the SEBI Act, 1992. SEBI was formed to regulate the functioning of the Indian capital market and it is owned by the Government of India. It is entitled to protect the interest of the investors and to develop the capital market by implementing various rules and regulations.
SEBI Grade A Officer (Assistant Manager)
SEBI recruits eligible candidates for the post of Assistant Manager. Candidates are eligible to attempt the SEBI Grade A Officer Exam from various streams of Legal, General, Information Technology, Research, Official Language, And Engineering stream. The SEBI Grade A officer bears a great responsibility to take care of various departments under the Securities Exchange Board of India.
Eligibility Criteria for SEBI Grade A Officer Exam
- Candidates should hold Indian citizenship or be citizens of Nepal, Bhutan, and Bangladesh with a valid certificate from the Indian Government.
- One must hold an educational degree as per the choice of stream applying for (General, legal, Information technology, Research, and engineering), from a recognized university or institution.
- The maximum age limit is 30 years, however, there is an age limit relaxation for the reserved categories as per the norms of the government which is given in the below table.
Reservation Category | Age Relaxation |
SC/ ST | 5 years |
The person with disabilities (SC /ST) | 15 years |
Other backward classes (OBC) Non-Creamy layer(OBC-NCL) | 3 years |
The person with disabilities (OBC) | 13 years |
The person with disabilities (General) | 10 years |
Ex-Service-men/Disabled Ex-Service-men | 5 years |
SEBI Grade A Officer Exam Pattern and Syllabus
Securities Exchange Board of India recruits the Grade A officer based on the performance of a two-phased online exam and interview. SEBI Grade A Exam consists of two phases and each phase consists of two papers. The syllabus for paper 1 and paper 2 of the two phases is similar.
Phase 1 (Online screening examination consisting of two papers of 100 marks each)
- Paper 1: It is common for all streams as it covers the sections of Quantitative Aptitude, English Language, Reasoning, and General Awareness.
- Paper 2: It will be given based on the specialized subjects related to the stream (General Stream, Legal, Engineering Stream (Civil & Electrical), Official Language stream, and Research Stream)
Phase 2 (Online screening examination consisting of two papers of 100 marks each)
- Paper 1: It’s common for All streams, the English section (Descriptive Test) to test the drafting skills
- Paper 2: It will be given based on the specialized subjects related to the stream (General Stream, Legal, Engineering Stream (Civil & Electrical), Official Language stream, and Research Stream)
SEBI Grade A Officer Paper 1 (Phase1 And II) Section-wise Syllabus
Section | Topics |
General Awareness | Current Affairs – National & International, Budget, Awards and Honours, Important Days, International & National Organizations, Sports, Books and Authors, Science – Inventions & Discoveries, Countries & Capitals |
English Language | Error Spotting, Sentence Rearrangement, Reading Comprehension, Passages, Synonyms, Idioms & Phases, etc. |
Quantitative Aptitude | Data Interpretation, Inequalities, Number Series, Approximation and Simplification, Data Sufficiency, HCF and LCM, Profit and Loss, Profit and Loss, SI & CI, Problem on Ages, Work and Time, Speed Distance and Time, Probability, Permutation and Combination, Mensuration, Average, Ratio and Proportion |
Reasoning | Puzzles, Seating Arrangements, Direction Sense, Blood Relations, Syllogisms, Order and Ranking, Coding-Decoding, Machine Input-Output, Inequalities, Alpha-Numeric-Symbol Series, Data Sufficiency, Number System and Conversions, Number System and Conversions, Logical Reasoning. |
SEBI Grade A Officer Paper II Syllabus
SEBI Grade A Officer Paper-II Syllabus for the stream of Information Technology, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Research stream.
- Information Technology Stream: SQL Queries, Database Concepts, Shell Programming, Algorithms for problem-solving, Data Analytics Languages, Database Concepts, and more
- Stream Civil Engineering: Structural Analysis, Flow of Fluids, Structural Analysis, Environmental Engineering, Solid Mechanics, Building Materials, Construction Practice, Planning, and Management
- Electrical Engineering: Systems and Signal Processing, Electrical and Electronic Measurements, Power Systems, Basic Electronics Engineering, Computer Fundamentals, and more
- Research Stream: Public Economics, Financial Markets, Economics, Statistics and Econometrics, and International Economics.
SEBI Grade A Officer Paper-II Syllabus For General Stream
Economics and Social Issues
- Demand and Supply, Market Structures, National Income: Concepts and Measurement, Classical & Keynesian Approach Determination of output and employment, Consumption Function, Investment Function, Multiplier and Accelerator, Demand and Supply for Money, IS-LM, Inflation and Phillips Curve, Business Cycles.
- Balance of Payments, Foreign Exchange Markets, Inflation, Monetary and Fiscal Policy, Non-banking Financial Institutions.
Commerce & Accountancy
- Accounting as a financial information system;
- Accounting Standards with specific reference to Accounting for Depreciation, Inventories, Revenue Recognition, Fixed Assets, Foreign Exchange Transactions, and Investments.
- Cash Flow Statement, Fund flow statement, Financial statement analysis; Ratio analysis;
Accounting for Share Capital Transactions including Bonus Shares and right Shares. - Employees Stock Option and Buy-Back of Securities.
- Preparation and Presentation of Company Final Accounts.
- Management: its nature and scope; The Management Processes; Planning, Organization, Staffing, Directing and controlling; The Role of a Manager in an Organization.
- Leadership: The Tasks of a Leader; Leadership Styles; Leadership Theories; A successful Leader versus an effective Leader.
- Human Resource Development: Concept of HRD; Goals of HRD; Performance Appraisal – Potential appraisal and development – Feedback and Performance Counseling – Career Planning – Training and Development – Rewards – Employee Welfare. Motivation, Morale, and Incentives: Theories of Motivation; How Managers Motivate; Concept of Morale; Factors determining Morale; Role of Incentives in Building up Morale.
- Communication: Steps in the Communication Process; Communication Channels; Oral versus Written Communication; Verbal versus non-verbal Communication; upward, downward and lateral communication; Barriers to Communication, Role of Information Technology.
- Corporate Governance: Factors affecting Corporate Governance; Mechanisms of Corporate Governance.
Finance & Management
- Financial System:
- Money Market, Capital Market
- Reserve Bank of India- functions, and conducts monetary policy, Banking System in India, Financial Institutions – SIDBI, EXIM, NABARD, NHB, etc.
- SEBI – functions, and role
- Prevention of Money Laundering
- Know Your Client Framework
- Financial Markets:
- Primary and Secondary Markets (Forex, Money, Bond, Equity, etc.), functions, instruments, and recent developments.
General Topics
- Risk Management in Financial Sector Page 21 of 25
- Basics of Derivatives: Forward, Futures, and Swap
- Changing Landscape of the Financial Sector
- Recent Developments in the Financial Sector, Portfolio Investment, Public Sector Reforms, Disinvestments
- Financial Inclusion- use of technology
- Alternate source of finance, private and social cost-benefit, Public-Private Partnership
Corporate Governance in the Financial Sector, the role of e-governance in addressing the issues of corruption and inefficiency in the government sector - The Union Budget – Direct and Indirect taxes; Non-tax sources of Revenue, GST,
- Thirteenth Finance Commission and GST, Finance Commission, Fiscal Policy, Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act (FRBM)
- Inflation: Definition, trends, estimates, consequences, and remedies (control): WPI, CPI – components, and trends.
- Overview of Cost and Management Accounting – Introduction to Cost and Management Accounting, Objectives and Scope of Cost and Management Accounting.
- Methods of Costing – Single Output/ Unit Costing, Job Costing, Batch Costing, Contract Costing, Process/ Operation Costing, Costing of Service Sectors.
- Basics of Cost Control and Analysis – (i) Standard Costing, (ii) Marginal Costing, (iii) Budget and Budgetary Control.
- Lean System and Innovation:- Introduction to Lean System, Just-in-Time (JIT), Kaizen Costing, 5 Ss, Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), Cellular Manufacturing/ One-Piece Flow Production Systems, Six Sigma (SS), Introduction to Process Innovation and Business Process Re-engineering (BPR).
Best Books For SEBI Grade A Officer Paper 1 (Section-Wise)
General Awareness
Banking Awareness Handbook of Banking Information | N.S. Toor |
Banking Awareness | Arihant Experts |
Static GK General Knowledge | A. P. Bhardwaj |
Lucent General Knowledge | Dr. Binay Karna & R. P. Suman |
Banking Awareness | N K Gupta and IBC Academy Publications |
English Language
High School English Grammar and Composition | Wren and Martin |
Objective General English | R. S. Aggarwal and Vikas Aggarwal |
Word Power Made Easy | Norman Lewis |
English for Bank Exams | S. Chand Publishing |
Quantitative Aptitude
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations | RS Aggarwal/ S Chand Publishing; Revised edition |
Quantitative Aptitude for All Competitive Examinations | Abhijit Guha/ McGraw Hill Education; |
Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation | Disha Publication; Third edition |
Data Interpretation | Arun Sharma |
Quantum Cat | Sarvesh Kumar Verma |
Reasoning Ability
A Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning | R. S. Aggarwal |
Analytical Reasoning | M. K. Pandey |
How to Crack the Test of Reasoning | Jaikishan and Premkishan |
A New Approach to REASONING Verbal & Non-Verbal | B.S. Sijwali and Indu Sijwali |
SEBI Grade A Officer Paper-II (Phase I, II) Recommended Books
Aspirants can refer to the recommended books for Economics, Commerce & Accountancy, Management, Finance & Management, and Cost of General Streams.
Preferable Books for SEBI Grade A Officer Economics
- NCERT Books
- Union Budget & Economic Survey.
- Indian Economy for Civil Services, Universities, and Other Examinations – Ramesh Singh
- Indian Economy For UPSC Civil Services, State Services, UGC, University, College UG & PG Exams – Madhur M. Mahajan
- Indian Economic Development Since 1947 – Uma Kapila
- Indian Economy – Gaurav Datt and Ashwani Mahajan
- Indian Economy – Principles, Policies, and Progress – Sri Ram Srirangam & Manish Kumar
- Indian Economy – Mishra Puri.
Recommended Books For SEBI Grade A Officer Commerce & Accountancy
- Corporate Accounting – Naseem Ahmed
- Student’s Guide to Accounting Standards – Dr D.S. Rawat
- Commercial’s Accounting Standards – Ravi Kanth Miriyala
- Indian Accounting Standards – Dolphy D’Souza
SEBI Grade A Officer Recommended Books For Management
- Principles of Management – Harold Koontz
- Financial Management – Prasanna Chandra Principles and Practices of Management– L N Prasad
- Financial Management, Theory, and Practice – Prasanna Chandra
- Management Accounting – R.S.N. Pillai & Bhagavati
- Principles of Management -McGraw Hills
Best Books For SEBI Grade A Officer Finance & Management
- Financial Management – Prasanna Chandra Principles and Practices of Management – L N Prasad
- Indian Financial System – Bharati V Pathak
- Organizational Behaviour – S P Robbins
- Principles of Management – Harold Koontz
- IGNOU Notes for Organisational Behaviour
SEBI Grade A Officer Recommended Books For Costing
- Cost Accounting: Method & Problems – B.K. Bihar
- Cost Accounting – N.K. Prasad & A.K. Prasad
- Cost Accounting – Theory & Practices – Bhabatosh Banerjee
- Principles and Practice of Cost Accounting – Asish Bhattacharya
- Studies in Cost Management – S.N. Maheshwari
In Conclusion, We hope that the above-provided information regarding Best Books for the SEBI Grade A Officer exam will help prepare for the SEBI Grade A Exam efficiently. For further queries feel free to contact us via a comment in the below section. We will approach you timely with quick replies. ‘Keep Visiting’ our website Freshersnow.com for more educational information.