Are you people worried at Sequential Output Tracing? Do you feel tighten in facing the Sequential Output Tracing Quiz? Don’t be tensed, we are here with you. We are here together with a bound to help you out. Here, in the below post we provide you the Sequential Output Tracing Questions which is equivalent to the competitive exams. The questions included in this quiz helps you to face the examinations straightforwardly. Moreover, we also provide you the corresponding Sequential Output Tracing Questions and Answers through which you can undergo the mistakes. Look at below to robust the knowledge.
Sequential Output Tracing Reasoning Quiz Details
Quiz Name | Sequential Output Tracing |
Category | Reasoning |
Number of Questions | 12 |
Time | 30 Minutes |
Exam Type | MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) |
Sequential Output Tracing Quiz Online Test – Practice Now
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A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of an input and rearrangement.
Input: 54 Sea 88 doctor 41 remind 63 aunt united 15 92 Even
Step I: 17 54 Sea 88 doctor 41 remind 63 united 92 Even aunt
Step II: doctor 17 54 Sea 88 remind 63 united 92 Even aunt 43
Step III: 52 doctor 17 Sea 88 remind 63 united 92 aunt 43 Even
Step IV: remind 52 doctor 17 Sea 88 united 92 aunt 43 Even 65
Step V: 86 remind 52 doctor 17 united 92 aunt 43 Even 65 Sea
Step VI: united 86 remind 52 doctor 17 aunt 43 Even 65 Sea 90
And Step VI is the last step of the rearrangement of the above input.
As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate step for the given input.
Directions (1-5) Input: 48 Stream 82 Damage 35 read 57 apple unit 9 86 end
1. In which step the elements ‘11 unit 86’ found in the same order?
(a) Step I
(b) Step II
(c) Step III
(d) Step V
(e)Step VI
2. In step IV, which of the following word/number would be at 2nd position to the left of 7th from the right end?
(a) 11
(b) Stream
(c) 82
(d) unit
(e) 86
3. How many steps remind completing the above arrangement?
(a) Three
(b) Four
(c) Six
(d) Seven
(e) Five
4. Which of the following would be step III after arrangement?
(a) 16 Damage 11 Stream 82 read 57 unit 86 apple 37 end
(b) 6 Damage 11 Stream 80 read 57 unit 86 apple 37 end
(c) 6 Damage 15 Stream 82 read 57 unit 86 apple 37 end
(d) 46 Damage 11 Stream 82 read 57 unit 86 apple 37 end
(e) None of these
5. In step VI, ‘80’ is related to ‘unit’ and ‘11’ is related to ‘Damage’. In the same way ‘59’ is related to?
(a) end
(b) unit
(c) read
(d) Stream
(e) None of these
Students let us understand the Logic behind this Question and let’s understand how to solve it. When we see the each step, then we can find that there is both number and words are arranged in each step.
1) For words arrangement- Words are arranged according to alphabetical order given in English dictionary. In first step the words which comes first according to English dictionary arranged first to extreme right. And in second step next word are arranged to extreme left.
And this process is continued in further step.
2) For number arrangement- Number are arranged according to ascending order. In first step lowest number arranged in extreme left. And in second step next number is arranged in extreme right. And this process is continued in further step( Each odd number is added by two(+2) while they are arranged and two is subtracted by each even number(-2) while they are arranged).
Input: 48 Stream 82 Damage 35 read 57 apple unit 9 86 end
Step I: 11 48 Stream 82 Damage 35 read 57 unit 86 end apple
Step II: Damage 11 48 Stream 82 read 57 unit 86 end apple 37
Step III: 46 Damage 11 Stream 82 read 57 unit 86 apple 37 end
Step IV: read 46 Damage 11 Stream 82 unit 86 apple 37 end 59
Step V: 80 read 46 Damage 11 unit 86 apple 37 end 59 Stream
Step VI: unit 80 read 46 Damage 11 apple 37 end 59 Stream 84
1. Ans.(d)
2. Ans.(a)
3. Ans.(c)
4. Ans.(d)
5. Ans.(a)
Directions (6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the given
INPUT: Train Car Airplane Ship Bus Cycle Auto
Step 1: Train Ship Car Airplane Bus Cycle Auto
Step 2: Train Ship Cycle Car Airplane Bus Auto
Step 3: Train Ship Cycle Car Bus Airplane Auto
Step 4: Train Ship Cycle Car Bus Auto Airplane
Step 4 is the final output.
Find the different steps of output using the above mentioned logic for the following input.
INPUT: Diver Actor Astronaut Engineer Therapist Sportsperson Doctor
6. How many steps does it take to get the final output?
A. 5 steps
B. 6 steps
C. 4 steps
D. 7 steps
E. None of these
7. What is the third word from the left end in Step 4?
A. Doctor
B. Therapist
C. Engineer
D. Actor
E. None of these
8. Which of the following will be Step 2?
A. Therapist Sportsperson Diver Actor Astronaut Engineer Doctor
B. Therapist Diver Actor Astronaut Engineer Sportsperson Doctor
C. Therapist Sportsperson Engineer Diver Actor Astronaut Doctor
D. Therapist Sportsperson Engineer Doctor Diver Astronaut Actor
E. None of these
9. What is the position of the word “Astronaut” from the left end in Step 3?
A. Third
B. Second
C. Sixth
D. Seventh
E. Fourth
10. How many words are there between engineer and doctor in step 3?
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
E. None
Final arrangement:
Change in words: The words are arranged in reverse alphabetical order from the left end to right end.
INPUT: Diver Actor Astronaut Engineer Therapist Sportsperson Doctor
Step 1: Therapist Diver Actor Astronaut Engineer Sportsperson Doctor
Step 2: Therapist Sportsperson Diver Actor Astronaut Engineer Doctor
Step 3: Therapist Sportsperson Engineer Diver Actor Astronaut Doctor
Step 4: Therapist Sportsperson Engineer Doctor Diver Actor Astronaut
Step 5: Therapist Sportsperson Engineer Doctor Diver Astronaut Actor
Answers for Directions (6-10):
6. Answer: A
7. Answer: C
8. Answer: A
9. Answer: C
10. Answer: C
Directions (11-15): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
An alphanumeric machine when given an input, rearranges them by following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of the input and steps rearrangement:
Input: Corona 54 Pandemic 38 Isolated 62 Quarantine 82 Containment 94
Step –I: 94 54 pandemic 38 isolated 62 quarantine 82 containment corona
Step-II: 94 pandemic 54 isolated 62 quarantine 82 containment corona 38
Step-III: 94 pandemic 82 54 62 quarantine containment corona 38 isolated
Step-IV: 94 pandemic 82 quarantine 62 containment corona 38 isolated 54
Step-V: 94 pandemic 82 quarantine 62 corona 38 isolated 54 containment
Step 5 is the last and final step of the rearrangement.
With the same rules followed in the above arrangement, determine the steps for the following input.
Input: Errors 93 Fancy 55 Mango 65 Next 62 Rose 81
11) Which of the following element is second to the left of “Next” in step III of the given input?
A) 55
B) Fancy
C) Mango
D) 81
E) None of the above
12) In which of the following step, the elements “Next Fancy 62 Rose 65” comes in the same order?
A) Step I
B) Step II
C) Step III
D) Step IV
E) There is no such step
13) Which of the following element is sixth from the left in step III of the given input?
A) 62
B) 55
C) Mango
D) Next
E) Errors
14) What is the sum of the numbers between the elements “Mango” and “Rose” in step III of the given input?
A) 213
B) 198
C) 207
D) 239
E) 202
15) How many numbers are there between the elements “Next” and “Rose” in step IV of the given input?
A) Two
B) Three
C) Four
D) Five
E) One
For words: Pick out the words in alphabetical order by considering the last letter of the given word. For each step, one word is shifted to the left and right alternatively, starting with the word at the right end in step I.
For Number: Pick out the numbers by considering the sum of the digits in descending order. For each step, one number is shifted to the left and right alternatively, starting with the number at the left end in step I
Input: Errors 93 Fancy 55 Mango 65 Next 62 Rose 81
Step- I: 93 Errors Fancy 55 Mango 65 Next 62 81 Rose
Step-II: 93 Mango Errors Fancy 55 Next 62 81 Rose 65
Step–III: 93 Mango 55 Fancy Next 62 81 Rose 65 Errors
Step- IV: 93 Mango 55 Next Fancy 62 Rose 65 Errors 81
Step-V: 93 Mango 55 Next 62 Rose 65 Errors 81 fancy
Answers for Directions (11-15):
11) Answer: A
12) Answer: D
13) Answer: A
14) Answer: B 55 + 62 + 81 = 198
15) Answer: E
Directions (16-20): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:
Input: nano 74 nest 26 neat 35 normal 43 narrow 67
Step1: 74 nest neat 35 normal 43 narrow 67 nano 262
Step2: 74 nest neat normal 43 67 nano 262 narrow 335
Step3: 74 nest normal 67 nano 262 narrow 335 neat 343
Step4: 74 normal nano 262 narrow 335 neat 343 nest 367
Step5: nano 262 narrow 335 neat 343 nest 367 normal 742
Step 5 is the final output.
Find the different steps of output using the above mentioned logic for the following input.
Input: tea 53 table 46 tact 83 this 69 test 11.
16. In which of the following steps, ‘table’ is placed at third from the left end?
A. Step 1
B. Step 2
C. Step 4
D. Either A or B
E. None of these
17. Which of the following is the final output?
A. table 311 tact 462 test 353 tea 369 this 383
B. table 311 tact 462 tea 353 test 369 this 383
C. this 383 table 311 tact 462 tea 353 test 369
D. tact 462 tea 353 test 369 this 383 table 311
E. None of these
18. What is the difference between the highest and the lowest numbers of step 3?
A. 268
B. 316
C. 393
D. 413
E. None of these
19. Which of the following element is second to the left of fourth element from the right end in step 2?
A. 83
B. this
C. 69
D. test
E. None of these
20. In which of the following steps “83 this table” is appeared in the same order?
A. Step 4
B. Step 5
C. Step 3
D. Both Step 3 and step 4
E. None of these
Final arrangement:
Change in Word: Change in words takes place as per the dictionary order and is placed before the number.
Change in Number: Change in numbers takes place as per the ascending order. Thereafter numbers are changed to a new number which is obtained by application of the following rules and then shifted to the extreme right end.
Rule I: If the number is even, then place ‘2’ at the end of the number.
Rule II: If the number is odd, then place ‘3’ at the beginning of the number.
Note: Changes in word and number take place simultaneously in each step from the right end.
Input: tea 53 table 46 tact 83 this 69 test 11
Step1: tea 53 46 tact 83 this 69 test table 311
Step2: tea 53 83 this 69 test table 311 tact 462
Step3: 83 this 69 test table 311 tact 462 tea 353
Step4: 83 this table 311 tact 462 tea 353 test 369
Step5: table 311 tact 462 tea 353 test 369 this 383
Answers for Directions (16 – 20):
16. Answer: C
17. Answer: B
18. Answer: C
19. Answer: C
20. Answer: A
Directions (21-25). Study the following information to answer the given questions:
A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement. (All the numbers are two-digit numbers and all are arranged as per some logic based on the value of the number.)
Input: world 65 32 95 bottle forth 46 hollow 28 15 give comment
Step I: 95 65 32 bottle forth 46 hollow 28 15 give comment world
Step II: 15 95 65 32 bottle forth 46 28 give comment world hollow
Step III: 65 15 95 32 bottle forth 46 28 comment world hollow give
Step IV: 28 65 15 95 32 bottle 46 comment world hollow give forth
Step V: 46 28 65 15 95 32 bottle world hollow give forth comment
Step VI: 32 46 28 65 15 95 world hollow give forth comment bottle
Step VI is the last step of the arrangement the above input.
As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate steps for the given input.
Input: fire 89 amend the 28 16 bullet crowd 35 53 here 68
Q21. Which of the following would be step II?
(a) 89 fire amend 28 16 bullet crowd 35 53 here 68 the
(b) 35 53 28 68 16 89 the here fire crowd bullet amend
(c) 16 89 amend fire 28 crowd bullet 35 53 68 the here
(d) 53 28 68 16 89 35 the here fire crowd bullet amend
(e) None of these
Q22. Which word/number would be at seventh position from the left end in step IV?
(a) bullet
(b) amend
(c) 35
(d) the
(e) 53
Q23. Which step number would be the following output?
‘53 28 68 16 89 amend 35 the here fire crowd bullet’
(a) There will be no such step.
(b) III
(c) II
(d) V
(e) IV
Q24. In which step the elements ‘35 the here’ found in the same order?
(a) Step V
(b) Step IV
(c) Step I
(d) Step II
(e) Step III
Q25. Which element is exactly between ‘89’ and ‘bullet’ in Step IV?
(a) amend
(b) 28
(c) here
(d) fire
(e) none of these
The word and number arrangement machine rearrange the input with the logic that
In step I, it shifts the largest number to the left-most place and the last word coming in English alphabetical series to the rightmost place.
In step II, it shifts the smallest number to the leftmost place and the next word (in reverse alphabetical order) to the rightmost.
In step III 2nd largest number is shifted to the leftmost place and so on.
Input: fire 89 amend the 28 16 bullet crowd 35 53 here 68
Step I: 89 fire amend 28 16 bullet crowd 35 53 here 68 the
Step II: 16 89 fire amend 28 bullet crowd 35 53 68 the here
Step III: 68 16 89 amend 28 bullet crowd 35 53 the here fire
Step IV: 28 68 16 89 amend bullet 35 53 the here fire crowd
Step V: 53 28 68 16 89 amend 35 the here fire crowd bullet
Step VI: 35 53 28 68 16 89 the here fire crowd bullet amend
Answers for Directions (21 – 25)
21. Ans.(e)
22. Ans.(c)
23. Ans.(d)
24. Ans.(a)
25. Ans.(a)
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The quiz contains the 12 questions. The candidates need to give their responses within the time provided. We display results based on the answers. So, don’t be late. Hurry up and take the exam. The detail explanation of the Sequential Output Tracing Reasoning Questions provided in this quiz are apt and can have a clear understanding. Furthermore, it helps in redressing the errors. This quiz will be like preliminary exam before facing the central review. Moreover, in this, we will provide the candidates in-depth concept of each topic.
Candidates who are facing their competitive exams can take this Quiz. The aspirants can learn about every concept within a short period. Correspondingly the Questions be like from easy, medium, complicated so that candidates can get an idea about the concept in a detailed manner. Furthermore, we provide you not only the Quiz but also every thought. The candidates can have the grip on the concepts within the limited time. This quiz is quite natural to the candidates for facing their competitive exams like Bank PO’s, SSC, SSC CGL.
About Sequential Output Tracing Reasoning Questions
Here the numbers list is displayed. By following some rules, we need to arrange the numbers. For example, consider the set of numbers. The most substantial amount is
written in the First position. Moreover, after writing the name in the first position, the remaining order is written in the same fashion before. For the detail explanation look at the example which is below. The largest number is present in the 1st position. Following the rules, step 2 contains the 2 largest numbers in the list. Within the completion of the process is continued till the end.
Input 86 16 36 04 19 97 63 09
I -Rule 97 86 16 36 04 19 63 09
II – Rule 97 86 63 16 36 04 19 09
III -Rule 97 86 63 36 16 04 19 09
IV -Rule 97 86 63 36 19 16 04 09
V – Rule 97 86 63 36 19 16 09 04
According to the arrangements given, they ask related questions
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