Is there any difficulty while clearing the Spelling Test? Then the current page helps the candidates to take the Spelling Test Quiz. At present, most of the organizations are
conducting this Spelling Test to promote the students to next levels. Moreover, students are feeling very tough in this Concept. Furthermore, some of the students have
no idea about how to write the exact spellings. Therefore we recommend the competitors to take the Spelling Test Questions and Answers from the below post. By this post, they can improve their knowledge quickly. And we are here to inform that aspirants can also check the Spelling Test Questions given below.
Spelling Test Quiz Details
Quiz Name | Spelling Test |
Category | Verbal Ability Quiz |
Number of Questions | 24 |
Time | 30 Minutes |
Exam Type | MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) |
Meanwhile, go and practice the test entitles with the Quiz. In fact, this page gives you a lot of information of the concept and also can enhance their verbal skills. So, to help the
competitors, here are some tricks and steps to clear the Spelling Test Questions and Answers. Therefore, scroll down this page and get the bright idea about this concept. We also gave clear explanations for each question. Learning the theory is very easy, but the implementation of the concept is somewhat difficult so you should be perfect whatever you are learning. Thereby, we provide you the best way to learn how to attempt Spelling Test English Questions.
Spelling Test Online Test
1. Which is the correct spelling of the word meaning “to state again”:
A) Ritereit
B) Reiterate
C) Reterate
D) Reeterate
Answer: B
Explanation: The correct spelling is “Reiterate” (B).
2. Which is the correct spelling of the word meaning “a feeling of great joy”:
A) Euphoria
B) Eufhoria
C) Euphorea
D) Eufhorea
Answer: A
Explanation: The correct spelling is “Euphoria” (A).
3. Which is the correct spelling of the word meaning “to make someone angry”:
A) Agrevate
B) Aggravate
C) Aggrivate
D) Aggrevate
Answer: B
Explanation: The correct spelling is “Aggravate” (B).
4. Which is the correct spelling of the word meaning “to make something less severe”:
A) Alleveate
B) Aleviate
C) Alieviate
D) Allevaite
Answer: B
Explanation: The correct spelling is “Alleviate” (B).
5. Which is the correct spelling of the word meaning “a feeling of deep respect”:
A) Awe
B) Owe
C) Aw
D) Oh
Answer: A
Explanation: The correct spelling is “Awe” (A).
6. Which is the correct spelling of the word meaning “an ability to do something well”:
A) Talant
B) Tallent
C) Tallet
D) Talent
Answer: D
Explanation: The correct spelling is “Talent” (D).
7. Which is the correct spelling of the word meaning “to speak or write at length”:
A) Ramble
B) Rambel
C) Ramblel
D) Rambell
Answer: A
Explanation: The correct spelling is “Ramble” (A).
8. Which is the correct spelling of the word meaning “to make something clear or easier to understand”:
A) Clariffy
B) Clarifie
C) Clarify
D) Clarrify
Answer: C
Explanation: The correct spelling is “Clarify” (C).
9. Which is the correct spelling of the word meaning “a device used to measure time”:
A) Wach
B) Watch
C) Waatch
D) Wath
Answer: B
Explanation: The correct spelling is “Watch” (B).
10. Which is the correct spelling of the word meaning “a person who studies the stars and planets”:
A) Astronommer
B) Astronumer
C) Astronomer
D) Astroonomer
Answer: C
Explanation: The correct spelling is “Astronomer” (C).
11. Which is the correct spelling of the word meaning “to make a mistake”:
A) Err
B) Er
C) Arr
D) Eer
Answer: A
Explanation: The correct spelling is “Err” (A).
12. Which is the correct spelling of the word meaning “to calm down”:
A) Pacify
B) Passify
C) Paciffy
D) Pasify
Answer: A
Explanation: The correct spelling is “Pacify” (A).
13. Which is the correct spelling of the word meaning “to give up a position or power”:
A) Resiign
B) Resigne
C) Rezign
D) Resign
Answer: D
Explanation: The correct spelling is “Resign” (D).
14. Which is the correct spelling of the word meaning “a strong feeling of anger”:
A) Raage
B) Rage
C) Raje
D) Ragge
Answer: B
Explanation: The correct spelling is “Rage” (B).
15. Which is the correct spelling of the word meaning “a sudden and severe drop in temperature”:
A) Freez
B) Freze
C) Freeze
D) Frieze
Answer: C
Explanation: The correct spelling is “Freeze” (C).
16. Which is the correct spelling of the word meaning “a statement that is not true”:
A) Falsehood
B) Falsheid
C) Folsheood
D) Falshehood
Answer: A
Explanation: The correct spelling is “Falsehood” (A).
17. Which is the correct spelling of the word meaning “a state of physical or mental exhaustion”:
A) Fatiigue
B) Fatige
C) Fateague
D) Fatigue
Answer: D
Explanation: The correct spelling is “Fatigue” (D).
18. Which is the correct spelling of the word meaning “an event or situation that is beyond your control”:
A) Circumstans
B) Circumstanse
C) Circumstance
D) Circumstansce
Answer: C
Explanation: The correct spelling is “Circumstance” (C).
19. Which is the correct spelling of the word meaning “to make a situation better”:
A) Improve
B) Improuve
C) Impruve
D) Imprruve
Answer: A
Explanation: The correct spelling is “Improve” (A).
20. Which is the correct spelling of the word meaning “a material made from the dried leaves of a tropical plant”:
A) Bambou
B) Bambo
C) Bambu
D) Bamboo
Answer: D
Explanation: The correct spelling is “Bamboo” (D).
21. Which is the correct spelling of the word meaning “a machine that moves people or things up and down between floors of a building”:
A) Eleveter
B) Elevator
C) Elevattor
D) Elevatorr
Answer: B
Explanation: The correct spelling is “Elevator” (B).
22. Which is the correct spelling of the word meaning “an official order or proclamation issued by a government or other authoritative body”:
A) Edict
B) Edit
C) Eidict
D) Eddict
Answer: A
Explanation: The correct spelling is “Edict” (A).
23. Which is the correct spelling of the word meaning “to feel or express regret or sorrow”:
A) Repeent
B) Repant
C) Repent
D) Reppent
Answer: C
Explanation: The correct spelling is “Repent” (C).
24. Which is the correct spelling of the word meaning “a small area of land covered with trees and shrubs”:
A) Forst
B) Forest
C) Foret
D) Foresst
Answer: B
Explanation: The correct spelling is “Forest” (B).
25. Which is the correct spelling of the word meaning “to make a loud, harsh noise”:
A) Scresh
B) Screeche
C) Screch
D) Screech
Answer: D
Explanation: The correct spelling is “Screech” (D).
About Spelling Test English Questions
The concept of Spelling Test is an Online test to have the ability to spell words accurately, given in competitive examinations, verbal ability tests. Spelling is a word, combination of
alphabetic letters to write a word to user frame the sentence. To see how well aspirants learn the concept quickly. The regular intervals of this spelling test given in the ranges.
Some of the tests are conducted once a year. In general, there are four types of test out of which Spell Bee is standardized. There each student is being asked individually to spell a particular word loudly. Therefore everyone should take the test below.
So aspirants must learn every topic practically. Moreover, in a proofreading style test, the sentences or paragraphs given in the trial, should be re-written those words accurately. Whereas in a multiple-choice test, they provide two or more accurate for a word in the analysis, then everyone should mark over the correctly spelled word. Therefore having keen concentration over the test will make you learn the concept detail. While implementing any concept you should know the accurate meaning of the sentence. The spellings within the content should be accurate and capable of learning.
Benefits of Practicing Spelling Test English Quiz
- Everyone can learn time management.
- In less time you can gain more knowledge.
- Guidance of the concept and tricks offered in this post.
Results of Spelling Test English Quiz
- You can analyze your level of performance
- Based on your attempt, marks are displayed.
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