SSC CGL Books | SSC CGL Subject Wise Best Reference Books

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SSC CGL Books | SSC CGL Subject Wise Best Reference Books: Dear users, welcome to In this article, we have provided the best SSC CGL books of various subjects to prepare for the SSC CGL exam. You can find SSC-recommended books such as SSC CGL maths books, SSC CGL reasoning books, SSC CGL English books, SSC CGL Hindi books, etc. Time is of value and candidates should not spend it unnecessarily researching the best books for SSC CGL.

SSC CGL Books 2025

In this article, we are providing SSC CGL Best reference books, the Best SSC CGL Maths Books For Preparation, the Best SSC CGL Reasoning Books for Preparation, and the Best SSC CGL English Books to crack the exam. Choosing a righteous book will complete half of the exam struggle, Aspirants can go through this article for more information on SSC CGL Best Books.

SSC CGL Subject Wise Best Reference Books

Individuals who are preparing for the SSC CGL exam are likely searching for the optimal study materials. Currently, there are various books and online resources accessible for candidates to utilize. Nonetheless, not all of these resources are credible or effective for achieving success in the exam. Furthermore, it is impractical to expect candidates to study all available materials. Thus, it is advisable to consult the SSC CGL books, which are regarded as the most beneficial study resources for the exam. These books have been recommended by subject experts and top scorers. We have listed the most essential books for the exam, including the best reasoning book for SSC CGL, along with the ideal time to begin studying each one to excel in the upcoming exam. We have listed the most significant books for SSC CGL below.

SSC CGL Books for English

SSC CGL English Books Authors/ Publisher
Objective General English SP Bakshi (Arihant)
Competitive General English Kiran Prakashan
Perfect Competitive English V.K. Sinha
Quick Learning Objective General English RS Aggarwal & Vikas Aggarwal
From Plinth to Paramount Neetu Singh
How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension Arun Sharma
Objective English for Competitive Examinations H M Prasad
Wren & Martin – High School English Grammar and Composition Wren & Martin
A Mirror of Common Errors Dr. Ashok Kumar Singh

SSC CGL Books for Maths

SSC CGL Maths Books Authors/ Publisher
Quantitative Aptitude Dr. R.S Aggarwal
NCERT Maths from Grade 6 to Grade 11 NCERT
SSC Elementary and Advanced Maths Kiran
Magical Book on Quicker Maths M Tyra
Advance Maths Rakesh Yadav

SSC CGL Book for Reasoning

SSC CGL Reasoning Books Authors/ Publisher
Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning Dr. R.S. Aggarwal
Analytical Reasoning M.K. Pandey
Logical and Analytical Reasoning A.K. Gupta
How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning Arun Sharma

SSC CGL Books for General Awareness

SSC CGL General Awareness Books Authors/ Publisher
NCERT Books of Class X, XII- History, Geography, Economics NCERT
General Knowledge Lucent Publication
Manorama Yearbook Manorama

Top 10 SSC CGL Books in Hindi

Books Author/ Publisher
Math previous year Kiran
SSC Mathematics R.K. Yadav
A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning Dr. R.S.Aggarwal
Plinth to paramount Neetu Singh for English
Objective General English SP Bakshi (Arihant)
Analytical Reasoning M.K. Pandey
Quantitative Aptitude Dr. R.S Aggarwal
GK Lucent
Competitive General English Kiran Prakashan
Manorama Yearbook The Malayala Manorama

SSC CGL Tier-Wise Books

The SSC CGL Syllabus for both Tier 1 and Tier 2 consists of comparable topics; however, the question level differs between the two stages. Below, we have compiled a list of books for each tier of the SSC CGL exam.

SSC CGL Tier 1 Books

Books Subject Author/ Publication
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations Quantitative Aptitude R.S. Aggarwal
Analytical Reasoning Reasoning Paper MK Pandey
Quick Learning Objective General English English section RS Aggarwal
Lucent General Awareness Lucent Publication

SSC CGL Tier 2 Books

Books Subject Author/ Publication
Fast Track Objective Arithmetic Quantitative Aptitude Rajesh Verma (Arihant)
A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning Reasoning Paper RS Aggarwal
Objective General English English section SP Bakshi (Arihant)
Play with Advanced Math Math Abhinay Sharma
SSC General Knowledge SmartBook In English General Awareness

We hope the provided information helps the aspirants of SSC CGL. For more updates on SSC CGL books, keep visiting our website,

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