Best Books for SSC Stenographer Exam Preparation: Are you looking for the best books for the preparation of SSC Stenographer exam? So, here we have provided the Best Books For SSC Stenographer to make you excel in your examination. In this, article we have provided SSC Stenographer Reference Books for the candidates to help them to reach their desired goals. The Best books for SSC Stenographer you choose will decide the success of your examination. Apart from all the activities for your examination the books that you have chosen to prepare will make the major parts and this leads to confidence for the candidates during the examination. The books will enrich candidates with the knowledge that they require for the examination.
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Best SSC Stenographer Books
SSC Stenographer examination comprises two phases namely the Computer-based Test (CBT) and the Skill Test. The Computer Based Test consists of different sections like General Intelligence & Reasoning, General Awareness, English Language & Comprehension, etc. A candidate needs to be thoroughly prepared for this examination in order to enter the second phase of selection. The books for the above-mentioned sections are given in the below section so that a candidate can refer to the best books for SSC stenographer preparation and excel in their examination.
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General Intelligence and Reasoning Best Books for SSC Stenographer Exam
Book | Author/Publisher |
A New Approach to Reasoning Verbal, Non-Verbal and Analytical | B.S Sijwali, Indu Sijwali |
Verbal & Nonverbal Reasoning | R.S Aggarwal |
Analytical Reasoning | M. K Pandey |
A New Approach to Reasoning Verbal, Non-Verbal and Analytical – B.S Sijwali, Indu Sijwali
This book helps aspirants to be clear about the subject. The topics in the book are in clear terms and each topic is explained with clear examples. The practice exercises in the book will make the aspirants gain a grip on the subject.
Verbal & Nonverbal Reasoning – R.S Aggarwal
It is one of the best books for the Reasoning section. It contains different topics with several examples for a clear understanding of the subject. The revised version of the book makes aspirants gain confidence due to the introduction of new concepts.
Analytical Reasoning – M. K Pandey
Analytical Reasoning authored by M. K Pandey is one of the most recommended books for beginners in order to understand the core concepts of the subjects from the basics.
Best Reference Books for SSC Stenographer General Awareness
Book | Author/ Publisher |
General Knowledge | Binay Karna |
Monthly magazines | Pratiyogita Darpan |
General Knowledge | Manohar Pandey |
General Knowledge Binay Karna
The aspirants who are seriously preparing for SSC Stenographer can utilize this book in addition to their preparation. It has several general knowledge bits and several topics are covered in it. In order to gain a good grasp of the topic on different issues aspirants can make use of this book.
Monthly magazines – Pratiyogita Darpan
Monthly magazines for the aspirants will add a boast to the gain knowledge. The monthly capsules will enrich the candidates with extra knowledge. The topics related to recent events are very well explained in these monthly magazines.
General Knowledge – Manohar Pandey
The book is embedded with several topics related to Geography, History, Politics, General knowledge, etc ., this makes the candidates a complete grip on different topics so that they are ready to answer any type of question.
SSC Stenographer English Language & Comprehension Best Books
Book | Author/Publisher |
English Grammar Book | Wren and Martin |
Objective General English | S.P Bakshi |
Objective General English | R S Agarwal |
English Grammar Book – Wren and Martin
It is one of the best books and is highly recommended for aspirants for smooth preparation. The subject in the book is very clear and each topic of grammar is explained in different chapters. In fact, the topics will help the candidates to have a complete overview of the subject.
Objective General English – S.P Bakshi
The book act as the foundation for different topics. The concept of each and every topic is explained from the basic. The topics like Synonyms, Fill in the blanks, Prepositions, etc. and many more topics will make the candidate well-known with the topics.
Objective General English – R S Agarwal
The general topics of English are explained in clear terms making the candidate complete knowledge and grip on the subject. The concepts of English are explained ranging from basics to the Core of the subject.
At last, We hope that SSC Stenographer Preparation Books helped you as the main source for your preparation. For more updates on education and for more books for competitive exams stay tuned to our website Freshers Now.