Swing Quiz – Swing Multiple Choice Questions and Answers: Want to check your expertise in Java Swing Basics Concepts? If so, this article is just for you. To help you out to know how much aware you are of in Java Swing, we have accommodated this page with Swing Quiz. Take up the Java Swing Online Practice Tests. Soon after you submit your answers in the Swing MCQ Test, you will get your result instantly. The provided Swing Multiple Choice Questions and Answers are just for the sake of your practice purpose. Thus, give a try to the Java Swing Online Quiz Test as many times you wanted and know in what areas you need improvement. And to get such updates like Java Swing Programming Quiz from our page, stay in tune with us.
Swing Quiz – Details
Quiz Name | Swing |
Exam Type | MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) |
Category | Technical Quiz |
Mode of Quiz | Online |
Java Swing Online Quiz Test – Practice Here
What is Swing in Java?
A. A programming language
B. A type of dance
C. A graphical user interface (GUI) toolkit
D. A data structure
Answer: C. Swing is a GUI toolkit for Java programming language. It provides a set of components and tools for building user interfaces.
Which class is the base class for all Swing components?
A. java.awt.Component
B. java.awt.Container
C. javax.swing.JComponent
D. javax.swing.JPanel
Answer: C. javax.swing.JComponent is the base class for all Swing components. It provides a set of methods for painting, handling events, and managing layout.
Which of the following is not a Swing container?
A. JFrame
B. JDialog
C. JButton
D. JTabbedPane
Answer: C. JButton is not a container. It is a component that represents a button.
Which layout manager arranges components in a grid?
A. BorderLayout
B. FlowLayout
C. GridLayout
D. CardLayout
Answer: C. GridLayout arranges components in a grid. Each component takes up an equal amount of space in the grid.
What is the purpose of the GroupLayout layout manager?
A. To arrange components in a grid
B. To arrange components in a circular layout
C. To arrange components in a nested layout
D. To arrange components based on their preferred sizes
Answer: D. The GroupLayout layout manager arranges components based on their preferred sizes. It is used for creating complex layouts with nested components.
Which of the following is not a Swing component?
A. JTextArea
B. JLabel
C. JScrollPane
D. JPanel
Answer: C. JScrollPane is not a component. It is a container that provides a scrollable view of a component.
Which of the following components can display images?
A. JTextArea
B. JTable
C. JList
D. JLabel
Answer: D. JLabel can display images. It is a component that can display text, images, or both.
Which of the following components can be used to select a color?
A. JSlider
B. JColorChooser
C. JSpinner
D. JCheckBox
Answer: B. JColorChooser can be used to select a color. It is a dialog box that allows the user to choose a color.
Which of the following events is fired when a component gains focus?
A. mouseClicked
B. mouseEntered
C. focusGained
D. focusLost
Answer: C. focusGained is fired when a component gains focus. It is used to detect when a component becomes active.
Which of the following events is fired when a button is clicked?
A. mousePressed
B. mouseReleased
C. actionPerformed
D. keyPressed
Answer: C. actionPerformed is fired when a button is clicked. It is used to detect when the user interacts with a button.
Which of the following methods is used to add a component to a container?
A. addComponent()
B. addContainer()
C. addComponentToContainer()
D. add()
Answer: D. add() is used to add a component to a container. It is a method of the Container class.
Which of the following methods is used to set the size of a component?
A. setSize()
B. setPreferredSize()
C. setBounds()
D. setMinimumSize()
Answer: C. setBounds() is used to set the size and position of a component. It takes four parameters: x, y, width, and height.
Which of the following methods is used to set the layout manager of a container?
A. setLayoutManager ()
B. setLayout()
C. setContainerLayout()
D. setComponentLayout()
Answer: B. setLayout() is used to set the layout manager of a container. It takes one parameter, which is an object of a layout manager class.
Which of the following methods is used to get the selected item from a JComboBox?
A. getSelectedItem()
B. getSelectedIndex()
C. getItemAt()
D. setSelectedItem()
Answer: A. getSelectedItem() is used to get the selected item from a JComboBox. It returns an object that represents the selected item.
Which of the following methods is used to set the title of a JFrame?
A. setTitle()
B. setLabel()
C. setText()
D. setCaption()
Answer: A. setTitle() is used to set the title of a JFrame. It takes one parameter, which is a string that represents the title.
Which of the following methods is used to create a new JMenuBar object?
A. new JMenuBar()
B. createMenuBar()
C. makeMenuBar()
D. getMenuBar()
Answer: A. new JMenuBar() is used to create a new JMenuBar object. It returns an object of the JMenuBar class.
Which of the following methods is used to add a menu to a JMenuBar object?
A. addMenu()
B. createMenu()
C. makeMenu()
D. add()
Answer: D. add() is used to add a component to a container. It can also be used to add a menu to a JMenuBar object.
Which of the following methods is used to create a new JMenuItem object?
A. new JMenuItem()
B. createMenuItem()
C. makeMenuItem()
D. getMenuItem()
Answer: A. new JMenuItem() is used to create a new JMenuItem object. It returns an object of the JMenuItem class.
Which of the following methods is used to add an ActionListener to a JButton object?
A. addAction()
B. addActionListener()
C. addListener()
D. addEventHandler()
Answer: B. addActionListener() is used to add an ActionListener to a JButton object. It takes one parameter, which is an object that implements the ActionListener interface.
Which of the following methods is used to display a JOptionPane dialog box?
A. showMessageDialog()
B. showInputDialog()
C. showOptionDialog()
D. showConfirmDialog()
Answer: A. showMessageDialog() is used to display a JOptionPane dialog box with a message. It takes three parameters: the parent component, the message, and the dialog title.
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