TNAU Diploma Counselling 2019 @ tnau.ac.in | Tamil Nadu Agriculture University Diploma 2nd Phase Counselling Dates, Admission Schedule: Tamil Nadu Agriculture University (TNAU) officials will release the TNAU Counselling 2019 results. All the candidates who had applied for admission for Diploma in Agriculture/ Horticulture Course in the TNAU Counselling 2019 Dates. Moreover, the TNAU Counselling 2019 for 2nd phase is going to be held on 11th and 12th September 2019. Check the below sections to know more details of TNAU Admission 2019.
TNAU Diploma Counselling 2019 – Overview
TNAU Diploma Counselling 2019 | Tamil Nadu Agriculture University Diploma 2nd Phase Counselling Dates | |
University Name | Tamil Nadu Agriculture University (TNAU) |
Course Name | Diploma in Agriculture/ Horticulture Course |
2nd Counselling Admission Date | 11th and 12th September 2019 |
Category | Entrance Exams |
Mode of Counselling Results Declaration | Online |
Location | Tamil Nadu |
Official Site | tnau.ac.in |
TNAU Counselling 2019 Dates – Diploma in Agriculture/ Horticulture Course
- First Counselling: 28th, 29th, 30th August 2019
- Reporting to respective Diploma Institutes: On or before 5th September 2019
- Second Counselling: 11th and 12th September 2019
- Reporting to respective Diploma Institutes: On or before 16th September 2019
- Diploma Courses Commences on 16th September 2019
Category Wise Reservation – TNAU Admission 2019
- Open Competition (OC): 31.00 %
- Backward Class (BC): 26.50 %
- Backward Class Muslim (BCM): 3.50 %
- Most Backward Class & Denotified Communities (MBC): 20.00%
- Scheduled Caste (SC): 15.00 %
- SCA – Scheduled Caste Arunthathiyars: 3.00 %
- Scheduled Tribes (ST): 1.00 %
Required Documents For Admissions
The candidates shall be required to submit the following documents in ORIGINAL at the time of counselling.
- Mark sheet showing the marks obtained in the HSC/Equivalent qualifying examination in each subject.
- Conduct certificate from the Head of the Educational Institution in which the candidate last studied for more than one year.
- Transfer certificate from the Head of the Educational Institution in which the candidate last studied.
- The Original Community- cum-Nativity Certificate issued by the revenue authorities as per G.O. (Ms). No. 85 BC, MB & MW Department, Dated 29.7.2008, G.O. (Ms). No. 96 BC, MB & MW Department (BCC), Dated 08.9.2008, G.O. (Ms). No. 97 BC, MB & MW Department (BCC), Dated 11.9.2008, G.O. (Ms). No. 37 BC, MB & MW Department (BCC), Dated 21.05.2009 and G.O. (Ms). No.98 BC, MB & MW Department (BCC), Dated 5.11.2009. An attested photocopy of the same should be enclosed along with the application.
- The candidates who have not studied X, XI and XII standards in Tamil Nadu should produce a certificate of permanent residence in Tamil Nadu in the prescribed proforma from a competent authority.
- Joint declaration by the candidate and Parent/Guardian to the effect to abide by the University Rules and Regulations.
Instructions To Candidates
- Candidates should apply ONLY ONLINE at https://tnauonline.in.
- Candidates are requested to read the Information Brochure carefully and completely related to eligibility for admission before filling the application form.
- All columns should be correctly and completely filled in. Enclosures should be complete in all respects.
- Application forms with incomplete particulars will be SUMMARILY
REJECTED. Therefore, fill the application (complete all columns carefully). - After online submission of application, download and print the application and checklist.
- Send the APPLICATION along with the required APPLICATION FEE (Rs. 200/- for General category and Rs. 100/- for SC, SCA and ST category, through Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Dean (Agriculture), Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-3) and copies of CERTIFICATES by post to the Dean (Agriculture) and Chairman (Admissions),
- Tamil Nadu Agricultural University.
- Application forms received after the prescribed date and time will not be
considered on any account. The University authorities will not take any responsibility for postal delays. - The candidates are advised to post their applications well in advance without waiting till the last date.
- The candidates should ensure that correct marks are furnished in the
Steps To Check TNAU Counselling 2019 Results – 2nd Round
- First, visit the official site of the Tamil Nadu Agriculture University (TNAU) @ tnau.ac.in.
- On the home page, you can find the Diploma Admission 2019-20.
- Click on the link and it will be directed to another page.
- Now, search for the TNAU Diploma Counselling 2019 for 2nd Phase.
- Click on the link.
- Now, the Tamil Nadu Agriculture University Counselling 2019 results will be displayed.
- Check the TNAU Counselling 2019 and download it.
- Also, take a hard copy of the TNAU Admission 2019 results for future use.
To Download TNAU Diploma Counselling 2019 @ tnau.ac.in
Further, keep visiting our page @ Freshers Now for the latest updates of the TNAU Diploma Counselling 2019.