TNCSC Shift Engineer Result 2020 (Out) @ tncsc.tn.gov.in: Download the Tamil Nadu Shift Engineer, Assistant Manager Result 2020 through our page. As the written exam was conducted on 7th September 2019, 24th November 2019 for all the candidates who had applied for Shift Engineer and Assistant Manager (Quality Control) posts. So candidates can get the status of TNCSC Shift Engineer, Assistant Manager Result 2020 from here. As we will update the links to get the TNCSC Result 2020 after the official announcements.
Latest Update: The TNCSC Shift Engineer, Assistant Manager Result 2020 is released. So aspirants move to the end of the page and get the PDF.
Check the details of TNCSC Shift Engineer, Assistant Manager Cut Off Marks, Merit List 2020 through the below categories. And download the TNCSC SE, AM Result 2020 as the officials released on the respective portal.
TNCSC Shift Engineer, Assistant Manager Result 2020
Tamil Nadu Shift Engineer, Assistant Manager Result 2020 | Cut Off Marks, Merit List | |
Name Of The Organization | Tamil Nadu Civil Supplies Corporation (TNCSC) |
Post Name | Shift Engineer and Assistant Manager (Quality Control) |
Number of Vacancies | 17 Posts |
Exam Date |
Result Status | Released |
Selection Process | Written exam, Personal Interview, Document Verification |
Category | Sarkari Result |
Job Location | Tamil Nadu |
Official Website | tncsc.tn.gov.in |
TNCSC SE, AM Result 2020
Tamil Nadu Civil Supplies Corporation officials release the TNCSC SE, AM Result 2020 on their given portal. Then we will include here the same links which are shared by the higher members in order to get the TNCSC SE, AM Result 2020. Just follow our article and also know the process to download the TNCSC SE, AM Result 2020. And download the result based on the details which are given while applying.
Tamil Nadu Shift Engineer, Assistant Manager Result 2020
Candidates might be curious to know the Tamil Nadu Shift Engineer, Assistant Manager Result 2020. If yes then you are in the right place to track the importance of Tamil Nadu Shift Engineer, Assistant Manager Result 2020. Moreover, by referring to the Tamil Nadu Shift Engineer, Assistant Manager Result 2020 all of the exam attended candidates will be knowing the selection list.
TNCSC Shift Engineer, Assistant Manager Cut Off Marks 2020
Candidates who want to know the minimum qualifying marks that are taken into consideration can be verified by the TNCSC Shift Engineer, Assistant Manager Cut Off Marks 2020. And once the TNCSC Shift Engineer, Assistant Manager Cut Off Marks 2020 is available then check according to the categories of SC, ST, BC, OC. Thereby candidates can also have an idea regarding the selection for the given posts.
TNCSC Shift Engineer, Assistant Manager Merit List 2020
Check out the information about the TNCSC Shift Engineer, Assistant Manager Merit List 2020 through our page. As sometimes the officials release the TNCSC Shift Engineer, Assistant Manager Merit List 2020 prior to the declaration of the result. So that candidates can know the highest marks they have scored in the written test. Moreover, the TNCSC Shift Engineer, Assistant Manager Merit List 2020 will be given for all the exam attended candidates in the form of the top list according to the name of the aspirants, Roll number.
Steps To Check TNCSC Shift Engineer Result 2020
- Move to the official site @ tncsc.tn.gov.in
- Tamil Nadu Civil Supplies Corporation (TNCSC) home page gets viewed on the home page screen.
- Scroll down the home page down then-latest News & Announcements will be updated.
- Check for the TNCSC Shift Engineer, Assistant Manager Result 2020.
- Click on the moving links.
- Then the Result PDf will be redirected to the next page.
- Download it carefully and check the result accordingly.
To Download TNCSC Shift Engineer Result 2020: Click Here (Available Now)
To Download TNCSC Assistant Manager Result 2020: Click Here (Available Now)
Follow our article Freshers Now to know more day to day updates regarding the Tamil Nadu Shift Engineer, Assistant Manager Result 2020. Thank You…!!!!
Frequently Asked Questions
When will TNCSC Shift Engineer Result Release?
The TNCSC Shift Engineer Result Release is released on the official site.
When was TNCSC Assistant Manager Exam conducted?
The TNCSC Assistant Manager Exam is held on 7th November 2019.
What details are required to check the TNCSC Shift Engineer Result?
Aspirants must have Roll Numbers to check the TNCSC Shift Engineer Result.