Tripura Pre Matric Scholarship for Class IX & X @ scholarships.gov.in | SC Application Form (Out), Eligibility, Dates: Check this article, and get the complete information on Tripura Scholarship. The Tripura Pre Matric Scholarship registration has started and it ends on 20th February 2023. The higher authorities of the Ministry of Tribal Affairs have announced the Tripura Pre Matric Scholarship Scheme notification. Candidates will also get the information from the below sections like value, objective, scope, duration, Tripura Pre Matric Eligibility, steps to register for the Tripura Pre Matric Scholarship, etc.
Tripura Pre Matric Scholarship – Details
Tripura Pre Matric Scholarship | Application Form, Eligibility, Dates | |
Organization Name | Ministry of Tribal Affairs |
Name of the Scholarship | PRE-MATRIC SCHOLARSHIP for SC |
Category | Scholarships |
Academic Year | 2022-2023 |
Starting Date for Registration | Started |
End Date for Registration |
Official Website | scholarships.gov.in |
Tripura Pre Matric Scholarship – Background
Article 46 of Part IV (“Directive Principles of State Policy”) of the Constitution enjoins upon the State to promote with special care the educational and economic interests of the weaker sections of the people, in particular, of the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes. Article 38(2) of the same Part also enjoins upon the State to minimize inequities in income and to endeavor to eliminate inequalities in status, facilities, and opportunities, not only amongst individuals but also amongst groups of people residing in different areas or engaged in different vocations.
Tripura Scholarship – Objective
- To support parents of SC children for the education of their wards studying in classes IX and X so that the incidence of drop-out, especially in the transition from the elementary to the secondary stage is minimized.
- To improve participation of SC children in classes IX and X of the pre-matric stage, so that they perform better and have a better chance of progressing to the post-matric stage of education.
Tripura Pre Matric SC Scholarship – Scope
Scholarship under the Scheme will be available for studies in India only and will be awarded by the Government of the State/ Union Territory to which the applicant belongs i.e. where she/ he is domiciled.
Tripura Pre Matric Eligibility
- A student should belong to Scheduled Tribe.
- Her/ his Parents’/ Guardian income should not exceed Rs. 2.00 lakh per annum.
- She/ he should not be getting any other Centrally-funded Pre-Matric Scholarship.
- She/ he should be a regular, full-time student studying in a Government School or in a School recognized by Govt. or a Central/ State Board of Secondary Education.
- Scholarship for studying in any class will be available for only one year. If a student has to repeat a class, she/ he would not get a scholarship for that class for a second (or subsequent) year.
Value Of Scholarship
The value of scholarship includes the following for the complete duration of the course:-
- Scholarship and another grant
- Additional allowance for students with disabilities studying in private un-aided recognized Schools.
The details are as follows:
Rates of scholarship and another grant will be as follows:
Item | Hostellers | Day Scholars |
Scholarship for 10 months (Rs. per month) | 350 | 150 |
Books and Ad hoc Grant (Rs. per annum) | 100 | 750 |
Additional Allowances for SC students with disabilities studying in private unaided Schools
Allowances for students with disabilities studying in Private un-aided Schools | Amount (in Rs.) |
(i) Monthly Reader Allowance for Blind students | 160 |
(ii) Monthly Transport Allowance for students with disabilities (as defined in the Persons with Disabilities Act 1995) if such students do not reside in the hostel which is within the premises of the Educational Institution | 160 |
(iii) Monthly Escort Allowance for Severely Disabled (i.e. with 80% or higher disability) Day Scholars/Students with low extremity disability | 160 |
(iv) Monthly Helper Allowance admissible to any employee of the hostel willing to extend help to a severely orthopedically handicapped student residing in the hostel of an Educational Institution who may need the assistance of a helper. | 160 |
(v) Monthly Coaching Allowance to Mentally Retarded and Mentally ill Students | 240 |
Note: The disability as defined under the Persons with disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of rights and full participation Act, 1995) Act has to be certified by competent medical authority of the State Govt./UT Administration.
Selection Of Candidates
- All eligible Scheduled Tribe candidates will be given scholarships as prescribed in this scheme.
- Candidates belonging to one State but studying in another State will be awarded scholarships by the State to which they belong and will submit their applications to the competent authority in that State.
Tripura Pre Matric SC Scholarship 2021 – Duration
- The scholarship will be payable for 10 months in an academic year.
- The award once made will continue subject to good conduct and regularity in attendance. It will be renewed for Class X after the student passes Class IX.
Tripura Pre Matric Scholarship Scheme – Payment
- The scholarship is payable from 1st April or from the month of admission, whichever is later, to the month in which the examinations are completed, at the end of the academic year, provided that if the scholar secures admission after the 20th day of a month, the amount will be paid from the month following the month of admission.
- In case of renewal of scholarship, it will be paid from the month following the month up to which scholarship was paid in the previous year.
- The Government of the State/ Union Territory Administration, to which they belong, in accordance with the procedure laid down by them in this regard, will pay the scholarship money to the selected students.
Steps To Register For Tripura Pre Matric SC Scholarship
- Visit the official site @ scholarships.gov.in.
- The main page will appear.
- At the top of the page, candidates can see the “New Registration” section.
- Click on that section.
- Fill the Tripura Pre Matric Scholarship Scheme application form.
- Fill in the complete details such as personal details, upload the documents needed.
- Click on the submit button.
- Save a copy of the Tripura Pre Matric SC Scholarship application form for future usage.
Tripura Pre Matric Scholarship Scheme – Important Links
Tripura Pre Matric Scholarship | |
To Apply For Tripura Pre Matric SC Scholarship | Click Here (Active Now) |
Check Tripura Pre Matric Scholarship Scheme Guidelines | Click Here |
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