Tripura TET Cut Off 2022 (Expected): The Teacher Recruitment Board, Tripura (TRBT) will announce the Tripura Teacher Eligibility Test (T-TET) Cut Off Marks. The officials will publish the Tripura TET Paper 1 Cut Off Marks, and Tripura TET Paper 2 Cut Off Marks according to the categories of SC, ST, and OBC then we will update here accordingly. And the Tripura TET Minimum Qualifying Marks should be scored by the aspirants to get selected for the Teacher post. Also, we have given Tripura TET Passing Marks details in the below sections.
Tripura TET Cut Off 2022 – Details
Tripura TET Cut Off | |
Organization Name | Teacher Recruitment Board, Tripura (TRBT) |
Exam Name | Tripura Teacher Eligibility Test (T-TET) |
Tripura TET Exam Dates |
Category | Cut Off |
Location | Tripura |
Official Site | trb.tripura.gov.in |
T-TET Paper 1, 2 Cut Off Marks 2022 Expected
Aspirants who want to know the Tripura TET Minimum Qualifying Percentage, and Tripura TET Passing Marks need to look at the below table. As the Tripura TET Cut Off Marks will help the aspirants to make sure of their selection for the post.
Tripura TET Category | Tripura TET Minimum Qualifying Percentage | Tripura TET Passing Marks |
Tripura TET General | 60% Marks | 90 Out Of 150 |
Tripura TET OBC/ SC/ ST/ PH | 55% Marks | 82 Out Of 150 |
Factors Affecting Tripura TET Cut Off
The Tripura Teacher Eligibility Test (T-TET) Cut-Off Marks will be released by the officials as per a few factors. So, we suggest the aspirants refer to the factors which are affected with respect to the Tripura TET Cut Off.
- Difficulty Level of Exam Paper.
- Based on the count of aspirants who appeared in the exam.
- Count of vacancies released by the officials.
How To Check Tripura TET Cut Off Marks?
- Candidates are informed to check Tripura TET Cut Off with the following steps.
- Go through the official website @ trb.tripura.gov.in
- The teacher Recruitment Board, Tripura (TRBT) home page gets appeared on the screen.
- Once the home page is displayed you can find the details of Tripura TET Cut Off Marks.
- And the details of Cut Off Marks can be checked as per the categories.
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To have latest new about Tripura TET Cut Off do follow us @ FreshersNow.Com.
Tripura TET Cut Off 2022 – FAQs
What is the pass mark for Tripura TET Exam?
The pass marks for Tripura TET General is 60% marks and for Tripura TET OBC/ SC/ ST/ PH is 55 % Marks
Where can I check Tripura TET Cut Off Marks?
Aspirants can check the Tripura TET Cut off Marks from the official website @ trb.tripura.gov.in
Is there any sectional cut-off for Tripura TET Exam?
No, there are no sectional cut off for Tripura TET Exam.