UKPSC Lecturer Syllabus 2025 PDF Download & Exam Pattern: The UKPSC Lecturer Syllabus 2025 is now available for candidates preparing for the exam. This syllabus is very important for the candidates who are applying for the Lecturer position. The selection process is based on the Written Exam, Skill Test, Document Verification, and Medical Examination.
UKPSC Lecturer Syllabus 2025
The Exam pattern for the UKPSC Lecturer Exam 2025 includes various subjects and tests the comprehensive abilities of the candidates. The candidates need to understand the exam pattern thoroughly, each carrying a weightage of 100 marks & 150 marks with a duration of 2 hours and 3 hours.
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UKPSC Lecturer Syllabus 2025 – Overview
Latest UKPSC Lecturer Syllabus 2025 | |
Organization Name | Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC) |
Post Name | Lecturer & Assistant Research Officer |
Category | Syllabus |
Job Location | Uttarakhand |
Selection Process | Written Exam, Skill Test, Document Verification, and Medical Examination |
Official Website | |
UKPSC Lecturer Exam Pattern 2025
For the candidates who are applying for the UKPSC Lecturer Exam 2025, It is crucial for all the candidates to check the syllabus before preparing for the Exam.
S.No. | question paper | Subject | Number of questions | maximum marks | time |
1 | First question paper | general Hindi | 100 | 100 (Each question carries 01 mark) | 2 hours |
2 | Second question paper | General English (Only for Lecturer Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Modern Office Management and Secretarial Practice) | 100 | 100 (Each question carries 01 mark) | 2 hours |
3 | Third question paper | Applied subject | 150 | 300 (Each question carrying 02 marks) | 3 hours |
UKPSC Lecturer Exam Syllabus 2025
The UKPSC Lecturer Exam Syllabus 2025 is provided below. Hence, check out the following sections for the UKPSC Lecturer Exam Syllabus 2025.
General English:
- Terms commonly used in official communication
- Direct and Indirect Narration
- Voice
- Articles, Adjectives, Adverbs, Conjunctions, and Question tags
- Synthesis: Simple, Compound, and Complex
- Correct use of tenses
- One-word substitution
- Synonyms, Antonyms, and Homonyms
- Use of Correct prepositions
- Subject-verb agreement
- Correction of sentences
- Idioms and Phrasal Verbs
- Comprehension
- A passage of appropriate length on scientific/ technical themes for testing the ability of the candidate in the following areas
- Familiarity with vocabulary
- Knowledge of the fundamentals of English Grammar
- Thematic understanding of the passage
Syllabus for Mechanical Engineering:
Statics and Dynamics: Analysis of force system, Friction, Principle of Virtual work, Centroid and center of gravity, Kinematics of rigid bodies, plane motion, absolute
motion, relative motion, Kinetics of rigid bodies; plane motion, force, mass and
acceleration, work and energy, impulse and momentum.
Theory of Machines: Basics of Mechanisms, Velocity and Acceleration Analysis, Cams
and followers, Gears and gear trains, and Clutches. Belt drives, Brakes, and dynamometers, Flywheel and governors, balancing of rotating and reciprocating masses, balancing of multi-cylinder engines, Free and forced vibrations, Gyroscope, Critical speed, and whirling of shafts.
Mechanics of Solids: Stresses and strains, Compound stresses and strains. Torsion of
circular shafts, Slopes, and deflections; Unsymmetrical bending, curved beams, and thin and thick cylinders. stability of columns, helical and leaf springs, and Theories of failures.
Material Science: Crystal systems & crystallography, Imperfections, phase diagram, Iron-
carbon equilibrium diagram, heat treatment, mechanical behavior of Materials- Elastics
and inelastic action, Ferrous, and non-ferrous metals and alloys, Mechanical properties
and testing, Creep, and Fatigue.
Machine Design: Design process, Design factors and factors of safety, Riveted and
welded joints, power screws, Design shafts, Design belts, ropes, and drives, Design of
gears, mechanical springs, Journal bearings, and rolling contact bearings.
Mechanical Measurement: Elements of measurement systems. Sensors and
Transducers, Strain gauges, Pressure and flow measurements, Bourdan tube, Diaphragm
and bellows, Calibration methods, Temperature measurements, Thermocouple,
Pyrometers, Speed, forces, torque and shaft power measurement, Tachometer and
Industrial Engineering & Operation Research: Production planning and control,
Inventory Control, Work study, PERT and CPM, Graphical and simplex methods for linear
programming, transportation model, Quality control, and its uses in product design.
Thermodynamics: Application of the first and second laws of thermodynamics.
Enthalpy. Entropy. Internal Energy. Specific Heat. Vapor and Combined Power Cycles.
Properties of Pure Substances. Mass and Energy Analysis of Control Volumes. Gas power
cycles. Gas mixtures.
Energy Conversion: Combustion phenomenon in S.I. and C.I. engines. Carburation and
fuel injection. Fuels and combustion of fuels, Boilers; classification and performance.
Steam turbines; impulse and reaction type, Unconventional power systems; Nuclear power and MHD, Solar radiations and applications of solar energy, Fuel cells, Tidal power.
Fluid Mechanics & Machinery: Fluid Statics. Kinematics of fluid motion. Viscous flow
and Compressive flow. Reynolds transport theorem and its applications. Ideal fluid flow.
Laminar and turbulent flows. Boundary layer over a flat plate and inside tubes.
Dimensional analysis and similitude. Forces on immersed bodies, Impact of jet, Impulse, and Reaction turbines. Centrifugal and Reciprocating Pumps. Hydraulic devices; fluid
couplings and hydraulic ram.
Heat Transfer: General heat conduction equation. Conduction in the presence of heat
sources, fins, One-dimensional unsteady conduction. The time constant for thermocouples.
Natural and forced convection. Dimensionless numbers, Heat exchangers, effectiveness, and number of transfer units (NTU). Boiling and condensation. Radiation heat transfer;
Kirchhoff’s law, Stefan-Boltzmann law, and shape factor.
Refrigeration and Air conditioning: Principles of refrigeration, Units of refrigeration
capacity. Vapor compression, vapor absorption, steam jet refrigeration, and air
refrigeration systems. Properties of important refrigerants. Ozone layer depletion and
global warming, eco-friendly refrigerants. Psychrometric properties, Use of psychrometric chart, Psychrometric processes in air conditioning, supply air state and
apparatus dew point (ADP), sensible heat factor, inside design conditions, metabolic
rate, and cooling load calculations.
Manufacturing Processes and Technology: Mechanics of metal cutting, Machining and
machine tool operations, Unconventional machining methods- EDM, ECM and ultrasonic
machining, Limits, fits and tolerances, Inspection-Surface roughness & its measurement,
gauging comparators, Metal casting, Metal Forming, Metal joining, Computer Integrated
manufacturing, Flexible manufacturing systems, Jigs, and fixtures.
Production and Operation Management: Production planning and control, Inventory
Control, Work study, PERT and CPM, Graphical and simplex methods for linear
programming, transportation model, Assignment Problem, Quality control, and its uses
in product design, Queuing theory.
Maintenance & Safety: Operating life cycle, Reliability, Failure data analysis, Breakdown
maintenance planning, strategies, preventive maintenance, and Replacement planning;
maintain or replace decisions, Safety in welding, cutting, finishing, Safety in heat
treatments, Safety in handling and storage, Disposal of effluents, Health precautions,
Elimination and prevention of hazardous fumes.
Mechatronics and Robotics: Microprocessors and microcontrollers, Architecture, piezo-
Electric accelerometers, Optical encoder, resolver, Pneumatic and hydraulic actuators, Stepper motors and Servo Motors, Basics of open and closed loop control. LVDT and
interfacing sensors in a mechatronic system. Actuation Systems- Fluid-based actuation,
actuators, and accumulators. Concept of electro-mechanical actuation, Solenoids,
Industrial Controllers, Programmable Logic Controllers, Programming Techniques,
Applications of mechatronics Robotics: Classification and specification, Grippers, tool
and work handling, Notation, Direct and inverse kinematics, homogeneous coordinates, and arm equations of 4-axis SCARA robots.
Syllabus for Electrical Engineering
Extinction, Restriking, and recovery voltage. Testing of circuit breakers, Protective relays,
protective schemes for power system equipment, C.T. and P.T. surges in transmission lines, and protection.
Microprocessor Systems and Computers: The data representation and representation of Integer and floating-point numbers, organization and Programming of the 8-bit microprocessor, 8085 microprocessor architecture, assemblers and compilers, memory and 1/0 interfacing of general purpose peripheral devices and their applications, and Applications of microprocessors. The basic layout of digital computers, input-output devices, and memory organizations. Algorithms, Introduction to MATLAB
Structural Analysis: Slopes and deflections in determinate beams using conjugate beam method and moment area method; Maxwell’s reciprocal, Betti’s and Castigliano’s theorems, Strain Energy method and unit load method for statically determinate beams, frames, and trusses. Area moment theorem and its application. Types of Arches, suspension bridges, and their design.
Surveying and Estimation: Basic principles of surveying, Measurement of distance and directions, Theodolite, Total station, temporary and permanent adjustment. Measurement using GPS. Levelling, Contouring, Traversing, Adjustment of survey data, Plane table survey. Curves. Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in Civil Engineering. Estimation of quantities for various types of construction: Building construction, Road construction. Analysis of rates, Preparation of tender, specifications, and contract documents. Building layout and Shuttering plans.
Building Technology & Construction Management:
Building materials: Stone, Brick, Tiles, Cement, Mortar, Concrete, Steel, and Wood. Introduction to Glass, Paint, Plastic, Aluminium, Reinforced & Fiber-reinforced cement concrete: Ferro cement, Fiber-Reinforced Polymer, Environment-friendly materials.
Brick and stone masonry: Brick bonds and type of walls; Lintels and Arches, Flat and Pitched roofs, Plastering, pointing, Flooring, Damp proofing, Waterproofing, Soundproofing, and Fireproofing. Expansion and construction joints, Centering and shuttering, Stairs and Lifts, Doors & Windows. Load bearing and framed structure construction. Building by-laws. Aspects in modern building planning. Eco-friendly and green buildings. Anti-corrosive treatment. Wood varieties and uses: Bar charts and milestone charts. Preparation of construction schedules, CPM & PERT, Project Cost Management, and National Building Code provisions.
Strength of Material: Simple stresses and strains, stress-strain curve for ductile and brittle materials. Elastic constants, stress, plane stress, Mohr’s circle of stress, Strain, Plain strain, Mohr’s circle of strain, Combined stress. Shear force and Bending moment diagrams. Elastic theories of failure; Bending of beams, shear, and bending stresses. Torsions of circular and rectangular sections and simple members, columns. Buckling and stability, slenderness ratio.
Fluid Mechanics: Properties of fluids; Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids; Principles of fluid statics, Kinematics of flow, Equations, and motion, Energy and momentum application; Uniform and non-uniform flow. Bernoulli’s equation, Flow measurement in pipes and open channels. Dimensional analysis and similitude. Introduction to boundary layer theory, Laminar and turbulent flow through pipes, Strokes law, Performance parameters of pumps and turbines.
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering.
Soil and soil mass constituents; weight-volume relationship, index properties, recognition and classification of soils, soil structure, and clay minerals. Capillary, permeability, and seepage through soil, piping phenomenon. Determination of liquid, plastic, and shrinkage limits. Shearing strength of soil, Determination of parameters by direct shear box, tri-axial and unconfined compression test, and vane shear test. Typical stress-strain curves for soil. Determination of pore pressure coefficients, liquefaction of soil, soil compaction, laboratory tests, and field control. Ground improvement techniques, mechanical stabilization, cement line, and bitumen stabilization. Field tests of soils and compaction methods.
Types of foundations, selection criteria, bearing capacity, settlement, laboratory, and field tests. Types of piles, their design, and layout. Foundation on expansive soils, swelling, and its prevention. Design of earth retaining structures and tunnels.
Transportation Engineering
Classification of Roads, Highway Material & Testing: Properties of subgrade soil, stone aggregates, and bituminous materials. Significance, methods, and application of various tests on soil, stone aggregate, and bitumen. Design elements, cross-sectional elements, horizontal and vertical alignment, sight distance, superelevation, types of road crossings, roundabouts, and grade-separated intersections. Traffic studies on flow, speed, and travel time. Improvement based on accident study, traffic capacity, density, extra widening, transitional curves, and geometric improvement of intersection. Traffic signs, traffic control, and parking Design of highway pavements and pavement materials using California Bearing Ratio (C.B.R.) and Group Index (G.I) method; Westergaard’s analysis of wheel load stresses in rigid pavement; IRC design method for concrete pavement. Methods of constructing different types of roads; Mega Highways, National Highways, State highways, district and village roads. Specifications of MORTH & IRC, safety codes for roads, highway drainage, and highway maintenance.
Railway Engineering: Gauges, right of way, gradient and super-elevation, Resistance to traction and stresses in track. Track components, their functions and requirements, track geometrics, turnouts and crossings, signaling and interlocking, and rail joints. Stations and yards and a centralized train control system. Airport site selection, classification, layout, zoning laws, runway/ taxiway orientation and design, traffic control, and runway lighting.
Environmental Engineering:
Water supply: Demand; forecasting of water demand, sources, Quality standards: Water
treatment; Coagulation, flocculation, settling, filtration, Water softening, Iron Manganese,
Fluoride and Nitrate removal; Electro-dialysis, R.O, and Iron exchange process and Desalination. Water distribution system design, tanks and reservoirs, pumping station.
Sewerage system: Layout and design. Characteristics of municipal wastewater and its treatment; Activated sludge process, trickling filters, Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC), Upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB), Stabilisation ponds and lagoons; Septic tanks; Sludge handling and disposal.Basics of noise pollution; Standards, Measurement and its abatement. Air Quality standards. Air pollution, ill effects on human beings, control of air pollution. International, National, and State pollution control by-laws.
Design of Concrete Structure
Material for cement concrete, properties and testing of cement, water, fine and coarse
aggregates. Introduction to admixtures, IS Concrete mix design procedure, properties and testing of fresh and hardened concrete, and durability of concrete. Introduction to self-compacting concrete. Limit State design as per 15; 456 for bending, shear, axial compression, and combined forces. Design of slabs, beams, columns, walls, and footing as per IS codes. Working stress method of design of Reinforced Concrete members. Design of cantilever and counterfort retaining walls. Principles of pre-stressed concrete design, materials, methods of prestressing, and losses. Design of simple members and determinate structures as per provisions of IS: 1343.
Design of Steel Structures
Mild and high tensile steel, working stresses, a factor of safety, imposed loads on various types of floors and roofs; Introduction to IS: 875 concerning Dead Loads. Imposed Loads and Wind Loads. Design of riveted, welded, and bolted joints. Plastic analysis. Types of cross sections. Design of steel structure as per the latest version of IS: 800. Design of tension members, compression members, axially and eccentrically loaded columns, built-up columns, Design of connections, Plate girders, roof trusses, floor system, column bases, column footing, grillage foundation. Lateral Loads: Determination of wind and earthquake effect as per IS Codes.
Water Resource Engineering
Need for harnessing water resources; Irrigation practices, Irrigation its importance and impact on the environment, assessment of water requirement for crops; irrigation system major and minor; Method of irrigation; Drip and sprinkle methods and their importance, canal and well irrigation; design principles of irrigation canal, estimation of design discharge and storage capacity; energy dissipation, salient features of diversion head works, falls, regulators, and cross drainage structures, Different types of Reservoir, flood routing through the reservoir, basic principles for design of dams and spillways, General features and component of Hydropower station. Hydrological cycle and hydrologic budget; Precipitation, its measurement, and analysis; Stream flow, Rainfall-runoff relationship, and frequency analysis; Flood Routing and flood discharge calculation. Major rivers, Dams, and hydropower plants of India and especially Uttarakhand.
Pharmaceutical Process Validation Pentral Podlubnic Preparation Pharmaceutical As, Suntanned, and Controlled Drag Delivery Syotan, Novel Drug Delivery Systems, Packaging of Pharmaceutical Products, Subility Testing Putocola, Cosmetology and
Cosmetic Preparations, Quality Control and Quality Assurance (including GMP) GLP, ISO
9000, TOM, Quality Review and Quality, Documentation, Regulatory Comment, Regulatory Drug Analysis, Interpretation of Analytical Data
and Control Personnel Management, Pharmaseutical Marketing, Salessing Salesmanship. Market Research, Finanez. Arxonartancy
tetracycline, vitamin C, riboflavin, citric acid, statin) Aseptic techniques, ac of cum and method of prevention, design of aseptic area.
Chemistry of Amino acidsputes, Chemistry of Polycyclic aromatic hydro Stereochemistry, Carbohydrates, Carbonyl Chemistry, Heterocyclic Chemistry, Protection & deprotection of groups, Bridged rings Kinetic & thermodynamic control Stereochemistry: nomenclature, isomerism, serenerison, aonfirmasmal and configurational isomerism, optical activity, specification of configuration, reaction moving shurality cundinmahama
Dentifrices, desensitizing & anti-various agents Pharmaceutical Impuritim Radugharmaceuticals, Gastrointestinal agents, Topical agents
drug inctabolien, therapeutic wes, and side effects of different chases of therapeutic drugs
(General and local anesthetics, diagnostic agents, coagulants and anti-coagulants,
disinfectants, antiprotozoal, anti-malarial, anthelmintic, anti-bacteria, anti-mycobacterial, antiviral. At-свест, дурадіусzmic, anti-zvalsant, hypnotics and anlative, anti- hypertemive, adrenergic and cholinergie dran Compat Aided Drag Design (QSAR & Hanah analysis).
Homolocales, Bioenergetics, Enzymes, Nucleic acids, Vitamins, Halogical cat functions, Metabolism of Carbohydrates, lipids and Proteins
Human Anatomy and Physiology Cell phrysaslugy, Introduction to genetics, Endocrine Ciland Gastrointestinal tract, Respiratory System, Am nervous system, Cemal Nervo
The cardiovascular system, Lymphatic system Blood, Sense oregano, Sarietal System Urinary System respiratory system General Pharmacology, Principles of toxicology, Drugs acting on the samary system. Phamianlogy of the peripheral nervous system, Pharmacology of the miral System, Pharmaudigy uf candyteni, immunopharmacology Drugs acting us Respestry system Pharmacology of the Endocrine system, Neurohumoral tension in the ulna and central nervous system, Vitamins & Minerals, Chemotherapy, Astacouds and their Asta Pharmacology of drug acting on the gastrointestinal tract, Chronopharmacology. Pharmacological Screening Methods.
cardiovascular, and Respiratory Diweders, Pharmacovigilance, Diety supplements and
Neutraceuticals, essential drugs and animal drug usage, General Principles, preparation
maintenance, and analysis of observation seconds in Clinical Pharmacy. Drug therapy in infections of the respiratory system, urinary system, infective meningitis, TH. HIV, malaria, and filaria. Drug therapy for thyroid and parathyroid disorders, dialysis malleus, menstrual cycle disorder, menopause, and male sexual dysfunction; Drug therapy for malignant disorders like leukemia, lymphoma, and solid tumors; Drug therapy for thematic, eye, and skin conditions; Clinical trials,
Differential Calculus: Limit, continuity, and differentiability. Rolle’s and mean value
theorems. Tangents and normals, Curvature, Asymptotes, Partial differentiation, Euler’s theorem, Maxima and minima of functions of one and two variables.
Integral Calculus: Definite integrals and their properties, Beta and Gamma functions, Double and triple integrals, Quadrature, rectification, surface area, and volume.
Analytical Geometry: Circle, parabola, ellipse and hyperbola (Cartesian system), Co-
ordinates in three dimensions, Planes, straight lines, spheres, cylinders, and cones.
Vector Analysis: Scalar and vector products of three and four vectors, Differentiation of Vectors, Directional derivative, Gradient, divergence, curl, and their identities. Line, surface, and volume integration of vectors, Gauss divergence, Stoke’s and Green’s theorems.
Differential Equations: First-order linear and non-linear differential equations, Singular solutions, Second-order linear differential equations with constant and variable coefficients. Simultaneous and total differential equations. Solution of partial differential equations of first order by Lagrange’s and Charpit’s methods
Statics: Equilibrium of co-planner forces, Virtual work, Centre of gravity, Common catenary.
Dynamics: Velocity and acceleration along radial, transverse, tangential, and normal directions. Simple harmonic motion, Rectilinear motion under various laws, Moments, and products of inertia, and Motion in two dimensions.
Complex Analysis: Complex numbers and their algebraic properties, De Moivre’s theorem and its applications, Exponential, logarithmic, hyperbolic, inverse circular, and inverse hyperbolic functions. Separation into real and imaginary parts. Continuity and differentiability of complex functions, Analytic function, Cauchy-Riemann equations. Complex integration, Cauchy’s theorem, Cauchy’s integral formula, Taylor’s and Laurent’s theorems, Singularities, Residues, and Cauchy’s residue theorem
Numerical Analysis: Numerical solution of non-linear equations by Bisection, fixed point iteration, and Secant, Regula-Falsi, and Newton-Raphson Methods. Finite difference operators, Interpolation by Newton-Gregory, Lagrange’s, and Newton’s divided difference formulae. Numerical differentiation, Numerical integration by Trapezoidal rule, Simpson Rules, and Weddle’s rule. Numerical solution of a system of linear equations by Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel methods. Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations by Euler’s and Runge-Kutta methods.
Mathematical Statistics: Probability, Conditional probability, Addition and multiplication
theorems, Bayes theorem, Expectations, Moment generating function, Probability distributions: Binomial, Poisson and Normal, Correlation and Regression.
Operations Research: Convex sets and functions, LPP, and its solution by graphical and Simplex methods. Degeneracy and duality. Transportation and assignment problems. Game theory.
Linear Algebra: Vector spaces, subspaces, linear and direct sums, Quotient space, Linear dependence and independence, Basis and dimension, Linear transformations, Rank and nullity.
Integral equations and calculus of variations: Volterra and Fredholm integral equations of first and second kinds, Solution by successive substitutions and successive approximations, Separable and symmetric kernels. Variation of a functional, Euler’s equation, Fixed endpoint problems, variable endpoint problems, Invariance of Euler’s equation, isoperimetric problems.
Computer language and programming Computer application to pharmaceutical and clinical
Studies (Pharmaceutic Research & Development, Computational Modeling, Marlizi Analysis, in Clinical Development, Artificial intelligence (AI), and Robotics Environmental studies of Natural Resources, Exo system, Emiranestal pollution, Baumedical anil Biochemical waste disposal management
Hindi Shorthand (Hindi Aaralipi): Consonant Vowels, Secondary Vowels Dimvanic and Verbal Spar Ta Classes Use of right and left arc, word symbol, phrase, small and big circle, Anuswar pronoun, small and large loop (arc), small and large figure, figure of Shan/Shaan, upward and forward use of ‘L’ and Ha, optional. Chap, compound syllable, doubling and halving of consonants, principle, prefixes and suffixes, punctuation marks and number digestive marks, compound words and antonyms.
English Shorthand: Consonant, Vowels, Diphthongs and Triphones, Alternative forms of “R”, “L” and “SH”, Alternative form of “H”, Tick “H’ and Dot ‘H’, Abbreviated “W”, Phraseography, Gramalogues and logograms, Small circle ‘S’ & ‘Z’. Large Circle ‘Sw’,’ Ss”, ‘Sz’, Loop ‘St’, and ‘Str”, Initial and Final Hooks, Shun Hooks, Alternative forms of “Fr’ and “Vr’ etc., Circle and Loop to preceding Initial hooks, Circle and Loops to final hook, Compound Consonant, Doubling and Halving Principle, Diphanic or Two vowel sound, Medial Semicircle, Prefix and suffix, Figures.
Knowledge of Hindi and English Typing
Office Management: Office Meaning and Importance, Office Practice & Secretarial Practice, Modern office and its Principal Departments and their Functions, Centralization of office services V/s Decentralization, Office stationery, Mailing Department, Special Mail, and postal services, Filing and Indexing.
Principle of Management: Introduction of Management, Level of Managers, Planning. Decision Making, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Controling.
Patra Lekhan: (Letter-Sekhani Family letter, invitation, and congratulatory letter, thank you and condolence letter, government and Demi-official letter, notification letter, endorsement letter, office order memorandum, reminder letter, press release and docket letter, application letter, business letter, quotation, order and supply letter, and complaint letter.
Elementary of Book Keeping and Accountancy: Definition, Need, and importance of Hook- Keeping and Accountancy, Double Entry System Debit and Credit, Journal Entries, Cash Book, Ledger, Bank Reconciliation Statement, Trial Balance, Final Accounts, Handling Cash Transaction.
Secretarial Practice and Office Automation: Secretarial/ Official Functions of PA/ PS, Sources of Information, Public Relation of PA/PS. Need and Importance of Office Machines (Billing Machines, Time Recorder, Cash Register, Computer and Fax, etc. & Other Equipment of Office use), Development of Management Information System.
Office and Business Correspondence: Meaning, Importance, Process, and uses of Correspondence, Essentials of a Good Business Letter, Official Correspondence, Business Letters (Circular letters, Enquiry Letters, Orders Letters, Sales Letters, Claims, Complaints and Adjustment, Remittance and Collection Letters, etc.) Bank Correspondence, Drafting, Certificates Writing.
Personality Development: Understanding Personality (Meaning of Personality, Various stages of personality Development, Composition of Personality. Techniques for Improvement of Personality), Attitude at the workplace, Negotiation Skills, Team Building, Meaning and Importance of Groups, Types of Group, Inter and Intragroup conflicts and resolving conflicts Professional Relations, Motivation, Grievances Descriptive, Stress Management, Time Management and Quality Management, Interview preparation
Professional Terminology (Hindi & English): Hindi and English translation of nouns related to central and regional government and various offices, office nomenclature, Hindi and English translation of names of various offices, Hindi and English translation of general administrative terminology. Hindi and English versions of sub-sentences, the proper method of summarization, Translation from English to Hindi and Hindi to English, Grammar and usage, punctuation, one-word substitutes, Idioms and phrases and pairs of words, Short forms of official and Govt vocabulary in Hindi and English, and Paragraph writing.
Tally concept Accounting Bauc of Accounting: Financial Statement and analysis, Basic concept of inventory, Tally configuration, Data Directory, and folder configuration, single and multiple users, Tally screen components, Maintaining company data, Basic company details, chart of accounts, the company features and configuration, creating alter and display(groups and ledgers all accounting vouchers type) accounting voucher and invoice transactions excise and export invoice, journal transaction, payment voucher, godown summaries, create payroll masters in tally, accounting for employer PF and GPF, Tally E-text filing, reports like balance sheet, profit, and Loss account, ratio analysis, Trial Balance, Accounts Books Like Cash/Bank Book, All Ledger groups summary cost center and category summary and breakup lodger and group, Create alter, and display stock groups and stock items, all inventory voucher types and transactions, inventory detail in accounting vouchers, reports like stock summary, Stock item, Group summary. Stock Transfers, Physical stock Register, etc., check printing, common printing options different printing formats, multi-account printing, creating group company, use of Tally vault using security control and defining different security levels, use of Tally Audit, Backup and restore splitting company data, export and import of Data.
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