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Unix MCQs and Answers with Explanation | Unix Quiz

Unix MCQ's

Unix MCQs and Answers with Explanation:The top MCQs on Unix provided in this article will be of huge help to candidates preparing for interviews, placements or certification exams. In this article, we have provided the Top 62 Unix Multiple Choice Questions that cover various aspects of the Unix concept. You can also gather a brief overview of Unix and take a Unix online quiz through this article. Unix is a powerful and popular operating system that was first developed in the late 1960s by Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, and their team at Bell Labs. Since then, Unix has become a dominant force in the world of computing, with many of its features and concepts being adopted by other operating systems.

Unix MCQ Questions & Answers

Unix is known for its robustness, security, and flexibility, and it has been used for a wide range of applications, from servers to personal computers. Now without any further delay scroll down to the next sections and gather the Unix MCQ Questions with Answers/ Unix Quiz to test your knowledge of this versatile operating system.

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Unix Multiple Choice Questions

Name Unix
Exam Type MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)
Category Technical Quiz
Mode of Quiz Online

Top 62 Unix Unix MCQ Questions with Answers | Unix Quiz

1. What is the command to print the current working directory?

A) cd
B) pwd
C) ls
D) mkdir

Answer: B) pwd

Explanation: pwd command is used to print the current working directory.

2. What is the command to list all files in a directory?

A) ls
B) cd
C) cp
D) mv

Answer: A) ls

Explanation: ls command is used to list all files in a directory.

3. What is the command to change the permissions of a file?

A) chmod
B) chown
C) cp
D) mv

Answer: A) chmod

Explanation: chmod command is used to change the permissions of a file.

4. What is the command to create a new directory?

A) mkdir
B) touch
C) rm
D) cat

Answer: A) mkdir

Explanation: mkdir command is used to create a new directory.

5. What is the command to delete a file?

A) rm
B) cp
C) mv
D) cat

Answer: A) rm

Explanation: rm command is used to delete a file.

6. What is the command to copy a file?

A) cp
B) rm
C) mv
D) cat

Answer: A) cp

Explanation: cp command is used to copy a file.

7. What is the command to move a file?

A) mv
B) cp
C) rm
D) cat

Answer: A) mv

Explanation: mv command is used to move a file.

8. What is the command to display the contents of a file?

A) cat
B) cp
C) rm
D) mv

Answer: A) cat

Explanation: cat command is used to display the contents of a file.

9. What is the command to change the ownership of a file?

A) chown
B) chmod
C) cp
D) mv

Answer: A) chown

Explanation: chown command is used to change the ownership of a file.

10. What is the command to search for a file or directory?

A) find
B) grep
C) sed
D) awk

Answer: A) find

Explanation: find command is used to search for a file or directory.

11. What is the command to create a symbolic link?

A) ln -s
B) ln -h
C) ln -p
D) ln -f

Answer: A) ln -s

Explanation: ln -s command is used to create a symbolic link.

12. What is the command to change the group ownership of a file?

A) chgrp
B) chmod
C) chown
D) mv

Answer: A) chgrp

Explanation: chgrp command is used to change the group ownership of a file.

13. What is the command to compress a file or directory?

A) tar
B) zip
C) gzip
D) bzip2

Answer: C) gzip

Explanation: gzip command is used to compress a file or directory.

14. What is the command to extract files from a tar archive?

A) tar -xvf
B) tar -cvf
C) tar -tvf
D) tar -zcvf

Answer: A) tar -xvf

Explanation: tar -xvf command is used to extract files from a tar archive.

15. What is the command to display the disk usage of files and directories?

A) du
B) df
C) fdisk
D) mkfs

Answer: A) du

Explanation: du command is used to display the disk usage of files and directories.

16. What is the command to format a file system?

A) mkfs
B) fdisk
C) dd
D) tar

Answer: A) mkfs

Explanation: mkfs command is used to format a file system.

17. What is the command to mount a file system?

A) mount
B) unmount
C) fsck
D) mkfs

Answer: A) mount

Explanation: mount command is used to mount a file system.

18. What is the command to unmount a file system?

A) umount
B) mount
C) fsck
D) mkfs

Answer: A) umount

Explanation: umount command is used to unmount a file system.

19. What is the command to check and repair a file system?

A) fsck
B) mount
C) umount
D) mkfs

Answer: A) fsck

Explanation: fsck command is used to check and repair a file system.

20. What is the command to list all processes running on a system?

A) ps
B) top
C) kill
D) nice

Answer: A) ps

Explanation: ps command is used to list all processes running on a system.

21. What is the command to display the current system load?

A) top
B) ps
C) kill
D) nice

Answer: A) top

Explanation: top command is used to display the current system load.

22. What is the command to send a signal to a process?

A) kill
B) ps
C) top
D) nice

Answer: A) kill

Explanation: kill command is used to send a signal to a process.

23. What is the command to set the priority of a process?

A) nice
B) ps
C) top
D) kill

Answer: A) nice

Explanation: nice command is used to set the priority of a process.

24. What is the command to suspend a process?

A) Ctrl + Z
B) Ctrl + C
C) Ctrl + X
D) Ctrl + V

Answer: A) Ctrl + Z

Explanation: Ctrl + Z is used to suspend a process.

25. What is the command to resume a suspended process?

A) fg
B) bg
C) ps
D) kill

Answer: A) fg

Explanation: fg command is used to resume a suspended process.

26. What is the command to run a process in the background?

A) &
B) Ctrl + Z
C) Ctrl + C
D) Ctrl + X

Answer: A) &

Explanation: & is used to run a process in the background.

27. What is the command to display the manual page for a command?

A) man
B) help
C) info
D) whatis

Answer: A) man

Explanation: man command is used to display the manual page for a command.

28. What is the command to display the type of a command?

A) type
B) which
C) whereis
D) locate

Answer: A) type

Explanation: type command is used to display the type of a command.

29. What is the command to search for a file in a directory?

A) find
B) locate
C) grep
D) whereis

Answer: A) find

Explanation: find command is used to search for a file in a directory.

30. What is the command to display the last lines of a file?

A) tail
B) head
C) cat
D) less

Answer: A) tail

Explanation: tail command is used to display the last lines of a file.

31. What is the command to display the first lines of a file?

A) head
B) tail
C) cat
D) less

Answer: A) head

Explanation: head command is used to display the first lines of a file.

32. What is the command to copy files and directories?

A) cp
B) mv
C) rm
D) mkdir

Answer: A) cp

Explanation: cp command is used to copy files and directories.

33. What is the command to move files and directories?

A) mv
B) cp
C) rm
D) mkdir

Answer: A) mv

Explanation: mv command is used to move files and directories.

34. What is the command to remove files and directories?

A) rm
B) cp
C) mv
D) mkdir

Answer: A) rm

Explanation: rm command is used to remove files and directories.

35. What is the command to remove a directory?

A) rmdir
B) mkdir
C) rm
D) mv

Answer: A) rmdir

Explanation: rmdir command is used to remove a directory.

36. What is the command to change the ownership of a file or directory?

A) chown
B) chmod
C) chgrp
D) chroot

Answer: A) chown

Explanation: chown command is used to change the ownership of a file or directory.

37. What is the command to change the permissions of a file or directory?

A) chmod
B) chown
C) chgrp
D) chroot

Answer: A) chmod

Explanation: chmod command is used to change the permissions of a file or directory.

38. What is the command to change the group ownership of a file or directory?

A) chgrp
B) chmod
C) chown
D) chroot

Answer: A) chgrp

Explanation: chgrp command is used to change the group ownership of a file or directory.

39. What is the command to change the root directory?

A) chroot
B) chmod
C) chown
D) chgrp

Answer: A) chroot

Explanation: chroot command is used to change the root directory.

40. What is the command to display the environment variables?

A) env
B) set
C) export
D) unset

Answer: A) env

Explanation: env command is used to display the environment variables.

41. What is the command to set an environment variable?

A) export
B) env
C) set
D) unset

Answer: A) export

Explanation: export command is used to set an environment variable.

42. What is the command to unset an environment variable?

A) unset
B) env
C) set
D) export

Answer: A) unset

Explanation: unset command is used to unset an environment variable.

43. What is the command to check the disk usage of a file or directory?

A) du
B) df
C) ls
D) cat

Answer: A) du

Explanation: du command is used to check the disk usage of a file or directory.

44. What is the command to check the disk space available on a system?

A) df
B) du
C) ls
D) cat

Answer: A) df

Explanation: df command is used to check the disk space available on a system.

45. What is the command to compress files?

A) tar
B) gzip
C) zip
D) bzip2

Answer: B) gzip

Explanation: gzip command is used to compress files.

46. What is the command to create a compressed archive of files?

A) tar
B) gzip
C) zip
D) bzip2

Answer: A) tar

Explanation: tar command is used to create a compressed archive of files.

47. What is the command to extract files from a compressed archive?

A) tar
B) gzip
C) unzip
D) bzip2

Answer: A) tar

Explanation: tar command is used to extract files from a compressed archive.

48. What is the command to create a new user account?

A) useradd
B) usermod
C) userdel
D) userlist

Answer: A) useradd

Explanation: useradd command is used to create a new user account.

49. What is the command to modify an existing user account?

A) usermod
B) useradd
C) userdel
D) userlist

Answer: A) usermod

Explanation: usermod command is used to modify an existing user account.

50. What is the command to delete a user account?

A) userdel
B) useradd
C) usermod
D) userlist

Answer: A) userdel

Explanation: userdel command is used to delete a user account.

51. What is the command to list all the user accounts on a system?

A) cat /etc/passwd
B) userlist
C) users
D) who

Answer: A) cat /etc/passwd

Explanation: cat /etc/passwd command is used to list all the user accounts on a system.

52. What is the command to list all the groups on a system?

A) cat /etc/group
B) groupadd
C) groupmod
D) groupdel

Answer: A) cat /etc/group

Explanation: cat /etc/group command is used to list all the groups on a system.

53. What is the command to add a new group?

A) groupadd
B) groupmod
C) groupdel
D) grouplist

Answer: A) groupadd

Explanation: groupadd command is used to add a new group.

54. What is the command to modify an existing group?

A) groupmod
B) groupadd
C) groupdel
D) grouplist

Answer: A) groupmod

Explanation: groupmod command is used to modify an existing group.

55. What is the command to delete a group?

A) groupdel
B) groupadd
C) groupmod
D) grouplist

Answer: A) groupdel

Explanation: groupdel command is used to delete a group.

56. What is the command to change the password for a user account?

A) passwd
B) userpasswd
C) pswd
D) user

Answer: A) passwd

Explanation: passwd command is used to change the password for a user account.

57. What is the command to switch to another user account?

A) su
B) switch
C) user
D) login

Answer: A) su

Explanation: su command is used to switch to another user account.

58. What is the command to check the status of a running process?

A) ps
B) status
C) run
D) process

Answer: A) ps

Explanation: ps command is used to check the status of a running process.

59. What is the command to terminate a running process?

A) kill
B) stop
C) end
D) terminate

Answer: A) kill

Explanation: kill command is used to terminate a running process.

60. What is the command to view the contents of a file?

A) cat
B) ls
C) vi
D) cp

Answer: A) cat

Explanation: cat command is used to view the contents of a file.

61. What is the command to remove a file?

A) rm
B) cp
C) mv
D) ln

Answer: A) rm

Explanation: rm command is used to remove a file.

62. What is the command to list the contents of a directory?

A) ls
B) cd
C) pwd
D) dir

Answer: A) ls

Explanation: ls command is used to list the contents of a directory.

Unix is a powerful and versatile operating system that has played a significant role in the development of modern computing. By testing your knowledge with these Unix MCQ Questions with Answers, you can deepen your understanding of this system and become a more skilled Unix administrator or developer. Keep following our Freshersnow portal to get regular updates on various technical quizzes and stay updated. is one of the best job sites in India. On this website you can find list of jobs such as IT jobs, government jobs, bank jobs, railway jobs, work from home jobs, part time jobs, online jobs, pharmacist jobs, software jobs etc. Along with employment updates, we also provide online classes for various courses through our android app. also offers recruitment board to employers to post their job advertisements for free.