10 Programming Languages for ISRO’s 2023 Space Projects

In the ever-changing world of space exploration, being accurate, dependable, and innovative is very important. The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is a leader in these efforts, always trying to do more with space technology.

C++ is an important tool for ISRO's programmers because it works well and is close to the hardware. It helps them make things like control systems for satellites and complicated paths for spacecraft. C++ helps ISRO's programmers make things work well and still be easy to understand.

C++: Making Things Efficient

Python is easy to use and can do many things for ISRO's space projects. It helps with looking at data, planning missions, and even testing. Python can also work together with other programming languages.

Python: Useful and Versatile

Java is good for making software that works on many different devices. ISRO uses Java to make programs that can work on different types of devices and platforms without too much trouble.

Java: Working Everywhere

Ada is great for making programs that need to be very safe and work in real-time. ISRO uses Ada for important tasks like controlling spacecraft and making sure things work perfectly.

Ada: Reliable and Safe

Fortran is used when ISRO needs to do a lot of math for things like figuring out how spacecraft move. It helps ISRO be very accurate and fast in these calculations.

Fortran: Doing Complicated Math

Rust is a new language that helps ISRO make programs that are safe and work well. It's especially good for things that need to be controlled very carefully.

Rust: New and Strong

MATLAB is important when ISRO wants to use math to understand things. It helps ISRO make models of complicated situations and make good choices.

MATLAB: Making Models

Sometimes ISRO needs to make things work as fast as possible. Assembly language helps programmers do this, even though it can be a bit hard to use.

Assembly Language: Making Things Very Fast

Swift works quickly and is safe. ISRO uses Swift for projects that need fast reactions, like controlling equipment on a spacecraft.

Swift: Fast Data Processing

Lua is good for small tasks on spacecraft. ISRO uses Lua to make programs that do things automatically, which helps spacecraft work better.

Lua: Small and Useful