Best 10 High-Paying Courses to Choose After 12th Grade

Graduating with a degree in finance, economics, or related fields can pave the way for lucrative careers in investment banking, financial analysis, and asset management.

Investment Banking and Finance

Pursuing a professional course in accounting and finance, such as Chartered Accountancy (CA), can open doors to well-paying positions in auditing, taxation, and financial management.

Chartered Accountancy (CA)

Specialized training in data science, machine learning, and analytics is highly sought after across various industries due to the increasing demand for data-driven insights.

Data Science and Analytics

Delving into the exploration and production of oil and gas resources offers a specialized career path within the field of engineering.

Petroleum Engineering

Opting for a pharmacy degree can lead to rewarding roles within the pharmaceutical industry.


Engineering specializations like Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemistry, Aerospace, and more, present substantial earning opportunities across diverse sectors

Engineering (B.Tech/B.E.)

Despite the significant investment of time and effort required, pursuing a career as a medical doctor can result in highly profitable opportunities within the healthcare sector.

Medicine (MBBS)

A career in the merchant navy, especially in positions like ship officer or marine engineer, offers the potential for a good income and unique experiences.

Merchant Navy

Focused on the design, operation, and maintenance of aircraft and spacecraft, aerospace engineering is a lucrative subfield of mechanical engineering.

Aerospace Engineering

Concentrating on assessing and managing financial risks, actuarial science often leads to well-paid roles in insurance and finance.

Actuarial Science

“These courses provide avenues to build successful careers with high earning potential after completing the 12th grade..”