Best 10 Highest Paying Ph.D. Degrees in 2023

Explore the disciplines in Ph.D. that pay the highest in 2023

Computer Science and Information Technology

This course focuses on data analysis and interpretation for effective decision-making. Ph.D. degrees in computer science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and cybersecurity can lead to well-paid positions in research, development, and industry due to the rapid technological growth and digitalization

Business Administration

Business administration Ph.D. degrees, with specializations in finance, marketing, or strategic management, offer high-paying roles in academia, consulting, and executive leadership across industries.


Economics offers lucrative opportunities in academia, government institutions, international organizations, and consulting firms, especially for economists with specializations in finance, econometrics, or macroeconomics.

Medical Specializations

Ph.D. programs in medical fields like neurosurgery, orthopedic surgery, radiology, and anesthesiology often lead to high salaries due to the specialized skills and expertise demanded in these areas.


Ph.D. degrees in engineering disciplines such as petroleum engineering, chemical engineering, electrical engineering, and computer engineering can result in lucrative positions in industries like energy, technology, and manufacturing.

Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Ph.D. programs in pharmacology and pharmaceutical sciences offer well-compensated careers in pharmaceutical research, drug development, and regulatory affairs.

Biological Science

Ph.D. degrees in biological sciences, such as genetics, molecular biology, biochemistry, or biotechnology, can result in high-paying positions in research, development, pharmaceutical companies, or biotechnology firms.

Physics and Astronomy

Ph.D. degrees in physics and astronomy offer opportunities in academia, government research laboratories, and private sector companies, especially in areas like astrophysics, particle physics, or quantum physics.

Applied Mathematics

Ph.D. degrees in applied mathematics, particularly in areas like mathematical modeling, computational mathematics, or financial mathematics, can result in high-paying positions in industries like finance, insurance, or technology.


A Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree in law can lead to well-paid careers as attorneys, judges, legal consultants, or in corporate legal departments, despite not being a Ph.D.