Current Affairs: Nagasaki Day 2023 - All About It

Nagasaki Day 2023

Nagasaki Day 2023 solemnly remembers the second atomic attack in Japan, highlighting the 78th year since the devastating Nagasaki bombing.

Nagasaki Day 2023

On Wednesday, Nagasaki in Japan observed the 78th anniversary of the US atomic bombing, as on August 9, 1945, the 'Fat Man' nuclear bomb was dropped by the United States, three days after the first 'Little Boy' uranium bomb devastated Hiroshima.

Impact of the Nagasaki Bombing

Nagasaki, known as the "long cape city," is the capital and largest city on Japan's Kyushu island. The atomic bombing profoundly affected Japan, causing physical, emotional, and financial upheaval, ultimately leading to the nation's surrender and the conclusion of World War II.

Impact of the Nagasaki Bombing

The atomic strike led to 40,000 to 80,000 immediate fatalities and a subsequent rise in casualties due to radiation exposure. The 'Fat Man' bomb, codenamed, was notably more potent, intricate, and substantial than the one used in Hiroshima.

Nagasaki Day 2023: Significance

Annually, the people of Japan commemorate Nagasaki Day to honor lost lives and brave soldiers, while also emphasizing the pursuit of global peace and disarmament.

Facts about the Nagasaki Bombing 

The Plutonium Bomb employed for the Nagasaki nuclear attack was named 'Fat Man.'

Facts about the Nagasaki Bombing 

The codenames 'Fat Man' and 'Little Boy' for nuclear bombs drew inspiration from John Houston's 1941 film, "The Maltese Falcon."

Facts about the Nagasaki Bombing 

The bombing of Nagasaki resulted in the loss of approximately 20% of the city's population, equating to around 60,000-80,000 lives.

Facts about the Nagasaki Bombing 

'Hibakusha' is a common term used to denote survivors of the nuclear attack in Japan.

Facts about the Nagasaki Bombing 

Nagasaki Peace Park, established near the bombing's hypocenter, stands as a poignant reminder of the tragic event.

Facts about the Nagasaki Bombing 

The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, formulated in 1968, was a direct outcome of the tragic events in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


Nagasaki Day underscores the somber consequences of nuclear weaponry and the imperative to halt its utilization, while also accentuating the significance of comprehensive actions and global cooperation to prevent such disasters from recurring.