Exploring India's AI Job Market: Salaries and Opportunities

Unveiling India's Thriving AI Job Market: Lucrative Salaries and Exciting Opportunities Await! Delve into a spectrum of careers, ranging from AI data analysts to machine learning engineers, and explore the enticing average salaries in the realm of artificial intelligence. Chart your course to success in the dynamic world of AI.

Web Analyst

Web analysts play a crucial role in gathering and examining website data, aiding businesses in enhancing their performance. In India, the average annual salary for a web analyst stands at Rs 5,00,000/-.

AI Data Analyst

AI data analysts have a pivotal role in gathering, refining, and analyzing data to empower businesses in making informed decisions. In India, the average annual salary for an AI data analyst is Rs 600,000/-.

Business Intelligence Developer

The role of business intelligence developers involves creating and implementing business intelligence solutions. In India, the average annual salary for a business intelligence developer is Rs 7,00,000/-.

AI ethicists play a crucial role in ensuring the ethical development and use of AI technologies. In India, the average annual salary for an AI ethicist is Rs 8,00,000/-.

AI Ethicist

Robotic engineers are entrusted with the task of designing, constructing, and programming robots. In India, the average annual salary for a robotic engineer is Rs 800,000/-.

Robotic Engineer

AI consultants offer expert guidance and recommendations for implementing effective AI strategies. In India, the average annual salary for an AI consultant amounts to Rs 9,00,000/-.

AI Consultant

AI researchers shoulder the responsibility of advancing new AI algorithms and technologies. In India, the average annual salary for an AI researcher is Rs 900,000/-.

AI Researcher

AI engineers play a vital role in creating and implementing AI-based solutions. In India, the average annual salary for an AI engineer is Rs 10,00,000/-.

AI Engineer

Machine learning engineers are tasked with creating and deploying machine learning models. In India, the average annual salary for a machine learning engineer is Rs 11,00,000/-.

Machine Learning Engineer

Data scientists hold the responsibility of utilizing data to address business challenges. In India, the average annual salary for a data scientist is Rs 12,00,000/-.

Data Scientist

AI product managers are accountable for supervising the development and administration of AI products. In India, the average annual salary for an AI product manager is Rs 15,00,000/-.

AI Product Manager