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List of Companies Owned by Mukesh Ambani

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Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) is headquartered in Mumbai and is taken care by Mukesh Ambani

RIL is a conglomerate holding company in India that has a wide portfolio of businesses ranging over energy, petrochemicals, natural resources, textiles, telecommunications and retail.

RIL is the highest taxpayer in the Indian private sector and accounts for over 5% of the Indian Government’s revenues and about 8% of the total merchandise exports from India.

Here is a list of Mukesh Ambani companies under the Reliance Industries Limited.


1. Reliance Retail

Reliance Retail is the largest retail store network in India

 2. Reliance Life Sciences

Reliance Life Sciences company has its operations around medical, industrial and plant biotechnology domains.

Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited is a broadband service provider that has obtained 4G licenses for operating across India.

3. Reliance Jio Infocom Limited

Reliance Petroleum is an Oil & Energy industry & a subsidiary of Reliance Industries Limited.

4. Reliance Petroleum

Football Sports Development Limited is a subsidiary of Reliance Industries & was made to operate a football league in India.

5. Football Sports Development Limited

Reliance Industrial Infrastructure Limited offers services in oil, gas & Infrastructures.

6. Reliance Industrial Infrastructure Limited

Network 18 is a Mass Media company owned by Reliance Industries Limited.

7. Network 18

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