- Simplification - Profit & Loss - Work & Time - Sequence & Series - Permutation, Combination &Probability - Time & Distance - Mensuration – Cylinder, Cone, Sphere - Data Interpretation - Ratio & Proportion, Percentage - Number Systems - Mixtures &Alligations - Simple Interest & Compound Interest & Surds & Indices
- Logical Reasoning - Alphanumeric Series - Coded Inequalities - Input Output - Coding Decoding - Seating Arrangement - Puzzle - Ranking/Direction/ Alphabet Test - Data Sufficiency - Tabulation - Syllogism - Blood Relations
- Current Affairs – news on the banking industry, awards, and - honours, books, and authors, latest appointments, obituaries, new schemes of central and state governments, sports, etc. - Banking/ Financial terms - Static Awareness - Banking and Financial Awareness - Static GK – country-capital, etc.,
- Hardware - Software - Generation of Computers - Input-Output Devices - Important Abbreviations - DBMS - Networking - Internet - MS Office