The 7 Best Planner Apps of 2022

Best Overall

 Best Planner Apps

 Best Planner Apps

 Best Planner Apps

Things 3 for iOS

Best Calendar App

 Best Planner Apps

 Best Planner Apps

 Best Planner Apps

Google Calendar for iOS and Android

Best for Note-Taking

 Best Planner Apps

 Best Planner Apps

 Best Planner Apps

AwesomeCalendar for iOS

Best for Making Lists

 Best Planner Apps

 Best Planner Apps

 Best Planner Apps for iOS and Android

Best for Teams

 Best Planner Apps

 Best Planner Apps

 Best Planner Apps

Trello for iOS and Android

Best for Work/ Life Balance

 Best Planner Apps

 Best Planner Apps

 Best Planner Apps

Fantastical for iOS

Best for Office Use

 Best Planner Apps

 Best Planner Apps

 Best Planner Apps

Microsoft Outlook for iOS and Android

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