Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans.
Machine Learning Neural Networks Robotics Expert Systems Fuzzy Logic Systems Natural Language Processing
1. Amazon AI services 2. Tensorflow 3. Google AI services 4. Microsoft Azure AI platform 5. Infosys Nia 6. IBM Watson 7. H2O 8. Polyaxon 9. PredictionIO
Python, LISP, Java, C++, R are some of the programming languages used for Artificial Intelligence.
The Q-learning is a Reinforcement Learning algorithm in which an agent tries to learn the optimal policy from its past experiences with the environment.
Deep learning imitates the way our brain works i.e. it learns from experiences. It uses the concepts of neural networks to solve complex problems.
A Bayesian network is a statistical model that represents a set of variables and their conditional dependencies in the form of a directed acyclic graph.
Natural Language Understanding includes: – Mapping input to useful representations – Analyzing different aspects of the language Natural Language Generation includes: – Text Planning – Sentence Planning – Text Realization
Computer Vision is a field of Artificial Intelligence that is used to obtain information from images or multi-dimensional data. Machine Learning algorithms such as K-means is used for Image Segmentation, Support Vector Machine is used for Image Classification and so on.
Artificial Intelligence is used in Fraud detection problems by implementing Machine Learning algorithms for detecting anomalies and studying hidden patterns in data.