Top 7 Free AI Chatbot Platforms that are Better Than ChatGPT

AI chatbot platforms are tools that allow users to create and use chatbots – computer programs that can chat with people or other bots in plain language. Here are seven free AI chatbot platforms considered better than ChatGPT

Amazon Lexi is a cloud platform for building voice and text chatbots, using Amazon's AI and NLP. It offers features like channels, slots, and integrations, known for being conversational and cost-effective.

1. Amazon Lex

Dialogflow, a cloud platform, uses Google's ML and NLP to create speech and text chatbots, known for power and reliability.

2. Dialogflow

Microsoft's Bot Framework, a cloud-based framework, builds perceptive chatbots using Microsoft's AI and NLP, valued for thoroughness and adaptability.

3. Bot Framework for Microsoft

Botpress, an open-source platform, creates chatbots with NLU and NLG, known for performance and extensibility.

4. Botpress

Rasa, an open-source framework, uses NLG and NLU to build conversational AI chatbots with scalability and security.

5. Rasa, an open-source framework, derives meaning from user inputs with NLP, known for simplicity and speed.

6. ai

IBM Watson Assistant, a cloud-based platform, uses NLP and AI to create intelligent chatbots, known for sophistication and scalability with context and integrations.

7. Watson Assistant from IBM

There are several free AI chatbot platforms that outperform ChatGPT in various aspects. These platforms offer a range of features and capabilities, making them superior choices for building and using chatbots for different purposes. Each platform has its strengths, whether in terms of conversational abilities, power, reliability, performance, simplicity, or scalability, providing users with diverse options to suit their specific needs.