Top 9 Programming Languages for Ethical Hacking

Java finds extensive use in enterprise-level applications, and comprehending its security implications can prove invaluable for ethical hackers.



Among the most frequently employed programming languages by ethical hackers stands Python. It boasts an extensive array of libraries and frameworks suitable for tasks like network scanning, penetration testing, and crafting customized scripts for various security roles.

C and C++

Numerous low-level software and security tools are coded using these languages. Familiarity with these languages equips you to uncover security vulnerabilities, engage in reverse engineering, and unravel memory manipulation techniques.


A grasp of JavaScript can significantly aid in web application security testing, particularly in the identification and exploitation of client-side scripting vulnerabilities.


Mastery of SQL (Structured Query Language) is imperative for database testing and spotting vulnerabilities stemming from improper database queries and data manipulation.


Ruby emerges as a valuable programming language for testing online application security and scripting, often coupled with the renowned Ruby on Rails framework.


Proficiency in PHP proves advantageous for spotting and capitalizing on vulnerabilities in web applications based on the PHP backend language.


Perl is esteemed for its text processing capabilities and finds utility in various scripting tasks within the domain of ethical hacking.

Assembly Language

Although not as widely employed as high-level languages, assembly language proves handy for reverse engineering and studying low-level vulnerabilities.